Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1070: Attack of the Boar

Remember [] for a second,!

The 16th Legion of Stormwind Kingdom, facing the attack of the four legends, wisely chose to retreat backwards. On the contrary, the digital legion commanders of this expedition, with legendary power, stood up in an all-round way.

The magic of the mage group is blessed in the bodies of these warriors and knights.

Aga Cyrus took the lead in attacking. It lowered its head and turned the solid flesh-and-blood armor on its back to the rain of fire and various spells that were constantly falling.

The flame exploded and then splashed a piece of sparks. The ice was as sharp as tearing through the space, and the purple arcane brilliance flew through the sky.

In the face of these extremely lethal magic, the armor was peeled off layer by layer, but blood continued to flow out, and most of the armor was repaired; and when each layer of armor burst, the scattered bone spurs also formed a rain of arrows. , constantly threatening the defenses of the human legion.

It began to charge, and the two sharp teeth several meters long at the corners of its mouth were horrifying. They hit a strong shield forged by the dwarves themselves, and they hit a gap directly, revealing the bone teeth slightly.

As a last resort, the legendary warriors could only abandon their shields and retreat, and then cut them down with all their might.

The axe blade was deeply carved into the flesh and blood armor, like an impenetrable muscle, which clamped it; the activated blood armor wriggled, and soon covered the back of the axe blade, forcing the warrior to abandon it again. own weapon!

Hamuga's earth element strode forward, continuously condensing tens of meters of earth element giant rocks forward, and throwing it into the sky with all his strength, one person has the firepower of an entire artillery regiment!

The arrow lifts into the sky with enchanted brilliance. The magic arrow continuously concentrates on the giant rock. The power of the element makes it lose the protective power of the earth element. The star fire burns the corrupt magic power poured into it, and the continuous physical impact finally shatters it in the air. .

The giant rock exploded and turned into a billowing smoke screen of sand and dust. This kind of physical fog, unlike the corrupt fog, can be dispelled with holy light; the mage group also did not have enough energy to draw a magic circle, attracting A strong wind.

The sand and dust blocked the line of sight. At this time, they could only rely on the magic vision of the mages to assist the hunters to complete the positioning and marking. The mages of the Stormwind Kingdom began to feel powerless.

Jagba moved to the flank, and there were too many spells on the front. He chose to attack from the other side; here is New Lordaeron, the defensive position of the Fourth Mixed Legion.

This is a mixed army of dwarf muskets, heavy armored warriors, paladins, lawbreakers of order, priests and shadow priests. During the First Battle of the Northern Expedition, it was responsible for launching a frontal attack on the fallen Naxxramas. And performed well in the army.

At this time, the wild boars who were harassing on the flanks had been wiped out by the knights. If Jagba hadn't started from here, then this legion would have dealt a great blow to the remaining wild boars on the front.

"This guy is not easy to deal with, everyone be careful!" The leader of this army is Larain, a former friend of Nathanos Blightcaller. After leaving the Scarlet Crusade, he chose Jia, the heir loyal to Lordaeron. His Majesty Leah, step by step, has grown into the position of the current army commander.

He has not only fought with the undead, but also with the blood and the elves of order. Facing this strange monster in front of him, this army was handed over to him by Calia for the expedition and will complete the northern expedition of Northrend in the future. , he must take it back with all the tails!

"Corruption Dispel! Ley Web Control! Shadow Protection! Weakness Barrier!"

Among the spellcasters in the legion, four protection spells were used first;

They have their own specific effects. Corruption Dispel can weaken the self-healing and activity level of the active flesh, and disperse the corrupt aura released when the active flesh is attacked.

Leyline control is aimed at the essence of magic, competing with Shadow and Corruption for control of magic, which can greatly reduce the additional effects of its other attributes.

The barrier of protection from shadows and weakness, a substitute for the shadow attribute resistance of the entire legion, allows warriors and knights to concentrate on fighting physical effects; while weakness reduces the power of each attack, allowing the front shield to withstand heavy blows.

The four spells had an immediate effect, intensifying the active flesh and blood around Jagba. They seemed to be very unsuitable for fighting in such an environment. Even the power of the charge was weakened by nearly 50%!

