Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 392: Thred's situation

Shen Chen pulled out another pocket watch from Ella's corpse. This was an enamel pearl pocket watch inlaid with a red crystal. The pointer on the watch pointed to 4 o'clock, and a very strange image was engraved on the back of the watch.

"I seem to have seen this thing somewhere." Vanessa tried hard to remember, but she couldn't remember, but she felt very familiar.

Shen Chen looked at the pocket watch, and the diary read: Mission items, [Degenerate Nobleman's Contract].

Obviously, in the first battle of Elwynn Forest, only the ordinary cultists in the suffering church were destroyed. The high-level among them, some aristocrats for power and greed, still lurked in the council; through Onyxie The shadow of Ya, hidden behind the scenes, moves around, spreading beliefs of tyranny, fear and grief!

Minerva also quickly collected information from the system, prompting:


1. You can keep this pocket watch as a trophy. If you can get the approval of the evil god, you may be able to unblock it as a piece of equipment.

2. You can give it to MI7, they have been looking for the people behind the murder of the king, you will further gain their favor and open the [Fallen Nobles] quest line.

3. Shen Chen is detected, you have turned on the reputation of the Black Dragon... There is another option. Onyxia has always been interested in the guy who secretly undermines her plan and pretends to be the name of the Black Dragon. If you give your pocket watch to She, I believe the Black Dragon Princess will give you the right reward! "

"Interesting." Shen Chen looked at the choice triggered by the pocket watch and fell into deep thought. This seems to be a follow-up to the story of Irwin, and it also involves the Brotherhood!

Then, Shen Chen would definitely not choose the first item, although he felt that the equipment attribute transformed by this pocket watch must be good, but the price is to contact the evil god, which is too dangerous;

The second item is the normal development of the mission line. Continue to investigate the corruption within the nobles. It should be to uncover a series of corrupt nobles lurking in the Kingdom of Stormwind. The final reward should be the kingdom's gratitude, prestige, honor, etc.

The third item attracted Shen Chen’s attention. Among the hidden camps in the early stage, the black dragon is undoubtedly the most valuable one, which can be reflected in the effect of Zog’s scales and the blessing of the earth guard on Shen Chen; and that only It was Zog's reward... The fallen aristocrat hit Onyxia's face, and she was at least the legendary dragon princess, and she was of infinite value.

So how to choose is obvious!


After Ai La's death, the gloomy atmosphere in the prison has become weaker; there are no nasty mobs, and wave after wave.

Shen Chen and Liu Wei, each with a happy face, walked in the front of the team, Da Da and Xiao Niao Miao, at the back of the team, complaining about the eccentricity of Shen Chen's little black hand.

According to the plan, everyone turned to the right side of the prison. Because Defias could not break through the cultists' defense line, let alone see the bright sunshine outside, they could only regard the prison as a permanent base.

After killing two patrolling groups of Defias, Shen Chen discovered that almost all Defias prisoners had hidden behind the hall on the right; they used smashed prison doors and wooden furniture to move the The passage is blocked into a small path that can only be passed by one person. Unless you wait for the wise mage to burn it down with a flame storm, it is almost impossible to fight it hard!

But from the length of the trail, the durability of the integrated obstacles and the damage of the wise mage, this probably takes a long time. The previous strategy went smoothly, and Shen Chen didn't want to delay here for too long.

Fortunately, Shen Chen held Vanessa's hole card, so he stood up and yelled to the other side: "Bakir Strand, we are here to negotiate with you in good faith. ?"

The Defias at this time are undoubtedly low morale. There is not much food stored in the prison, and the materials transported from special channels cannot be supplied to all the members of the Brotherhood.

In order to ensure combat power, they will not be defeated by those cultists and be sacrificed; they can only reduce the population in advance and spontaneously. Needless to say, the method is naturally extremely cruel and inhumane. After all, they are also good "food"!

In this crazy environment, almost no Defias can retain their sanity. At the same time, they are also afraid and guilty, but they vote again and again, and vote out their peers!

