There are a total of 5 5-star generals in the Nanman Invasion card pack. Not only the quantity is small, the quality is also very mediocre. There is not even a core-level general.

Among them, 5-star Shu Zhao Yun, 5-star Shu Zhuge Liang, and 5-star Wei Sima Yi have all appeared in the famous general card pool.

Therefore, there are only two new 5-star generals, namely 5-star group Meng Huo and 5-star group Madam Zhu Rong.

The Three Kingdoms is a game based on the classic Three Kingdoms, so many players are naturally familiar with the two.

Meng Huo, King of the Southern Barbarians, and his wife, Mrs. Zhu Rong.

As we all know, in the novel, Zhuge Liang succeeded in conquering Meng Huo and his wife Zhu Rong with seven captures and seven attempts.

Therefore, Ning Xiu has every reason to suspect that the official of the Three Kingdoms of the Three Kingdoms stuffed the wheelchair-bound boy Zhuge Liang into this card bag to make up the numbers.

Although he is considered a big figure in the novel of the Three Kingdoms, in the Three Kingdoms, Meng Huo of the 5-star group, who is known as the King of the Southern Barbarians, can only be described as average.

Its panel attributes are mediocre, not outstanding, and not particularly rubbish.

It comes with the command strategy Southern Barbarian Assault, which allows you and a teammate to ignore the enemy's evasion tactics in the first 3 rounds, and can also increase attack damage.

When the 3 rounds are over, while restoring its own strength, it can also restore a large amount of strength to the entire army of Vine Armor Soldiers, Elephant Soldiers and Barbarian Soldiers.

The skills look great, but their utility is mediocre.

If you want to form a chopper and lack a general, you can try to integrate it into the team and use its own tactics to ignore and evade the effect to deal damage in the first 3 rounds.

But the effect is just that, because ignoring the evasive effect means not encountering the enemy's evasive effect.

If you ignore it, the evasion effect will not be triggered, but you still have teammates who cannot ignore it. Who knows who will receive the bonus when you activate the strategy.

As for the barbarian soldiers and elephant soldiers mentioned in his tactics, that will happen in the next season after the arms have advanced.

Compared with her husband Meng Huo, Mrs. Zhu Rong's appearance rate is much higher, not to mention her appearance.

As a female general, her attack growth value is very good, and she only needs a low command of 2.5, which makes her very good whether she is used to open up wasteland or blend into the kitchen knife system team.

It comes with the passive combat method Fire Beast Charge, which not only increases the damage of its own attacks.

And each round there is an extra chance to attack a unit, while also increasing the damage of the normal attack in the next round.

One thing that needs to be noted is that Mrs. Zhu Rong is a general who relies on basic attacks, but she is not suitable for pursuing pursuit tactics.

Because its own tactics increase the damage of basic attacks, unlike other generals who rely on basic attacks to make a living.

The damage of pursuit tactics is increased, while the damage of command tactics is also eliminated.

So overall, Mrs. Zhu Rong is a pretty good general, but not very powerful.

However, after dismantling it, the 5-star combat method obtained by the whole army assault is very good, and it is also what the Ningxiu Chopper team needs.

Glancing at his game interface, there were still more than 100,000 jade talismans in deposit, Ning Xiu decided to try the water by drawing 100,000 jade talismans first.

In this card pack, the only general he cares about most is Mrs. Zhu Rong. Except for Meng Huo, the other generals have already become popular with him. ���

System: Congratulations to Yangzhou for conquering the world and successfully occupying the level 4 city of Jingzhou, Huarong.

Yang: Jun Lin Tian Xia [Mail] Commander Wang: [997X629] The coordinates of Mo Xiaoyao, the leader of Qunying Pavilion, were found, and he was killed.

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Management Channel.

Official Glass: Mo Xiaoyao is a bit far away. He is in Xiangyang.

Official Ma Gongzi: Arrange two prefects to drive the team shop.

