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Chapter 248 Damn Input Method

After 12 o'clock at noon, Ning Xiu saw that the resources were enough, so he immediately raised the Fengchan Terrace to level 2, raising the upper limit of the team's lineup command that could be put into battle to 9.5.

"Phew! We can finally form a team."

Ning Xiu breathed a sigh of relief when his command was up to standard. He was really not used to controlling a team of main players every day.

After removing the Paving Team from the lineup, he moved Lu Meng and Ma Chao to the 3rd team, and then moved 5-star Wei Caochun, 5-star Wei Zhangliao, and 5-star Shu Gong Zhuge Liang to the 2nd team.

Transfer to the wild fortress below, and prepare to practice troop upgrades after a wave of political orders are restored.

A level 7 military training has 60,000 experience points, and each of the three generals can get 20,000 experience points, which allows them to quickly upgrade from level 5 to level 10.

Then he can form his own chopper team, with Ma Chao as the awakened damage dealer, and with the bonus of the barracks, it will not be difficult to farm level 5 lands.

After finishing the work and reaching level 20 awakening, you can brush the city skin and level up quickly.

After finishing everything, Ning Xiu clicked on the map and started looking for a new development location.

At this time, many players in the 02 Area Alliance have been captured. He only needs to find those captured players, and then he can use the opponent's land to fly directly to the fortress, or directly take the land from a long distance. -

"What does it smell like?"

As time passed, Ning Xiu, who was leaning on a chair and playing a game, suddenly smelled a scent. He was stunned and then sniffed it with his nose.

He raised his eyes and scanned the time on the computer. Seeing that it was only 13 o'clock, he immediately said to himself in surprise: "Aunt Li is cooking so early today?"

In their hometown, they only eat two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon around 16:00. As for supper in the evening, it depends on everyone's needs.

Since Ning Xiu resigned, he has resumed the eating habits he has been accustomed to since he was a child. After all, at noon, he really couldn't eat.

"Why don't you come out? Could it be that you fell asleep?"

Chen Xiang stood outside Ning Xiu's room, listening to the movement in the room, holding a wok fan in one hand and fanning it.


After Ning Xiu got up, opened the door and walked out, he happened to see Chen Xiang just walking out of the kitchen wearing an apron.

He immediately said in confusion: "Uh, are you cooking?"

"Yes, isn't it already noon?" Chen Xiang replied, and then said: "I saw that there was no shortage of anything in the refrigerator, so I just cooked some noodles and fried two vegetables."

Seeing Chen Xiang, who was completely unrestrained and completely relaxed, Ning Xiu smiled slightly in his heart and said immediately: "Then I will try your craftsmanship."

Generally speaking, the taste is okay, but Ning Xiu is not surprised. It is a miracle that girls can cook nowadays, how can they expect it to be delicious?

Of course, what he thinks in his heart must not be the same as what he expresses, but he still has this bit of emotional intelligence.

"How about it?"

"Hmm, it's delicious." -

Ning Xiu thought that after Chen Xiang came, his life would change drastically, but it turned out that he was thinking too much.

In the past, apart from eating and sleeping, he would play games every day. If he was great, he would go downstairs to have fun.

But now, I still eat and sleep visually. The change is from playing games alone to playing with two people. When I go for a walk downstairs, one person becomes two people.

At the same time, Ning Xiu has always been afraid that he will look at his mobile phone, or want to log in to his game account and discover the cheat problem.

But in the end, Chen Xiang never even entered his room, and there was no sign of what he was worried about happening.


Time passed, and three days passed by in the blink of an eye. Ning Xiu had also gotten used to the sudden appearance of an extra person in the family.

And with the contact in reality, the relationship between the two is also growing day by day. -

In the early morning, after Ning Xiu logged into the game, he immediately controlled his three main teams and went to different cities to level up.

At this time, it had been 8 days since S3250 opened. During these 3 days, Ning Xiu not only successfully raised the Fengchan Platform to level 3.

He successfully formed his own team of magic knives and kitchen knives, and at this time he had already upgraded the kitchen knife he had obtained first to level 30.

The Magic Blade Team has also achieved level 20 awakening, and its main force, the Rogue Team, has successfully reached level 40.

This is because he created a wave of copycats during the two weekends, otherwise the level at this time would definitely be more than this.

Of course, even so, his development is still at the forefront of players in this region.

Ever since the Jizhou Alliance in District 02 was pushed flatly in the Ziyang battlefield, they have completely given up on their plan to confront their Jizhou Feng Yugang.

Don't confront them head-on at all, hide far away and organize manpower to attack the city and develop.

Under such circumstances, although the main alliance level could barely keep up, because many people were suppressed, many members were lost and left lying dead.

In contrast, the development of Jizhou Fengyu has been very smooth. The members spend the day doing leveling and development.

Fighting against the city at night and getting into fights in the middle of the night, the whole day was arranged in a full and orderly manner.

