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Chapter 121 Fate: Indescribable

Chapter 121 A wonderful fate

At 8:40 in the morning, the Manhong Chopper Team successfully arrived at the Yuzhou battlefield.

Ning Xiu was not in a hurry to attack, even though he was close to level 45 with a full red top and matched the chopper team.

Even if you encounter an archer, unless you are very dark-faced and have a control skill, and you want to do a wave of self-defeating feats, it is still a basic operation to penetrate several of them.

But he has always been a person who likes to consider everything carefully and make decisions before moving.

Therefore, if you want to bring out the strength of the Choppers and maximize their benefits, it is undoubtedly the most cost-effective way to look at the alliance battle reports and eat infantry.

Unit restraint in Leading the Three Kingdoms is very important. Even Shu Bu, who is said to be invincible in one season, will be embarrassed once he encounters a cavalry of the same level, except of course his face.

This is also the reason why the Three Kingdoms of Tutu, despite being irritable and kryptonite, has been popular for a long time and has become more and more popular.

When you occasionally use your own hot chicken team, or the black technology team you developed, to defeat the main force of local tycoon players.

The sour feeling from the inside out is wonderful, and this kind of battle report can make you brag for a long time.

"It's just you."

After looking through the alliance battle reports for a while, Ning Xiu effortlessly found a team of Shubu stationed in Yangzhou Junlin from the battle reports. He immediately clicked the mouse and operated the chopper team to go straight to the target.

As the top combat force of the alliance, due to physical limitations, Ning Xiu must ensure that his main team can hit every target without miss, so that he can effectively help the alliance win. -

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Alliance Channel.

Shenzui Tingfeng: [945X808] Damn it! Mr. Ning came to my place, asking for support.

Mr. Ma: Mr. Ning is here? , look at the speed of the cavalry, what team are you in?

Indulge in listening to the wind: low match Shu Bu.

Plum Blossoms Are Easy to Count: Then just withdraw. His cavalry can't demolish your fortress anyway.

Zui Tingfeng: OK.

Mr. Ma: Next time you see Mr. Ning’s team, tell me quickly and I will hammer him. ���


"Run away?" When the time on the march countdown reached zero.

Ning Xiu clicked on the battle report and saw that Shu Bu, who was stationed before, had long disappeared, and there were no other teams stationed. His trip was empty.

He was not surprised by this. After all, this was not the first time they had fought against Yangzhou. The opponent also knew his strength very well. If he didn't run away from him, would he be waiting to be beaten?

After sending the Chopper team back to the fortress in seconds, he clicked on the battle report again, found another Shubu team stationed there, and shot out.

He didn't believe that all the garrison members on the opposite side were online.

What is the purpose of charging money? It’s not just to show off and experience the pleasure of being a boss.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the main high-combat force with full strength will first charge a few waves to earn martial arts. Only when they are really busy will they choose to garrison the mixed martial arts.

Of course, nothing is absolute, but Ning Xiu wants to take this chance. He doesn't believe that he will miss every time. ���

Yangzhou Junlin Tianxia Alliance Channel.

Chenzui Tingfeng: [944X805] Mr. Ning has shot out again. Judging from the speed, he is still a cavalryman.

Mr. Ma: I’m on board.

After replying on the alliance channel, Mr. Ma, who was sitting in front of the computer, lit a cigarette, with a solemn expression on his face, staring intently at the French Sword team he was stationed at.

"I'm so nervous, Hammer. He's a cavalryman and I'm an archer. Why don't I just eat him like a street boy without any damage?"

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

When he saw Mr. Ning's team approaching the direction where he was stationed second by second, Mr. Ma stopped smoking unconsciously.

"Dang!" When the countdown to the march reached zero, and the special effects of swords and swords appeared, a battle report popped up on his game interface.

"Is it a tie? It looks like the teams have changed."

Because he had no vision, Ning Xiu didn't know that it was Mr. Ma who came to guard.

So when he clicked on the battle report and saw the opponent's level 47 red magic sword team, there was a touch of surprise on his face.

"Tsk tsk! This guy is really getting harder and harder to deal with. Fortunately, the loss is not big."

There is not much difference in the level of troops between the two sides, but under the premise that the arms are incompatible, Ning Xiu's Manhong Chopper Team is undoubtedly at a disadvantage, with only a little over 10,000 troops left out of 25,000.

However, Mr. Ma's Manhong Magic Sword had a hard time with it. Of the 26,000 troops, 10,000 were killed by his kitchen knife, leaving 16,000 left.

Overall, although Ning Xiu suffered a loss, the result was acceptable.

Ning Xiu can accept it, but that doesn't mean Master Ma can accept it. As the saying goes, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

In his script, this wave must have directly eaten Ning Xiu's kitchen knife, and even his own battle damage would not be too great, but he did forget that there is another name for the Three Kingdoms, the Three Kingdoms.

"Damn it, I never get anything right when I meet this guy."

He uttered a weak word, and seeing Ning Xiu sending the team back in seconds, Mr. Ma also sent his magic sword back to the fortress in seconds.

What he didn't expect was that Ning Xiu actually sent him an email.

Benefit: We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail] Vice leader Ning Gongzi: Okay, Lao Ma, there is progress.

Yang: Jun Lin Tian Xia [Email] Official Ma Gongzi: Just so so, I just got online and saw you, so I came to say hello.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Tsk! You're just pretending, I've read a lot of your battle reports in the alliance battle reports. Is there another Mr. Ma in your alliance? .

[E-mail] Mr. Ma: Do you know how to chat? I’ll tell you that you’ll be annoying if you do this.

[Email] Mr. Ning: I don’t expect you to like me either.

[Email] Mr. Ma: You are so shameless. Damn it.

[Email] Mr. Ning: Thank you for the compliment. Have you ever thought of coming over to my place? Look how similar our names are. This is fate.

[Email] Mr. Ma: Alas! To be honest, the current situation in King's Landing is indeed not good.

But let’s forget it and wait until Junlin is really gone.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Okay, let’s settle it then. I’ll wait for you.

[E-mail] Mr. Ma:. ���

Qing: Qingyi Tower [Email] Leader Qingyi: Is Brother Wang here? .

When the king received the email from Qingzhou Alliance Leader Qing Yi, there was no surprise on his face.

He knew very well that Yizhou's movement would definitely arouse Qingzhou's sensitive nerves, not to mention that even if the other party didn't look for him, he would still look for him.

After all, Yizhou is now powerful, and Yangzhou and Qingzhou must work together to deal with the situation.

Yang: Jun Lin Tian Xia [E-mail] Commander Jun: Yes.

[E-mail] Qingyi: You must know why I came to see you, so I won’t say any more nonsense.

Hold on, we will parachute into Bingzhou tomorrow, and then directly attack the home base of Yongzhou where we have been together through thick and thin.

[Email] King: Tomorrow?

[Email] Qingyi: Yes, after all, I didn’t expect that Yizhou Fengyu would move so quickly, and actually use the airport to fly into your Yuzhou.

It will take time for us to arrange the airport, but don't worry, we will definitely be able to participate in the war tomorrow night.

[Email] King: Alas! We didn't expect that Yizhou would be attacked by airborne troops at night.

You must act quickly, there are already discordant voices in the alliance.

Some people in the management team have the intention of surrendering to the Yizhou storm. It’s so difficult for me.

[Email] Tsing Yi: Brother, hold on, we are trying to speed up, you must resist.

[Email] King: Well, I will try my best to control the situation in the alliance. You should speed up.

come on!

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