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Chapter 144 Someone is coming from the next area

7 a.m., Yizhou Welfare Alliance channel.

Bi Fang: [758X854] Hurry up and take over, and we will reach the fortress group in front of Yanjin Pass in Qingzhou within a few blocks.

Salted Egg Superman: It’s coming, it’s coming.

Ma Xiaobu: Damn it, why can’t we afford a fortress in this section of Qingzhou? I’m sorry.

Soy Sauce: The speed of building the fortress is not as fast as ours can demolish it. How about you? [picking nose].

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: When they built the fortress yesterday, the names of the fortresses were not written in a row with Ling Duo [covering her mouth and laughing].

Wu Zhuangyuan: Even if we have many orders, we can't hold up the fortress all the time. If we add the main force, we may not be able to keep up with the pace.

Glass: The No. 1 pick started so early? .

Wu Zhuangyuan: [covering his mouth and laughing] I just passed it when I went to bed last night.

It is estimated that our Liver Emperor will be able to set up shop this morning. If I don't get up early to earn a few monthly passes, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get in if there are too many people waiting.

Meow-chan: [Crying] You guys are too cruel. It took me 2 days to demolish 6 forts, but I failed every time.

Shangguan Yingjun: There is no way, there are more wolves and less meat, and some are quick but others are slow. -

In two days on the weekend, Qingyi Tower's defense line in Sili was completely shattered.

Encouraged by Ning Xiu's various benefits, the entire Yizhou Friendship Team members completely let themselves go. As long as they saw the stronghold of the Qingyi Tower members, they would pounce on them without hesitation.

At first, Tsing Yi Building could barely resist, and emails from the management to encourage morale came one after another like snowflakes.

But as time went by, most members of the Tsing Yi House couldn't bear it any longer, and they started to take advantage of it.

Tsing Yi Building Alliance Channel.

Butcher's Knife: Yizhou Fengyu's people are coming over. If anyone has troops in the fortress, check it out. My team is on the way.

Butcher's Knife: [Question Mark Face] Is no one here? .

Zui Sheng Meng Si: I'm here for demolition, I'll get stuck.

Butcher Knife: Yeah.

Looking at the deserted alliance channel, Shazhudao sighed in his heart.

He knew that the situation in Qingyi Tower was over. If it was just that it was weak and couldn't fight through thick and thin, there would still be remedies. But if the mentality collapsed and people's hearts dispersed, then there would really be no way to save the day.

"I don't know what Qing Yi and the others are thinking. I feel tired." -

8 o'clock in the morning, Yi: We are in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail] Commander's first love: [750X864] The brothers who are online in Yanjin quickly mobilize troops to demolish the Qingzhou fortress.

Immediately after occupying the land, we built a fortress. Before night, I wanted to see the fortress group taking shape.

Through thick and thin management channel.

Commander's First Love: The night owls in our alliance are so cruel. As soon as I woke up, I went straight to Yanjin.

Official Emperor: Ugh! In fact, I didn't sleep all night, helping to pave the road and demolish the fortress.

Commander’s first love: I’m envious. If I hadn’t been afraid of failing the exam, I would have stayed up late these past two days.

Official Wei Wuxian: There is no use staying up late. Our alliance is full of wolves. I stayed up late for two days on weekends and demolished less than 10 fortresses. Each time I failed. This is vicious competition. I want to report.

Alliance Leader Liuyuan Grand Governor: [picking his nose] You are so early.

Official Gangster: Morning.

Commander Chu Lian: By the way, Qingzhou hasn’t contacted us yet? .

Now that we are in this situation, what are they insisting on? .

Alliance Leader Liuyuan Grand Governor: No, I originally thought that they would come to communicate with me after they collapsed yesterday, but I didn’t expect that they haven’t come yet.

Commander's First Love: Qingzhou still has some strength, and there are many high-level battles.

We can't beat them too hard, otherwise the more people give up, the more we will lose the combat power of our district.

Official Lao Niu Peng Di: I also think it’s almost time to talk.

Alliance Leader Liuyuan Grand Governor: Okay, let me ask Lao Ning what he means later. After all, this matter still requires his nod.

Vice-leader Mr. Ning: [picking his nose] You can go talk and see what the other side’s attitude is first.

Alliance leader Liuyuan Grand Governor: Damn it! Are you peeking at the screen again? .

Vice-leader Ning Gongzi: I won’t say anymore. I will continue to build copycats. When the time comes, you can just email me directly.

Alliance Leader Liuyuan Grand Governor: Peeping Tom, bah! . -

Qing: Qingyi Tower [Mail] Commander Shazhu Dao: [749X865] Brothers on the line, quickly mobilize troops to garrison the fortress, the wind and rain in Yizhou are pushing over.

Tsing Yi Building Management Channel.

Commander Shazhu Dao: I am also convinced. The execution ability of our alliance has completely collapsed.

I sent N emails this morning, and only a few people responded. Are they really all online? I really don't believe it.

The original intention of the official: Alas! The mentality of many brothers in the alliance must have collapsed. After all, they have been chased and beaten by Yizhou Wind and Rain in the past two days.

Commander Shazhu Dao: If we can't beat him, then let's talk. What's the point of dragging us? I really don't know what Qing Yi and the others are thinking.

Official Black Cavalry: I don't care. You can fight or negotiate. You can do whatever you want.