Evil Eye Gerba can only shoot himself behind his back. In the evil eye, a crimson ripple with a sense of distortion that absorbs the surrounding light shrouded the top of Jagba's head, which immediately restored the active flesh and blood.

Lerain personally led his elite paladins to meet him. He was good at warrior skills. After joining Lordaeron, he systematically learned the memory of paladins.

The golden glow on the shield fluctuated, but it used the precise technique of the warrior's shield block. At the same time, the wings of the holy light spread slightly behind him, and with a loud roar, a shock wave of anger swept away the dust.

Jagba fell with a hammer, a shallow dent on the shield, and a crack appeared on the ground behind Laileen and the ground under his feet.

He reduced the strength of this blow by eight points, barely resisting the attack of the legendary high-level, turned around and hit a shield attack, trying to gain a larger attack window for the surrounding Paladins.

In the distance, the shadow priest drew a faint ripple, and then several warlocks also used soul fragments to complete the casting preparation, shadow, life curse!

Jagba stood on the spot, and the flesh and blood released the control of its skeleton, allowing the power of the curse to fully act on the body that was on the verge of collapse; the active flesh and blood were like claws and claws. The weapon, parrying the Paladin's ruling attack.

Then... a large area of ​​dark spikes cracked from the ground, this is the masterpiece of the sudden expansion of active flesh, like the back of the bristles suddenly exploded!

A large piece of holy light descended, and layers of power word shields guarded several warriors, but they were also pierced layer by layer.


Laileen retreated decisively, and at the same time, the musketeers in the back row stood on the high platform and fired a volley of shock grenades!

"Papapa-" Jagba was reluctantly repulsed, and the two sides were clearly at a stalemate.


Shen Chen silently looked at the two battlefields. On the one hand, the Kingdom of Stormwind was trying to show his style, and on the other hand, Lordaeron needed to tell the alliance that the former leader of the alliance had returned.

He did not intervene. At this time, a human army suddenly completed the turn in the rear.

"Is this also what the president expected?"

"Finally can't help it, do you want to expose yourself?" Shen Chen showed a fleeting smile.

When these troops converged, Shen Chen saw an old friend, Duke Lescova of Stormwind Kingdom.

When he was investigating the [Corrupted Class] mission in Stormwind City, Shen Chen eavesdropped on the duke's conversation. It was just that Benedictus was involved at the time, and he was not able to prove the bishop's problem at the same time. Shen Chen only submitted a small part of the information.

This does not prove the duke's absolute problem, and at the same time, it also made the high-level officials of Stormwind Kingdom dare not let Shen Chen continue to act, and transferred him to the wetlands.

Obviously, the original at least Jun Qi did not have enough influence on the noble council; Lescova and the forces behind him have somewhat restrained, but after all, he is a duke and still has a great influence. !

When Shen Chen saw the duke, he was already vigilant in his heart. This powerful figure who had turned to the shadows for a long time appeared in the team delivering supplies. What the Twilight Sect wanted to do, Shen Chen would be able to know exactly what to do. Guess.

"There are not many people, and they came directly to us; in addition, there is a small group, which seems to be ready to take advantage of the chaos to rush into the Storm Royal Family Mage Corps."

A figure slowly emerged behind Shen Chen. Andro Potter, the thumb-level assassin sent by MI7 to Kalimdor, controls the entire intelligence system of Stormwind Kingdom in the north of Kalimdor.

The relationship between Shen Chen and Jun Qi was not interrupted because he became the lord. After all, Shen Chen never tried to influence the internal affairs of Stormwind Kingdom. The cooperation between the two parties has always been on the line of fighting against corruption and shadows.

"On my side, let Vanessa bring a team of people to help you, and I can handle the rest myself." Without looking back, Jun Qi's positive power is indeed very lacking, but with the help of players, this is not a problem. what a weakness.

Andro Potter didn't say anything, and re-hidden into the darkness, only the vague magic fluctuations in the air. Obviously, Jun Qi has made a deal with the Heart of Order.

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