Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 508: The arrival of Shaw, the reward of the Kingdom of Stormwind

Charlie laughed again, he was more certain about Shen Chen's guess, "This guy really awakened his talent from ordinary people and grew up to where he is now?"


   "Then tomorrow, I am afraid that I am born with the strategy ability and the skills to control the game world, but this is too rare!" Cha ideally.


After all, the ability of strategy and command can not be improved by ordinary people. Even if he is himself, he has been cultivated since he was a child. After middle school, the family used a variety of battle simulation methods and spent a lot of fragmentation magic. With the current Lionheart Dynasty.


   "In this era of populace geniuses, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse!" Thinking of the rumors about dwarves, elves, and humans in the Western Kingdom, he shook his head, "However, it is always a good thing to have a good relationship with them!"


Immediately, Charlie explained to Shen Chen: "Don't worry, you can enter the game directly this time. That is to say, as long as we enter the world as we are now, we don't have to worry about being in contact; not to mention, we are just intelligence. Cooperation, you give me the information of other orc academies, and I naturally give you humans..."


   Shen Chen immediately understood Charlie's plan, and at the same time, he had more curiosity about the next military training copy.


   Actually, Shen Chen is not without news of the university.


   Su Yutong’s identity is a legendary backstage; many members of the Hall of Fame, Xiao Nian Miao, Luo Luo sister, and Wise Master, all know the news of the joint military training.


It’s just that, as the great **** of tomorrow, Shen Chen has the Zhizhu that he showed on weekdays, as well as the promises of the Empire Raiders, and his strength; everyone thought, "This is not hard to get news. Of course he knows. At the same time, I probably have my own plans!"


   As soon as Shen Chen communicated with Liu Wei slightly, he immediately understood the oolong, he nodded and agreed to Charlie's cooperation; since competition and interests are not involved, there is no problem with bottom-line cooperation.


   The two sides had a friendly discussion and determined their respective responsibilities and interests. After that, Shen Chen waited for the end of Grim Batol's battle and followed the large forces back to Gromte Port.




   At the port, Shen Chen first saw an unexpected visitor.


   Shen Chen looked at him, Matthias Shore, who seemed a little embarrassed, and the spy Gilney, and asked: "Why did you come to the wetland?"


  As the true leader of the future of the Seventh Army (Pasonia has not retired), Shaw should be in Stormwind more often; his dispatch and the information contained therein are worthy of deep thought.


"The competition within Stormwind City has begun to heat up. It just so happens that Queen Jialia hopes that Stormwind Kingdom will send troops to help regain the former territory." Shaw looked around vigilantly and secretly said: "This is not a place to speak. The assassins in the wetlands are not trustworthy anymore!"


  Shen Chen suddenly understood something, in fact, he has to pay a lot of responsibilities; after all, the secret agent of the black dragon can quickly open up the situation by borrowing his arrangement in the wetland~~


"follow me!"


  Although Xiaoer certainly has other hidden places in the wetland, Shen Chen didn't want to run the wrong way anymore. He took the two directly to Jaina's temporary residence.


   The guards did not stop Shen Chen from entering. Because of the help of revenge and the good relationship between Shen Chen and the Kul Tiras royal family, he had already registered here, and he just notified them and let them enter the residence.


   Jaina was on the terrace, staring at the sea in the distance.


   Although as the heir to the kingdom, after Grim Batol was breached and the Dragonmaw clan was almost completely destroyed, she should be busy commanding the sweeping.


   However, Dai Lin took care of all the affairs, so she went to the wetland, and planned to find her good girlfriend the other day.


   After this battle, like all the people of the Sea Kingdom, Jaina's mind was in chaos.


She recalled the elder brother who had taken care of her and accompany her in hide-and-seek in the garden, the heir to the kingdom who had been standing in front of her and blocking the waves for her. She did not know whether it was the inexplicable emptiness after the revenge, or the war. The nameless sigh.


Jaina played with her golden hair and the power of the ice to make it smoother; this reminded her of that winter, the lover once, with two extremely decisive responses, cut off their connection. And Bingxue also has sharp words.


