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Chapter 223 Leading the Server

As the last leg of the S season, S3 has many changes compared to the S2 season.

In addition to the default initial level of the generals at the beginning, which is level 5, eliminating the need to hit the ground, although the main city is still level one, its command is directly 6.0.

Therefore, the pace of land reclamation has been greatly accelerated, allowing players to recruit troops to attack level 3 lands as soon as they get started.

Of course, compared with these subtle changes, the biggest change in the S3 season is actually the national policy gameplay and personal technology gameplay after the establishment of the country.

Compared with the castrated version of the national gameplay in the S2 season, the national gameplay in the S3 season is more comprehensive.

In addition to the requirements for founding a country, it has changed from occupying all the cities in the three completed counties to only one county, which reduces the difficulty and adds national policy gameplay.

National policy players, in simple terms, are the skills possessed by the country.

Through these skills, the economy and combat of a limited area can be changed in a short time.

There are three types of national policy gameplay in the S3 season. After activating the national policy, various resource packages can be added to the market function: the national policy is endless.

A national policy that can increase the maximum durability of member lands by 100 points in the counties occupied by the country: strong walls and clearing the wilderness.

And finally, once activated, the national policy allows members of the country to attack the enemy in the surrounding 12 blocks of land directly from the starting point without connecting: Assault.

Although if you want to use the national policy, you not only need the alliance level to reach level 30, but also the number of times is severely limited within the specified refresh time, with only two of each type.

But once activated, it can have a huge impact on the battle situation.

Just like a strong wall and a clear field, you finally broke into the territory of the opposite country.

But they directly increased the durability of the land to 200 points, which will undoubtedly greatly increase the difficulty of plowing the land.

For example, once a protracted war occurs and the resources of both sides are unable to keep up, activating an endless supply of national planners will undoubtedly increase the endurance.

Of course, national policies are just the icing on the cake. If the strength gap between the two sides is too big, then it won't help to give you a plan, let alone national policies. -

After successfully establishing an alliance, Ning Xiu originally wanted to go to the penguin colony to greet everyone. Unexpectedly, in just a short period of time, there were already numerous applications.

He immediately let in the big guys and veteran drivers in the order he remembered.

The alliance level is limited in the early stage. In order to speed up the alliance upgrade, this is a must-make choice, especially since they are still fighting against each other in Jizhou.

Ji: Jizhou Storm Alliance Channel.

Mr. Ma: Lao Ning can do it, he will be the first to form an alliance [covers his mouth and laughs].

Ranghan: I'm afraid he'll be back after a while. I think he's hit a lot of level 3 [picking his nose].

Mr. Ning: Yes, we also used some reserve soldiers [ghosts].

Nine: I’m a little helpless right now. My birthplace is actually here in Nanpi County [dumbfounded].

Jizuo Huogong: I am also in Nanpi, we can cooperate for a while.

Zhang Xiaoliu: I am with Boss Ning, and I suddenly feel so safe [smile].

Smile: The three of us are together, we can form a small team, and we will destroy the neighbors next to us first.

Leading the Three Kingdoms can actually be regarded as a social game.

If there is no alliance gameplay, the playability will be greatly reduced.

After setting Mr. Ma as the deputy leader and letting him temporarily help recruit people, Ning Xiu continued to draw cards while sweeping the surrounding level 3 lands.

At this time, his land reclamation team has reached level 7, and its troop strength has reached 1,400. The battle damage caused by clearing level 3 land is almost negligible. -

As time went by, the development of S3250 gradually got on the right track. Alliances in other districts sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and the World Channel became lively one after another.

World Channel.

[Hebei] Xu Gongzi: It’s another new season, my wallet is empty and I regret it [Crying].

[Qing] Yuan, Ming and Qing: So wet, so wet [Applause].

[Xu] Yimeng Nanke: Did Mr. Xu fall into the wrong place? [covers mouth and laughs].

[Ji] Mr. Xu: Although a certain family’s surname is Xu, Jizhou has been our territory since ancient times, but now there are so many big guys here, I’m so scared [poor].

[Benefit] Eat fruit: If you are afraid, raise your butt and offer J flowers [picking your nose].

[You] SKY: Toothpicks stir up a big vat. If you get excited and suffer a cerebral hemorrhage, it will be a sin [cover your mouth and laugh].

[And] Fenghuo Opera Zhen Ji: I smell the smell of gunpowder visually. This area is interesting. Please help me.

[And] Feng Huo Xi Diao Chan: Oh, brother upstairs, who are you [question mark face].

[Yang] Mu Qiyu: Wow! The long-lost father and son. -

【And】Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin management channel.

[Leader] Six Yuan Grand Governor: Didn’t Mr. Xu across the street say he was a powerful financial lord, and he actually set the pace in the world? .

[Deputy Leader] Xuanyuan Jingcheng: The same rice can support hundreds of people, but there are no people in this game.

But for now, Boss Ning and his team have made a good start and have secured first place in the league rankings. We have to work hard.

[Official] Erotic as God: I am quite busy at work, otherwise I would also like to go to Jizhou, it must be very lively [picking nose].

[Commander] First Love: Alas! My team is not good, otherwise I really want to go to Jizhou.

[Leader] Six Yuan Grand Governor: Don’t worry, our first stop must be Jizhou. Let’s develop quickly and support Lao Ning and the others. -

Time passed. After 1 p.m., it had been two hours since the zone opened, and the situation in the entire S3250 gradually became clearer.

