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Chapter 213 A man disguised as a woman?

"Hello! I am the Three Thousand Battalion."

Just when Ning Xiu was vomiting that the other party was making such a fuss, the girl in the video spoke.

The voice was soft and the tone was a little playful, just like some video anchors. Generally speaking, they were just a bit pretentious and waved to him.


Wearing the paper bag and nodding, Ning Xiu stopped talking after saying hello.

They just looked straight through the two small holes in the paper bag and looked at each other silently.

"Uh! Mr. Ning, can you give us more places?"

"Can I add more? How much?"

Ning Xiu answered quickly. As soon as the other party finished speaking, he asked back.

At this time, he clearly felt that the woman in the video glanced to the side, and then replied with a smile: "Is 20 okay?" -

"It's not as big as a lion, so it's still a bit tough."

After hearing his answer, Ning Xiu felt that the other party was quite self-aware, and he also knew a thing or two about quota allocation.

There are a total of 380 places, 120 will be given to them, and 120 will be given to District 99, and the remaining 140 will go to District 1500.

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with this allocation method.

After thinking about it in his mind, Ning Xiu nodded and said, "120 quotas are fine, but as I said before, those who come to take the conquests must transfer to another district, otherwise the quota will be invalid."

"Oh, thank you Mr. Ning."

"Don't thank me in a hurry, there is one more thing I want to say hello to you."


Glancing at the other party, Ning Xiu immediately said: "As you know, we have many active players in high-level battles in the 1500 area.

Therefore, the 140 places are definitely not enough for us. When this matter is finalized, you can help me advertise.

For those of you who have quotas over there, if you want to sell them, I will buy them for 328 yuan per quota. "

"Can the quota be exchanged for money?"

The reaction of the woman in the video made Ning Xiu feel a little surprised.

At the same time, the answer in his heart became clearer and clearer. He glanced at the Three Thousand Camp next to him from the corner of his eye.

Ning Xiu said: "This is the condition we have given you. You can go back and discuss it with your management. Then you can just talk to our Prime Minister."

"Oh, alright."

"By the way, I see you have Lu Meng, why didn't you form a governor?"

When the two parties agreed to hang up the video, Ning Xiu suddenly asked the woman in the video.

"Uh! What governor?"

"Nothing, hang up." -

After hanging up the video and taking off the paper bag on his head, Ning Xiu leaned on the sofa and couldn't help but smile when he remembered the experience just now.

It was obvious that the person he had video chatted with just now was not Sanqian Daying himself.

The routine of pretending to be a girl on the Internet has been around since the emergence of the domestic Internet.

And after so many years of development, there are many factions with sophisticated routines. Although Ning Xiu has never encountered it, his ears are calloused from hearing it.

In fact, before the other party invited him to video chat, he felt that it was unlikely that the other party was a girl.

Of course, considering that there might indeed be some more wild girls, he wasn't sure.

But during the video, although the other person's eyes kept staring at him, every time he asked a question, he would always glance to the side.

In this situation, in addition to feeling guilty, there is someone next to him.

Perhaps these cannot prove that the other party is not Sanqian Daying himself.

But when he finally asked the other party why he didn't form the governor since Lu Meng was there, a normal player would answer that it shouldn't be because I couldn't form Zhou Yu without Lu Xun.

Let's ask a player who has played the S2 season and is the leader of the Conquest League. Even the governor doesn't know what it is. Then he needs to find other evidence.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether he's a girl, an aunt, or an uncle.

He just did it casually and confirmed his guess.

As for the 20 additional places for the other party, it was actually the number that Ning Xiu had planned in his mind. He did not want to argue with others over a few places.

Because even if you take more, it will still not be enough for the current highly active 1500 area.

Just their two main groups plus a returning group have almost taken up 150 places. What about the remaining two groups and the two Jiyou alliances? .

So a few days ago, when Liuyuan and others mentioned quota allocation, he came up with a way to use money to purchase quotas for his brothers.

There is a gap between the Conquest card pack and the Separation card pack in the S3 season, which is a 5-star Gong Zhuge Liang.

It doesn't have much effect on ordinary players. After all, if you don't spend money, the chance of drawing it is appallingly low.

And he buys a quota for 328, and he can have more than 6,000 jade charms by doubling the amount at the beginning.

In addition to making up for the tiger talisman gap between conquest and separatism, there is still more than half left. It is completely guaranteed to make a profit without losing any money. -

"Hey! Is this game quota so profitable? Then Mr. Ning just gave you 120 quotas. If you sell them, wouldn't you get more than 30,000 yuan?"

Listening to his wife's words, Sanqian Daying sat on the sofa and said speechlessly: "I'm not the leader of the conquering alliance, I'm just selling chicken feathers.

