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Chapter 188 Flirting with me? satisfy you

World Channel.

[Ning] Ma Xiaobu: I’ll go [question mark face]

[Ning] Zhang Xiaoliu: [605X865] All the brothers in Jizhou are sleeping [picking their noses].

[Secret] Old Chinese medicine doctor: I was secretly detained.

[Tang] Big mackerel: Nice job [covers mouth and laughs].

[Jing] Jing Hua Shui Yue: [Thumb].

[Ji] The sun and the moon are bright:. -

The gangster was woken up by a phone call from the deputy leader Dugu. When he learned that the lonely smoke in the desert in District 98 actually attacked Liyang Pass at night and went straight to Guandu with a clear goal, his head was buzzing.

Losing the Liyang checkpoint is a small problem. After all, Desert Guyan has already broken through the Xiang Kingdom and has already entered Jizhou. So what if there is one more Liyang.

What's important is that the opponent's goal is actually Guandu, the level 7 level of Jiyan.

Where is Yanzhou? It is the resource state of Qingji, the granary of the developed paradise family, and the passage to Sili Luoyang.

Once the opponent successfully breaks through, the consequences will be disastrous.

As the core manager of Wealth Management and the leader of Jizhou, the gangster felt his cheeks were burning at this moment.

He didn't even know how he would face the boss Ning Gongzi who gave him trust and various benefits.

After a moment of silence and taking a few deep breaths to calm down his emotions, the gangster knew that he would definitely take the blame.

The most important thing now is to keep the Desert Desert in District 98 out of Guandu. -

[Ji] Yi丨 Rain or shine [E-mail: Deputy Leader] Dugu: [690X945] Brothers online, build a fortress at speed.

Brothers who are closer to the checkpoint can help pave a section towards the checkpoint.

Ji: Yi丨 rain or shine management channel.

[Leader] Gangster: Can't you contact the brothers next to the level? .

[Deputy Leader] Dugu: Penguin didn’t reply to the email, he must be sleeping at this point [dumbfounded].

[Official] Original Intention: [611X876] Several wild fortresses near the Liyang Pass were taken by their eunuch cars, and they were paving the way quickly. It looked like they were all eight riders.

[Leader] Bandit: Mail, our brothers from Liyang and the fortress quickly mobilized their troops and chased them to the ground.

At the same time, brothers near the road from Li Yang to Guandu must be careful not to be encircled and suppressed, and they must not be allowed to touch Guandu.

[Deputy Leader] Dugu: I have emailed all the emails, but it is only after 5 o'clock. Except for the brothers who fight at night, the other brothers are not online at all [dumbfounded].

[Leader] Bandit: Go all out, and get an alliance flag. The entire alliance will set up a fortress near Guandu.

[Deputy Leader] Dugu: OK. -

One side has made complete preparations, and the other side has no precautions at all. The effect of improvising is minimal.

The goal of the Desert Guyan Night Raid Brigade was clear. Three eunuch cars and a group of eight cavalry members took turns paving the way.

When encountering a savage who could borrow land, he directly used a long-range shot to turn it into an airport. In just over 2 hours, Guandu was already being pushed to the limit.

[Business]: Mo丨 Desert Guyan [E-mail: Taiwei] Mo Xie: [676X914] Everyone in the alliance, quickly build a backup fortress here.

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Jizhou has begun to build the fortress group in Guandu regardless of weather conditions. We will start with the reserve fortress, establish a firm foothold, and then advance step by step, striving to push them away and enter Yanzhou today.

[General Zhenguo] Mo Mo: Their fortresses haven’t risen yet. Let’s continue to pave the road and see if we can pave it before their fortresses gather together.

[Guang Luxun] Emperor Mo: Pave the field fortress in front, and I will take it with a long shot.

[General Zhenguo] Momo: OK. -

"98 night attack on Liyang, the target is Guandu?"

What happened in the early morning, everyone in the same boat did not call to inform Ning Xiu.

After all, he was far away in Qingzhou, and there was nothing he could do to make up for it, so when Ning Xiu came online and learned the news, he was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly understood what he had not thought about yesterday.

【Ning】Yi丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin management channel.

[Taiwei] First Love: I have mailed all the brothers in the alliance and set up a fortress at Gaoyuan, the level 7 level of Qingyan.

The fortress will be ready by noon, but even if we mobilize our troops to break through the pass from Gaoyuan to Yanzhou at noon, and fully pave the road to Guandu, it will still take a day.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: Yes, by that time, the bandits and the others don’t know if they can resist.

What's more, if we retreat to Yanzhou, it will be equivalent to giving up the victory in Yangzhou and giving District 99 a chance to breathe. It will be too difficult.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: District 98 Desert Guyan wants to win Guandu, he must go all out.

Liuyuan, you inform Youzhou Baiyi to attack Desert Guyan's county town in Bingzhou, attracting part of the opponent's main force to relieve the pressure on the fierce bandits.

[Prime Minister] Governor of Liuyuan: OK.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: The Songjiang battlefield and Yangzhou’s defense line of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers have collapsed.

Now the remaining fortresses can't afford any trouble, so the fourth group remains as the main force and continues to push forward.

The others stayed in Sparta and the small demolition team here to help turn over the land and make the people bloom. The other regiments broke through the barrier as soon as the Gaoyuan Fortress was cleared at noon.

For first love, you contact the prefect in the alliance and pave the road to Guandu at full speed after breaking through the barrier. If you can get there before Guandu is broken through in Area 98, each person will get 648.

