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Chapter 257 Forming a group to rebel against the region?

Evil King True Eye is a veteran player who led the Three Kingdoms. In addition to the trumpet S3250, he also has a large trumpet that has entered the conquest script.

For veteran players who lead the Three Kingdoms, playing several numbers at the same time is a routine operation.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to the tragic experience of his alt account and the overthrow of his main city and he just went to lie down and draw cards to play Conquer the Large Account.

Today, I received a notice from the management of the large group, asking them to rebel at the airport. The Evil King's True Eye didn't pay much attention to it.

Log in to the game, draw free half-price tickets, and turn in the resources to successfully rebel.

Because the big player was lying dead at this time, he controlled the main team of the small player and cleared the ground casually, thinking that he was helping the alliance and expanding the airport area.

Ji: War丨End war with war Alliance channel.

Evil King’s True Eye: You guys are so stupid, there are people from Jizhou Fengyu near me.

If someone discovers you soon, they will definitely come over and dig up the ground. I, a salted fish, can't protect you [picking your nose].

Hell Rakshasa: Don’t panic, their main force is in Yanzhou now, and they are allied with us in Qingzhou.

Kisame Kisaki: Madan, I wish I had waited until today to rebel. Now I have to save resources [Ghost].

Ji: Wind and Rain in Jizhou [E-mail: Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Are you there? .

"Master Ning from Jizhou Storm?"

Just after chatting with everyone in the alliance, Evil King saw an email pop up on the game interface.

After clicking it and looking at the sender above, I was stunned and my eyes were full of surprise.

Mr. Ning’s name is in S3250. I believe no player doesn’t know it. In addition to being the boss of District 1500, he is also number one in the power rankings.

Moreover, the name of his sponsor has already been widely known in the Lute circle through various posts on Tieba. Of course, he would not miss it.

"Tsk! Sure enough, we were discovered. The big boss on the opposite side has come out."

With a chuckle, Evil King Zhenyan was looking forward to it. As an old player, he certainly knew what the opponent's sponsor was looking for in this situation. Maybe he could still get some benefits today.

Ji: War丨End war with war [Email: Member] Evil King True Eye: Huh huh? [picking nose]. -

Ning Xiu is very aware of the disadvantage of standing together through thick and thin, which is the small number of people. Before the current level of the alliance has risen and the forces of other districts have not yet become one, the advantage is naturally very obvious.

But this advantage also has a shelf life. When entering the later stages of the season, ordinary players will fall into a disadvantage after they develop.

In the current season, even ordinary monthly card parties can have one or two teams to support their appearance.

And because there are few generals and a small team, almost all of their combat skills will be piled on the only main team.

Under such circumstances, they may not be able to fight one on one, but once they use the crowd tactics to fight in groups, even a red boss like Ning Xiu will not be able to withstand it.

Because this involves the probability of leading the Three Kingdoms, no one can control it.

Not to mention the common battle reports of the white-boarded governor and the hammer-filled red governor, there should not be too many battle reports of various small magic cavalry and meat-eating steps.

Now, Jizhou Fengyu is facing a three-state siege from the 02 and 03 District War Alliance.

In Ning Xiu's plan, the Youzhou War Alliance has Bingzhou to deal with it through thick and thin, while they will solve the Jizhou and Qingzhou War Alliance.

His original plan was to attack the Qingzhou War Alliance first, defeat the supporting army, and then return to continue to attack the Jizhou War Alliance.

But unexpectedly, the other party would actually use the fallen rebel members as an airport to fly to their base camp in Guangping.

Under such circumstances, he can only use one method, otherwise once Jizhou wind and rain divides his troops, he may be able to stalemate with the Qingji Alliance in a short time.

But they have only a small number of people, and once they get into a stalemate, the situation will not last seconds, because whether it is the Jizhou or Qingzhou War Alliance, they have branch alliances with large numbers of people.

Perhaps their combat effectiveness is a bit stretched, but it is enough to break the balance, and as time goes by, their role will become greater and greater.


Seeing the email that popped up at the bottom left of the game interface, Ning Xiu clicked on it and took a quick look at it. He didn't waste any time and replied directly: "A 648, you quit the alliance and become a wanderer." -

"Damn it! So direct, that's the kind of person I am."

After receiving the email, the Evil King was stunned for a moment, smiled and muttered to himself, and then replied: "If I wander, my season will be ruined."

Ji: Jizhou Storm [Email: Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: You currently own less than 5 resource lands, and they are all low-level lands.

At this point in this season, the rhythm has been completely settled. Anyway, it’s all about lying dead and drawing cards. Is there any difference between wandering and not wandering? .

You are just a big-headed soldier, don’t you want the benefits that are delivered to you? [picking nose].

Ji: War丨End war with war [Email: Member] Evil King True Eye: Isn’t this good? If I do this, it will be tantamount to treason.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: I will enter the preparation area after the S3 season. I will change my name and become a good man again [covers my mouth and laughs].

"Nima, this is helping me arrange my escape route."

