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Chapter 265 Suicide Attack

[Ning]: Jizhou Fengyu [E-mail: Taiwei] Nine: [433X921] I hope that all the brothers who have been blocked will quickly mobilize their troops.

Brothers who have mobilized troops, give priority to destroying the front row connection area to ensure the safety of our fortress.

At 21 o'clock in the evening, Jizhou Fengyu withstood the attack of the Jizhou Alliance. The fortress group southwest of the fourth-level city Wangdu was successfully built. After the troops were in place, they immediately began to counterattack.

[Ning]: Jizhou Wind and Rain Management Channel.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: [Battle Report] Visually, they don’t have much main force left [glares].

[Lieutenant] Nine: They play suicide attack, and now the team can move, which is already very good.

[General of the Upper Army] The battle never ends: God’s suicidal attack [Cold Sweat].

[Lieutenant] Nine: I'm right. Even though the team's strength is not good enough, they keep rushing forward to deliver meat. It's not a suicide attack, it's [picking one's nose].

[General of the Zhenjun] Jizuo Huogong: Don’t mention it, they did knock away many of our main forces. Wasn’t Boss Ning also crippled by the man named Mr. Xu who disabled the main forces of the second team?

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Actually, in the final analysis, the other side thought that we had scattered our manpower, and wanted to come up and take advantage, but it turned out that his uncle would always be his uncle.

[General Fujun] smiled: In Qinghe County, the two branches of the Zhan Alliance have basically been cleaned up.

To be honest, it's a bit boring. There aren't many people coming from the opposite side, and the main force is very lazy. Fighting against this kind of team is a complete waste of energy [Ghost].

[Lieutenant] Nine: Then come over. Anyway, a fortress has been set up in the enclave here. Let’s concentrate our efforts to push back the Jizhou Alliance.

[General Fujun] smiled: OK. -

After taking a peek at the screen and turning off the management channel, Ning Xiu immediately clicked on the map and moved to Qinghe County, which had become the capital of Jizhou.

"It's really clean."

After softly praising him, Ning Xiu immediately swiped the moving map and looked around.

It wasn't that he didn't trust his brothers who were doing things at home, but that he was cautious in his heart.

After all, this place has now become the capital of the country. It is the right choice to correct the deficiencies and nip the danger in the cradle.

“Judging from the current level of activity and execution, only the Main Alliance is still resisting in Jizhou District 02.

Other Jizhou players are already lying dead and drawing cards. As long as the main alliance of Jizhou and Youzhou are solved in this wave, the overall situation here will be decided. "

Moving the map and glancing at the Changshan battlefield where he had completely taken advantage, Ning Xiu felt a lot more relaxed. -

[Scene] Yi丨Staying together through thick and thin [E-mail: Monarch] Governor of the Six Yuan Dynasty: How is the situation over there? .

As soon as he turned off the map, Ning Xiu received an inquiry email from the Six Yuan Governor. If he hadn't been playing a game, he would have been a little doubtful whether the other party was spying on him.

[Ning] Jizhou Storm [Email: Prime Minister] Ning Gongzi: The problem is not big. The main force of the Jizhou Alliance is basically disabled. We can organize a counterattack here and send them home. The Qinghe side of the capital has also been cleared.

[Email] Governor Liuyuan: Well, we have now mastered the rhythm here, and the Youzhou Alliance cannot hold on for long.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Okay, you just go all the way north when you're done and hammer them out of Jizhou.

[Email] Governor Liu Yuan: Hammer out Jizhou to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, or chase them to Youzhou and kill them directly.

[Email] Mr. Ning: Do you think we are the only ones in alliance with District 02 in this district? .

I guess the 08 Alliance is definitely going to move, and we don’t have time to go to Youzhou.

After beating them out of Jizhou, we used a splitting hammer to win over one family and directly beat the Jizhou Alliance to death.

At the same time, by extending an olive branch to Youzhou, I believe the problem will be solved, and it will also create conflicts between the two of them, which will contribute to stability.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: Yes, Youzhou is District 03 and Jizhou is District 02. I don’t believe they were not a little bit dirty in the S2 season. What about the remaining Qingzhou? .

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Qingzhou is nothing to worry about. Once the main alliance in Jizhou is dispersed, they will no longer be a threat. We can try to win over them at that time.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: Anyway, we want to win over Tianzao, so why doesn’t Tianzao give it to their leader Jizhou Alliance? .

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Because they are the ones in charge, they were the ones who took the lead in joining forces to deal with us.

Not to mention the steps we threw over, whether they picked up or not, even in my heart, I wanted to beat them to death [picking my nose].

[Email] Governor Liuyuan: Got it [dumbfounded].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Well, let’s speed up and deal with them as soon as possible. I’m afraid that once Yang Jing breaks through, the gangsters and District 06 will not be able to hold them back.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: Yes. -

After discussing Feng Yu's next strategy with Liuyuan, Ning Xiu glanced at the rogue team that had been transferred to the frontline fortress, clicked on the alliance battle report and found the target to attack.

In front of him, he had a tough fight with Mr. Xu, the leader of the Jizhou War Alliance. Although Ning Xiu had the advantage of having one more main force than his opponent with the help of his rank troops, he defeated them completely.

