Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 517: New team

When Shen Chen returned to the dormitory, the small house had been renamed Baishi Xiaoju, and of course the name came from Su Yutong.

The first floor was used as a meeting hall. At this time, the other students in the team also ended the first class meeting hastily. Of course, their instructors were not like Li Li, so they selected the class leader first and arranged some daily routines. activity.

In this regard, Shen Chen is also very clear that the command department is unlikely to have a squad leader. After all, each is a commander. Who will serve the other, let alone elect a superior or service staff!

"Come to our dormitory today, as the team’s first friendship; Liu Wei, you are responsible for bringing people to purchase some supplies. Bai Xue, you and Shen Chen will receive it, and I will decorate the house." Since Su Yutong is here, she will bear it. Take the responsibility of the housekeeper.

Although she is not a member of the Hall of Fame, everyone knows that the guild she and she established in Quel'Thalas will become another Austrian aid for Shen Chen.

All colleges in Shendu and Beidu seem to have become rushed; this is also the benefit of the host. In addition to members of the college alliance, some key local colleges and universities can also join.

Students from other races and countries also came to the Eastern Emperor in turn before the military training dungeon began; however, they did not choose to host the Northern Capital, but stayed in the God Capital, spending a lot of magic stones, and each packaged a room. luxurious hotel.

After all, the wasteland style of the northern capital is a bit unpleasant for even the open Dongdi people, let alone the more conservative elves and dwarves.

Back to Shen Chen, even though the dormitory villa occupies a large area, it still looks a bit small in the face of a strategy team of nearly 100 people; Shen Chen can only spend 5 credits to temporarily rent the door of the dormitory and the lawn by the lake.

After spending the points, of course all kinds of services are readily available. It didn't take long for the lawn to be occupied by a group of young and energetic freshmen.

For group activities, Shen Chen generally adopts the usual way of stocking and copying strictly; in the weekdays, he laughs and plays, even before the boss, jokes, bragging and farting are all right. After all, long-term nervous fighting requires a usual relaxed environment. ease.

Once the battle begins, no other voices are allowed except for command; any questions and opinions can be raised before the battle, but when the fight is started, even if the command is wrong, it cannot be interrupted or violated. Only in this way, The team can have execution power!

"Mr. Tomorrow!"


The commanders all took the Raiders group under them and rushed to the East Emperor Raiders; at this time, the Hall of Fame had established 4 main Raiders groups, plus 4 substitute groups.

One of the groups is naturally Shen Chen and his earliest friends. They have experienced two main plots with Shen Chen. They have accumulated a lot in the Red Ridge Mountains, and their strength and equipment are far superior to the others;

Shen Chen just asked them to help bring the newcomers. After the commander was selected, of course, he would not dismantle the team that was already quite tacit.

Bai Xue is the head of the 2 regiment, but as a senior, she cannot participate in the military training copy.

This makes Shen Chen quite a pity. After all, she is sensitive to numbers, as well as powerful calculation and analysis capabilities; even if there is no strategy, just play once or twice. What skills does the BOSS have, how damage and effect are, and how to prevent it? Basically can make a set of targeted responses.

Faced with the intricate resources, forces and talents of this military training dungeon, Minerva's ability is certainly stronger, but with a deputy commander, the team can carry out more complex strategies.

"Then, the second regiment will be under the command of Liu Wei for the time being, and he was the one who led you in the beginning. The mutual understanding should still be there."

Shen Chen thought for a while, and decided to let Liu Wei take charge. Anyway, he advanced platinum himself, and his frankness was completely equal.

The head of the 3rd regiment Liu Jiang, this team is more partial, a master of Yishui; but Shen Chen also wanted to build a wizard regiment, although the PVE is weaker, but the team battlefield has such a group of tacit long-range firepower, think about it. Terrible, besides, there are no substitutes, and the copy is probably not a big problem.

However, there is no young lady in this group. It is said that Liu Jiang is a leg control. The following group members reported to Sister Luoluo, and the answer was: "Don't you like to see long legs? Is it okay for hairy ones?"

