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Chapter 110 Men have to struggle


At around 23:00 in the evening, when a picture of a 5-star group of Diao Chan appeared on the game interface again, Ning Xiu felt a little excited.

"It's finally popular. I'm lucky." Maybe it's because the krypton is in place today.

Brother Shitou took care of Ning Xiu, and he got the last two 5-star Diao Chan for less than 100,000 jade talismans.

At this point, the goal he set to fill the red group of Diao Chan was successfully achieved.

A wave of Heroes of Troubled Times card packs were purchased, and Ning Xiu spent a total of nearly 500,000 jade charms.

A jade talisman worth over 8,000, including fractions of 648.

500,000 jade talismans, that is, more than 60, 648 or so, nearly 40,000 yuan.

"I'm so arrogant. I used the money from a tax to buy card packages in the world. I have to learn to exercise restraint in the future."

The happy group of Diao Chan went to the branch city and shared it with Mr. Ma. Ning Xiu directly controlled it and went to a level 9 land near the main city for leveling.

"When the minks are awakened tomorrow and Zhen Luo is replaced, my main force for the fifth team this season will be completely perfect."

After these days of development and leveling, Ning Xiu's first team of magic swordsmen, Lu Meng and Sun Quan, have reached level 47, while Emperor Ling has also reached level 42.

Shu Bu, the main force of the second team, has not been replaced since its formation, so all three generals are already level 45.

The levels of the third team, Cai Daohe, the fourth team, Wei Zhi, and the fifth team, Group Bu, have already exceeded level 40.

"Drawing cards is really laborious work, just sleep and sleep."

The main players of the teams had already exhausted their physical strength. Ning Xiu clicked on the big map and took a few glances, then went offline to sleep. ���

Early the next morning, Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Management Channel.

Officer Glass: [905X757] Damn it! What the hell is Jingzhou? Want to enter our resource state? .

Alliance leader Baipao: His uncle betrayed us and fell into the arms of Yizhou, and he also wanted to enter Yuzhou.

Official Ma Gongzi: They all went to Yizhou in Gao Zhan, do they still have the strength to break through the Ziyuan state checkpoint? .

Officer Glass: I took a look and found that there are more than 170 people in their group of heroes.

All the living people in Jingzhou are probably in their alliance, and winning a level 7 level is definitely a piece of cake.

Official Ma Gongzi: Then don't hesitate, let people pave the way to build a fortress and hammer Jingzhou.

Leader Baipao: Well, I’ll send an email first to ask people to pave the way.

Deputy leader Dugu: Jingzhou wants to enter Yuzhou? .

Officer Glass: Dugu is here, you will know it just by looking at the Bowang level.

Deputy leader Dugu: Bowang? .

There are two checkpoints leading from Jingzhou to Yuzhou Ziyuan Prefecture, both located in Jiangxia County, northeast of Jingzhou.

Bowang, a level 7 level, is one of them, and compared to the other level, Bowang is special because after breaking through it, you will reach Xuchang County, Yuzhou.

Where is Xuchang County?

That is the location of Hulao Pass, a level 9 pass, and is the only passage from Yuzhou to Sili.

It is also the only way for Yangzhou to march towards Sili and point its sword at the capital, Luoyang.

"Are you kidding! Jingzhou wants to enter Yuzhou from Bowang? He got a hammer and quickly had people pave the way to Xuchang and build a fortress at Bowang Pass."

Therefore, when the actual controller of Yangzhou's rule over the world, the absolute core king comes online.

When I learned from other managers that Jingzhou actually wanted to enter Yuzhou from Bowang, they immediately exploded.

Deputy leader Dugu: Are you worried that Jingzhou was sent by Yizhou to block the road? .

Commander King: Isn't this possible? .

If we really let Jingzhou enter Yuzhou and build fortresses directly from the direction of Hulao Pass, even if we finally bulldoze them, how much time will be wasted? By then the cucumber vegetables will be cold.

Official Glass: Laojun is right. If Jingzhou really blocks Hulao Pass, we will be in real trouble.

Deputy leader Dugu: Alas! Of course I know this, but Jingzhou is currently embracing Yizhou’s thigh.

