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Chapter 242 The game is so fun

As a veteran player who led the Three Kingdoms, Jiu has always been very lucky that he returned to the team during the S2 season and encountered the same situation through thick and thin.

As a Sanren who has been involved in the Conquest Season, he knows very well how small the chance of meeting an alliance that suits his taste and has great benefits.

So from the beginning of the S2 season, he began to actively perform, trying to get into the core layer of Fengyu.

His efforts were not in vain. In the S3 season, he finally took a step forward and entered the core management team that stood together through thick and thin. He became the commander of Jizhou Storm.

Alliance commander is actually not a good position. Once the war goes unfavorably, he is often the best candidate to take the blame.

A qualified commander doesn't just follow the leader's wishes and send a few emails, upload them all, or withdraw them. This kind of email is enough.

He needs to synthesize the alliance's situation and formulate strategic plans based on different situations.

At this point, he can feel much more relaxed, because Ning Xiu has already done it for him.

At this time, we were in the same boat, because the alliance leader was transferred to the trumpet, and Ning Xiu became the deputy alliance leader.

But Ning Xiu has always been the hands-off boss, so in fact Jiu is not only the commander, but also does some things that the deputy leader does.

Lying on the bed, Jiu was thinking about how to implement Ning Xiu's strategic plan. After staring at the map for a long time, he gradually had a complete plan in his mind.

As long as everything goes well, it will not only save the manpower of Jizhou Fengyu's main alliance, but also speed up the development of Jizhou Fengyu and conquer the city. -

"Phew! It's windy again."

The next morning, Ning Xiu climbed out of bed at 6 a.m. After washing, he lit a cigarette and went to the balcony.

Looking at the dim sky outside the window and the trees swaying in the wind in the distance, I couldn't help but give up my plan to go out for a couple of laps.

"Let's just play games. Exercise has nothing to do with me."

Throwing away the cigarette butt, he sat down in front of the computer. After logging into the game, Ning Xiu took a look at his various resources, and then controlled the 2nd team and the paving team to go to the level 6 land next to the main city to stock up on stones.

As for the main rogue team, they had been clearing land near the level 5 city of Lunu last night and did not go home.

After controlling the team to attack a previously laid level 6 land, he opened several emails on the game interface and checked them.

Ji: Jizhou Wind and Rain [Mail: Commander] Nine: [656X1013] In the level 3 city of Gaoyang, the brothers on the line in Qinghe County quickly established a fortress and mobilized troops before 12 noon.

When the time comes, our brothers from the alliance will help us take the city.

Ji: Jizhou Wind and Rain [Mail: Commander] Nine: [671X952] Level 3 city Ziyang, Guangping and Yecheng, close brothers.

Set up a fortress in the enclave quickly and mobilize troops before noon. The brothers in the alliance will cooperate with us to take the city. The time is tentatively set at noon. The specific situation will be notified by email.

Ji: Jizhou Storm [Mail: Commander] Nine: [652X873] Level 4 city Handan, opening at 20 o'clock in the evening.

The brothers from Guangping, Qinghe, Yecheng, Changshan, and Zhongshan enclave and set up fortresses as soon as possible. The brothers from Hejian and Nanpi do not need to participate in this city attack.

But quickly make a transit and build a fortress in the enclave of Ziyang. -

"It's a good idea to use people from the branch alliance to help the city develop quickly."

Through a wave of emails, Ning Xiu roughly understood his thoughts.

Jizhou Fengyu is in Jizhou at this time. In addition to the main alliance, there are two sub-alliances, which are different from the 02 District War Alliance.

Their two sub-alliances are not slow to develop, and they are all veteran players. They have made significant contributions to the players who recently fell into the 02 area.

It's just that because of the upper limit of the alliance's level, there aren't that many positions, so everyone can't gather together.

Jiu's method is actually not complicated, but it requires execution. Simply put, it is to let the branch alliance attack a wave of cities first, and finally let the main alliance harvest the fruit. -

Ji: Jizhou wind and rain management channel.

[Vice-Leader] Ning Gongzi: There is no problem in using sub-alliances to support our main alliance, but it is okay to set the time at noon. Is it too late?

[Commander] 9: After I contacted the two branch alliances last night, I asked brothers nearby to pave the roads, and now they have been paved.

[Vice Leader] Mr. Ning: You are online so early.

[Commander] Nine: Uh, I didn't sleep [Cold Sweat].

[Deputy Leader] Mr. Ning: Yes [thumb].

[Commander] Nine: If everything goes well today, we can capture three cities with the help of the branch alliance, and by then we will catch up with the progress of other states.

But according to my speculation, once we win Ziyang, the Zone 02 Alliance will definitely take action.

So I asked my brothers who were far away to build a fortress in advance, so that it would be easier to fight.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Mr. Ning: Okay, I’ll urge you when we’re done and ask those brothers who can move to the city to move to Guangping as much as possible.

Although this is a bit inconvenient for both development and fighting.

But after waiting for a while, when the 02 Area Alliance develops, our lone brothers scattered everywhere will become their targets of revenge.