The 4th regiment leader Yimeng and Dizheng; this is also one of the few dual command combinations in the team. Yi Meng analyzed the details in place, but his personality was cold and he didn't like to speak. Emperor Zheng had a stronger view of the overall situation, but he was somewhat impulsive; the two of them cooperated and complemented each other.

As for the four replacement heads.

The judge is the head of the current athletic group, mainly responsible for PVP affairs. However, the Hall of Fame does not have enough energy and experience, while taking into account both the strategy and the battlefield, so most of this group is in stocking; only this time, the military training dungeon is fighting other players. 5 groups of wraith hammers are really the main force!

The leader of the 6th regiment, Mengqin, was a senior that Bai Xue had dug from the academy. Although he had just entered the world of gods and demons, his speed was extremely fast, and he would soon be able to succeed Lu Mei Hunter.

The 7th and 8th regiments are held by the ruling regiment and selected by the gods; due to the initial establishment of the team, they have not been able to prove their full strength. Simply, Shen Chen intends to consider their abilities in this wasteland world.

Shen Chen and the commanders met each other and exchanged greetings; he came to the front of the lawn and raised the wine glass in his hand.

The noisy lawn immediately calmed down, although there were many members, facing their biggest idol in the world of gods and demons, their lips trembled and they were almost overwhelmed with excitement.

Shen Chen's fame and strength were not obtained by luck or coincidence.

He entered the players' sight from Kurtok's first kill.

Since then, there has not been a dungeon in the Stormwind area for the first kill, and his name has not been seen; he will guide and even lead other players to explore every main story!

He has always been a prominent figure on the forum, the pride of human players, and the best tool for players of other races!

What's more, the Battle of the Wetlands, whether it was to command the orcs, the battle of the arena, or the relationship with Thrall; even most of the members of the Hall of Fame did not see Shen Chen's appearance in person. Listening to his deeds from time to time, I feel proud and proud of it.

"It is also the first time I have met with you. As the president, I did not lead everyone to act together when the guild was founded. I am ashamed of this and I apologize to you who have put their energy and efforts into the Hall of Fame."

Shen Chen raised his glass and made a self-apology first.

"President, you are with the orcs, fighting for our honor, this is more important than anything!"

"Yeah, just hearing you rub those guys on the ground, I feel like doing everything!"

"No need to apologize, we are walking outside ~ As long as we hear that it is in the Hall of Fame, everyone pays tribute to us. It is because of the president who is willing to show off with the orc players!"

Shen Chen's words naturally aroused the goodwill of the players, even if it is pretending to be, but tomorrow's **** is so approachable, the team members' sense of intangibility when facing the **** is actually eliminated.

Shen Chen smiled, "Thank you for your understanding, then."

He drank a sip of wine, and then enthusiastically said: "But this time, this is the first time that our Hall of Fame fits together, and it is a vital military training copy for college freshmen. I think everyone has already taken it seriously.

But what I want to say is that in the past we were mostly solo raiders, but now as a team, we should change our thinking and habits and start more from the team! I promise that any sacrifice you make for the team will be compensated in the follow-up Raiders of the World of Gods and Demons! "

Shen Chen's first sentence is to tell himself, he is the most malignant attacker, so he reminded himself.

But at the same time, Shen Chen not only used the name of the guild, but used the interests to restrain the team; after all, the Hall of Fame has not been established for a long time, and the mentality of supporting each other and sacrificing oneself cannot be compared to those guilds established since high school.

"The president is right! Since it is a team, we will fight corruption in the future. We can't put individuals above the team. Any member who is too selfish can only ask you to go to the ordinary team! This is neither Do harm to others, but not yourself!" Liu Wei agreed and added.

Everyone also understands the truth, this world is not like Shen Chen's previous life.

In the face of the catastrophe of destroying the race, no one can stay out of it. They can now gather on this lush lawn and sparkling lake, and it is precisely because of the efforts of their predecessors.

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