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Chapter 194 Battle of Juancheng

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Smoke Alliance Channel.

Da Qin: [728X968] I'm already on top, and I'm going to hit the prime minister's ground opposite him [picking my nose].

Chaos丨Umbrella: Why are you running so fast? There must be a garrison on the other side, and you are in a hurry to die [Cold Sweat].

Da Qin: Three hundred Spartans, fearless.

Library Director: What are you looking for? It didn’t take long for them to come here.

It would take at least more than 2 hours to deploy troops to fly over and garrison. There are not so many garrison troops. It is just reckless.

Chaos丨Evil: Yes, just be reckless, don’t be cowardly and just do it.

Baiyi丨Mr. Wei: I'll stabilize the situation first, read the battle report, and then go up to eat meat [covers mouth and laughs].

Da Qin: [Battle Report] Sure enough, there is a garrison, Gong Lu Li Ru Zhen Luo team.

Baiyi丨Someone from Wei: Ahem, then I won’t be polite and take the lead.

Director of the library: Your uncle, you are trying to steal the martial arts medal. I even shot you and you still come here.

Baiyi丨Mr. Wei: There won't be just one team stationed on the opposite side. We brothers should go shoulder to shoulder. -

【Ning】Yi丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance channel.

Ma Xiaobu: [Battle Report] Just after exploring the road on the opposite side, two teams came, both with titled generals [Ghosts].

Ranghan: Xiaobu, are you up now? Didn't you stay up late yesterday to pave the way [question mark face].

Ma Xiaobu: Young people, three hours of sleep is enough [smile].

Bi Fang: Yes, you will definitely have a place as a model worker this season.

White rice: Can Xiaobu resist? .

Ma Xiaobu: Boss Ma is here to guard [covers mouth and laughs]. -

Since entering the S2 season, Mr. Ma feels that his status has been threatened.

In the S1 season, the red boss wanted to be as glamorous as possible, and he was followed by thousands of people when he walked.

But in the S2 season, as the number of high-profile bosses in the league increased, Mr. Ma felt that he had not enjoyed the kind of treatment he had back then for a long time.

So Mr. Ma felt that it was time to gain a sense of presence and prove himself.

Obviously, in the absence of Ning Gou Tuo, who brought his own 800-watt light bulb, the battle to defend the front line in Juancheng was his stage.

Silently watching the alliance channel and the battlefield, I saw two teams facing the [General of the Shangjun] and [General of the Fujun] on the opposite side.

When it shot towards the forward fortress position, Mr. Ma's eyes lit up. -

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Smoke Alliance Channel.

Da Qin: Is it a draw? Curator, aren’t you the Grand Governor? .

Library Director: [Battle Report] Compared with the red governor across from me, I am just a chicken-feathered governor [ghost].

Chaos丨Paddle Umbrella: Damn it! It was so tragic, the curator was directly killed by the group [dumbfounded].

Chaos丨Evil: Ugh! Isn't it that the civil war between the governors is just a matter of face? The man opposite Mr. Ma only has a few more red stars than the curator. The annihilation of the group is too exaggerated.

White clothes丨Someone from Wei: [Battle Report] It’s no exaggeration. Our two teams of Red Star Commanders only managed to defeat half of his troops.

I can't afford to offend him. The promised Gong Lu Team is [Ghost].

Mo Mo: [728X927] Don’t you all look around when fighting?

The guy opposite, Mr. Ma, took the field fortress here and didn't see it.

Library Director: I really didn’t notice [cold sweat].

Geng Xin: I went to touch him, you guys shoot somewhere else first.

Library Director: OK. -

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [Email: General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] Victory in the first battle [picking nose].

Ning Xiu was painting the copycat when he received a show-off email from Mr. Ma.

He still likes this guy who is obviously a rich second generation, but not only has no airs, but is also a bit funny.

In the game, he is also one of the few friends he absolutely trusts.

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Mr. Ning: Okay, I feel relieved as long as you are by my side.

Although there are many high-level battles in our league, your old horse is definitely second to none in reliability, come on Oli to [Fist].

[Email] Mr. Ma: Tsk! I was disliked before, but now I am second to none, hypocritical [picking my nose].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Don’t talk about anything else. Just say that I am blowing you, whether you are happy or not, and whether you are happy or not.

[E-mail] Mr. Ma:.

[E-mail] Ning Gongzi: Come and shout with me, Oli to [struggle]. -

"Ma Dan, I've been with this idiot for a long time, I'm afraid I'm going to be infected."

As soon as he closed the email while laughing and cursing, Mr. Ma saw a red line for attack. When he saw that the name of the person on the other side was Geng Xin, and the title above his head was actually the title of Prime Minister, his vision suddenly became brighter.

"It's finally interesting. The red guy on the opposite side will beat you to death."

Mr. Ma glanced at the marching speed of his team, and then dispatched his foot soldiers to garrison, sending the governor back to the fortress to restore his troops. -

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Smoke Alliance Channel.

Yun Ji: [Battle Report] Damn it! The people stationed on the opposite side are all big guys. When you go up, you encounter Gao Hong Shubu.

Da Qin: Oh my god, I looked at the battle report. There are many teams with red stars. Is this the reflux group stationed on the opposite side? .

