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Chapter 229 I want to escape!

System: The general trend of the world, the decline of the Han Dynasty is complete.

At 16:00, the S3250 game process is progressing, and the new world trend of Han Dynasty decline is completed normally.

In addition to rewarding players with a wave of Tiger Talisman as usual and opening up batch recruitment of card packs from around the world, it also represents 18 alliances with more than 45 people.

At this time, Jizhou Fengyu gathered together a group of experienced high-fighting veterans who were in the same boat through thick and thin. Jizhou Fengyu ranked first in the league rankings, and the league level reached level 10.

District 02, which was previously ranked second, dropped to third place.

District 08 Yangzhou Royal丨Quan Yutianxia, ​​came from behind and successfully replaced his position.

Except for the second and third-placed alliances, which have reached level 9, the remaining top 10 to 20 in the league rankings are basically at level 8. -

Yang: Yu丨Quan Yutianxia management channel.

[Deputy Leader] A bowl of cool white: Tsk! District 1500 collided with Jizhou, which had a big impact on District 02. In the league rankings, we were actually overtaken.

[Official] Xiao Susu: You are saying this as if we are not as good as them [picking your nose].

[Commander] Eat Abalone: ​​It’s indeed a bit miserable. I took a look at the power rankings.

Most of the Jizhou players at the forefront are from Jizhou Fengyu, and the proportion in District 02 is very small.

[Leader] Han Qing: It’s not surprising. District 1500 is a district of 100. There are already many bosses and high-level battles.

In the S2 and S3 seasons, a wave of returnees have been integrated. It is normal for them to be strong. If they are not strong in District 02, they will not join us.

However, Jizhou is the home field of District 02 after all, and the players wherever it is located are also elites.

Under the absolute suppression of numbers, the longer the time drags on, the more detrimental it will be to the wind and rain in Jizhou.

Besides, hitting the state is a move that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred.

Even though the main force in District 02 could not defeat Jizhou Fengyu in the early stage and was badly hit, as long as they could hold off, the final victory would belong to them.

Don't forget, in addition to the reinforcements in Qingzhou behind them, they also have Area 03 in Youzhou.

Although it is just a separatist district, the combat effectiveness of any district cannot be underestimated.

[Deputy Leader] A Bowl of Liangbai: Yes, at that time, in addition to their toughness and combat effectiveness, they will also have to compete with their support speed. If the other side lags behind for one day, they may be defeated by Qianli Lao.

[Commander] Eat abalone: ​​Hehe! Fortunately, there is Yizhou as a buffer between us. Otherwise, if we encounter the 1500 District and hit the state, we will be the ones with a headache at this time.

[Leader] Han Qing: Now we just need to develop with peace of mind and wait for the two of them to perform after being exempted [picking nose]. -

"Luckily, I was given the stone."

Using Spartan, after continuously knocking down the thieves who appeared at 16:00 in the afternoon, I was actually given tens of thousands of stones.

Ning Xiu suddenly felt that the time for him to reach the level 7 main city might have to be earlier.

"If we give out a wave of stones at 20 o'clock in the evening, we should be able to reach the level 7 main city before the early hours of the night after running out of government orders."

After figuring out his development plan in his mind, Ning Xiu continued to control the main team to take long-range shots to get level 5 land.

At the same time, continue to use 2 teams to sweep level 4 lands to upgrade. -

Ji: [E-mail: In the Wild] The cat cries like a mouse: I’ll give you six yuan, accept me into the alliance.

At 20 o'clock in the evening, after Ning Xiu controlled Team 2 and Team 3 to go to the level 5 stone farm at the door, he received a small email worth six yuan.

Ji: Wind and Rain in Jizhou [E-mail: Alliance Leader] Ning Gongzi: Correct password [pick your nose].

[E-mail] The cat cries like a mouse: God’s secret code, hurry up [Ghost].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: I won’t accept you unless I tell you the secret code [pick your nose].

[Email] A cat cries like a mouse: Damn it, the king of heaven overpowers the tigers of the earth, right? .

[Email] Mr. Ning: By the way, six yuan and two hundred and five [covers mouth and laughs].

[Email] A cat cries like a mouse: bitch [despised].

After taking the Liuyuan trumpet into the alliance, Ning Xiu resigned from his post as deputy leader of Ma Gongzi and replaced him with his trumpet, and then gave up the leader of the alliance to the trumpet.

After everything was settled and Mr. Ma was appointed as an official, Ning Xiu was ready to take a gamble and see if he could get enough resources to upgrade to a level 7 main city.

At this time, he was still short of nearly 60,000 stones. After the two teams finished their field work, they would be almost there.

As long as this wave of thieves gives you stones, you can completely blow up the warehouse, save up to one level of warehouse, and save tens of thousands of stones.

This is how it was during the land reclamation period. They were frugal and careful in order to successfully upgrade to the main city of level 7 as soon as possible, and the construction of troops would completely take off.

At 20:30, after the two farming teams returned, Ning Xiu immediately controlled the second team and rushed towards the thieves who spawned next to the main city.

"Amitofu, brother thieves, please don't make a mistake." He stared at the countdown of the march above the heads of the 2nd team.