Deputy leader Dugu: Now it’s not like before. Everyone basically has several sub-cities, and they are afraid that they will run away if they get spread.

Alliance leader Bai Pao: I have discovered that since the Jingzhou Bowang Fortress Group was defeated and a few people were lost, the situation in the alliance has become very serious. They have all gone to attack copycats.

Deputy leader Dugu: It’s normal. After all, we have been fighting all the way since the state war.

Every time I can take a breath, the war starts again, and the brothers in the alliance are also tired.

Leader Baipao: The fortress group of Qunying Pavilion in Yuzhou is basically gone, but these grandsons ran really far.

I am still near Chenjun today. Discovering their land is really a treat.

Official Glass: The main reason is that after playing for a long time, the execution ability is gone.

Commander King: Actually, there is another point, that is, we do not have fresh blood to replenish it, which makes the alliance lose its vitality and competitiveness. Many people have begun to retire and live fish.

Deputy leader Dugu: Didn’t we take the city of Jingzhou? , absorb a wave of their people.

Commander King: Yes, in addition, Jingzhou has set up a fortress group in Chibi. Although I have asked the second alliance to defend it, we still need to pay more attention.

Deputy leader Dugu: It's okay. We have a fortress group in Shangcai near Chibi. The second alliance really can't hold it. We can support it at any time.

Commander King: Since you said that everyone is a little tired, let’s take a day off and let them attack the copycats. However, the people who have fallen into Mo Xiaoyao will continue. Even if they cannot be defeated, they will have to move to the city once.

Deputy leader Dugu: OK. ���

Qingzhou, Qingyi Building Management Channel.

Deputy Alliance Leader Green Snake: Junlin has already reached the mainland of Jingzhou and taken Huarong City. Qunying Pavilion has collapsed. Why is there still no movement in Yizhou Storm? .

The official was mysterious and funny: If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. If we don't move, how can Yizhou dare to act rashly?

Alliance leader Qing Yi: Although Yizhou may have concerns in this regard, don't put gold on your face.

Officials Jiangshan: People with picturesque Jiangshan said that Yizhou Fengyu set up fortress groups at the two resource state checkpoints in Yongzhou.

The original intention of the officials: It was obviously to prevent us.

Official's butcher's knife: Then what should we do next? .

Alliance leader Qing Yi: Just wait and see what happens. Let everyone attack the copycat with peace of mind during the two days on the weekend. However, don’t miss out on the task of dividing the city into groups every day.

Commander Shazhu Dao: Then should we surround the state capital first? It’s almost time to fight anyway.

Leader Qing Yi: Yes. ���

Many women say that men who work hard are the most handsome. Ning Xiu thinks this sentence is very appropriate.

At this time, he was sitting in front of the computer seriously, controlling the main force of his five teams, and creating copycats everywhere.

The time has come to Monday, it is now 14:00 in the afternoon, and there are still 4 hours before the copycat disappears.

At this last moment, Ning Xiu decided to take a sprint to achieve a new high in performance, successfully achieving the goal of earning 5 million yuan during weekends.

The main force of the fifth team, apart from wasting physical strength by mobilizing troops, Ning Xiu can be said to be very careful with their calculations.

With full power and staying up all night, the copycat refreshed from Saturday to Sunday afternoon, and more than 2 million copper coins were sold.

According to his calculations, by the time the copycat disappears today, he will be able to earn almost this amount.

If you include the taxes paid in the past few days, you can withdraw 6 million in less than 3 days, which is a very fast way to make money.

"Tsk! Life is all about having goals. Now that the Choppers are also very popular, it's time to set a new goal for yourself."

"Destroy Yangzhou and Qingzhou and become a conquest alliance? This goal is already there, but it doesn't count."

"Occupying the entire city of Luoyang? Yes, yes, you can have this."

"Well, the cities of other state capitals cannot be spared either."

Many book friends asked me when it will be put on the shelves. I will reply uniformly, next week on Friday, which is May 8th.

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