Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 766: confusion

Of course, Luo Ning knows Shen Chen’s Xiao Jiujiu, and Krasus has commented on Tomorrow in this way: "Along with the Holy Light, he is full of kindness, justice, humility and justice, but like most inheritors, the blood of greed drives him forward. , Like something terrible, pushing him forward!"

   But Ronin does not have a bad impression of greed, because he is also greedy on the path of magic; as long as he is not controlled by power, let alone tomorrow is to preserve the vitality of the north.

"Okay." He agreed, "You only have one and a half days, and the rest, during this time, I will build a magical enchantment for refuge in a nearby valley and place them. I hope the Scourge will not notice the existence of these people."

   "You have accepted the mission [Rescue]."

   "The front of the Scourge has approached, but there are at least millions of refugees staying near Dalaran. They are the new hope for the northern kingdom of mankind."

   "To save them, you can gain goodwill from the northern kingdoms, Dalaran, and Lordaeron. Some of them will join your territory and become your leader."

   "However, they are now shrouded in panic and chaos. In this case, it is almost impossible for them to leave this area quickly and orderly."

After receiving the task, although Shen Chen also wanted to chat with Luo Ning, but thinking of Luo Ning’s strong sense of responsibility, Shen Chen knew that the most important thing to do now is to complete this task in order to gain further trust and trust from Luo Ning. Good impression.

   is just like the task prompt, not so easy.

   At the periphery of the camp, countless refugees have swarmed out, blocking the road to the south. They took their only belongings and tried to stay away again before the natural disaster hit.

   Some support troops from other kingdoms, carrying steam tanks and heavy-duty trucks, drove head-on towards Dalaran and collided with the crowd who wanted to flee.

   Behind this team, there are countless players, they are not strong, but through Shen Chen's message, they still rushed in, hoping to get a piece of the pie in this battle.

   The two waves collided together. The road built by the mage with the elements was enough for 18 knights to travel together, but in this crowd, it also seemed a lot narrower.

  The army will naturally not let the road open, not to mention their heavy-duty vehicles, they are not allowed to do so.

  The refugees who fled were also reluctant to abandon them. Since they arrived in Dalaran, the key to their savings is clothing, food, and self-defense weapons. They don't want to experience poverty and fleeing life again.

   The two sides refused to yield to each other. The steam tank made a piercing "Woo" sound. The army was here to support Dalaran and fight against the Scourge. In their eyes, the refugees were useless people who had no courage to fight the undead.

   This third-generation steam tank is a dwarf who safely evacuated from Gnomeregan with the help of the player. It is grateful and developed together with the dwarf. It is temporarily named Type III Reload-Undead Shattered.

  The upgraded power core can crush several dwarves to reload the royal guards on the front, and pull the newly created Muradin giant stone statues; such a huge power can be used to resist the huge threat of suture monsters in the undead.

Enhanced armor and increased power enable the tank to wear heavier armor. The new Thorium armored steel from the Forge not only doubles the physical resistance, but also has curse-defense spells to block ghosts. The ability to invade and attack members of the tank.

The firepower is not much enhanced, but the dwarf master cuts steel, but gives new attributes of lava on the shells. As long as you hit monsters like gargoyles and continue to burn and destroy, they will not use stone statues at all. opportunity!

   Such a powerful steel legion is enough to help the wizards to hold the undead's troops at a safe distance, but the premise is that they can arrive at the position on time and arrange them in advance.

   "Get out of the way!" the commander roared.

   The turbulent sound almost drowned the commander’s voice. He could only bulge the holy light all over his body, and shouted again: "Get out of the way, otherwise you will become sinners in the kingdom!"

   Some refugees gave in. They tried to take the packages they carried from the cart, and then the cart was still on the road, rushing towards both sides of the road.

But some nobles, they did not choose to give in. The only and most precious treasure left by them in the chariot was their hurried fleeing. Without them, they would only have a bald title. This is nothing in the Kingdom of Stormwind. effect.

   Therefore, they must not give up the treasure, "No, we cannot give in!"

   Some loyal family knights raised weapons with the nobles and stopped in the middle of the road. "We are the nobles of Lordaeron (Dalaran). We have noble blood. You should clear the way and let us go first!"

   In places farther away, a large number of refugees did not understand what was happening ahead. Although there were a few mages maintaining order, it was obvious that impatient and panic were spreading.

   "What happened before!"

   "Why stopped, hurry up!"

   "Could it be that the undead of the natural disasters have arrived?"

"Dalaran seems to abandon us!" Some of the cursed cultists hiding in the crowd knew that this was the perfect time. These refugees would be a wall of people, so that the supporting troops would never reach what they expected. Line of defense!

   "Everyone, the undead of the natural disasters are coming soon. We are definitely waiting for death when we stop here. We must escape quickly!" The cultists agitated and squeezed forward in the crowd.

   "Go, I won't stop anyway."

   Someone took the lead, and other refugees naturally followed suit. After all, no one wanted to stay behind and wait for death. Even if the undead natural disasters have not really arrived, the spreading fear is like natural disasters that have reached the back of their heads.

   A wave of people surged forward, and soon they couldn't stand on the road. They rushed down the roadbed and moved forward frantically.

"Damn untouchables!" Some nobles, pushed by the crowds, their carriages loaded with treasures were pushed down the road, and the collision caused the carriage to split a gap, neat gold nuggets, glittering gems, enchanted equipment and spell books , Randomly scattered on both sides of the road.

A refugee was crowded and saw a gem slipped at his feet. He tried to bend down to pick it up, but was pushed down by a hand from an unknown place behind, and fell to the ground. He knelt on the ground and held the gem, but then The outstretched arm was kicked heavily, the calf was also stepped on, and he yelled out in pain, but the sound was obscured by the crowd.

   The chaos expanded rapidly, and a person's fall quickly spread like Domiller, but no one could stop the tragedy in front of him.

   The nobleman was also extremely angry. He saw those untouchables stealing his property. He raised the weapon in his hand, but was frozen by the wizard on the side with the ice spell.

   However, not many mages were unable to prevent more chaos, and the nobles followed suit because they also had a share of those treasures.

"These reinforcements, I am afraid that they will not arrive smoothly. He will reward more strength, and the end of the world will come soon!" The cursed cultists took advantage of this opportunity to hide to the side like a loach in the crowd, and then smirked. .

   The commander looked at the turbulent crowd, his palms trembling, his order was that he must rush to the defensive line before tonight, and the mages would also enchant the tank to deal with the terrorist threat of natural disasters.

   Of course he knew what his next order meant, but it was obviously more important to protect Dalaran than a refugee!

   "Push!" the commander said coldly.

   "But!" The soldier hesitated, neither the light of his faith nor his knowledge allowed him to do so.

   "Follow the order!"

   The commander’s order was quickly communicated to the entire convoy, with the huge roar of steam and magic power...

   The steam tank began to rush towards the crowd with unmatched power!

   No one can compare with the power of tanks, at least not in this wave of refugees. Under the torrent of steel, the abandoned pallet ahead quickly became the first victim. Don't crush it into a piece of debris.


   "Boom boom!"

   Then, the tank started firing into the sky to warn the refugees ahead and quickly clear the way.

   But in such chaos, the sound of artillery fire exacerbated the panic, "The natural disaster is really here, listen, the sound of artillery fire!"

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