I have to admit that the evil king is really attracted by it. Anyway, he is only a small player, and he is just lying on the corpse to draw cards. He can get 648 for nothing.

As for rebelling against the region and the alliance, he has no psychological burden at all.

As an old driver, unless you have a sense of belonging to an alliance, wouldn't it be normal for you to hang out with whoever provides you with good benefits?

As I said, no one came to support and save me when I was captured. It was a very hard life for me as a big soldier, right? .

Ji: War丨End war with war [Email: Member] Evil King True Eye: Ahem! I have to admit that I'm a little excited. Can the boss give me money first?

Ji: Jizhou Storm [Email: Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Yes, you can add me as a V.

[E-mail] Evil King True Eye: Well, I’m just a small account right now. Boss Ning, aren’t you afraid that I won’t do anything after taking the money? [glare].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: It doesn’t matter. I still have something to ask for your help after that. The benefits are indispensable to you. If you run away, the only loss will be yourself.

[Mail] The True Eye of the Evil King: [Thumbs up]. -

"Awesome, such a cheerful person, and he is indeed a big donor."

When he saw 648 whose prestige had changed, Evil King Zhenyan felt sad and full of sighs at the same time.

Ji: War丨End war with war [Email: Member] Evil King True Eye: Boss Ning is so happy, I have received the money, then I will be homeless now? .

Do you want me to withdraw from the alliance, help you block a wave of their enclaves, and destroy the land they flew over by the way?

Ji: Jizhou Storm [Email: Deputy Leader] Ning Gongzi: Of course that would be better. Also, help me contact your rebel people in Guangping.

The price is the same as yours. As long as they wander, they will get 648. If you help me get one person, I will give you 100 yuan.

[Email] Evil King True Eye: No problem, no problem, we are our brothers anyway.

In S1, there was a conflict with the war alliance, which was not in the same state.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Okay, that would be troublesome. -

"It's pretty cheap."

Ning Xiu smiled slightly as he glanced at the Evil King's True Eye, who had already left the field and was controlling the team to occupy territory around the main city.

He was originally afraid that he would encounter die-hards who would spend more money, but he didn't expect that he could do it with just 648.

Although I was surprised, I also felt a little emotional. Today's players really have no sense of belonging to the alliance. -

Ji: War丨End war with war Alliance channel.

Hell Rakshasa: [544X898] What's going on? Why did the evil king go to the wild? It also stuck with the enclave [question mark face] in our alliance.

Evil Emperor Wu: I don’t know [picking my nose].

Bi Doudou: Aren’t you two together? You all have the same name? .

Evil King Wu Di: I’m just a chicken feather. I was in the preparation group during S1, and I wasn’t familiar with him.

**嘤嘤鬼: No matter what the situation is, Xiao Neibei doesn’t have to think about it.

Drunk lying on the battlefield: Damn it, let's get a hammer flying here, and it's all stuck.

It is estimated that the enclave that has been reached will also be overturned after this is done, so whoever is nearby should quickly garrison a wave.

Seal: It’s too late. It took my team more than an hour to get there, but the enclave passed in less than half an hour.

Tiger's Toothache: Then let's fly somewhere else. Anyway, we are in Guangping, and more than one brother has rebelled. I remember that the farming boss also just rebelled.

Seal: Damn it! I just took a look and saw that the farming boss has also withdrawn from the alliance.

Hu Teethache: Awesome, this wave of Xiaonai is still in a group? .

Evil Emperor Wu: That shouldn’t be the case. Evil King S1 is from our district, and the farming boss came from S2. How could they form a group?

Seal: Tsk! That seems to be the operation of Jizhou Fengyu. There is something about this wave on the other side. -

Ji: War | End war with war management channel.

[Official] Seal: It seems that our rebels in Guangping have been bribed.

Several airports in our enclave have withdrawn from the alliance and are still stuck with us.

[Official] Mr. Xu:.

[Commander] Shi Lan: Two more retreated. I wonder if they were [Lenghan] from Guangping.

[Official] Jing Yufeng: I privately chatted with the Evil King True Eye, but he didn’t reply to me, but he still sent troops to block our enclave.

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: It doesn’t matter, we have so many brothers in Guangping, I don’t believe that all of them have withdrawn from the alliance.

[Commander] Zhu Lan: Well, we have quite a few people over there, but after being captured, many of them were lying dead.

This time there were only a few people at the airport who rebelled, and no one else was contacted.

[Official] Yuan Ming and Qing: Many of the brothers over there have either wandered or moved to the city since Jizhou moved to the city in the storm. In fact, there are not many left.

Seeing all the managers in the alliance chattering away, Warring States Xiao Kong clicked on the map with some annoyance, and sure enough he saw blue dots representing allies, which were indeed not many in Guangping County.

Because they were the main alliance, some of those who had not developed after being conquered were thrown away from the sub-alliance.

What was left behind was originally prepared for this surprise attack, but now visual inspection shows that their plan went bankrupt at the beginning.

"You're so dirty, you have the ability to stand up to me, fuck you."

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