By then our manpower will be limited and we will not be able to take care of everyone. Moreover, if we enter Yanzhou, the role of Jizhou will be the same. It will be convenient to do anything together.

[Commander] Nine: Okay, I will make an announcement in the group later.

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Well, you can go and rest after you finish.

[Commander] Nine: OK. -


Looking at the main force who dropped level 6 lands in seconds with low damage, Ning Xiu glanced around the fortress and saw that all the nearby resources had been wiped out by him, so he immediately prepared to change places.

At this time, after a day of development, his rogue team forward Zhen Luo and Daying Guan Yinping have reached level 28, and the Chinese army Sun Quan has also reached level 25. The total strength has reached 12,200.

"After you upgrade to level 8 main city today, you can find a level 7 land and use it to train your troops."

After glancing at the resources and calculating the time, Ning Xiu estimated that if he wanted to upgrade to the level 8 main city as soon as possible, he would have to wait and see whether the waves of thieves today would provide stones, otherwise it would be delayed until night or even early morning.

"Change the place."

The resources around the level 5 city of Lunu were wiped out by him, and Ning Xiu also gave up his previous idea of ​​developing towards Zhongshan.

Instead, prepare to head towards Zhending, the level 4 city on the lower left side of his main city.

Therefore, by choosing this direction, in addition to having wild fortresses on his way forward, he can save government orders and resources.

It is because of its location, on the border between Guangping County and Yecheng.

Since they, Jizhou Fengyu, want to make Guangping their base camp, they must have this outpost in the level 4 city. -

Time passes, 10 am.

Ji: War | End war with war management channel.

[Official] Seal: The people in Jizhou Fengyu are really able to survive. There are too many people playing night battles. Someone even touched me near me last night and was stuck with me all night long.

[Official] Yuan Mingqing: Yes, I also discovered that they are really a group of night owls.

Even more dancing at night than during the day. Several of our brothers were turned into [ghosts] last night.

[Official] Jing Yufeng: I heard that they have a subsidy of 128 yuan for every night battle [cold sweat].

[Official] Seal: Real or fake? .

[Official] Jing Yufeng: It should be true. I went to Tieba to read a bunch of their posts from last season.

That Mr. Ning not only created a military merit system, but also organized offline gatherings every season, and the red envelopes and various benefits never stopped.

It is said that he spent 500,000 yuan on the league in one season in S2.

[Official] Seal: Damn it, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this guy. With so much money, I can buy more than a dozen of the numbers that were the main players of the previous teams.

[Official] Yuan Ming and Qing: Tsk! Although the alliance that spends money may not be strong, it is definitely not weak. We will not be able to compete this season.

[Commander] Shi Lan: [671X952] Damn it, Ziyang is all their land. I didn’t see it last night.

[Official] Seal: Look at this posture, he is going to take Ziyang.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Warring States Period Xiao Kong: Jizhou Fengyu really has thoughts about Yanzhou. Behind the level 3 city Ziyang is Guandu.

[Official] Seal: What should we do, gather the brothers and attack? .

If they take the city and build a large number of fortresses, there will be no chance to prevent them from entering Yanzhou in the future.

Fight or not?

Three simple words form two words, which also have two different results.

Warring States Xiao Kong was also a little hesitant for a moment.

If you don't fight and let it develop, it will be difficult to deal with it until the opponent moves to Yanzhou, the resource state.

Moreover, after entering Guandu, there is Yanjin. At the same time, Jizhou Fengyu chose Guangping County, which is close to the Jibing pass, as its target. It is obvious that it is preparing to break through the Bingzhou pass.

But in the current situation, when the main alliance is duel, they can't beat it visually.

And if you form an alliance, you can still play, but this will affect those brothers who have not yet developed.

"It's so damn difficult."

As the boss of Area 02, Warring States Xiao Kong knew very well that every decision he made was related to the future gaming experience of thousands of people in the alliance, so he had to be careful. -

[Official] Mr. Xu: I think we can give them a fight. Even if we don’t fight them, they will still affect the development of our brothers every day. It’s better to put on a frontal attack.

[Commander] Shi Lan: It's okay to fight, but I can't seem to beat him [Cold Sweat].

[Official] Mr. Xu: Of course the main alliance cannot challenge us alone, but they are not without their weaknesses, that is, they have few people. On the contrary, our advantage is that we have many people.

Although we should be no match for them with a head-on hammer, we won't collapse at the first touch.

My idea is that we, the main alliance, will attack them and attract their people.

People from other alliances attacked their main city.

In this case, once their hometown is in danger, someone will definitely withdraw their troops and go back to defend their home.

Not only can it help us reduce stress in disguised form, it may even make them collapse.

[Official] Seal: Yes, our main alliance will hold back their main force and let the sub-alliance attack their main city. We will use a two-pronged approach to see how they play.

[Commander] Decorated Lan: You can do it.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: That’s it, I’ll contact the branch alliance.

Decorate Lan, you send an email and ask the brothers to set up a fortress near Ziyang.

[Commander] Decorated Lan: OK.

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