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Chapter 159 Returning Small Group

Mo丨Demo Guyan management channel.

Leader of the Three Thousand Battalion: I overturned [crying].

Deputy leader Geng Xin: No, [dumbfounded].

Commander Moye: You deserve it. Whoever asked you to expand by 2000 will open a level 4 land [cover your mouth and laugh].

The official silently said: If you use a honey trap to open up wasteland, you can still give it a try. You, Lu Meng Mamei, opened 4 in 2000, just to give away food.

Officials depend on their reputation: Yi Meng's strength is quite good. If Gengxin hadn't dominated the rankings, they would have dominated the rankings.

Deputy leader Geng Xin: It doesn’t make any sense whether to suppress them or not. I looked at the top 100 and found that they account for more than half of them. Their overall strength is really strong. With the return group in hand, it’s difficult to fight.

Commander Mo Xie: The quality of the returning group this time is just that. There are only a few high-red scenes, so it’s not a big concern if they don’t have enough red.

The official said silently: Why are you so swollen? It sounds like you are blushing [contempt].

Leader of the Three Thousand Battalion: Fortunately, we have Mr. Geng Xin and you this time, otherwise our district wouldn’t even have a single Man Hong [poor].

Deputy leader Geng Xin: The role of full red and high red in S2 is no longer so obvious. Apart from being used as a sharp knife to attack difficulties, it is actually just that.

Don't overestimate a few of us. When we finally develop, it still depends on the overall number of survivors and resilience.

Leader of the Three Thousand Battalion: Having said that, the joining of your small group has indeed improved the high-level combat strength of our district, so that we will not be beaten by the other two districts in this regard.

Deputy leader Geng Xin: The high war is actually only one aspect. The Yi League is strong and has a returning group. It is a very correct decision to form an alliance with the Luo League in District 99.

However, although they are forming an alliance, they cannot follow Luo Meng's script. Judging from the arrival of District 1500 in Qingzhou, their primary target of attack is the territory of District 99 of Xuzhou.

The first shot is the first to win. Because of this, we should continue to develop in a low-key manner. Later, I will gradually slow down the pace of land reclamation and try not to attract the attention of both sides.

Only when they stand head-to-head and start a real fire, can we look for opportunities to make profits and take advantage of the opportunity to rise.

Otherwise, even if we join forces with District 99 to defeat District 1500, we will still be just a subsidiary in the end.

Leader of the Three Thousand Battalion: Well, I'm afraid that District 99 can't withstand the pressure of District 1500. After all, there are many high-fighting bosses and return groups on the opposite side. If they fail, we won't be able to reap the benefits.

Deputy leader Geng Xin: Of course I know this. We are just reducing our presence, not not helping.

Grasping the rhythm, which can not only weaken the strength of the Luo Meng, but also bring down the Yi Meng, is our ultimate goal. Before then, the only way is to develop insignificantly.

Alliance Leader Three Thousand Camp: Okay [smile]. -

17:00, Qing: Yi丨Staying Together Alliance Channel.

Nine: [Battle Report] Open 4 with basically no damage. When you upgrade to a level, when you reach 3800 troops, you will explore the way and try to open 5 [cover your mouth and laugh].

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: I’m envious. It’s so comfortable to open a land in Beauty Trap. My Ma Mei and Lu Meng still can’t open a level 4 land [Crying] with low damage.

The Six-Yuan Grand Governor: [Battle Report] I also opened 4 [Pick your nose].

Ma Xiaobu: [Covering his mouth and laughing] Finally, it’s over, leader.

Diao Chan: Something happened when I opened the zone, and I have just opened 4 [Ghost] now.

The battle never ends: I also have to prepare for the 5th opening, and strive to successfully open the 5th level within 8 hours of opening the server.

Mr. Ma: That guy Lao Ning didn’t come out to chat, so he won’t be overturned.

System: Congratulations to player Ning Gongzi for successfully occupying level 5 land for the first time.

Mr. Ma: Damn it! Is Lao Ning opening 5 now? .

Nine: As expected of Boss Ning, he actually opened 5 before the first and second list.

First Love: Please give me a battle report and watch it. -

Level 5 land is a qualitative leap. As long as you can win level 5 land during the land reclamation period, it means that you have officially entered the take-off stage.

In order to ensure that he would not overturn, Ning Xiu made a lot of preparations before setting off to level 5. Naturally, the first step was to explore the path and choose the simplest defender lineup.

The level 5 land lineup in the S2 season has changed a lot. This change is not about the strength of the troops, but about the defending generals and tactical skills.

Starting with 4-star tactics and 4-star generals, many high-level warriors who are confident in pioneering and not exploring the path have their heads broken.

Among these defenders, the 4-star Zhu Jun team, 4-star Guo Jia team, 4-star Gan Ning team and 4-star Pang De team are the most difficult.

Even if the general is full of red and full of tactics, you still need to take a detour when you see him before his level and troop strength are up.

Because these teams all have a common characteristic, which is to strike first and gain insight.

Go first so that they can launch the attack first and consume a wave of your land reclamation team that is already small in strength.

Even if you bring the battle-defying gold, what about this cowardly fighting method? In the insight state, others will not be affected and continue to fuck you. They will blast you with absolute strength advantage and leave you lying dead.

There are 8 level 5 lands around the main city of Ningxiu. He is very lucky.

Except for a piece of level 5 grain that belongs to Zhu Jun's defenders, most of them are defenders of normal difficulty. He even found a team. Players recognized it as one of the simplest defenders, Queen Mu's team.

In the S2 season, the two teams of Level 5 Queen Mu and Queen Guo are recognized as the simplest defenders.

