Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 399: Team strategy

Shen Chen entrusted Minerva to complete the negotiations. Anyway, they are all prosperous under one system and can be completely believed.

What's more, with Minerva's ability as the **** of commerce, even the richest man in the capital can't please negotiate!

At this time, everyone in the team had escaped from the slight setback. Upon seeing this, Shen Chen didn't directly publish his strategy and command, but asked:

"Agat's skills and damage are all here. Look, how should we fight?"

With Liu Wei’s hurried habit, he was the first to speak. His negative emotions came and went fast. At this time, he smiled and said: "We were completely caught by Agat’s high outbursts and strong seconds. I was shocked. I just looked at the data and realized that it was not the case!"

Shen Chen’s jaws, he still has a lot of hope for Liu Wei, a friend of G. As a tank with the talent of grass, his talent must be advanced in the direction of improving life recovery, additional armor and magic resistance, in the future There may be an increase in output.

It can be said that the potential is not inferior to Shen Chen's predecessor (of course, it can't be compared with the two-in-one). If he can cultivate his talent on the command side, he may be able to lead the group alone in the future, so that Shen Chen has time to attack alone and dig deep into the plot potential.

Otherwise, a lot of energy will be spent on the guide dungeon of the group, not to say that it is not good, but to waste Shen Chen's past life memory too much!

"Go on!" Shen Chen encouraged with a smile.

Liu Wei scratched his head. It seemed that when he was talking about the strategy seriously, he was a little nervous, but he quickly adjusted and said excitedly: "First of all, we have to start with Agat’s combat mechanism. We all think that this He is a leader who mainly relies on shadows to create pressure. I have to say that we have all been misled."

"I also found out, it didn't hurt that the shadow hit me just now!" Wise Mage followed.

Liu Wei smiled, "Actually, most of the damage of Agat comes from the basic attack after the raid approached! And the [Headhunter Glory] after the low HP! Did you notice that the shadow skill hurt? 107, 124 , How long is the interval, 2.8 seconds!"

The more Liu Wei said, the more confident he became, and the louder his voice, but his eyes looked at Shen Chen involuntarily, and he continued: "But here comes the problem. Where is our first strategy failure!"

Liu Wei pointed to the scene of Agat slipping away from Shen Chen several times, "First of all, Agat is not sensitive to hatred and most of the mobs in the prison! In other words, she often throws the tank down to find it. Output and treatment, as long as they are hit by Agat, they are basically half disabled!

So how to deal with Agat’s out-of-war play is the most important issue we need to deal with. My idea is to gather the whole group and circle against the wall to overlap the shadows. According to the law of shadow disappearance, when we turn When I came back in a circle, the shadow in front was almost eliminated! "

It has to be said that with the help of Minerva's chart and careful observation of the battle, Liu Wei's strategy is indeed somewhat insightful, especially when Shen Chen also showed an expression of admiration, Liu Wei's smile became even stronger.

"But Agath's last move, the more shadows on the field, the damage will be overwhelming!" Xiao Nian Miao wondered. Under normal conditions, they can still hold on, but the killing point is in the P2 shadow stage.

Vesemir followed: "Indeed, but everyone noticed that, but I was not maimed by the shadow. I even maintained more than half of the blood when the skill ended!"

Turning out a row of data in the chart, Vesemir compares the state of him and Sister Lolo: "Although I am a little harder than Sister Lolo, the difference in damage is too great! Recalling the state at that time, Luo Sister Luo is leaning on the back of the team, and I am indeed by Agat's side, so does the damage have to do with distance?"

Liu Wei agreed with Vesemir's point of view, and then said: "We can give it a try first, if it doesn't work, it's a big deal to sell Barber again!"

Shen Chen thought for a while, and didn't say what he really inferred, but praised: "Everyone has a good analysis, let's play according to Liu Wei's strategy first, try wrong first!"