However, under the impact of the opponent's continuous draws and withdrawals, in addition to the steel plate team, the French knife and the kitchen knife also suffered a lot.

So after the frontline fortresses were assembled, Ning Xiu immediately returned to the main city with his magic knife and kitchen knife to replenish his troops, leaving only the rogue team with full strength.

"The deputy leader is stationed opposite?"

A moment later, when he turned to the battle report of the deputy leader of the Jizhou War Alliance, Xiao Kong of the Warring States Period, Ning Xiu immediately controlled the team to rush towards him without hesitation. -

"Ma Dan!"

When the sound of enemy attacks rang in his ears and he realized that the person coming to attack him was Mr. Ning from the opposite side, Warring States Xiao Kong suddenly looked ugly and cursed.

Then he looked at his garrison position, hesitated for a moment, and gave up his plan to retreat.

After losing on the battlefield, although the District 02 Alliance seemed calm on the surface, both the morale and conflicts within the alliance were on the verge of breaking out at any time.

Ordinary players can't defeat a high-combat boss, so retreating is no problem, but he is the leader of the alliance, so that's not possible.

In the current unfavorable situation, let alone himself, even if there is a slight flaw in the management, it will become an outlet for all kinds of garbage emotions.

After staring at Yizhou and Xuzhou on the map for a moment, Warring States Xiao Kong sighed softly in his heart. It felt really uncomfortable to put his hope in others.

His family knows his own affairs, and he is very aware of the current situation. The District 02 Alliance is completely in decline.

Before today, because of the existence of the Qingzhou League and the Jizhou League in District 03, even if they were severely beaten by the state, the mentality of the players in the Jizhou League was still stable.

After all, they still have alliances in two states, so it doesn't matter even if they are dead. They can even develop and level up openly to prepare for their later rise.

But now, first the Qingzhou League was pushed flatly on the Yanzhou battlefield, and then they took advantage when the fortress group rose up first.

Not only did they fail to break through Jizhou Fengyu's garrison, but they also caused heavy losses to their main force.

However, Youzhou District 03, which they had high hopes for, was also at a disadvantage on the Changshan battlefield and was being eroded step by step by Bingzhou.

In the past, the players of the Jizhou Alliance persisted because they could see hope, but according to the current situation, it seems that there is only despair.

So when Qingzhou leader Qingge told him that Xuzhou wanted to enter Qingzhou and fly to Yanzhou, he agreed without even thinking about it.

Ji: War丨End war with war Alliance channel.

Hell Rakshasa: [Battle Report] We were defeated by the group in two consecutive waves, and now there really wasn’t even a scum left.

Kisame Kisaki: [Battle Report] It's so miserable. I just rebelled and participated in the war for the first time, and I was beaten to a pulp.

Evil Emperor Wu: The alliance was too unreliable. Only a few people came and they were bulldozed.

Bi Doudou: [359X935] On the other side of Changshan, Bingzhou also started to fight back.

Drunk on the battlefield: The game experience is so bad this season [Ghost].

Shi Lan: District 1500 is a hundred districts. It’s normal for the boss to be strong. And don’t forget that we also have allies in District 08.

Yangjing will break through Yizhou tomorrow and attack Yongzhou. When the time comes, Bingzhou will definitely return reinforcements at the same time.

At the same time, Xuzhou will also fly in from Qingzhou to support us, as long as we can hold on to this wave.

Kisame Kisaki: Yes, we are no match for others in a one-on-one fight. It is normal for us to get hammered. Otherwise, why would we need allies?

Seal: In the later stage of the game, the battle is all about the number of survivors. As long as we don’t cause any problems, we will definitely win in the end. -

Ji: War | End war with war management channel.

[Official] Seal: Will Yang Jing really break the barrier tomorrow?

I just followed your instructions, boss, [Ghost].

[Deputy Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: Well, they will definitely move, otherwise if we are in trouble, they will be in trouble too.

[Commander] Shilan: I hope the District 08 Alliance will move quickly.

[Official] Mr. Xu: Wangdu can't handle it anymore. There's no point in us continuing to hold on here.

The fortress group at night will still be demolished by Jizhou Fengyu's group of night owls, so it is better to just give up and let everyone go back to repair it. We will see what happens in Area 08 and Xuzhou tomorrow.

[Commander] Shilan: Withdraw directly? .

[Official] Mr. Xu: Does it make any difference whether we withdraw or not? .

The Youzhou League is now at a disadvantage. We have a fortress there. We can also send troops to support a wave tomorrow, so we can unite.

[Commander] Shi Lan: Didn’t that attract the wind and rain in Jizhou as well [Cold Sweat].

[Official] Mr. Xu: Are you scared? There is also Qingzhou. Do you think they will be defeated in one wave? .

[Deputy Alliance Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: Well, let’s do this. Let Qingzhou contain Jizhou Fengyu in Yanzhou tomorrow, and we will help Youzhou League fight against Bingzhou.

Zhu Lan sent an email and asked everyone to go back and fix it, no need to wait.

[Commander] Shilan: Yeah.

After 22:00 in the evening, as the Jizhou Alliance retreated from the Level 4 City Wangdu battlefield, the unimpeded Jizhou Fengyu completely destroyed its fortress group before dawn.

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