Chaos丨Paddle Umbrella: It is estimated that there are also their high-level battle groups. This wave of fortresses is not easy to attack.

Library Director: Boss Gengxin is calling.

Geng Xin: [Battle Report] Mr. Ma on the opposite side must be one of the Manhong bosses who has been with us through thick and thin. He is really strong.

Moye: You’ve lost money this time.

Geng Xin: Normal. There is a fortress on the opposite side and the team can be adjusted at any time.

Fortunately, although he suffered a loss, it also consumed a wave of his physical infantry.

Momo: Shoot Sparta and let him keep sending troops to station around to see how much physical strength he has.

Moye: Okay. -

Desert Guyan wanted to use 300 Spartans to consume Master Ma's main team's physical strength, but unfortunately Boss Ma had his own plan in mind.

Unless the defense was really going to collapse somewhere, he would ignore any team without a title on their head and focus on the high-powered war hammers on the opposite side.

The main players of the Manhong Team 5 were flexible in their operations. Except for Geng Xin of Desert Guyan, who was able to fight against him in separate battles, the other managers were all beaten to death by education.

Although in the end, Boss Ma's main team all died gloriously.

However, it eliminated the main force of more than a dozen teams on the opposite side and several high-red teams, greatly reducing the pressure on Juancheng's frontline position. -

System: Congratulations to [Ning] Yi丨 for working together through thick and thin and successfully occupying Dingling, a level 5 city in Yuzhou for the first time.

The first achievement of killing the enemy: The endless battle. The first achievement of attacking the city: Marquis Wu'an.

Time: 12:10 noon.

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [Email: Shizhong] Wei Wuxian: [1031X1029] The next target is the level 6 city Kunyang.

Brothers of the Third Regiment and the Fourth Regiment, please note that you will immediately mobilize your troops as soon as the fortress is completed. Now you are recruiting troops based on the completion time of your fortress. The tentative siege time is 13:00 pm. -

System: Congratulations to [Tang]: Luo丨Ten thousand miles of mountains and rivers, for the first time successfully opened the 7-level resource state checkpoint Hexian County in Yangyu.

The first achievement of killing the enemy: Follow you丨The first achievement of attacking the city: Ximen Daguanren

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers [Email: Taiwei] God: Ziyuan State will open in 30 minutes. Let the eunuch's car pave the road first.

Brothers with cavalry can help with the relay, and others are temporarily prohibited from entering.

[1054X957] In addition, after the prefect spreads to level 6 city Yu, he immediately builds a fortress.

This will be our base camp for fighting in Ziyuan State. We will guard two level 3 fortresses. Brothers, remember to stay in the government order.

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers Management Channel.

[Taiwei] God of Heaven: As expected, we will open the city at noon. Dingling has been captured by them. We hope to stop them before they capture Kunyang and Shouchun.

[Censor] Bugs Bunny: Don't worry, they're not that fast.

Look at the wave of Juancheng, they have already started [picking their noses] with Desert Guyan in District 98.

[Prime Minister] Shendu: Well, the fight has already begun, but although there is no vision, judging from the situation on the red ground, the two sides should be in a stalemate.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: It would be great if the stalemate could last forever.

You must know that the fortress group that has stood together through thick and thin has not yet risen. As long as they are stationed, they can withstand the attack of Desert Guyan. When the fortress rises, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

[Censor Doctor] Bugs Bunny: They are not that arrogant. Desert Guyan is also a long shot.

If it weren't for the long shot, I would have almost demolished the enclave they were building.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: No, is it difficult to admit that others are strong? .

Are we not weaker than District 98? The results of it? .

If you want to defeat your opponent, you must at least face it. I also hope that District 98 will have the upper hand. It would be better to directly push District 1500, but it is unrealistic, OK? .

[Prime Minister] Shendu: Okay, you two, stop bickering. -

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: [249X827] What should I do? The stormy fortress group in Youzhou is almost up, but the [ghost] has not responded yet on the quicksand side.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: The leader of the separatist alliance hasn’t replied to your message yet? .

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: No [dumbfounded].

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: Damn it! You won't be incited to rebel, right? .

[General of the Upper Army] Bai Yi丨 Someone from Wei: That shouldn’t be the case, Bi Luo is an old man.

[Monarch] Sanqian Camp: Yes, he has been with me since one season.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Mo Xie, don’t make blind guesses. Maybe this brother just happened to have something to do and was not online.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: But I looked for him on Penguin, but he didn’t reply to me [Cold Sweat].

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: In this case, you can ask other managers or people in the league to inquire.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: Other managers didn’t reply to my email. I’ll go find someone in the alliance and ask [dumbfounded].

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: I'm also drunk. This three-separated regime is completely abolished. Let Yizhou break through and come in.

[Guang Luxun] Emperor Mo: What to do about Xinxing? Leave it alone.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: For the time being, let one side go and deal with the storm in front of us first. Let’s urge Yizhou to let them enter.

[Monarch] Sanqian Camp: OK. -

After 12 noon, as the fortress groups of Juancheng and Desert Guyan gradually took shape, the two sides evolved from a small group of tentative battles into an all-round battle.

At this time, Jizhou was making a comeback regardless of wind or rain.

Taking the Ziyang fortress group in the level 3 city as the base camp, they launched a charge towards the fortress group in Guandu Desert, Jizhou.

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