According to the original plan, Shen Chen planned to give the team some time to ponder and attack. This will not delay the follow-up strategy, but also exercise the ability of each member of the team.

Sister Luoluo glanced at Shen Chen strangely, pursed her mouth, and gently pulled Xiao Nian Miao and Vanessa, as if to say something to them, but did not comment. And Liu Wei and Wise Mage were definitely fooled by Shen Chen.

Obviously, Liu Wei did find Agath’s main damage mechanism, but he still didn’t know enough about Agath.

When they were in front of Agat, everyone could not help but look at Shen Chen, as if waiting for his command. At this time, Shen Chen shook his head, "Since Liu Wei is your strategy, then this battle is up to you. You direct!"

Liu Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then showed an uneasy look, but soon became confident again and said unceremoniously: "Then I will come!"

He pointed to the wall of the rotunda and said, "You will open the monster in a while, old Shen, you go in first to catch the hatred, this time don't use the Avenger's Shield first, or you will be easily avoided.

The whole group followed me and stood against the wall. When the boss launched a shadow attack, it would appear in front of the group. At this time, we slowly retreated in a clockwise order, always placing the shadow in front of us!

In this way, the tanks guarding the large group can hold Agat the first time, and secondly, they are not afraid of AOE damage from the shadow; as for our two tanks, there is no pressure for more than 100! "

Everyone was quite surprised by Liu Wei's detailed command. This made Liu Wei more comfortable, but the subsequent battle did not start as he expected.

In the second attempt, the pressure in the early stage was obviously not great. The double T can always hold the sneaking Agat. When the assassin does not threaten the team and does not trigger the headhunting glory, the output can be suppressed to 50 seconds. For 5% of life, everything seems to be going well!

However, the second stage of the shadow kill still cannot be solved, and the damage has nothing to do with the distance. The named Xiao Niu and the Wise Mage, wearing shields on their bodies, quickly approached Shen Chen, but both died and stayed. After the next Barber, he successfully escaped the battle.

"It's not distance. Is it possible to stand in the shadows so that other shadows can stop attacking?"

There is still no change. After the two outputs of the death, the area of ​​3 shadows overlapped, and Shen Chen was dropped in seconds, and another attempt failed.

"Let's try the group gathering again, the dispersion has been tried, there is definitely no way to deal with it, but there are some details, we have not found out!"

Liu Wei also didn't seem so confident anymore, carefully pondering the chart data, but he, a high school student, obviously couldn't find more I could only change another method and continue to try.

This time, the shadow kill phase was much better, at least the same as the first time, only one output was inverted, and the group was healthy, so the battle continued, until the third shadow kill, Agath was only 65 left. When% is about the life, it fails because of the lack of output and the death of the treatment.

The third, fourth...attempts. Facing the surprise attack in the shadow killing stage, everyone seemed to be at a loss. Although there were constant discoveries in details, they could not change the problem of dead people in the transition stage. The strategy fell into deadlock!

Soon in the live commentary, a large number of yin and yang strange voices also appeared:

"Is that so? Tomorrow will reach this level. It is not impossible to face a more powerful leader!"

"It is estimated that when our senior's level rises, there will be nothing wrong with him~~"

Of course, more people are wisely analyzing, "Is this training a new command tomorrow? Yes, other players have not yet come into contact with the prison dungeon. When the game is over here, it is estimated that they have not yet entered the book!"

"Tomorrow there is capital to play, these guys can only watch but can't eat, it's so angry!"

Even though Shen Chen was temporarily stuck at Agat, with the appearance of the live broadcast and Minerva butler, the influence of their team was still like ink dripping into the water, rapidly expanding.

The first thing that bears the brunt is the further popularity of the demon hunter profession. Compared with the previous ones, it is more early adopters. Now more masters choose to transfer to the demon hunter, especially the PK players.

In Minerva's image list, the number of applicants has also increased rapidly, and a pool of players that is enough for Shen Chen to be dazzling is gestating.

But the most important thing is still the current copy.

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