Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1450: the truth

The Light of Symmetra pierced up instantly, but Shen Chen and Shen Chen easily pinned their Sha of Doubt, but Kao Lin's Sha of Doubt pierced through the lightsaber.

A single sword failed, Shen Chen's Hammer of Order plus the Shield of Daybreak, the cage formed by the holy storm and dedication quickly imprisoned the Sha of Doubt.

But this Sha of Doubt didn't last long, even though the black mist was reduced a lot by Shen Chen's divine order magic power, he still fled to the side.

"What's going on?" Shen Chen became vigilant, and at this moment, Sha of Doubt also spewed out countless black mist one after another, stirring on the magic protection built by Shen Chen.

"The threat doesn't seem to be too great..." Looking at the damage value, Shen Chen was relieved, but this Sha Demon didn't even have a health bar, so he couldn't seem to find a good way to kill it.


Shen Chen looked at Sha of Doubt, and then at Kao Lin who closed his eyes and seemed to be falling into corruption, "I seem to have forgotten this."

Shen Chen's own Sha of Doubt can be easily nailed because he has a precise understanding of the doubts in his own mind, or in other words, his self-confidence is greater than his doubts.

But Colin clearly has less hope for the future than the power of the Sha of Doubt, so his magic power of the earth is constantly being obtained by the Sha of Doubt. In Colin's dream, he is almost invincible.

How to eliminate and purify Kao Lin's dream, the easiest way is to kill the source of corruption, but Shen Chen needs Kao Lin's power, and also needs to inherit the heroes, so another method is to solve Kao Lin's demons!

"The question now is that Colin wants to go home, but can I give him this confidence?" Shen Chen asked himself.

However, there is no solution, "I haven't even found my way home yet, but if it's just for Colin to see more hope."

Shen Chen put aside the evil of doubt, and went directly to Kao Lin's side.

He first said to himself, "In this world, I am afraid that only I know the origins of you inherited heroes. The Moon of Madness, because of it, you split into two camps, and it is precisely because of its disappearance that you can stand up again." for the same purpose."

Colin didn't respond, but in the dream at this time, the red and blue moon in the sky was extremely clear, and the magical brilliance it cast made even a king like Shen Chen feel the illusion of magical growth.

Shen Chen secretly said: You guessed right.

He stepped up immediately and continued: "What you are afraid of is not just the loss of those elemental armies, you are afraid of losing contact with the elements of your home world, it is that kind of power that wakes you up from the state of the terracotta warriors and horses, and has vitality.

After you saw the mogu, you were even more shaken, not daring to obtain the power of the earth element bestowed by Azeroth, and made it all your expectation to go home. "

The environment changed again, and countless terracotta warriors and horses formed around Shen Chen. They seemed to come alive, and then looked at Shen Chen.

"Indeed, in the land of Azeroth, the whispers of the ancient gods are circulating, and even Deathwing has been corrupted by this power. Your concern and rejection are right."

Shen Chen's words received correct feedback immediately, and the stone statues slowly raised their hands, as if to express their agreement.

"I can provide you with high-quality and safe power of the earth." Shen Chen took out the fragments he was still holding, especially the dim Nine Realms.

After Odin's death, it is reasonable that the Nine Realms will enter a new stage, so they cannot enter the world through fragments; but Shen Chen has also won the favor of the will of the world, and it is very easy to obtain some elemental magic power from it.

Just a little leakage of magic power, the surrounding magnetic power immediately resonated, and the stone statues also absorbed the escaped magic power.

It was also hungry for a long time. After quickly sensing the purity and safety of the magic power, these stone statues of the power of the earth quickly absorbed the magic power released by Shen Chen.

However, this trust is still not enough. Shen Chen has solved Kao Lin's urgent need. If there is no enough pure power, these stone statues may not last long.

"It's just... It seems that Colin's corruption is not deep!"

Shen Chen felt speechless, he seemed to be cheated, or in other words, Qinglong Temple and the kind panda people were cheated by Kao Lin

The reason is very simple. What Kaolin needs is pure magic power of the earth, and the jade of Qinglong Temple not only contains a huge amount of magic power, but also completely removes the power of the ancient gods corrupted in the earth veins.