Because most of their skills are blood-increasing and recovery skills, when Ning Xiu explored the road, he found that there was actually a piece of level 5 wood guarding him at the door of his house.

He was still a little hesitant about whether to attack Level 5, but he immediately acted recklessly.

At this time, through the development of attacking level 4 lands, Ning Xiu's land reclamation team, forward Zhen Luo and Daying Guan Yinping have reached level 12.

Lu Ji, who went into battle next, had also reached level 10, with a total strength of 3,400. Facing a garrison with 9,500 troops, he was both looking forward to it and a little frustrated.

"Phew! Although the battle damage was high, we finally won it."

Glancing at the nearly 1,000 battle losses after recovering from wounded soldiers, Ning Xiu revealed a smile.

After returning the team to the main city to recruit troops in seconds, he continued to control Zhu Jun, leading Lu Meng, Lu Wei and Zhou Yu to take turns to upgrade.

Naturally, Ning Xiu had heard of rumors about some big bosses successfully launching a 5 attack with less than 3,000 troops.

But Leng Nuan knew that if he didn't care about the battle losses, he could try it, but he would blindly pursue the limit. Everyone would be happy if he succeeded, and he would be autistic and lay dead after failure.

Every resource in the land reclamation period is very important, which is why he keeps dragging the 4-star Zhu Jun into the ground and does not recruit 3-star players for the second team.

Qing: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [Email] Official Ma Gongzi: [Pick your nose] The battle report is sent to the alliance, everyone wants to see it. -

Qing: Yi丨Staying Together Alliance Channel.

Mr. Ning: [Battle Report], there is actually nothing interesting to see. If you don’t care about the battle losses and want to play to the extreme, you can still open it.

Nine: Awesome, you dare to open 5 for 3400, boss, this is full of tactics, right? .

Mr. Ning: Well, except for the beauty trap, everything is full.

Ranghan: I also want to open 5.

Mr. Ning: How many soldiers are there and what is the lineup?

Reckless Man: Beauty Trap, 3200.

Mr. Ning: Let’s upgrade the generals two more levels, and remember to explore the path.

Wild Man: Okay.

Governor Liuyuan: Alas! It’s really shocking. I can’t get rid of 4 battle damage now, so Lao Ning opened 5. I decided to retreat to the countryside [Ghost].

Mr. Ning: Don’t be shy, hurry up and clean the floor. -

System: Congratulations to the player Suiyou for successfully occupying level 5 land for the first time.

System: Congratulations to player Gengxin for successfully occupying level 5 land for the first time.

Not long after Ning Xiu won the level 5 land, the two guys who were suppressing him on the ranking list also successfully opened level 5 respectively, kicking him off the first place on the list.

"Interesting, it seems there are quite a few big guys."

After successfully opening 5, Ning Xiu's next time will not be so tight.

So he leaned back on his chair, clicked on the recruitment interface, and prepared to collect all the collection of tactics.

Collection tactics are rare tactics that appeared after the S2 season. Like them, there are also classic tactics that only appeared in the S3 season.

These two tactics are different from the tactics that players can obtain by dismantling military commanders. They require players to collect all the required military commander cards before they can redeem them.

There are a total of 9 collection strategies in the S2 season. Each collection strategy corresponds to the plot in the Three Kingdoms novel. It is very suitable for the situation, and of course it is also very expensive.

For example, many players are familiar with the Taoyuan sworn alliance, which has been made into a collection of tactics by the Three Kingdoms.

To obtain it, you need to consume a 5-star Shu Liu Bei, a 4-star Shu Zhang Fei and a 4-star Shu Guan Yu.

Two 4-star generals don't matter, even civilian players are not lacking, but directly using 5-star Liu Bei as materials to exchange tactics is very cheating.

I would like to ask, apart from the krypton gold bosses, how many ordinary players have 5-star Liu Bei in the S2 season? .

It was completely too luxurious to finally draw one and exchange it for tactics. So in fact, from the beginning, these tactics were not prepared for civilian players.

After Ning Xiu spent some time, he exchanged the nine collections of tactics for Dangyang Bridge, Alone Savior, Renzhong Lu Bu, Sishui Pass and Taoyuan Stakeholder respectively.

He did not redeem the remaining Fengyiting, Dingzu Jiangdong, Xiongxiong and Wei Zhen Xiaoyaojin.

It's not that he doesn't want to exchange it, but because of these collections of tactics, the 4-star generals he needs are out of cards.

Thinking of him as a monthly card party who started at 128, how could he have had the opportunity to come into contact with these collections of tactics before.

Coupled with the fact that I keep drawing cards, I won't even think about it, leaving the corresponding 4-star general.

But it's not too late now, just pay attention next, these collection tactics will not disappear anyway, even if you wait until needed to redeem them, it will not affect anything. -

Time passed, and as the first level 5 land was taken, Ning Xiu took off.

In the following time, he would successfully capture a level 5 land every once in a while, and as the level of military commanders increased and his troops increased, the intervals between them would become shorter and shorter.

It wasn't until around 2 o'clock in the morning that he finished the last level 5 land. When the soldiers went offline to sleep, his main land reclamation team had reached level 17 and was not far away from awakening.

His influence value has reached more than 2200, ranking second. The first place is Yangzhou Suiyou, but the former first place Liangzhou Gengxin has dropped to fifth place.

"The soldiers go to bed and get up early tomorrow to fight again."

After glancing at his team's physical strength, Ning Xiu calculated the recovery time, set the alarm clock, and then went offline to sleep.

Honesty is valuable, and life is even more valuable. As a man with a net worth of hundreds of millions, he does not want to be sacrificed.

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