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Chapter 19 All living things

"What a fool. Mud can't hold up the wall."

Wei Wuxian was in a bad mood. He didn't expect that he had already warned him about drinking and discussing swords before, but the other party would be so careless, and someone who was in the same boat through thick and thin would take the opportunity.

As a veteran player of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Wuxian has always started with 128.

Recently, I was beaten down in the old district, so I came to the new district, and met in the preparation group for drinking and discussing swords, and the two formed an alliance to sing and drink.

Players generally sleep late, and Wei Wuxian is no exception.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to reach the top 100 in the power rankings as a one-month member.

Therefore, when a member of Dujiu Dangge found out about the Beheading Team, he immediately received the news.

But whether it was his allies urgently calling for management, or the commander's thugs chatting with him privately on Penguin, he remained silent and pretended to be offline.

It's not that he doesn't want to take care of it, but that he is so well prepared when he sees that we will be together through thick and thin.

When there was a big boss like Mr. Ning among them, he immediately knew that it was too late to provide support.

If the opponent's intentions are discovered early, he can also command the alliance members to wait for time to call in reinforcements.

But now that even the city has been occupied, what is he going to do? Taking the blame?

Some alliance leaders, seeing that they were about to be captured, immediately kicked all members out of the alliance in a wave of operations, hoping to save the alliance members.

Wei Wuxian snorted at this approach. Could it be that these people who were kicked out would come back? too naive.

As an experienced driver, he knew very well that it was not terrible for the alliance leader to be beheaded.

As long as the people in the alliance can be retained, it will be fine. After all, in the game of Tutu, the number of living people is the most important bargaining chip.

He has already made plans. After the entire alliance falls, tomorrow he will ask the people to stand up and pretend to be victims.

They blame each other for being together through thick and thin, and then gather the remaining members to share the same hatred and negotiate bargaining chips with each other.

If they can't reach an agreement in the end, they can sell it for a price, contact alliances in other states, and become a leading party during state wars.

The beheading team didn't know what was going on inside Duijiudangge, and they couldn't even imagine the wishful thinking of the other party's deputy leader.

Mr. Ning: This wave is broken down. Please wait a moment and follow me. Reinforcements are stationed on the opposite side.

Ma Xiaobu: Okay.

Governor Liuyuan: Got it.

At this time, after a wave of demolition by the beheading team, the durability of the main city was already less than 50%, and everyone's team could successfully fall in the previous wave.

After timing the arrival of the garrison on the opposite side and controlling the main force to set off, Ning Xiu immediately said in the management channel: "The entire army will attack."

First Love: The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield.

Shangguan Yingjun: Crush them.

Super Mario: For the Alliance.

Grand Governor of Six Elements: Demacia.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: Liu Yuan, you are showing your age.

When the beheading team, who had stood together through thick and thin, launched the final charge, Dui Jiudang Ge was filled with gloom and gloom.

Shen Dali: Brothers, get ready. With Mr. Ning on the opposite side, the Mo family and I probably won’t be able to handle it. We should pack up Xinruan and run for our lives as soon as possible.

Mo Jia: Alas! Even though I know that this wave is definitely going to end, I won’t withdraw, and I have a clear conscience to do my best.

Wang Quanquan: To be honest, our management does have problems. They shout and drink every day. Usually there are people around in the middle of the night. Today, it is strange that only a gangster is here. Hahaha.

Miao Cuijiao: Forget it, let’s meet again and see you again in the world.

Zhao Sansui: Goodbye, Goodbye.

With the situation over, many of the online Duijiudange members have chosen to leave the alliance.

In just a short moment, the number 3 in the Level 17 Alliance Rankings went from being full of 95 people to less than 60 people.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!..." After a few minutes of marching, Ning Xiu's main force took the lead in contacting the opponent's garrison.

The same plot happened again. Not only did they break through several garrison teams, but they also once again destroyed the remaining troops who had recovered from serious injuries.

Mr. Ning: Done, now it’s up to you.

Super Mario: General, please rest assured, we promise to capture the enemy camp and destroy the rebels within 10 minutes.

Shangguan Yingjun: Zhang Dabiao of the Second Battalion requested to fire on the enemy.

Governor Liuyuan: The request is approved and Zhang Dabiao is allowed to fire.

Without troops to garrison, the main city, where people are drinking and discussing swords, is like a tiger without teeth.

The troops of the beheading team took turns to attack, and 9 minutes later, Ma Xiaobu completed the final blow and successfully captured it.

World Channel: [Benefit] [Drinking and Singing] The entire alliance fell due to [Benefit] [Welcome through thick and thin]'s attack.

[Xu] Xu Fengnian: Lao Tie 666, Xuzhou sent a congratulatory message.

[Yang] City skin contracting: Yangzhou sent a congratulatory message, and other big guys who need to demolish the city skin contact me.

[Ghost] Black Iron King: Alas! A certain family is watching the sky at night, and there will be another bloody storm in Kyushu.

[Liang] Supreme丨Emperor: Yizhou brother is stable, Liangzhou Farming Alliance is trembling.

The excitement on the World Channel had nothing to do with Ning Xiu. After everything was settled, he looked at the time and saw that it was close to 4 o'clock.

Immediately, he said in the management channel: "If nothing goes wrong, I will refresh my stamina a few times and then I will be down. You can handle the rest. Don't look for me as the mascot.

Ning Xiu knew in his heart that although the beheading was successful, the next step would be to test the management of the company through thick and thin.

If everything goes well, everyone is naturally happy. The top two alliances in Yizhou have been integrated and their strength has been greatly increased.

If things don't go well, even if they succeed in taking over through thick and thin, they will be dragged into the quagmire of civil war by the remaining forces of Duijiudangge, plunging the entire Yizhou into turmoil and seriously affecting its development period.

Governor Liu Yuan: Don’t worry, I am an experienced veteran. I have never seen any formations before. This little thing is no problem.

Seeing what the other party said, Ning Xiu felt relieved a lot. He glanced at his team and saw that the main team still had 90 points of stamina, so he prepared to clean up the nearby level 5 land to finish the stamina.

After the entire Dujiudange was captured, all members of the same boat could use the captured land to go on an expedition, which greatly reduced the time wasted in digging land and paving roads.

There are a lot of level 5 resources around Boiling Wine and Discussing Swords, so Ning Xiu naturally won't waste them. After spending a lot of time to clear up his stamina.

Use the jade talisman to return the troops to the main city instantly. After clicking on recruiting, they will go offline and sleep.

At around 6 o'clock in the morning, when Zhuojiu Lunjian opened his eyes while lying on the bed, he immediately touched the mobile phone next to him, preparing to go online to play some level 5 lands, and then catch up on his sleep during the recruitment.

But when he logged into the game, he was immediately stunned by the dense emails and battle reports, and he also found that he had been captured.

"Damn it! I kept it when I was sleeping." While furious, he was a little frightened and did not dare to open the email to read the content.

He just silently opened the alliance interface. When he saw that there were only less than 50 people left in the originally 95-person alliance, his face turned pale, knowing that the drinking and singing was over.

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