Game Across the World

Chapter 131: Hit Hogg easily and freely

   "It doesn't hurt so much, who said it's hard." Liu Wei shouted.

   Shen Chen lowered his head and looked at the log. Hogg knocked with all his strength to get only 40 points of damage. For his current blood volume, it was really scratching, and the plague hit him, it was only single digits.

   So that's it, is this trumpet killer passive?

   Shen Chen even wanted to laugh a little. This boss who happened to be stuck at level 11 was indeed a killer for level 10 players. Those who first used experience to punish the level and found the right way.

   Hogg bullies the soft and fears the hard, facing players lower than him, the damage caused is increased by 20%, and the damage received is reduced by 20%. If the player is higher, the effect will be reversed!

Student Ma is suspicious. Shen Chen is different from half a month ago. Isn’t he a DPS? Why does Hogg’s damage from hitting him is lower than that of another tank; and this guy named Vail, the way he fights seems to be Completely different from the profession I know!

"Hogg, the boss must be frenzied. Everyone pays attention to maintaining a good amount of blood. Remember to eat after the 5th floor of the plague!" Shen Chen relaxedly used the shield to unload all of Hogg's attacks, and took a look at his teammates from time to time. status.

   "Only 80% began to discuss violent, Shen Chen, you are getting more and more hearted." Little milk pursed her lips, but Hogg's bloodline was very fast, and the life of the whole group was stable in green, which was simply relaxed.

   "It's totally a pile of money!" Student Ma joined the team with Pastor Sanlu. Naturally, Shen Chen also supported a batch of potions, but only the first 10 bottles were free, and the rest was naturally...

Classmate Ma guessed in a low voice: "You have to have a way to buy potions to get the money! It seems that Shen Chen has been preparing for this during this period. The time when Vesemir appeared is too close to the time of Hogg's land reclamation. ; Maybe it is the main way to clear Hogg!"

An output explosion, tanks can't handle basic attacks at all, and output bosses that have been beaten by the plague. Some guilds also adopt a replacement play method, wait for the plague buff to disappear before returning to play~~ The original method is very simple, from Vesemir Dealing with potions, isn't it easy for them to fight!

   "I knew it, I shouldn't just send Erha to make potions, and do it as a business. It seems to have made a fortune, but in fact it is a big loss!"

"What a daze." Shen Chen hit a golden number of more than 500. He found that since returning from training, his actual combat ability has been greatly improved. Various skills can easily form combos, and output has risen. A big chunk.

   "Attention, the filthy curse is coming, quickly get rid of the plague buff on his body, and then find the nearest teammate." Shen Chen was very calm, no, it was a bit boring, Hogg was too simple.

  This skill is a damage-sharing skill. Hogg shouted, "Let the world's filth wash your souls!"

   Then he spewed a few mouthfuls of old phlegm at everyone, turning into disgusting green mucus; this thing entangled on the body, not only slows down the movement speed, but also continuously produces secretions when there are no teammates nearby~~.

   However, the spread of the plague will explode another 8 yards. This creates a problem. If you gather together you will be bombed, and you will be cursed if you separate. I don’t know how to deal with it.

   It's a pity that Shen Chen has a purification potion. He first resolves the plague, then dances together. When it re-stacks to the 5th floor, the curse fades.

  With the skill of summoning rats, Shen Chen has a completely innocent deputy here. Hogg's 3-layer armor only has 15% more damage, which is not as weak as the trumpet killer!

   Don't change T at all, just let Liu Wei play with the slave mouse!

   As for bloodthirsty, ha ha! 30% increase in attack power and attack speed, that is, increased from more than 40 points to more than 50 and close to 60. Does Shen Chen care about 660 lives? Which one of Xiaomaiao and Sanlu can come back with a mouthful of milk?

   "You provoke the existence that shouldn't be offended, and you will end up living in the shadow!" Hogg roared.

   "Stop it, adventurer."

   Shen Chen knew that this triggered the plot, but the previous life was to find out the Jackal’s invasion of Elvin. Now, is it to find out the Scavenger’s invasion?

"This is a terrible biological study. It perfectly blends the scavenger and the jackal. We should bring it back. Maybe we can understand the technique of scavenger mutation!" The mage in the purple robe was very interested, and she wished to start a new one immediately. Spell research.

