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Chapter 190 Battle of Guandu

The road paving team that has stood together through thick and thin is a very professional team with a long history.

They are composed of 5 members of the alliance, Ma Xiaobu, Shangguan Yingjun, Ou Huang, Gou Tuo and Super Mario, and are official members.

In addition, there are as many as ten peripheral reserve personnel.

When they received the order from Mr. Ning, the top leader of the organization, they immediately held a team meeting and were fully prepared to drive and pave the way.

【Ning】Yi丨Staying together through thick and thin the channel of the paving brigade.

Ma Xiaobu: My first wave, Yingjun's second wave, Ou Huang and Gou Tuo will pick you up from behind, and Mary's convoy will be responsible for helping us lay out the fortresses along the way and defeat the defenders.

Ou Huang: No problem, act quickly. For the sake of organization, we have to get it done before District 98 takes Guandu.

Doggy care: for organization.

Super Mario: For 648.

Ma Xiaobu: Ahem! Don’t be so vulgar, our unified slogan is to organize [Fist].

Shangguan Yingjun: You should hurry up, I'm waiting for this wave of welfare cards.

Ma Xiaobu: It’s a shame, but you’ve been inflated recently. Is your life secure? They all started to charge money and draw cards [Ghost].

Shangguan Yingjun: It’s none of your business [picking your nose]. -

After completing the level, I saw that several prefects had begun to pave the way in an orderly manner.

After Ning Xiu sent several main teams back to the main city to recruit troops, he continued to cultivate the copycat teams in the branch city and upgrade the branch city settings.

At this time, he had formed three copycat teams, all of which were cavalry, and they had all reached level 20 after passing level 9, and were awakened. -

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers [E-mail: Taiwei] God of Heaven: [1302X1224] The main force is pushing this way, knocking out the garrison who are in the same boat through thick and thin, and pushing back.

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers Management Channel.

[Censor Doctor] Bugs Bunny: [Battle Report] The main force of Qingzhou Fengyu has indeed left, leaving behind a wave of miscellaneous fish [picking their noses].

[Captain] God: Well, thanks to the lonely smoke in the desert in District 98, they attracted their firepower.

[Monarch] It's up to you: Yes, they have defeated Yanzhou now, and they will definitely focus on Guandu next.

We could take a breather, just in time to clear their fortress and red ground.

[Prime Minister] Shendu: [1007X1057] They have a fortress and a large red land here in Duyang. They won't enter our Yuzhou.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: It’s normal. They took Xuzhou, so why don’t they have some thoughts about our Yuzhou?

Without the actions of District 98, it is estimated that once we enter Yuzhou, they will chase us in.

But now you can rest assured, at least they will not care about us until we solve the problem of Desert Guyan in District 98.

Otherwise, we wouldn't be just in Yangzhou, leaving these trash fish to delay time.

[Censor Doctor] Bugs Bunny: Yes, it is obvious now that they want to use some people to contain us and resolve the crisis in Guandu first.

[Taiwei] God: Well, we are stable until the matter in Yanzhou is resolved.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: Send more emails to arouse the enthusiasm of the brothers, put some pressure on Qingzhou Fengyu, contain more of their people, and help the Desert Guyan side share the burden.

[Taiwei] God: OK. -

There is no doubt that the overall strength of Desert Guyan in District 98 is higher than that of Jizhou Rain or Shine.

The combat effectiveness of a conquest alliance that absorbed the active and high-fighting forces of the three separate kingdoms was terrifying.

Especially during the day, when the advantage of the rain or shine night battle cannot be used, Guandu, the level 7 level, is completely at an absolute disadvantage.

Time: 16:00.

[Business]: Mo丨 lonely smoke in the desert [Email: Taiwei] [710X929] The front row of the pass occupied an area and immediately built a fortress.

The troops on the left were mobilized as fast as the fortress was built, and they were pushed directly to the right, pushing out the people in all weathers. -

Ji: Yi丨 Rain or shine [E-mail: Commander] Lao Niu Plowing: [706X932] Increase the garrison, Spartan explores the road, finds the weak garrison on the opposite side and directly projects out, rushes to the pass, and recaptures the pass.

Ji: Yi丨 rain or shine management channel.

[Commander] Lao Niu Peng Di: I couldn’t hold it any longer, so I set fire to the opposite side and immediately destroyed half of our front row garrison [dumbfounded].

[Deputy Leader] Dugu: Normally, we are not their opponents in the first place. These days, we rely on fighting night and night to even up our advantage. Otherwise, how could we have resisted for so long.

[Official] Original Intention: [Battle Report] I tried my best and killed the general [Ghost] who was on the opposite side of the country.

[Leader] Bandit: Hold on, let the brothers continue to build the back fortress in the back row. Those with soldiers will go up and consume their main force when they see them.

As long as they consume enough to prevent them from completing the level during the day, we will stay up late at night and push back.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Dugu: Well, as long as we persist until tomorrow morning, with the speed of the main alliance's road paving, we will definitely have reached Guandu.

[Commander] Lao Niu Plowing: OK. -

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: [721X1133] The speed of paving the way through thick and thin is beautiful [Cold Sweat].

[Captain] Mo Xie: I'll go. We'll cross Jibei City in just over an hour.

[General Zhenguo] Momo: We have to hurry up. At their speed, they may be able to reach Guandu in the middle of the night or tomorrow morning.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Mo Xie sent an email, brothers whose troops were damaged, and the troops were recruited from the original fortress for one and a half hours.

The other brothers are now mainly stationed. As long as Jizhou does not rush to the pass, don't worry about them. We will hold on until 18 o'clock and we will attack Guandu.

