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Chapter 204 The righteous passerby

You: Yi丨Wind and Rain Management Channel.

[Leader] Bai Yi: How are the arrangements made by the people paving the way in Liyang [Question Mark Face].

[Vice-Leader] Pretty Boy: Well, I formed a fleet in Xinxing and started working with two brothers from the alliance.

[Commander] Wanfeng: Then why don’t we go to Yangyi City? .

[Leader] Bai Yi: No, go to Liyang and poke District 98’s ass [pick your nose].

[Official] Old Chinese Medicine Doctor: [132X836] Look here, the quicksand gathering and dispersing in Bingzhou is paving the way to Mayi.

[Commander] Wanfeng: Tsk! The opponent is alive. Looking at this posture, does he want to take our Mayi pass? .

[Deputy Leader] Pretty Boy: They are thinking nonsense. We have a fortress here and an alt-sized main city. We can block them and fight back in a matter of minutes.

[Official] Old Chinese Medicine Doctor: The prosperous people secretly set up a fortress here last night.

It seemed that he wanted to sneak into the gate, but was pushed away by a wave of our brothers who fought at night.

Now the gathering and dispersing quicksands in District 98 are interested in this side again. I think the two sides are probably already in contact, so we should pay attention to it.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Pretty Boy: Okay, Baiyi, you say we should go back indiscriminately and directly encircle and suppress those stinky rats in Prosperity.

[Deputy Leader] Pretty Boy: Where are the people? ? ? . -

And: [E-mail: In the Opposition] Baidi Duwei: Gathering and Dispersing Quicksand has changed the alliance leader. He is the old alliance leader before Yizhou in District 98.

He just wandered over from Youzhou and now has a few hundred power points. [41X721] The main city is here.

When Bai Yi, leader of the Youzhou Stormy Alliance, suddenly received such an email, he was immediately attracted.

After moving the map along the coordinates and arriving at the destination, I immediately saw a familiar name.

"The prosperous beauty Junxin? He ran away to Bingzhou and became the deputy leader."

After seeing this familiar name, Bai Yi immediately believed what this wild player said.

You: Yi丨Wind and Storm [E-mail: Alliance Leader] Bai Yi: He is now the deputy alliance leader, is he still giving in? .

[E-mail] Captain Bai Di: Yes, he joined the alliance around 13:00 in the afternoon. He will become the leader of the alliance after he successfully abdicates at around 1:00 in the evening. You can completely pave the way for a wave of beheadings.

He had just arrived in Bingzhou, there was no branch city here, and his power value was only a few hundred, so just anyone could defeat him.

It doesn't matter even if he sticks to it, the gathering and dispersing quicksands now are just a bunch of salted fish, and there won't be many people to save him if he falls.

[Email] Bai Yi: Uh! Thank you, brother.

[E-mail] Captain Bai Di: You’re welcome, I’m just a passerby with a righteous mind [picking his nose].

"Tsk! What a surprise delivered to your door."

He glanced around Hongyan Junxin and saw that in addition to a few dead people in the trumpet, the nearest Gathering Quicksand member was also more than ten squares away.

A plan to steal the chicken suddenly formed in Bai Yi's mind. -

Time passed, and at 16:00 in the afternoon, looking at the cottage disappearing in front of him, Ning Xiu glanced around and felt that he should change places.

At this time, most of the easy-to-reach cottages in Qingxu and Xuzhou had turned into copper coins and entered his pocket.

The remaining cottages were either too remote or too far away. Setting up a fortress was a waste of time, and shooting from a long distance was even more time-consuming, so he decided to expand his business to other places.

After pondering for a moment, Ning Xiu chose Yuzhou between Yanzhou and Yuzhou.

He has fortresses on both sides. The reason why he chose Yuzhou is because while he was building a stronghold, he could also find time to use his main force to help garrison or rush on the battlefield.

After all, for a team like Roubu, copycat farming is a complete waste of time.

Ning Xiu would only send out other teams when they were low on energy or close to each other.

After making a decision in his mind, he immediately transferred Roubu, the Grand Governor and the rogue team to the fortress near Kunyang.

The Chopper Team, the French Cavalry Team, Ma Yunlu and Mrs. Zhu Rong were formed into a copycat team and transferred to Duyang Fortress. -

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers [Mail: Taiwei] God of Heaven: [1071X1045] Come and knock down the garrison with the main force, rush from here to the other side of the river, and don't let their backup fortresses group up.

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers Management Channel.

[Captain] God: I'll go, there are too few people online at this point, and I can't reach it at all.

【Prime Minister】Shendu: Ugh! It's quite normal. There were fewer people online in the afternoon. Everyone was busy.

[Captain] God: But today is Sunday, and we don’t have to go to work or go to school [Ghost].

[Prime Minister] Shendu: Do you think everyone is single like us? [Can’t laugh or cry].

[Captain] God: You are the dog.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: Keep an eye on it, hurry up and urge everyone to rush over.

As long as their backup fortress is pushed back, Shouchun will be fine.

Don't waste time and energy digging the ground and pushing the fortress. The fortress is the most critical. If you want to win, you must push the fortress.

[Taiwei] God: Got it. -

Jing: Luo丨jingetiema management channel.

[Commander] Jizuo Kunlun: There are too few people and we can't push it. Let's just set a time and gather fire at night. There are too many high-level battles on the opposite side and there are too few people to defeat [Ghost].