Official Jiangshan: Qingyi should have his own considerations, so there is no need to worry. -

Silently turning off the management channel, Qing Yi, the leader of Qing Yi Tower, slid the game interface and moved the screen to the front of Yanjin Pass.

Seeing more and more red lines appearing and beginning to dismantle the fortresses of alliance members, with very few resisters, my heart suddenly became cold.

"Phew! In that case, let's talk."

After moving the map to Luoyang, the capital of the country, and looking at the Yizhou Wind and Rain Fortresses surrounding it like iron bridges, Qing Yi sighed with some decadence and reluctance, and made a decision in his heart.

Benefit: We are in the same boat through thick and thin [email] Alliance leader Liuyuan Grand Governor: Are you here, brother? [smile].

What Qing Yi didn't expect was that as soon as he made his decision, he received an email from the leader of the Yizhou Friendship Alliance, the Grand Governor of Liuyuan.

This made him feel relieved. At least he had finally achieved something he had been insisting on.

Qing: Qingyi Tower [Email] Leader Qingyi: Yes.

"Reply so quickly? It seems that this brother has been waiting for me to come to him for a long time."

Seeing that the other party responded to his email instantly, Liu Yuan was slightly startled, and then chuckled and stated his purpose.

[Email] Governor Liuyuan: I admire the resilience of the Qingyilou brothers, but you should also understand the current situation, brother.

If we continue to fight, it will only waste our district’s vitality.

The purpose of our integration is to lead the brothers in District 1500 to have a better gaming experience next season, so I hope that the brothers can focus on the overall situation.

[Email] Qingyi: Well, I understand what you said. We agree to the integration. What are the conditions? .

[Mail] Six Yuan Grand Governor: 70 conquest quotas, 2 official positions.

"70 places?."

Qing Yi frowned when he saw the conditions offered by Yizhou Fengyu. This was more than what he expected.

In his mind, even if the Tsing Yi Building could not get 100 places, it would still have to get at least 90 places, and only two official positions were given, which was really too few.

[Email] Tsing Yi: 70 places? Brother, are you kidding me? Our Qingyi Building is a combination of the three states of Youji and Qingzhou.

You gave 70 quotas, which equals about 20 quotas for each state? .

[E-mail] The Six-Yuan Grand Governor: 70 is not a lot. The Conquest League needs elites, not bastards who are just trying to make ends meet.

Brother, you should know the situation of your alliance. You can count and see if there are that many active members who are not paddling.

Of course Qing Yi understands the situation in his league. During the fight with Yizhou Fengyu, there were less than two regiments who were really active.

The rest are all bastards who are just trying to make ends meet. This can be seen from the most intuitive martial arts.

As a veteran player who led the Three Kingdoms, he has also been a gangster, so he knows nothing about the salty fish party.

It's just a reckless move to conscript soldiers. Not only do they have military honors, but they can also use conscription as an excuse to lie down.

But knowing is one thing, being able to accept it is another. What's more, apart from the quota, he is not satisfied with the number of officials Feng Yu has given him.

[Email] Tsing Yi: Of course I know the situation in our alliance. There are at least 150 active members.

Therefore, we need at least 90 places, and the official position of 2 is too few, not enough points at all.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: Let me tell you the truth, this is the number of Yangzhou and our integration, and there are only two officials. If you don’t believe it, you can go and ask.

"Yangzhou Junlin only got 70 places? Shabi."

Qing Yi believes that the other party will not lie to him, because this kind of thing is not a secret, and he will know it after a little inquiry.

[Email] Tsing Yi: Our Tsing Yi building is willing to accept the integration, but the prerequisite is that there are at least 90 conquest quotas, 3 official positions, and we must take three separate kingdoms.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: Let’s not talk about anything else. If you want the Three Separatists, just play a friendly match with Yangzhou Junlin. Whoever wins the Three Separatists will get it.

[E-mail] Qingyi: Yangzhou Junlin is fighting for three separate kingdoms with us? Who is that separatist group? .

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: You don’t need to care about this brother.

[Email] Qingyi: Okay, let’s do this first.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: Okay, your management has discussed it, and you can email me. -

"What a huge appetite. Bingzhou has been disbanded, so we definitely won't be able to get a place.

The two prefectures of Liangjing and Liangjing together probably equal our number.

The remaining 170 or so quotas, plus quotas for a separate regime and a number of officials, are all for you, Yizhou Fengyu? You really have taken advantage of everything. "

After closing the email, Qing Yi sneered with a gloomy face. He was very dissatisfied with Yizhou Fengyu's actions, and an unknown fire gradually rose in his heart.

In the Opposition [E-mail] Beiqiang: Is my brother here? .

At this time, a strange email jumped out of the game interface.

After Qing Yi opened the email, she frowned at the unfamiliar name.

Qing: Qingyi Tower [Email] Leader Qingyi: Is something wrong? .

In the wild [email] Beiqiang: [smile] I have something to ask my brother, can we penguins talk? .

Qing: Qingyi Tower [Email] Leader Qingyi: What are you talking about? Who are you? .

In the wild [mail] Beiqiang: The neighbor next door [Qiya].

"Next door neighbor?"

After receiving the other party's reply, Qing Yi instantly understood the other party's identity, and then replied after a moment of silence with a flashing look on his face: "Okay."

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