"That must also be after my interrogation. The king is still waiting for the result!" General Hardmond Clay, the commander of Stormwind's defense forces, said solemnly: "In the name of King Varian Wrynn , Hogg will be transferred to prison management."

   "You can't do this, it is..."

   "No matter what Hogg is, it destroys the environment in Stormwind and Irvine, and must be sanctioned and a notarized trial!"

   "Adventurers, thank you for your contribution to the Kingdom of Stormwind. You can go to the sheriff to receive your reward."

   Several people were teleported away.

   It seems that the mage and General Clay are not the same. Clay is obviously loyal to the kingdom and Varian, and the two wizards are a bit bad.

   Shen Chen didn't know what new changes had taken place in Stormwind City during the time he was away. No, really speaking, because of too little information, Shen Chen knows nothing about Stormwind City in this world!

   "No corpses? Where's our equipment?" Liu Wei roared. He looked at the scene in disbelief, and General Clay had taken away his beloved baby!

   "Generally speaking, challenge tasks are not picked up, but isn't it written on the task, a bronze plus template upgrade, still can't stop your mouth?" Shen Chen laughed.

  This is the most critical part of the challenge mission. In addition to unlocking experience, increasing attribute growth is the key. After completing the mission, you really start to distinguish various occupations, rather than the smooth growth curve of the novice period!

"Thanks for great grace. Financial services are restricted in Zhongdu. 150,000 Magic Stones will be traded after they are settled." Student Ma was in a very good mood. He was only on a whim and obtained unexpected gains. Who knows, Would Hogg be so relaxed?

   At this time, the announcement of the clearance of Hogger sounded slowly... "Congratulations on tomorrow, the bushes... Ma and others have completed Hogg's challenge mission!"

   "Why is tomorrow again?"

   "Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow~~"

   "How do I feel, the players on the Stormwind Kingdom are very pitiful. They have been living in the shadow of tomorrow, and the attention of the guilds has been sucked up!"

   "Fuck, can it still pass? If half a month doesn't come, one wave will pass?"

No matter how the public heated up, discussing the first kill again tomorrow, countless guilds and student associations gritted their teeth. Their half-month hard work was like nothing, and they were easily taken away from the crown; but Shen Chen ignored him, his attention Re-transfer to the upcoming pre-test.

He quickly returned to Flash Gold Town. The reason why he attacked Hogg was mainly for the growth of attributes. This thing does not require much magic power and can quickly be transformed into a talent for the body, allowing him to enter the Corrupted Land with one more Bargaining chips!

  【Hogg's Threat】The challenge mission is completed!

   Gain 550exp and 50 reputation with Stormwind.

  North County Guardian Equipment Level 10

   10 armor, 3 physique, 3 strength...Shen Chen was expressionless, swept quickly, and equipped him casually. This kind of attribute can no longer move him.

   And the knight’s greed has not been triggered, so naturally there is nothing good.

   Challenge mission special rewards:

The second stage of the knight is open. The following changes have taken place in your growth. Your physique has increased from 1.5 to 1.7 (with the effect of grass decoction in 1.5), your strength has increased from 1.5 to 1.8, your agility and intelligence growth have remained unchanged, and your spirit has increased from 1.3 to 1.4. .

"Your growth is unexpectedly rapid and smooth. In just one month, you have become a knight apprentice and become a real knight. We veterans are really proud of you." Wei An expressed his feelings. He hammered Shen Chen in the chest.

   "I hope you can continue and become a real Paladin as soon as possible!"

   "I will!" Shen Chen couldn't wait to get into reality and feel the power of change. Although there are only 3 extra points of strength and 2 points of physique at level 10, this is somewhat improved.

Wei'an stopped Shen Chen, "Since you have completed the challenge, there is a great crisis in the Western Wilderness. I hope you can check it out as soon as possible; the thieves from MI7 will stay for you in your hut next to Mingjing Lake. Get a clue, you should know that place!"

   Shen Chen nodded, but in any case, he didn't want to run into troubles for the time being. At the moment, the most important thing is the pre-examination. The danger of the disaster area cannot tolerate his distraction.

  Walking out of the police station, he confessed to everyone: "I probably have to leave the game for a while, but I don’t know when it will be when I come back again. You will complete the tasks separately and wait for me to return..."

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