[Guang Luxun] Emperor Mo: Can we win it? The main force on our side was also seriously damaged, and there was Jizhou nearby that harassed us regardless of rain or shine.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: It must be won. In fact, the defenders at level 7 are not difficult.

The test for us is just how to quickly complete the durable demolition under the impact of Jizhou rain or shine.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: No problem, I just want to grab time now. If I have a chance, I'll do it.

Otherwise, if we delay it until night, when the brothers in the alliance go to bed, with the number of night owls that come out regardless of weather, they may push us back again.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Yes, this is what I just considered. The opponent is really capable, and we can't compare.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: That’s it, Mo Xie will send the email, no need to hesitate [Ghost].

【Captain】Moye: OK. -

Time: 17:50 pm.

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: [1007X1075] Countdown to the end.

All the main players in Duyang hit the barrier on time at 18:00, and demolition hit the barrier at 18:01.

【Ning】:Yi丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance channel.

Lazy Miaomiao: Just go ahead with the demolition [question mark face].

Erotic as God: No problem, when we attacked Gaoyuan at noon, there were so few people, and the defenders were still wiped out in one wave [smiley face].

Zhen Ji: Are you on your husband’s account again? [picking nose].

Erotic as God: He is quite busy today, so he called me to come up and help him conquer the city [smile].

Fenghuo plays Diao Chan: Ahem! Okay, compared to the male Ruoshen who doesn’t talk much, I still prefer the female Ruoshen [covers mouth and laughs].

Qing Feng: After Duyang is defeated, should we rush in directly or go back to Yangzhou Songjiang to defend? I think thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are pushing us over.

Canfeng丨Zifeiyu: Hammer them, make them autistic [pick their noses].

First Love: Don’t panic, we will notify you by email when the time comes. Attack the city first. -

At 18 o'clock in the evening, when everyone was in the same boat and started to attack Duyang, the level 7 resource state checkpoint in Xuyu, Desert Guyan also began to forcefully attack Guandu, the level 7 checkpoint, and launched a charge.

Ji: Yi丨 Rain or shine [E-mail: Commander] Lao Niu Plowing: [1002X1061] Desert Guyan wants to break through the barrier, all the active main forces in the alliance must focus their fire to break through the barrier for me.

Ji: The channel of the Alliance of Righteousness Rain or shine.

Butcher's Knife: Damn it, this second uncle, who are you looking down on? He wants to take Guandu in front of us, and the brothers will do it to them.

Chiqi: I only have less than 10,000 main troops left to recruit troops. Forget it, I’ll cancel the recruitment and charge first.

Black Cavalry: Come on, without Guandu our military recruitment will be useless.

Ri Yueming: You guys go first, and my copycat team will follow after you finish [dumbfounded].

Original intention: Brothers who are almost done with the conscription do not need to cancel it. If they have just started conscription, then cancel the conscription and rush forward.

Qingyan: Brothers, come on [Fist]. -

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Guang Luxun] Emperor Mo: Here we come, rain or shine, indeed the fire is set.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: It's okay. The main force of our regiment should be able to withstand a wave. We can hold on until we take Guandu. There will be no problem.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Well, hurry up and break the level. Remember to save a wave of energy for the main force, just in case. -

District 98 Desert Guyan obviously overestimated the strength of their group and underestimated their determination to weather the storm.

Although almost none of their main forces was fully equipped at this time, when everyone was united and even canceled the conscription, and even the demolition teams with large numbers of troops joined the charge, the combat effectiveness that broke out was astonishing.

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Smoke Alliance Channel.

White clothes丨Someone from Wei: [Battle Report] Damn it! The opposite side is a bit tough, people came up to demolish it and brought meat.

Da Qin: [Battle Report] Ugh! On the opposite side is the end of Qiannuzhi. The main force of less than 10,000 has come up.

Chaos丨Paddle Umbrella: [1002X1006] can't hold it anymore, there are too many opposing teams.

Baiyi: Someone from Wei: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] [Battle Report] Damn it, I was directly disabled.

Da Qin: Hurry up and garrison, they are coming.

[Business] Mo丨 lonely smoke in the desert [E-mail: Taiwei] Mo Xie: [1002X1006] The Guandu garrison is gone, and the demolition is left behind to continue the demolition for a long time.

All the main forces came to garrison, and time was running out to respond quickly. -

Ji: Yi丨 Rain or shine [Email丨Commander] Lao Niu Peng Di: Brothers have done a great job. All the teams that can still move will come back in seconds and continue to rush. -

【Tang】Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers Management Channel.

[Prime Minister] Shendu: [1007X1057] Damn it! We are in the same boat through thick and thin. They want to enter our resource state.

[Taiwei] God: Didn’t the boss say that they won’t break Duyang for the time being?

[Censor Doctor] Bugs Bunny: Damn it, the wind and rain in Qingzhou are so strong that they break through Yanzhou at noon and Yuzhou in the afternoon.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: Stop talking nonsense, God quickly arranges for brothers in the alliance to pave the way to Hexian County.

[Taiwei] God: Don’t we have a fortress in Xuchang? Can’t we just arrange for people to go there?

[Monarch] It's up to you: You're a pig. How far is it from Xuchang to Duyang? If we don't go in from Hexian County to block them, we won't even be able to capture the capital of Yuzhou by then. -

System: Congratulations to [Ning] Yi丨 for working together through thick and thin and successfully clearing Duyang, the level 7 resource state level in Xuyu for the first time.

The first attack on the enemy: Ning Gongzi丨The first attack on the city: mysterious and funny.

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