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Chapter 269 Real Thigh Mr. Ning

[Wu] Yu丨Quan Yutianxia management channel.

[Monarch] Han Qing: Abalone sent an email, and the main force of the alliance will be recruited for half an hour, at 12 o'clock.

[Taiwei] Eat abalone:? Boss, didn't you say that a blitzkrieg should be fought quickly? Why do you have to wait for [Cold Sweat]?

[Monarch] Han Qing: The reason why I let the pass be broken early is because I was worried that the Yizhou Dao League's fortress would rise and the dragon would be robbed.

Now we have won the level, but their fortress has not yet risen.

I just looked at the alliance battle report and roughly calculated our main force. At present, everyone's main force has suffered considerable battle losses.

If we rush over, if we encounter their garrison and cannot solve the problem in one wave and fall into a stalemate, it will be detrimental to us.

And I took a glance and found that the fortress group in our level has been basically completed. Many brothers are already mobilizing troops. If we wait for half an hour for everyone to arrive, we will be more confident in advancing in one wave.

[Taiwei] Eat abalone: ​​OK [thumb].

[Prime Minister] A bowl of cold white: Follow me and learn more, Abalone, your command is too watery [pick your nose].

[Lieutenant] Bao Yu: We need to give new people room to grow, isn’t that what you said [picking nose].

[Prime Minister] A bowl of cool white: Yes, a newcomer who has been playing for more than a year and has been wandering between S1 and S2, tsk tsk! .

[Monarch] Han Qing: Stop talking nonsense and go up to a few Spartans to explore the garrison on the opposite side. -

"No attack? Have you rested and replenished your troops?"

Looking at the Quanyutianxia fortress group that had completely fallen into tranquility, District 06 Commander Izixia frowned slightly and had a bad feeling in his heart.

The other party was obviously an experienced player and did not rush in hastily after breaking the barrier. This showed that the other party was very confident and pushed them flatly.

There is no rush to rush forward now, just to be more sure.

"It's not going to be easy. It seems we need to make preparations early."

[Business] Dao丨Daofa naturally [E-mail: Taiwei] Yizixia: [819X422] The entire alliance immediately set up a backup fortress on the east side of Badong, the level 5 city, next to Liangzhou Rain or Shine, speed. -

【Business】Tao丨Daofa Natural Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Yizi Xia: Yangzhou has broken through the barrier, so they should be replenishing their troops. I suspect they are preparing to push us in a wave.

At present, our fortress group has not been raised, and we cannot restore our troops. We will go home immediately after being defeated. Just in case, I asked everyone to build a fortress in Badong.

Even if our side is pushed when they are done, by the time they break in and reach Badong, the fortress and team on the Liangzhou side should be in place.

When the time comes, Yangzhou will conquer the world and pass through the 7th level defenders and our consumption.

Neither physical strength nor military strength is enough to show a crushing force, and rain or shine is enough to hold them back until we can fortify them.

[Monarch] Old man of the Lin family: You can just do the commanding, you don’t have to tell us everything [pick your nose].

[Lieutenant] Yizi Xia: That's not possible. You haven't watched the TV series. Those generals who relied on some skills to make their own decisions ended up badly in the end. I don't want to be beaten to death by you.

[Monarch] The old man of the Lin family: Your uncle’s [contempt].

[Prime Minister] Plum blossoms are easy to count: [946X358] Jingzhou is fighting to unify the world.

[Lieutenant] Yizi Xia: To be honest, I don’t think the alliance can be defended. Lao Mei, please contact them and prepare a backup.

In addition, on the sub-alliance side, it will be okay if no one enters Ziyuan State. But on our main alliance side, those at Youjiang Pass and Baidi Pass should move to Ziyuan State if they can. Those who don’t want to move to Ziyuan State should also go to Liangzhou. run.

If someone finds someone as a target at night and flies directly into Yongzhou, then we will be confused.

Also, we manage shifts at night, pay attention to the entry and exit of alliance members, and be careful of the opponents who are playing dirty tricks.

By the way, we are starting a fight here. Old man, you also need to talk to the boss in Jizhou and urge the other side to quickly resolve the 02 Area Alliance.

By the way, we want to increase our sense of presence. After all, we are hugging someone else’s lap. If we have merit, we should shout it out. Children who can cry should be fed by milk.

[General Zhenguo] Nuanyang: Okay, leader, do you have any other orders? [Cover your mouth and smile].

[Monarch] The old man of the Lin family: Leader, please speak [呲ya].

[Lieutenant] Izisha: Well, that’s all. It’s a pity that our alliance is not a little lower level, otherwise it would be comfortable to use national policies.

[Monarch] Old man of the Lin family: It will only happen in the next few days. -

When Yang Jingyi started fighting, the wind and rain in Jizhou, where Ning Xiu was, had already started to dry up.

When we met the Qingzhou Alliance again, the fight wasn't that intense because the other side didn't stand up to them at all.

It's very disgusting to spread the floor directly in the direction they are going and let them climb over it.

There aren't many other things on the opposite side but there are a lot of people. Fighting and charging are not good, but paving the way and clearing the ground are top-notch.

Jizhou Fengyu and others plowed for several hours, and the speed of advancement could be described as a turtle speed.

While plowing the ground, Ning Xiu had been paying attention to the situation in Yizhou, but the results were not very good.

With Yang Jing taking the lead, Yizhou fell into a passive position from the beginning. Judging from the current red ground situation, although they have won the checkpoint, they have not yet broken through. This can be regarded as the only good news. .

[Business]: Tao丨Tao follows nature [Email: Monarch] Old man of the Lin family: Boss Ning [smile].