   Although she has grown a lot in the undead natural disasters, she still hopes that she is the ignorant girl who plays in the garden, studies in the mage tower, and closes her eyes in a warm embrace.




   With a sigh, Jaina's eyes became cold and firm again. It is precisely because of the death of her loved ones, the death of her lover, and the death of the people that she has new beliefs.


"come in."


   The magic element passed the news of Shen Chen and Xiao's arrival to her ears, put away her emotions, Jaina said.


   "Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Princess." Shaw and Jaina also met. As the spy leader of the Stormwind Kingdom, it was not the first time to meet Jaina. He immediately understood the reason Shen Chen chose to meet here.


   Jaina brought her own wizard group, and with her magic power, it was almost impossible to monitor her meetings and conversations.


   And Jaina is also very concerned about the Kingdom of Stormwind. After all, she came to Lordaeron during the Orc War; she, Arthas and Wrynn, as the crown princes of various countries, have a very good friendship.


   Of course, in the world of gods and demons, the historical line changes; Wrynn was conspired by the black dragon, but it has nothing to do with Theramore. She is not fully aware of the changes in this childhood playmate.


   However, the appearance of Shaw still surprised her.


  With Jaina's magic protection, Shaw quickly explained a series of changes in the king.


Due to the cowardly half of the king, and the pressure outside the Kingdom of Stormwind weakened; Katrana began to seek more rights, she first further wooed the noble council, and obtained Wrynn’s consent, becoming the little prince Anduin’s teacher.


   At this time, the black dragon princess has rapidly grown in power in the Kingdom of Stormwind; Bovar and the military represented by him have fallen into a disadvantage in the court battle.


Shaw’s grandmother, the founder of the Seventh Army, decided to send Shaw to avoid the messy situation within the kingdom; at the same time, with the help of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, strengthen the intelligence network in the north of the mainland. Of course, the ultimate goal is Secretly investigate the internal cause of the king's current state!


"It's just that our ship was attacked by pirates when it was approaching the wetland, and on its way to the port, it was also attacked one after another!" Shaw's face was ugly. You should know that when it arrived at the port, there were only a few agents. Knowing, he can't confirm now, which link went wrong!


"It seems that Wrynn was attacked, and the secret behind it is not small at all; you have already encountered several attacks before going to Quel'Thalas." Of course, Shen Chen knew what was behind the scenes, but he did not say anything. , Now is not the time.


   "However, with the help of Jaina and the navy, at least we can reach Nanhai Town safely. As for the secret investigation, I think we should let it go first to paralyze the enemy!"


  Shore nodded, "I think so too, this time, in addition to these things, I have to hand over the kingdom's new orders and previous rewards to you!"


   After finishing speaking, Xiao Er handed a small bag wrapped in purple silk to Shen Chen.


   "Let's open will not be disappointed!"


  【Joint Dispatch】The mission is complete!


   The log shows: The Kingdom of Stormwind is very satisfied with your performance in this mission, and they decided to grant you a higher honor and status.


   You gained 2 Stormwind Fame Points!


  You have obtained the [Military Seven Rings] upgrade style (platinum, upgrade progress 3/6), and you have been upgraded to ring finger assassin!


   equipment level 30, strength +8, agility +8, critical strike +8, critical strike damage +8%!


   Equipped with additional skills,


[Hidden]: Escape into the shadows, gain +8 stealth effect, sneak for up to 3 minutes (movement cancellation effect); when you attack in stealth, 150% of physical extra damage is caused and 20% of the enemy is reduced Armor for 5 seconds. (Skill cooldown for 3 minutes)


   Compared with the seventh ring of the army obtained before, the increase in attributes is not big, from level 10 to level 30, each attribute has only increased by 4 points, and 8% of the critical strike damage is better than nothing.


   However, the original passive crit has changed from passive to active, and it has more stealth and armor reduction effects!


   Imagine a Paladin with a very high outbreak, who has obtained a higher stealth level than the platinum thieves. Whether it is hiding or sneaking, it is creepy to think about it.


   What's more, there is a 20% armor break, whether it is team output or personal explosion, it is a great improvement!

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