Game copper coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 24 The storm suddenly arises

Ou Huang: Playing a level 5 land with a ram? It is worthy of the worship of the great god Mengxin.

Dog Trust: Is this the legendary "Car Rushing Formation"? .

Governor Liuyuan: Damn it, you two are enough.

Super Mario: Why do the two brothers upstairs have such similar names?

Ou Huang: I am his brother.

Dog care: He is my brother.

Ning Xiu just clicked on the alliance channel and saw a group of people arguing. He immediately typed in the alliance: "A monthly card. Is there anyone who can help demolish the city?"

Now that he has successfully captured the level 6 land, he naturally wants to start building a branch city.

But at this stage, due to the reputation value, the land limit is completely insufficient.

After he used nine pieces of land to build the sub-city, there was no space left, so it was inevitable to demolish the city skin.

The so-called city skin refers to the urban area around the center of the main city. Before players expanded it in the early stage, it only had durability without any bonus.

Naturally, Ning Xiu would not demolish the urban areas that could be expanded. After all, these urban areas could increase tax revenue.

Every piece was important to him, but there was no need to keep the rest.

The Six-Yuan Grand Governor: Damn it! It's really nice to demolish the city skin with the monthly card. It's a pity that I don't have an alt account. Now Yizhou is full and I can't build an alt account.

First Love: Same Envy and Powerlessness.

Asen: I would like to ask, what is the city skin?

Nao Nao: Me, me, I have a trumpet. The leader of the alliance said, "I'm not Huang Rong." I flew over to demolish the city for Boss Ning.

Governor Liu Yuan: No, unless you give me half of your monthly card.

Emperor Ou: Please save some face, please, you are an alliance leader after all.

Dog care: Although it keeps turning over.

Alliance leader Liuyuan worked very efficiently. Soon after, Ning Xiu saw a blue line shooting from a distance across nearly two counties.

After Ning Xiu glanced at it, he immediately controlled several troops, occupied 8 pieces of land centered on level 6 land, and began to build a branch city.

"Fortunately, we were able to find people to demolish the city walls, otherwise there would only be two empty areas left, and there would be no way to pave the way." Ning Xiu glanced at the territory that was about to reach its upper limit, and Ning Xiu felt a little lucky.

Building a branch city is different from a fortress. It only requires the consumption of resources and no government orders. The construction time is the same as that of the fortress, which takes 4 and a half hours. At the same time, it cannot be accelerated with jade talismans.

After finishing the division of the city, Ning Xiu removed the two cavalry teams from Team 2 and Team 3 and replaced them all with 4-star red infantry.

Swap the positions of 2 teams of 3-star Liu Yu and one of the 4-star infantry, and use the 2 teams with the new infantry to sweep up the level 3 upgrade.

He is preparing for the siege mission at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Naturally, he is practicing demolition in order to occupy a place on the siege list.

There are two lists for capturing a city, the enemy kill list and the siege list.

The enemy kill list is determined by the number of defenders destroyed by the player, and the siege list is determined by the durability of the city demolished by the player.

The top three on both lists will receive generous copper coin rewards.

The higher the level of the city, the greater the copper coin reward. The first place on the list will receive a copper coin reward of three times the basic reward.

For Ning Xiu, copper coins are real money and silver. The first place on the two lists can bring him an income of 60,000 yuan, so he is determined to do it.

If you want to compete for the rankings, the siege value of the demolition team in the early stage is secondary, but the speed is particularly important. After all, if you demolish it once, others have to go three times, how can you compete for the rankings?

Therefore, in the early stage of the siege in the new area, especially when the monthly card party players are in urgent need of copper coins in exchange for tactical experience.

When there is no chance to kill the enemy list, it is best to form two demolition teams with full red and 3 stars, which are completely enough to compete for the list in the early stage.

Suddenly, a harsh warning sound sounded, and then a red horse head appeared on Ning Xiu's game screen. This was an icon of the approaching enemy player's troops.

"What's going on?" Ning Xiu was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the main city and saw that there was no red line to attack.

Immediately tap the icon and the screen will jump, switching directly to the level 3 city Zhuti.

Level 3 city Zhuti is the target city for Tomorrow Night.

At this time, because Commander Chu Lian had already sent an email in advance, the entire alliance had flown over to occupy the land, and some had even begun building a fortress.

But on the edge of a blue ally land, there are several players on the west side of Juti, who are sending troops to plow the ground and dismantle the fortress that is still under construction.

Ning Xiu flew over a piece of land in the first ring this morning, and a fortress had been built. Because he had a close field of vision, he received a warning alert.

Frowning, he took a look at the players' troops and saw that they were a group of alliance members called Blood Fiends. Ning Xiu directly sent the coordinates to the alliance leader, the Six Yuan Governor.

If only one player acted, it would definitely be a personal act. Ning Xiu would send troops to kill the opponent without saying a word.

But several people acted together and said that the management of Xuesha didn't know, but he didn't believe it.

He didn't know much about the affairs between Feng Yu Tong Ao and these Yizhou alliances.

So I decided to let the alliance leader Liuyuan deal with it first. If it couldn't be solved, he would not hesitate to blast the opponent.

Destroying his fortress and preventing him from conquering the city and competing for the ranking are completely preventing him from earning copper coins and cutting off his financial path.

For such a person, Ning Xiu wouldn't mind beating him up.

Yes, there are indeed some old fried dough sticks who are not afraid of falling, but if Ning Xiu really wants to take action, there are many ways to deal with such people.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: This is a person from the Blood Demon, who used to be an ally of Duijiudangge. This morning their leader came to me to claim the city. I didn’t have any conflicts with them, but now they are starting to cause trouble.

Ning Xiu frowned slightly after receiving the email from the alliance leader Liuyuan. He didn't expect that just after he solved Dujiu Dangge, another blood evil appeared.

[Email] Mr. Ning: How many people are alive on the other side? Didn't you invite their leader when you allocated the city?

[E-mail] The Six-Yuan Grand Governor: There are less than 50 people. Counting the alts and those who have abandoned the pit, it is estimated that half of them are alive. Moreover, their development is not very good, so it is useless to give them a city.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Have you invited your opponent to form an alliance? What do you say to the other side?

[E-mail] Governor Liu Yuan: Of course I invited you, but the leader of the alliance opposite didn't agree and didn't say anything. He just started complaining, saying that he wanted to take it for himself, and now you see, you can make trouble.

After understanding what happened, Ning Xiu immediately felt that the alliance leader named Xue Sha was deliberately looking for trouble.

If it was really for 2,400 jade talismans, it would not be so extreme at all, it would be an alliance.

After all, with the current strength of the same boat, if there is a conflict, they will only be the ones to suffer.

"It seems that the alliance leader of Xuesha should be the layout of other states."

After thinking carefully for a moment, Ning Xiu felt that the opponent was most likely an alliance from other states, a chess piece that was left in Yizhou before the zone was opened.

The most famous thing about Leading the Three Kingdoms is the open and covert fighting between players, commonly known as PY.

Especially in the S season, such so-called diplomatic methods emerge in endlessly.

Some districts have already decided on the final winner to conquer the alliance even before the district opens.

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