Clicking on the email, he saw that it was the old man from the Lin family, the leader of Yizhou Alliance in District 06. Ning Xiu immediately replied: "Hmm, how is the situation over there?".

Ning Xiu has a good sense of District 06. Although he has not had much contact with its management, he can tell from a few conversations that they are very high-quality players.

[Business]: Tao丨Tao follows nature [E-mail: Monarch] Old man of the Lin family: Yang Jing won the level first before our fortress was up.

However, both sides of us are already full of garrisons, and we have begun building backup fortresses in Badong. Even if we are pushed in, we can hold them back.

I came to see Boss Ning because I hope you can quickly settle the District 02 Alliance. After all, to be honest, we haven't fought yet.

But judging from the strength on paper, even if we add your Liangzhou League, we will definitely not be the opponent of the District 08 League [dumbfounded].

Of course Ning Xiu knows this, but as long as District 06 can persist for three days, Ning Xiu believes that they will be able to defeat the District 02 Alliance.

[Ning] Jizhou Fengyu [E-mail: Prime Minister] Ning Gongzi: In three days at most, we will definitely solve the District 02 alliance. If it’s quick, it might not take that long.

[Email] Old man from the Lin family: OK, then I’ll feel at ease.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Well, you and the leaders of the branch alliances should be careful and be careful not to play beheadings on the other side. In addition, people near the pass who can move to the city should stay as far away as possible, otherwise they will be used as an airport.

[E-mail] Old man from the Lin family: We are already making arrangements for the brothers near the checkpoint to move to the city.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Let’s do this. I will reimburse the cost of moving to the city, and I will reimburse you from today to next Monday.

I will reward each of the top 10 people in your alliance with martial arts and the top 10 people in demolition and ground clearing with a 648. -

"You're such a rich man, you have the right thighs, you're awesome!"

Although from the beginning, it was because of the big benefactors in District 1500 who came here to support them, they have not received any benefits in District 06.

The old man of the Lin family was not surprised by this. After all, they had not done anything yet, so why did they have the nerve to ask for benefits?

This time, after listening to my own lieutenant's words that "children who can cry will be fed by milk," I prepared to increase my presence. Unexpectedly, I actually earned a wave of benefits, which were great benefits.

The old man of the Lin family is also considered a wealthy person, but he is not a powerful person. He will also give out a wave of benefits in the alliance, but he will not be so exaggerated and generous.

[E-mail] Old man of the Lin family: I would like to thank Mr. Ning on behalf of the brothers [clasp fists].

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: No, actually I originally wanted to give your people, like us, a 128 subsidy for night battles.

But I don’t know the situation on your side, and I hope you understand.

[E-mail] Old man from the Lin family: I understand.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Yeah, that’s it. I’m still working in Qingzhou, so I have time to chat.

[E-mail] Old man from the Lin family: Okay, let me ask you one last question, after this season is over, will you still accept [呲ya]?

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Take it, you can ask Liu Yuan to find out the situation then.

[E-mail] Old man from the Lin family: Okay. -

"Tsk tsk! Awesome."

After closing the email, the old man of the Lin family praised it sincerely, then opened the email, edited an all-league email, and sent it out.

[Business]: Dao丨Daofa naturally [E-mail: Monarch] Old man of the Lin family: The brothers near the checkpoint will move to the city quickly, and all the relocation expenses will be reimbursed.

In addition, from today to Monday next week, the top 10 brothers in the alliance for martial arts and demolition will all be rewarded with 648 benefits.

I hope everyone will work hard and work hard, for the sake of the alliance and for yourselves.

One more thing to add: The above benefits include the cost of moving to the city, all sponsored by Mr. Ning from District 1500.

[Business]: Dao丨Daofa Natural Alliance Channel.

Piaomiao Yanyu: Damn it! Awesome and awesome, Boss Ning is mighty.

Ye Shen: Ning Shenhao from District 666, 1500 is indeed the big benefactor.

Jiang Nan: Damn, I had read it on the Tieba forum before, and I knew that the 1500 district's "Stay Together Through Wealth and Suffering" welfare was super awesome. I didn't expect that we would be able to enjoy the soup [呲ya] this time.

Izisha: Hurry, those near the checkpoints should move to the city as soon as possible.

Long Wu: Hehe! Anyone who doesn't move to the city for reimbursement of expenses will be treated as a coward [covers mouth and laughs].

Sister Xi Qing: I wonder if Master Ning across from me needs a bed warmer. I really want to lie in his warm embrace.

Old man from the Lin family: Don’t be embarrassed, you demon, and get out of here.

Ning Xiu's wave of benefits directly shook the morale of Yizhou Dao League in District 06. After all, they were a Sanren League.

Otherwise, in the S2 season, I wouldn’t have been beaten into pieces. The best benefit I’ve ever seen is the monthly card, and the amount is pitifully small.

How can anyone start at 648? This is totally stimulating. -

[Wu] Yu丨Quan Yutianxia [E-mail: Taiwei] Eat abalone: ​​[856X414] Everyone pays attention.

At 12 o'clock, the 1st Regiment and the Return Regiment shot at the first piece of land opposite the garrison on time, and the 2nd and 3rd Regiment shot at the second piece of land next to it. At 12:02, they touched the enemy and rushed in with a full wave.

[Sui] Yu丨Yu Long Zai Tian [E-mail: Taiwei] Jing Xiaoqi: [903X1208] The countdown to the siege is 10 minutes, and the main force of the alliance will take over on time at 12 o'clock, and the demolition is on standby.

At 12 noon, when Yangzhou Quanyu Tianxia finally gathered its strength and launched an attack on Yizhou Taofa Nature.

Xuzhou Yulong Zaitian also began to attack Qingxu Pass Mengyin.

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