[Official] Jing Hua Shui Yue: Yes, we have too few high-level battles. The opposing national team can defeat several of our teams. Too few people will have no effect at all.

[Leader] Changtian Yise: Okay, let’s set it at 20 o’clock in the evening, right? Now they are mainly stationed, plowing the ground and harassing.

[Commander] Jizuo Kunlun: OK. -

Although the number of troops was small, relying on their resilience and high numbers, they stubbornly withstood several waves of attacks from Jingyang and Yuzhou, successfully dragging the battle into a stalemate.

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: The offensive on the opposite side of Yuzhou has weakened. The brothers with full strength went up to garrison, while the others fortified and recruited troops.

Attention brothers here in Kunyang, a level 6 city, at 18:00 in the evening, after the Tianxiu regiment's team is in place, let's rush in and everyone be prepared. -

At 17:00 in the afternoon, when the fighting on the battlefield in Yuzhou gradually calmed down, near Liyang Pass in Jizhou, the battle between Jizhou Wind and Rain and Yizhou Mo Ran Jiangshan officially started.

Ji: Yi丨 Rain or shine [E-mail: Commander] Lao Niu Farming: [640X865] The ink-stained Jiangshan fortress group, the main force rushes at a high speed, and the opposite side is just a separatist alliance in District 98.

If we can't sweep them away, then we won't be able to raise our heads in front of our brothers from the main alliance in the future.

Everyone became reckless as they tried to demolish the Desert Guyan Fortress.

Ji: Yi丨 rain or shine management channel.

[Commander] Lao Niu Geng Di: Desert Guyan has begun to mobilize troops. We have to speed up and try to strike a wave of ink dyeing the country before they arrive.

Otherwise, if we wait for their two teams to be in place and work together, we may be in trouble.

[Leader] Gangster: It's okay. We are already like this in Jizhou anyway. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. They are just reckless.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Dugu: Don’t worry, we are not fighting alone, the brothers of the Youzhou Alliance are already paving the way to Liyang.

When the time comes, they will poke District 98’s butt from behind and be able to share some of the pressure on us.

[Official] Chen Zui Tingfeng: How come the return group of the main alliance has returned? If they were here, we would be in vain [dumbfounded].

[Official] Original intention: The situation in Yuzhou is also very tense. The main alliance is facing two alliances, which is more difficult than ours.

[Deputy Leader] Dugu: Yes, we can't drag them back, so we can only rely on ourselves.

[Official] Shenzui Tingfeng: Okay. -

[Business]: Mo丨 Desert Guyan [E-mail: Taiwei] Mo Xie: [611X872] Liyang Fortress has mobilized troops quickly.

The brothers of the Yizhou League have already joined forces with Wind and Rain, so we must hurry up.

After finishing the work, I pushed all the way from [611X881], and all the people from Jizhou on the way were directly killed.

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: It’s so hard, my execution ability plummeted today.

[General Zhenguo] Mo Mo: It’s normal. After all, we have been fighting for so long and our brothers are all tired.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Even if you are tired, you must persevere. Now is the time to show resilience. Let’s see who’s mentality collapses first.

I have to say it's tiring, but the one-on-two 1500 area is even more tiring.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: Yes, if Mr. Ning hadn’t spread the money over there, to be honest, he would have died a long time ago.

[Monarch] Sanqian Camp: Money is also a part of strength, so why don’t we have a financial backer? [Crying]

[Guang Luxun] Emperor Mo: How about Mr. Geng Xin give us some kind of military merit system [covers his mouth and laughs].

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: You think too highly of me.

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: Hongyan Junxin is still somewhat capable.

Now they have set up a fortress in Yangyi, and are also preparing to break Mayi Pass to attract the attention of Youzhou Stormy Storm.

[Captain] Mo Xie: [340X800] Tsk! With just such a small fortress, there are close to 200 people in Gathering Quicksand [picking one's nose].

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Be content, you are much better than before.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: Okay. -

[Ning]: Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [Email: Taiwei] First love: [1024X1028] Attention everyone in Kunyang.

At 18 o'clock, we gathered our fire and charged for a wave. The main forces of Tianxiu Regiment and Second Regiment went up first, and the brothers of Third Regiment stabilized their position first, and then went up in the next wave.

At 18:00 in the evening, at the Kunyang battlefield in Yuzhou, with the return group in place, we finally started the first counterattack in Yuzhou.

With the Return Regiment and the Second Main Regiment as the vanguard, they launched a charge against the Jingzhou Jin Ge Iron Horse Fortress.

Ning Xiu's team had also arrived at the fortress at this time. Seeing this, he immediately shot out the main members of his team.

Jing: Luo丨Golden Arms and Iron Horse [E-mail: Commander] Jizuo Kunlun: The brothers in the line are faster and garrisoned, and they attack from the opposite side.

Jingzhou is a powerful force and has participated in only a handful of battles since entering S2.

In the first battle, the three regiments who had the numerical advantage and Feng Yutong fought a wave.

Players who have no battlefield experience and have no experience in the battlefield are like their big Han bow, Dong Zhuo's black technology, small French cavalry and other miscellaneous fish teams.

Suddenly encountering a densely packed Red Star national team, even a red team, the result is self-evident.

The garrison group in the front row was easily passed through.

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