And do you know that if you failed in your performance just now, Mr. Ning may have already known that you are not me. "

"Where did the performance go wrong?"

"The last question he asked was to test you."

"Captain? I don't play games, how do I know what a governor is!"

"Alas! That's right. Our business is not professional enough. It seems that I have to train you in some game knowledge.

Now I just hope that guy can be stricter with his mouth, otherwise the news about me pretending to be a girl will spread, and there will be another bloody storm. "

"Go away now, don't disturb me from watching TV series." -

System: Congratulations to [Shang] Mo丨 Desert Guyan for successfully occupying and conquering level 7 level Xiwu.

Ning Xiu returned to the room and sat in front of the computer again. He was just about to look through the battle reports and find some meat to eat when he suddenly saw the system announcement across the top of the game interface.

"He actually dragged someone to play the Xiwu level. The commander on the other side is quite courageous."

When the battle situation is unfavorable, it is indeed not easy to make such a decision. After all, if you do not perform well, you will be blamed.

【Ning】:Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin management channel.

【Captain】First love: Damn it! I asked where the people on the other side had gone. It turned out that they had gone to attack Xiwu Pass. They wanted to enter Yongzhou.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: It seems that the other side knew that the Shangdang could not hold the capital, so they rushed into Yongzhou, so that they could still have a chance of survival.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: There is a bird's chance of survival. If you can't beat them, you can't beat them. Even if they surround Luoyang, they will still be blasted by us after they finish.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Just now, the leader of the opposite alliance came to me for peace talks. I have already given them the conditions. It depends on when they will come to an agreement and give an answer [picking their nose].

[Prime Minister] Governor of Liuyuan: Tsk! It's strange, you have always ignored this matter, but this time you actually talked about it in person. Could it be because there is a girl opposite you [squinting smile].

[Guang Luxun] Rough Man: [Ghost].

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Don’t be ridiculous. He said it was because the monarch was not talking to you. To put it simply, he looked down on you.

[Prime Minister] Grand Governor of Six Yuan: Yes, yes, I am not equal, you are equal [squinting smile].

[Guang Luxun] Rough Man: Let’s talk about business, why are you talking about six yuan [question mark face].

【Prime Minister】The Grand Governor of Liuyuan:.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: That’s right, stop talking nonsense, I’m not interested in men.

【Captain】First love: Damn it! Is Sanqian Daying a man? Big eagle cute girl? .

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: I'm just telling you, there are no girls in this kind of game, nine out of ten are just foot-picking things.

[Guang Luxun] Ranghan: There are still some.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Yes, the rude old girl is the only one among the ten [smile].

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Don’t spread the word. I don’t want the fire to burn on me. I gave 120 places over there.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liu Yuan: 120, aren’t you trying to squeeze out one hand?

Anyway, if the two families attack us together, they are not afraid of giving us less, so they will unite.

[Taiwei] First Love: 120 in District 98, 120 in District 99 are being taken away, and we only have 140 left, which is totally not enough [Ghost].

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Even if we take some from them, we still won’t have enough.

So I told them that each quota was purchased for 328 yuan, so that all our active brothers could have quotas.

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Awesome, when it comes to spending money in the game, I admire you [thumbs up].

[General of the Zhenjun] Xuanyuan Jingcheng: Boss Ning bleeds again [can’t laugh or cry].

[Attendant] Wei Wuxian: Mr. Ning will always be a god [Broken Sound].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Stop talking nonsense and send an email quickly for everyone to recommend.

Don't stop until they get a reply, deal with their capital first. -

[Business]: Mo丨 Desert Gu Yan [E-mail: Taiwei] Mo Xie: We have captured Xiwu Pass, brothers did a great job.

[467X558] Now the fourth and fifth regiments are dispatching troops to the party fortress group to help Mo Ran resist the storm in Youzhou.

Brothers from several other regiments mobilized troops to the eastern fortress group to continue fighting with Ji Qing.

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: We have obtained the Xiwu. I have arranged for a few people to pave the way inside. Once we are done, we can just shoot in.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Well, our back road is stable, now we can let go and fight hard.

[General Zhenguo] Momo: It's hard to fight at night. We fought for a day and took Xiwu. Now the main force is either half disabled or has no physical strength. How should we fight?

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: Well, I just talked with Mr. Ning from District 1500. They gave us three separate regions plus 120 places.

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Did you go to the peace talks? .

[Monarch] Three Thousand Camp: Yes, I think we can’t bear it anymore, so I wanted to test it out. I didn’t expect that the price offered by the other party was okay.

[Guang Luxun] Emperor Mo: The 120 places are indeed enough.

After all, District 99 is probably about the same as us, and District 1500 is only 20 more than us.

[Lieutenant] Mo Xie: Then should we fight? .

On the first day of June, it’s another festival, so I want to ask for lottery tickets to get some luck.

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