If Kaolin asks for it directly, jade is an important material for sculpting Yulong and helping her to be reborn, a little bit is fine, but what he needs is clearly a king level, which is basically equivalent to the cost of rebuilding a statue of Yulong !

In this way, letting the Sha of Doubt invade, forcing the Pandaren to spend jade to purify Kaolin is obviously a good plan.

Naturally, no Pandaren would pierce the jade stone occupied by the evil power, and destroy it in a concentrated manner. Who knows how much magic power is still contained in the jade stone?

"Good method!" Shen Chen could only sigh.

However, because he inspired the past in the dream, the Sha Demon also successfully invaded at this time, Shen Chen was helpless, while calling more elemental magic power from the Nine Realms, and then struck out the participating Sha of Doubt with a single sword.


Colin also had to show up at this time. Shen Chen's movement in Azeroth was not small, and the heroes were in the same breath, and they exchanged news with each other, so they naturally heard about it.

The most important thing is that Shen Chen seems to be the person who is the omen of fate, although he can't see it for the time being.

Shen Chen looked at Colin, because he did not dare to extract the elemental magic power underground in Azeroth, during the battle of the Black Gate, Colin was indeed injured, and with the help of jade, he only recovered 50% to 60% at this time.

"It seems that the Nine Realms in my hand is a treasure for Kao Lin." Shen Chen secretly rejoiced, and then said: "Finding your elemental spirits is not an easy task."

Colin stared straight at the fragments of the Nine Realms, "If you can't give me a definite answer, then I'd rather be trapped in this evil environment."

Shen Chen didn't expect Kao Lin to be so direct and so...greedy.

"This fragment can only temporarily help you solve the source of magic power, but I still know more about the world, and may have some clues related to you."

However, Colin was unmoved, and seemed to only focus on the Nine Realms. He knew the difference between painting cakes and reality; after the Nine Realms, other heroes did not help him, and the elemental spirits also You won't be like some guys who got into that little light and waited for an opportunity!

"It's difficult!" Shen Chen also cursed secretly, but the spirit of the earth is the most important element for opening the vortex, after thinking about it, "Maybe apart from this fragment, I can also purify pure elemental magic power~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Now, Kao Lin is a little moved. After all, Shen Chen is the child of destiny. If he wants to get on the boat, he can't offend this one, right?

"Can you show me?" he asked immediately.

Source materials, their basic level is not high, but they provide alchemy with a method to purify the magic power of elements; after the advanced legend of alchemy, if you purify and condense the source soil again, you can get the soil of witchcraft. first-order element materials.

The magical power purified from the earth through physical means, combined with the neutralization and purification of pharmacy, with Shen Chen's alchemy skills, understanding and cognition of the law of order, can guarantee that the land of witchcraft does not contain any will of the ancient gods, If you want to mass-produce, that is to mobilize guild members to concentrate on raising a few more legendary master alchemists.

What Kao Lin wanted was the future, so Shen Chen directly prepared the soil of witchcraft in the dream, and handed it to Kao Lin, "Look at this kind of elemental magic power, can you absorb it?"

Seeing this pure earth elemental magic power, waves of magnetic ripples spread out beside Colin. He was so excited, and even Singed, Razel and other inheritance heroes, why don't you have such a method? !

Shen Chen seemed to have guessed what Colin was thinking. These heroes did not have the power of the order group, and countless players were digging the plot and secrets of Azeroth day and night.

In addition, the Alchemy Department has no worries about food and clothing, and the Relationship Elements Department has suffered such a big loss. I even feel that you and the Jiuxian went to Pandaria, leaving us the complicated environment outside, and enjoying the blessings by yourself...

However, Shen Chen didn't say anything, and even wanted to make up for the rift between them. If the Order Group can completely take these heroes into their own hands, not to mention the chance to advance to legend, the hero talent alone is enough for the Order Group to raise another level. class!

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