When the countdown reached zero and he easily passed through the thieves, Ning Xiu immediately raised his eyes and looked at the stone resources above the game interface.

"Awesome, I'm really impressed."

After a real bet with a 1/4 chance of winning, the stone warehouse was successfully liquidated.

Ning Xiu immediately clicked on the main city interface and chose to upgrade. After a while, the level 7 main city was completed.

After being upgraded to the level 7 main city, Ningxiu only has a little over 20,000 of wood and iron ore left, and the stone materials are completely bottomed out. The remaining food is only about 80,000, which can be used to show off.

But it's all worth it. The main city has been upgraded to level 7, and the command has become 8.0.

With Ning Xiu as the main force of the first team, the Hooligans team can be officially formed.

After resetting Lu Ji in the main team, Ning Xiu directly replaced Sun Quan, who was full of red, and then used the reserves he had saved in the afternoon to fill him up instantly.

Then he quickly learned the initial strategy for him, and after maxing it out with the main battle method, he directly led the team and began to scavenge and level up at the level 5 area at the gate of the main city.

Although the number of troops, which originally numbered more than 6,000, was reduced to 4,900 due to the change of generals, it was not difficult at all to clear the level 5 area in front of the main city gate, and the battle losses could even be ignored.

At this time, Ning Xiu had successfully upgraded to the level 7 main city, and Ning Xiu had no obsession with the level 5 land.

In addition, now that I have reached block 5, I have to pave the way to run a long distance to shoot from a long distance, so I am ready to concentrate on leveling up first.

Raise Sun Quan's level and strive to awaken as soon as possible.

The experience of each level 5 land is over 10,000. For Sun Quan, who is only level 5, the early upgrade is like a rocket.

By 22:00 in the evening, Ning Xiu had already upgraded it to level 15, but at the same time, the main team's physical strength had been exhausted.

After glancing at the sufficient resources, Ning Xiu selected the first-level barracks. After recruiting soldiers for the main force of land reclamation, he was temporarily free.

"Now forward Zhen Luo and Daying Guanmei have reached level 23.

With the addition of level 15 Sun Quan and the first-level barracks, the total strength reaches 7,000, and the demolition value has exceeded 100.

Taking advantage of the fact that the opposite Kisame Kisaki doesn't have any territory defense at the moment, let's turn over his lands to develop. "

Leaning back on the chair, looking over the several level 5 lands he had been turned over by Kisame Kisaki, Ning Xiu made a decision in his heart.

The so-called territorial defense is a type of personal technology and requires 3 points of technology support research.

After the research is successful, the durability value of all the player's resources and land will be increased from 100 points to 160 points. In this case, it will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of digging the land.

Of course, the current dried persimmon Kisame can't help with territorial defense, but Ning Xiu doesn't want to delay it and give his neighbor a chance to develop.

Secondly, it is also because if he wants to get the land now, he can only pave the way and build a fortress. Instead of doing that, why bother to look far away? He can just plow his neighbor's land.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, when the recruitment of the main team ended, I also recovered 20 points of physical strength.

Ning Xiu immediately controlled his main team and rushed towards a piece of level 5 stone that had been turned over.

Fortunately, the opponent only turned over his level 5 land and did not touch the level 4 connecting land next to it, otherwise he would have to lay out a few more squares. -

"call out!"

Kisame Inegaki, who was chatting and bragging with members of the alliance, immediately changed his expression when he heard the harsh sound of enemy attacks.

Glancing along the red line that appeared on his land, he immediately saw the team of his neighbor, Mr. Ning.

"What's supposed to come has come. As expected, there's no way to escape."

Looking at Mr. Ning who was arrogant and didn't care whether he was online or not, Ganshi Kisame looked at his land reclamation team and felt a little hesitant in his heart. He didn't know whether he should go up and guard for a while.

He is not afraid of fighting and losing both sides. If that happens, he will not lose at all.

He is only afraid that his team will be directly eaten up by others, which will completely stop him.

Due to the influence of Ning Xiu and the lack of surrounding resource areas, the Inigaki Kisame wasteland development team was only at level 20 at this time.

However, because he considered the issue of transformation, he did not fully upgrade the tactics of the land-opening generals, so he did not awaken.

Under such circumstances, although his strength was as high as 6,000, he was still a little timid.

"Wait a while, he won't be able to break it down even once, let's see what team he is in first."

After thinking about it again and again, Inikaki Kisame decided to play it safe. After all, he was currently working hard to upgrade to level 7. If the team was wiped out once, it would be a bit of a stretch. -


When the march countdown ends and you see your own land reclamation team, you can easily pass through level 5 and capture it.

But on the game interface, only a battle report popped up, and Ning Xiu chuckled in his heart.

He believed that his neighbor must be online at this time. He originally thought that the other party would be stationed to fight with him, but he did not expect to be so cautious or cowardly.

"Since you won't be stationed, I won't be polite. Let's see how long you can endure it."

He called the team back instantly and saw that there were only more than 200 battle losses. He would rather rest than recruit troops and directly control them to go out again, using up the last wave of stamina. -

"I'll wipe it! Come again, you're bullying an honest person!"

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