Shen Chen came to the prison at this time, and with an extremely strong posture, he eliminated Defia's heartache, the cult worshipping Ai La, and eliminated it.

These Defias quickly divided into two factions. One faction believed that the Kingdom of Stormwind sent troops to suppress them. They were not the initiators of the riots. The killings of their companions were just for survival. They directly surrendered and returned to the state of prisoners before. Better than being killed!

The other faction was funded by mysterious materials. Someone told them that the kingdom would not send reinforcements to the prison. They could wait for the news in the prison. Since they had the opportunity to be free, they would not want to return to the past prisoners. Live in prison.

Bucky Strand, he wanted to be responsible for these Defias members who followed him. Hearing Shen Chen's shout, he snorted coldly, and did not agree.

At this time, Shen Chen was a little bit awkward. Vanessa's existence and function only took effect with the Defia leader and the old members. Ordinary people don't recognize this Van Cleef's daughter!

"It seems that I still have to try to fight hard, at least to be able to see Thrid!"

Shen Chen didn't want to do it. This would not be beneficial to the follow-up negotiations, but the current situation could only be risky; he took Sister Luo Luo, two people across the trail, holding the Storm Guild Buckler, and stood at the exit.

The Defias prisoner didn't want to pay attention to Shen Chen. After all, Shen Chen's position was very smart, and he just couldn't bear their siege; under the treatment of Sister Luo Luo, with Shen Chen's hardness...

But as soon as the cursing rifle came out, the prisoners had to respond. The physical damage of the rifle was not high, and it was not painful, but the subsequent curse and disease effects really killed the Defias!

Shen Chen’s move was a solid hit on Defia’s seven inches, which lacked medicines and materials. He lost blood according to a percentage. Soon several prisoners lost their fighting ability; and Defia was even more terrified. Yes, the companion killed by the musket must not be used as life-saving "materials"!

"Fight with them!"

It took Shen Chen a whole quarter of an hour to kill a prisoner. To clear the hall, one day is not enough!

The prisoners didn't know the time limit of Shen Chen's mission, they only knew that they could not consume Shen Chen, and if this continued, the brothers who survived in the hall would lose their lives under this "little man".

They were forced to pick up the guests, and finally fell into Shen Chen's arms. With the damage of the musket, the enemies in this area can be cleared without damage is a big BUG;

This made the audience in the live broadcast enthusiastic. Since the Great God of Tomorrow can play this way, they are less equipped, can't they also be able to spawn monsters like this without injury?

Shen Chen retreated back as he fought, his hardness allowed him to easily block the prisoners' attacks only in one treatment situation, and the output was more direct than a firearm.

In fact, if other players want to try this way, they can't do it as calmly as Shen Chen; the output of the tank is not high, and it is not hard enough to increase the pressure of treatment, even if it only needs to face a mob. Not as good as the normal strategy.

After the two sides were in a stalemate for a period of time, and several corpses accumulated in the tunnel, the Defias prisoners still withdrew, returned to the back of the hall, and completely gave up the passage;

This completely alarmed Strider and considered Shen Chen's suggestion for negotiation.

"Can we talk about it? You don't want your buddies to die in this dark prison. Everything in the Western Wilderness is back to normal, and the people are living a happy and peaceful life again. You should think about it. We sat down to discuss the topic of peace." Shen Chen saw that his plan was reached, and did not continue to pursue the prisoner because of the rich experience of the prisoner, but waited at the other end of the passage and shouted at Strand.

Stride's expression was not good. From Shen Chen's words, he drew the possibility that the brothers were finished. Then they were still struggling here, what is the point?

He was silent for a long time before asking, "I want to know, which force do you represent to solicit and persuade us to surrender?"

Shen Chen's words are naturally earth-shattering for Strider, "I don't represent any power, or, in other words, represent the new wishes of the people of the Western Wilderness, and the death wish of Edwin VanCleef!"

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