Game copper coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 215 Spending money is not as fast as making money

Liu Yuan is indeed very busy recently. As Ning Xiu’s tool leader, he is very busy.

Not only did he have to sort out the attendance and points sheets sent to him by each group, but he also had to send couriers to the brothers who had exchanged points for things.

After finishing the work, he still had to contact the other two districts for the list of conquest personnel. Coupled with the real-life events, he was really exhausted.

But even so, he still enjoys it. After all, he likes this game and likes to stay together through thick and thin.

So it doesn’t matter if you’re tired. Besides, Ning Xiu didn’t treat him badly. He was paid to play games.

[Prime Minister] Grand Governor of Six Yuan: Lao Ning, you are here just in time. I have just calculated the attendance statistics of our three alliances. There are a total of 316 brothers who meet the conditions for conquest.

[Captain] First love: How many [glares].

[Prime Minister] Six Yuan Grand Governor: 316, do you need me to repeat it a second time [picking my nose].

[General Fu Jun] Nine: So many [Cold Sweat].

[Prime Minister] Grand Governor of Six Yuan: Mainly our main alliance accounts for nearly 200 of them. This is the big one [Cold Sweat].

【Captain】First love: Damn it! We only have 140 places, and we’re still short of half.

[Attendant] Wei Wuxian: The main reason is that the benefits given by Boss Ning are so good, otherwise there would definitely not be so many people who can meet the conquest requirements.

[Captain] First Love: The standards we have set for conquest are not low. At least one person with full attendance can wipe out more than half of the people in other districts.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Xuanyuan Jingcheng: You also know that it is [picking your nose] from other districts.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liu Yuan: This is the situation. Shopkeeper Ning, what do you think? Should you tighten the standards?

Ning Xiu was a little surprised that there were so many people who met the criteria for conquest.

After all, in the district he played in before, if one league can reach the 100th player in two teams after one season, it would be considered good.

The remaining people are either military generals or rich people, or they are senior or well-connected people who can paddle easily and still get the quota.

But obviously, this situation is not consistent with the situation in the 1500 area.

They had tried their best to raise the standard for quotas before, but the number of people was still over 300.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: No, just follow this standard. Contact District 98 and District 99.

Ask them to send an email to notify them. After the completion of the project, each 328 will receive a quota, and we will start with a small amount from them.

If it is not enough, each person who does not have a quota will be compensated with 328.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: I knew you were going to use the method of throwing money [picking your nose] again.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: This is the most effective way [picking your nose].

[Guang Luxun] Ranghan: If you do it this way, it is estimated that many people will give up the conquest quota and choose 328.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: It doesn’t matter, everyone’s choice is different.

However, when the S3 season ends and before entering the Conquest Season, the league will definitely make adjustments. At that time, the generals with high activity will enter the main league, and the generals with low activity and poor performance will enter the sub-league.

The various benefits I give them are to allow them to cultivate their own accounts. Only in this way can they keep up with our progress in the future.

If you only think about immediate benefits, then after being thrown out of the branch alliance, various welfare benefits will not be so good.

After you group leaders go back, you can send me an email and tell your brothers in the group not to only care about immediate interests [smile].

[Taiwei] First Love: Why do I feel that these words seem to be speaking to us [Cold Sweat].

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: This proves that you have grown up [cover your mouth and laugh].

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: OK, now that you have decided, I will contact the other two districts first, and then we will deal with our own side.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Yes. -

[Businessman]: Mo丨 Desert Gu Yan [E-mail: Prime Minister] Geng Xin: One thing to inform you, the list of conquests has been uploaded to our group. Brothers can check it by themselves. If you have any objections, you can always come to our management.

In addition, because there are not enough quotas in the 1500 area, each 328 reclaims one conquest quota. Brothers who have quotas and want to take action can contact me or Sanqian.

Finally, as a digression, it is still very cost-effective to sell the quota for 328.

After all, the difference between a conquest card pack and a separatist card pack is a 5-star bow Zhuge. Of course, the brothers decide for themselves how to choose.

At this time, a week has passed since the last battle to destroy the country. A new country in Desert Guyan has also been rebuilt, and the country's name is still [Shang].

As the war subsided, the conflicts and resentments among the players in the three areas gradually disappeared.

After all, there wasn't much hatred in the first place, everyone was just here to play games.

Except for a few players who have grudges in their hearts due to personal reasons, everyone else just goes with the flow and plays whatever makes them happy and comfortable.

And when the players of Desert Guyan in District 98 after the integration received such an email, they immediately exploded.

After all, although the Three Kingdoms of Tutu have many local tycoons and the Three Kingdoms of Krypton and Gold are famous, there are actually more prostitution parties and monthly card parties.

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Smoke Alliance Channel.

Bi Luo: 666, the other side is really rich and has a quota of 328, so I will also take advantage of this quota [covers mouth and laughs].

Unlucky Bear: Ugh! It's really tempting, but I still choose to get a quota [picking my nose].

Chaos丨Paddle Umbrella: Ahem! Me too.

Yun Ji: Okay, change it to 328 times for a wave of blood [cover your mouth and laugh].