Even if Desert Guyan breaks through the barrier and comes in, I will be rewarded 328 if he can bite their tail.

[Taiwei] First Love: Okay.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: After the other main regiments destroyed Gaoyuan at noon, they repaired a wave to break through Duyang from Xuzhou and enter Yuzhou at 18:00 in the evening.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: Let’s go in together? .

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: The purpose of their two families is nothing more than to block our way to Sili. Since they want to play in Ziyuan State, can we, as the protagonists, be absent? .

And this is not bad. Yuzhou and Yanzhou are separated by a border. It will be convenient for the brothers to mobilize their troops and attack whomever they want.

[Taiwei] First love: I understand, I will send an email immediately.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: I'm afraid that as soon as our main force withdraws, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers will come back.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: No, let’s not mention that they originally wanted to enter Yuzhou. Even if they didn’t have this intention, they would come to stop us as soon as we entered.

If they want to lead us by the nose, then do as they wish. If you can defeat them once, you can defeat them the second time. If the two families join forces, they can defeat them.

[Guang Luxun] Rough Man: [Smile].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: No problem, just do it to them.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liu Yuan: OK, I will arrange other things. -

Ji: Yi丨 Rain or shine [E-mail: Leader] Gangster: Boss [Embarrassing].

After arranging everything in the management channel, Ning Xiu had just dispatched two cavalrymen to set up fortresses at two checkpoints, when he received an email from the gangsters.

"It's time to pinch it right."

Ning Xiu chuckled lightly, knowing in his heart that it must be a manager who had been in the same boat through thick and thin, tipping him off.

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [Email: Monarch] Mr. Ning: No need to explain.

In this game, no one is online 24 hours a day. No one can stop the other party from breaking through the level in the early morning with premeditated plans. Remember this lesson and pay attention next time.

Ji: Yi丨 Rain or shine [Email: Leader] Gangster: Good [Cold Sweat].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: We will break through Gaoyuan and enter Yanzhou at about noon. Then we will arrange for people to pave the road to Guandu.

You try your best to hold them back. Of course, it's okay if you can't hold them back. When we come, we'll hammer them together.

[E-mail] Gangster: OK.

[Email] Young Master Ning: Come on [Fist].

[E-mail] Gangster: Yeah [Fist]. -

The lonely smoke in the desert in District 98 broke through Liyang and flew to Guandu. It shocked many melon-eating people and at the same time made the management of Yangzhou Wanli Mountains and Rivers breathe a sigh of relief.

The opponent can be said to be their life-saving straw. In their first battle in Yangzhou, when the entire front line collapsed, they completely attracted the firepower. It was simply a brilliant job.

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers Management Channel.

[Taiwei] God: [1300X1227] The red line for staying together through thick and thin has become smaller.

[Prime Minister] Shendu: This is for sure. Damo Guyan intends to use Guandu to enter Yanzhou. It would be strange if there is no response if he stays together through thick and thin.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: Send an email and ask the brothers in the alliance to build a defense line. Don’t let them spread around.

[Prime Minister] Shendu: When will we enter Yuzhou?

[Monarch] It’s up to you: When the airport is ready, let the brothers build a fortress in the enclave first.

Next, we must take advantage of the energy of staying together through thick and thin to be attracted by the lonely smoke in the desert in District 98, and quickly conquer the lost territory, at least push them out of Yangzhou.

[Prime Minister] Shendu: OK. -

You: Yi丨Wind and Rain Management Channel.

Alliance leader Bai Yi: The boss of Liuyuan sent me an email, asking us to use our efforts to contain some of the main forces of Desert Guyan and help the Jizhou brothers share some of the pressure.

Wanfeng informed the brothers that the whole family would go together and rush directly to Xinxing County.

Commander Wanfeng: OK.

Deputy leader: I went to Level 3 City in the morning. Anyone who didn’t see Desert Guyan probably went to Guandu.

Official and old Chinese medicine doctor: The main alliance of District 98 has not achieved much results these days due to the constraints of us and the Jizhou Alliance.

I originally thought that Yizhou came to join the war through the pass, but I didn't expect that their goal was Guandu, which was something.

Alliance leader Bai Yi: So, the Jizhou brothers are under great pressure now. We have to exert our strength. Stop playing with them in Shangai and go directly to Xinxing County.

Commander Wanfeng: You think it’s so easy to rush, and there are quicksands in Bingzhou [Cold Sweat].

Alliance Leader Bai Yi: It’s not that I ignore them, it’s that they really don’t have many people fighting these days.

If it weren't for the main force of Desert Guyan, they would have been destroyed [picking their nose].

Official and old Chinese medicine doctor: It is normal for people’s hearts to be scattered and to have little fighting power. -

And: Mo丨 gathering and dispersing quicksand management channel.

Alliance leader Bi Luo: It's okay to lead the alliance. We can take Li Yang and fly to Guandu. It would be fun if we could enter Yanzhou.

Commander Nishuijun: Screw them, we haven’t developed in the first place, and they killed so many of our brothers when they came.

Deputy Alliance Leader General Protector of the Country: [Can’t laugh or cry].

Commander Ni Shuijun: Yizhou is still comfortable, and the stable farming has now entered the Ziyuan State. As for us, we don’t have any hair, and we are ridiculed every day that we can’t beat Youzhou.

Alliance leader Bi Luo: Then let them retire and let them fight [Ghost].

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