If we go to war with Jingzhou, I'm afraid we will attract Yizhou over.

I originally wanted to wait until Qingzhou ended and watch them fight each other in Bingzhou. Things are so unpredictable.

Commander King: There is nothing we can do about this. There are too many uncontrollable factors that allow Jingzhou to enter Yuzhou.

And to win Bowang, as long as we don't attack Jingzhou mainland in an all-out way, we will just smash the group of heroes.

The possibility of Yizhou moving is also low, and Bingzhou will be enough for them to be busy for a while.

Deputy leader Dugu: Okay, let’s settle it then, I’m afraid the time is too tight and we won’t be able to catch up.

Commander King: It is estimated that Jingzhou will be cleared in the evening, so there is still time. ���

Jingzhou Qunying Pavilion management channel.

Deputy leader Chen Dada: Shall we break the barrier at noon? .

Is the time tight? I'm afraid there will be few people online at noon and I won't be able to pass the level.

Alliance leader Mo Xiaoyao: I just took a look in Yuzhou, and Yangzhou Junlin has moved from Chenjunpu to Runan County.

We estimate that we will be able to reach Bowang in the afternoon at the latest. If we really break through at night and their fortresses are up, can we get in? .

Deputy leader Chen Dada: Alas! I'm afraid that we don't have enough manpower and won't be able to win the level in the end, which will hurt morale.

Alliance leader Mo Xiaoyao: Don't worry, the fortresses at the pass are almost up. I set up the alliance flag last night, and the time is clearly written on it.

I'm saying, don't underestimate the obsession of these farming parties in the alliance with farming.

Deputy leader Chen Dada: Okay, I will send an email to remind you.

Alliance leader Mo Xiaoyao: Yes. ���

Ning Xiu logged into the game and first took a look at his batch of mission emails.

Then a group of cavalry was dispatched to build a fortress in the enclave, and then they controlled several teams of main forces to attack the ground and level up the city skin.

Yizhou stays together through thick and thin management channel.

Official Lao Niu Plowing the Land: [905X757] Qunying Pavilion is about to enter Yuzhou, and there will probably be a conflict with Yangzhou.

Commander's first love: 666, Mo Xiaoyao is a bit courageous, he dares to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

Official Di Zun: When the peace talks were held, the management of Jingzhou Qunying Pavilion didn’t come over? .

Official Lao Niu Geng Di: I led the team here, but other management did not come.

Yizhou's core channel for staying together through thick and thin.

First Love: Are you here for six dollars? .

Governor Liuyuan: Yes.

First Love: From Jingzhou to Yuzhou, aren’t they communicating with us? .

Governor Liuyuan: No.

Chu Lian: Then if they have a conflict with Yangzhou, can we help? .

Ning Gongzi: If Yangzhou attacks Jingzhou itself from Yuzhou, then we will take action.

If it's in Yuzhou, let them fight.

First love: Can you help Yangzhou develop?

Ning Gongzi: Yes, Qingzhou has now sent two allies from You and Ji to merge the states.

The checkpoints in the two states are too far apart. We can't stop them from breaking through, and there will definitely be conflicts after they enter.

The two salted fish alliances have nothing to worry about. If they are divided into two main groups, they can be destroyed. I am afraid that Qingzhou will end up personally. Then we and Qingzhou will inevitably have a big battle.

Therefore, letting Jingzhou play in Yuzhou and Yangzhou can just hold them back, so that when we fight with Qingzhou, Yangzhou will come to interfere again.

First Love: If Jingzhou really breaks through and enters, I think we can let Qunying Pavilion build a group of fortresses at Hulao Pass to block Yangzhou.

Ning Gongzi: The effect is not great. The strength gap between the two alliances is too big. Jingzhou is not qualified to play push-pushing games with Yangzhou on the frontal battlefield.

It's better to just break them into pieces and fight guerrilla warfare.

Governor Liuyuan: Let's wait until they enter Yuzhou. That guy Mo Xiaoyao is not an obedient master.

First love: Tsk! That was before, but now that the situation in District 1500 has basically been settled, can he still survive? .

Apart from relying on us, what else can he do to make waves? The most he can do is get quotas from us.

Governor Liuyuan: Well, let’s see if they can get in.

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