Leng Xie: Hehe! I just recharged 128 and a few monthly cards, and this wave of [Qiya] came right back. -

[Business]: Mo丨Desert Guyan Management Channel.

[Captain] Mo Xie: Looking at the email you just sent, do you want the brothers in the alliance to exchange their quota for money? [picking nose].

[Prime Minister] Geng Xin: Yes, after all, it is only 328 yuan. The chance of getting Gong Zhuge from the Conquest Card Pack is too small, so the money you get is not good.

【Captain】Moye: Tsk! Not telling the truth [covers mouth and laughs].

Geng Xin did not tell the truth, although for ordinary players, selling the quota for 328 is indeed the best choice.

After all, unless you spend a lot of money on this game, charging hundreds or even thousands will have little effect at all.

Especially now that we are about to enter the S3 season, the end of which is the season of conquest. Instead of getting a conquest quota, it is more cost-effective to exchange for 10 monthly cards and slowly build up your account.

Of course, Geng Xin also has selfish motives, that is, as long as these people give up their conquest quota, they will continue to stay in this alliance and retain their strength in District 98.

According to Geng Xin's experience, the number of active people and strength in the 1500 area, plus the players who transferred to other areas after taking the conquest quota.

Next season, it is very likely that it will be divided into a separate S3 server.

In this case, the stronger they retain in District 98, the better they can survive in the new season.

As for why he didn't choose to be with a big benefactor like Mr. Zhe Ning, except that Geng Xin didn't lack those benefits.

It is also because he has never liked playing with the big league. There are too many rules and it is too offensive, so he formed a small group during the Conquest Season.

If it weren't for the Three Thousand Battalion this time, he wouldn't have returned to the S2 season.

Of course, in addition to these, there is also the reason why he does not want the Three Thousand Battalion to go through thick and thin together.

Women all like rich men. Mr. Ning is so rich, Geng Xin doesn't want to add another rival to him.

He is currently launching a general attack on the 3,000-strong camp. If something goes wrong at this time, he will cry, so it is best to separate. -

[Tang]: Luo丨Wanli Mountains and Rivers Management Channel.

[Prime Minister] Shendu: Mr. Ning from Fengyu is really rich. This wave of buying quotas has cost tens of thousands of yuan again.

[Monarch] As you wish: He is indeed a big boss, at least he must be richer than me [pick his nose].

[Captain] God: You are too humble, you are the second generation. [Cover your mouth and laugh].

【Prime Minister】Shendu: Ugh! I have always wanted to ask you, should we go it alone or follow the 1500 zone? .

[Monarch] It's up to you: Our district's strength is just this. When you're done, go over to the district and play with them to have some passion.

[Prime Minister] Shendu: Then what if the two of us can’t tell each other apart when we finally merge.

[Monarch] It’s up to you: cold salad, why don’t you care about the flood after I leave.

【Prime Minister】Shendu:. ���

As time goes by, Gannan Province in the northwest is getting colder and colder in November. Especially after the beginning of winter, the biting cold wind blows and the number of pedestrians on the street has doubled.

That is to say, Ning Xiu is still staying in a provincial capital city like Lanzhou. If he were in a small county like his hometown, he wouldn't see many people even in broad daylight when the wind blows.

Standing in front of the window holding a thermos cup, I looked at the dark sky outside the window and the plastic bags that were blown into the air from time to time by the strong wind.

Ning Xiu suddenly felt that time passed so quickly. In the blink of an eye, it had been more than four months since he resigned.

District 1500 has been together through thick and thin since the S1 season and has gone all the way to the end of the S2 season. In more than half a month at most, it will enter the final stage of the S season.

During this month, the S2468 area, which had calmed down, seemed calm.

Ning Xiu exchanged all the land for the city walls of major state capitals, and after filling up all the banks in the branch cities, he also started to make money.

Of course, he is always a hardworking little bee every weekend.

In just one month, Ning Xiu successfully achieved more than half of the goal of doubling his assets.

The net worth has increased from more than 100 million to 200 million. Before officially entering S3, I will definitely be able to achieve the goals I set.

When the money reaches a certain amount, it will turn into a number or symbol. Ning Xiu used to think that people who said this were just pretending.

But now, he didn't know what others were like, but he slapped himself in the face perfectly, feeling that it was indeed the case.

For an ordinary person, in just a few months, from a humble person to a billionaire, he does need a process of adaptation.

"Alas! I've obviously worked very hard, but why can't I spend money as fast as I make money? I'm really just a country bumpkin."

Ning Xiu sighed softly, brewing some emotions, and was about to say a few personal insights when he felt his cell phone vibrating in his pocket.

He took it out and glanced at it. When he saw that it was Liu Yuan, he immediately answered the call: "What's wrong? You've made several calls a day to care about me in the past two days. You are my mother."

"Don't be pushy, let me ask you, should you fly directly to Shenzhen by yourself, or come to Bei'an and stay for a day, and then we can set off together."

"I'll fly to Shenzhen City by myself the day after tomorrow. What can I do in Bei'an for a day without wasting my air ticket money?"

"Haha! Do you care about that little money? Then the day after tomorrow I will set off with the gangsters."

"No, let's go together. I'll clean up and come over today."

"Bah! Hypocrisy!"

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