Not only did it secure the first place in the league rankings, it also directly surpassed the second-placed Quan Yu Tian Xia by 3 levels in the league level. -

Ji: Jizhou Storm [Mail: Commander] Nine: [585X1036] In the evening, the level 6 county town of Qinghe, brothers who don’t have an enclave, hurry up and enclave.

Ji: Jizhou wind and rain management channel.

[Official] Mr. Ma: Let’s open a level 6 city now. Isn’t it a little early?

[Commander] Nine: It's getting late. Now other states have opened level 5 cities. I guess Qingzhou won't move today, but it will definitely move tomorrow.

Let's take the Qinghe County City as early as possible and hold the entire Qinghe County in our hands.

[Official] Jizuo Huogong: To be honest, the Jizhou Alliance in District 02 is so resilient. It has lost so many people and it still hasn’t collapsed.

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: It’s normal. Anyone who can play to the S3 season has not been defeated. The deterrent effect of being defeated is no longer useful.

Moreover, both Qingyou Prefecture and Qingyou Prefecture are their people, and since everything has not collapsed, they can naturally persevere.

[Official] Mr. Ma: If we take Qinghe County, can we establish a country?

I also want the title of the general who ruled the country last season [Qiya].

[Official] Manghan: Don't worry, Qinghe County is not safe. There are several checkpoints in Yanzhou next to it. Once Qingzhou passes through Yanzhou and comes from Yanzhou, you will reach Qinghe as soon as you enter Jizhou.

[Official] Mr. Ma: What are you afraid of? Their main alliance in Jizhou is already in disgrace, just blow them up.

[Official] Rough Man: Idiot.

[Official] Mr. Ma: I'll go, Lao Ning is the rough guy in charge of your family, calling me [Ghost] every day.

[Deputy Leader] Mr. Ning: Idiot.

[Commander] 9: Although we have indeed achieved the conditions for founding a country as long as we capture Qinghe County, that place is really not suitable.

The current Jizhou Alliance seems to have been beaten to death by us, but many people are just lurking and developing in a low-key manner.

Once Qingzhou comes over from Yanzhou to start a war with us, they will definitely revive. At that time, what we will face will be a pincer attack from the main alliance of the two states.

Although we have many high-level battles and are strong and well-developed, the overall number of people is weak.

Now that the alliance levels are up, the more than 100 of us will face nearly twice the number of enemies.

The S3 season and the S2 season have different standards for establishing a country. In the S3 season, you only need to occupy all the cities in a county, and the alliance level reaches level 20 to establish a country. The Jizhou Wind and Rain Alliance level has already reached the standard.

The location of Qinghe County will be the closest to the front line in the future, which is relatively unsuitable for founding a country.

But at this time, most of the cities occupied by Jizhou Fengyu were in Guangping and Qinghe, as well as below Yecheng.

Except for Qinghe County, they really can't find a better position to establish the country, because the county seat of Guangping County is level 7. With their current strength, it is indeed a bit difficult to conquer.

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Qinghe County is indeed not suitable for the establishment of a country, but it is not suitable for the establishment of a country. After we take it, we still have to establish it.

[Official] Mr. Ma: Damn it! Since you think so, why did you scold me just now?

[Deputy Leader] Mr. Ning: There is a problem with the input method.

[Official] Mr. Ma: Go away, do you think I will believe it? [Contempt].

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Ning Gongzi: It is indeed dangerous to build the capital somewhere, but once we establish the country, the territory will extend to the two checkpoints connected to Yanzhou.

Even if the Qingzhou War Alliance rushes in and kills our nearby brothers, we can still prevent it from spreading everywhere.

At the same time, after the establishment of the country, we can use national policies, which is very beneficial to our battles.

[Commander] 9: There are advantages, but once the Qingzhou Alliance breaks through and attacks from the right, and the Jizhou Alliance attacks from the left, we will be in trouble.

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: It doesn’t matter. It’s not like the destroyed country cannot be built anymore. What impact can it have?

I was talking about the Qingzhou Alliance wanting to enter through two checkpoints in Yanzhou and asked me if I had [picked my nose].

[Official] Rough Man: Have you ever asked me if I [pick my nose]?

[Official] Mr. Ma: Have you asked me, Mr. Ma? [glare].

[Official] smiles: [cold sweat].

[Commander] Nine: Boss, what do you mean, let’s enter Yanzhou? .

[Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Well, after taking Qinghe County tonight, we will break through and enter Yanzhou. Since we have developed quickly and have an advantage, we must continue to expand our advantage.

[Commander] Nine: Okay. -

After finalizing the next strategic plan with the management, Ning Xiu began to control the main players of several teams to level up, and at the same time began to train the main players of his own fourth team.

His rogue team is already level 40, because Ning Xiu has already selected his personal skills and advanced them.

Therefore, with the bonus of level 15 barracks, the strength of its team has reached 25,500.

With such strength, he had successfully taken down a piece of level 9 land yesterday.

With the existence of level 9, it is no longer difficult for him to train the remaining main team through training in the early stage.

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