In the league rankings, Jizhou Fengyu, founded by Ning Xiu, ranks first and leads the entire region.

Immediately behind it is District 02 Jizhou Main Alliance Battle丨Ending the War with War, which ranks second.

District 08 Yangzhou Chief League Royal丨Quan Yutianxia ranked third.

Bingzhou Yi丨Staying in the same boat through thick and thin ranked fourth, Yizhou District 06 Main Alliance Road丨Tao follows the natural law, ranked fifth, and Liangzhou Rain or shine ranked sixth.

The main league of Youzhou in District 03 ranked seventh in the battle without victory.

District 09 Xuzhou main alliance, Yu丨Yulong Zaitian ranks eighth, and after that are the sub-alliances of the major district servers.

At this time, the gap in alliance levels is actually not big. The real distance depends on the number of people who can quickly open a level 5 land in the future.

At this time, after more than an hour of development, Ning Xiu not only wiped out all the level 3 lands around his main city.

Even more forcefully, with the help of his low battle damage and land reclamation speed, he grabbed three level 3 stones from the left side of the main city, where the player named Po Jun was.

At this time, Ning Xiu not only upgraded the two land-opening generals to level 9, but also raised the main city to level 4.

And spent resources to point out the forwards. Madam Wu, who only needs 1.5 command to go into battle, can make up the numbers. She only needs to wait for the conscription to end before she can start attacking the level 4 land.

At the same time, through intermittent drawing of cards, his out-of-print generals in the S3 season, 5-star Yan Liangwen Chou and 5-star Queen Bu, have already become popular.

There are even a few more, but 5-star Cao Chun is still one short, and 5-star Shu Gong Zhuge Liang is still two short, and at this time he has spent more than 500,000 jade talismans.

There are countless other 5-star materials and 4-star cards, and even the combat experience, if he hadn't been using them all the time, would have reached the upper limit.

"Phew! Keep going, I won't give up if I'm not satisfied today."

After glancing at the land reclamation team that was still recruiting troops, Ning Xiu immediately clicked on the card pool of season famous generals, preparing to seize the time to fill up the out-of-print generals and concentrate on land reclamation. -

The new area of ​​Ledou Three Kingdoms or the first day of the new season is the stage for the performances of all the major heroes.

They can always have their names appear at the top of the game interface. Many players finally found a core and wanted to show off.

But if he didn't draw it right after the server opened and wanted to see his name on the system TV, he might have to wait until the afternoon or evening.

Ji: War丨End war with war Alliance channel.

Kisame Kisaki: [486X980] Dude, look who this is [picking nose].

Warring States Period Xiao Kong: Mr. Ning, the leader of the alliance on the opposite side, let's arrange a wave for him first.

Kisame Kisaki: That's right, but this guy grows so fast. If I hadn't been quick, he would have taken over all the level 3 stones nearby. The brother below us would be in a bit of a tragedy [Cold Sweat].

Seal: I took a look and there are quite a few of us near him. Kisame, you can contact us when you are done.

Arrange him, don't embarrass our returning group [picking your nose].

Kisame Kisaki: I'll try my best to [sweat].

Mr. Xu: Damn, I’m here in Qinghe, otherwise I really want to meet this person.

Warring States Period Xiao Kong: I am in Hejian County, which is a bit far away, and several of their Chuzhou people [ghosts] were found nearby.

Shilan: When it's almost time to finish, transfer the leader to the free account, it's safer.

Warring States Xiao Kong: Yeah. -

At around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, after the recruitment of Ningxiu's land reclamation team ended, the total strength successfully reached 2,300.

Then he didn't hesitate and directly controlled the team to rush towards a level 4 stone that he had explored and was one block away from the main city.

The strength of the level 4 land defenders in the S3 season is 6,000. When the countdown to the march on the land reclamation team ended and the special effects of swords and swords appeared, Ning Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I opened the battle report and calculated that the battle losses after the wounded soldiers recovered were about 400, which was acceptable.

The main reason is that the battle losses of his 4-star general, Mrs. Wu, were relatively large, but as the level of his land reclamation team increases, the battle losses will gradually decrease.

Five minutes later, Ning Xiu successfully captured the first level 4 land. After he sent his team back to recruit troops, he sent the team to the level 4 land to farm.

Although it is a bit wasteful to farm on level 4 land, it is better than wasting the government decree.

Moreover, he also wanted to collect enough stones as soon as possible to upgrade the stone materials for the main city to level 5. Only then, after replacing Lu Ji with more output, could he prepare for the level 5 later. -

Compared with the previous two seasons, in the S3 season, because of the existence of personal skills, even level 3 and level 4 lands have their own value.

Personal technology has been activated since birth. After clicking on the technology bar, more than ten personal technologies will appear.

When the player's reputation reaches 5000, he will gain technical value, which will increase as his reputation increases. Finally, he can obtain 30 technical points.

By consuming skill points, you can research corresponding personal skills to make the gameplay more diverse.

For example, the military reclamation camp can be learned with 2 skill points. After the player successfully researches it, he can increase the yield of the land he owns by one level.

To put it simply, after building a military reclamation camp on level 4 land, its output will become the same as that on level 5 land.

A variety of personal skills greatly improve the playability of the S3 season.

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