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Chapter 17 Entering the village secretly

Coordinates: 740X53

Time: 2:30 am.

Characters: The beheading team through thick and thin, Ning Gongzi, Liuyuan Governor, Xuanyuan Jingcheng, Super Mario, Shangguan Yingjun, Ma Xiaobu, Chu Lian.

With all members of the beheading team in place, Ning Xiu watched for a moment near the main city where they were drinking and discussing swords, and then said in the management channel.

"Next to the main city of Cooking Wine and Discussing Swords, there are two level 5 lands that are still free from combat, which proves that he is still online within an hour.

Shangguan Yingjun, you first use the cavalry to pave the way to level 4 in the direction of his main city to test it out.

Shangguan Yingjun: I understand.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: The route should not be too direct. You can send a troop and lay it in another direction, pretending to be paving the road and laying the ground.

Shangguan Yingjun: Got it, bosses.

The main city of Cooking Wine Discussing Swords and Shangguan Yingjun are 11 blocks apart. With such a short distance, the land surrounding both sides has long been bordered.

The surrounding level 5 lands have all been captured by Bojiu Discussing Swords, but many level 3 lands have been abandoned and occupied by Shangguan Yingjun.

The nearest level 3 land is only 5 blocks away from the main city of Cooking Wine and Discussing Swords.

Shangguan Yingjun is obviously well prepared, with two red 3-star cavalry generals and a speed of up to 130 points.

Three minutes after dispatching troops from the main city, the task of paving the road was successfully completed. At this time, there were still 4 blocks away from the main city of Cooking Wine and Discussing Swords.

Ning Gongzi: The opponent is not online. Quickly defeat my paving team to relay.

Governor Liuyuan: Okay, it’s up to you two to pave the way.

First love: hammer him.

There is a field of view setting in the Three Kingdoms. When a non-alliance member approaches the player's main city, branch city or fortress, a warning sound will be sounded.

On the game interface, red enemy player troop icons will also appear.

The player's main city has a 5-block field of vision, so if you are drinking and discussing swords online.

When Shangguan's handsome cavalry entered his field of vision, he might have already been discovered, and the cavalry was sent to defend them.

At the same time that Shangguan Yingjun's cavalry returned, Ning Xiu immediately sent out his paving team to relay. The cavalry with a speed of 150 points reached the destination in less than 3 minutes.

Mr. Ning: Get ready. When we reach the main city, whoever has the fastest demolition speed and a demolition value of 100 will win the city first.

Ma Xiaobu: Leave it to me. I have a level 10 full red 3-star demolition with a speed of 76 points.

First Love: Damn it, you are practicing demolition now, my demolition is still at level 5.

Ma Xiaobu: Hehe! There is no other way, the military commander is not good, so I just play demolition. Please call me the demolition boss from now on.

The Six-Yuan Grand Governor: Big Boss Niu Pikras.

Three minutes later, Ning Xiu's cavalry successfully occupied the area. At this time, they were only 3 blocks away from the main city where they were drinking and discussing swords.

Mr. Ning: You don’t have to do it handsomely, I’ll get back to you in a second.

The moment the occupation was successful, Ning Xiu spent 20 jade talismans to get the team back in seconds, and then immediately sent the cavalry team out again.

Next, Ning Xiu replied a total of 3 times within 12 minutes.

After successfully occupying the first-level land bordering the main city of Cooking Wine and Discussing Swords, he immediately ordered: "Xiaobu, go ahead and demolish."

Ma Xiaobu: We’ve already set off, I’m just holding on tight.

Ning Gongzi: Others are ready. When Xiaobu takes over the city, I will go on the first wave. Your own main force will carry out the demolition in seconds.

At the end of the first wave, all the jade will be used to recover in seconds, and the alliance leader will be reimbursed upon completion.

Governor Liu Yuan: No problem, reimbursement will be reimbursed.

Super Mario: Ambitious, I like to follow such a boss.

First Love: You guys have obviously carried guns together, but a brother in the trenches insists on being stained with the smell of copper.

First Love: But it smells so good.

Ma Xiaobu's demolition speed is 76 points. It takes nearly 9 minutes to set off from the fortress and reach the city where people are drinking and discussing swords.

During this period, although the members of the beheading team were noisy, everyone was actually a little nervous. ���

The player Bei Lehu is an old and new guy who leads the Three Kingdoms.

The so-called old and new players are players who, although they have been exposed to the Three Kingdoms for a long time, have been changing zones frequently and struggling in the S1 season.

There are many and varied reasons for this type of player to accept Gun in the first place.

There are players who have lost their mentality because they spent 648 and failed to produce good generals. They want to change the area and challenge the God of Chicken and Donkey again.

There are also players who failed to open up the land and failed to develop, or whose alliance was defeated and had to change zones.

But no matter what the reason was in the beginning, being a player has become a habit.

No matter how well developed they are, they will always be happy to move to a new area. This type of player is the so-called old and new player.

As a newbie, Beilehu has his own set of metaphysical card drawing methods.

That means getting up from 3 to 5 o'clock in the middle of the night and going to the toilet at home to draw the card.

"Oh! It's a new day, starting with the daily match 3." After drawing the free half price, Beilehu sighed, then clicked on the main city, preparing to sweep a few level 4 lands before going to bed.

But when he accidentally glanced at the red land next to his alliance leader's main city, his heart beat faster and he shouted: "Damn it, someone stole the chicken in the middle of the night."

Although the moment he saw the red ground, Bei Lehu had some suspicions about the person who did it.

But when I clicked on the red spot and found out that we were indeed the same people through thick and thin, I was still heartbroken.

"Ma Dan, leader of the Shabi Alliance, stay awake until midnight."

After complaining angrily, Bei Lehu quickly opened the alliance channel, shared the coordinates and typed: "Is there any management here? Someone stole the alliance leader and quickly found a solution."

Wang Quanquan: Damn it, you are a person who has been in the same boat through thick and thin. Did the leader of the alliance not stick to it?

Shen Dali: If you are close, send the main force to garrison, and others can move quickly, otherwise it will be really bad.

Gangster: I'm here. The brothers online are close. Hurry up and take a long shot. I'll call in the group to see if I can contact the leader.

Wang Quanquan: I'm two counties away. I couldn't help you in the past. Brothers, I'm relying on you.

Mo Jia: Alas! I don’t know how the alliance and Feng Yu negotiated. If it has to be like this, isn’t peace good?

Bei Lehu: Stop talking nonsense and quickly mobilize your troops. I will go to garrison first, hoping to resist the wave.

Shen Dali: It’s up to you, brother. ���

Ma Xiaobu: Bosses, we’ve been spotted on the other side, and someone has come to guard it.

Governor Liu Yuan: It’s okay, a person with 800 power can’t make any trouble.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: Everyone, get ready, fight quickly, don’t delay.

Ning Xiu glanced at the time of the team that came to guard, and then typed: "It's okay, before the other party arrives, Xiaobu's demolition should be able to capture the city, don't worry about it.

Before deciding on this beheading plan, Ning Xiu had observed the alliance members around him. They were all ordinary players who had not yet developed.

If they are discovered before they pave the road, both sides may be able to delay the attack, but now that they have attacked the city, what if the other side is discovered?

Ma Xiaobu: The city is done, come on, Pikachus.

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