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Chapter 271 Thousand Miles of Embankment

"Success, your second uncle, funny."

After closing the email, Jinse, the leader of the invincible Youzhou Alliance in District 03, became increasingly dissatisfied with the Jizhou Alliance.

The main alliance in the conquered area has no execution ability at all now, if Qingxu hadn't entered Yanzhou and Yangjing had defeated Yizhou at this time.

To be honest, he might have already started looking for a way out for his brother.

Their District 03 and District 02 are originally two separate districts, although they are indeed a whole after entering the S3 season.

But it's just because, after losing to them last season, I had no choice but to join. If you can't beat them, just join. It's very simple.

The same principle applies to this season. Yesterday, with the help of the terrain, they were able to play with Bingzhou Fengyu in the 1500 area.

But after putting on a frontal stance today, it was obvious that the strength gap between the two sides was evident.

In just one hour, the entire buffer zone was lost and they were pushed directly under the fortress group.

At this time, their ally Jizhou War Alliance saw that there were many fortresses with many red-dot troops inside, but not many were fired. How could he not be annoyed in this situation.

You: Zhan丨Invincible management channel.

[Commander] I want to stay here: What's going on with the Jizhou Alliance? Are they here to be spectators and watch the show, or are they here to be cheerleaders? [Question Mark Face].

[Vice-Leader] I'm taking off: I've already said that I was knocked out by the wind and rain in Jizhou, so I hope they can just go to sleep, but fortunately the District 08 Alliance moved.

[Official] Ye Zhixi: Jingzhou has already entered Yizhou, and it is estimated that Yangzhou will soon be here. When Yiliang collapses, we will definitely have a turn for the better.

[Commander] I want to stay with you: The 08 District Alliance is really good, better than I thought. Not to mention the combat effectiveness, at least the execution ability is not there.

[Leader] Jinse: Okay, let’s just fight as hard as we can for now, and we’ll talk about the rest when the situation becomes clear. -

Ji: War丨End the war with war [E-mail: Deputy Alliance Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: [277X988] Brothers who have mobilized troops from Lingqiu, hurry up and move.

Jump directly from our fortress side, attack Bingzhou from the side, and cooperate with the Youzhou brothers to defend Lingqiu.

Yangjing has successfully entered Yizhou. With their strength, Yiliang will soon collapse. The situation is gradually tilting to our side. I hope brothers can cheer up and work hard for the alliance and themselves.

Ji: War | End war with war management channel.

[Deputy Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: You should all send more emails to mobilize in your own group. Our execution ability is getting worse and worse now. Is this what our District 02 main alliance is like? .

[Commander] Shi Lan: There's nothing I can do. Count how many emails I sent today. A bunch of people can't move. What can I do? [Cold Sweat].

[Official] Mr. Xu: It's too stretched. Wait for this wave to come over and clean it up. Those who don't have martial arts and low martial arts will be thrown into the alliance directly.

Let some active brothers come in. If that doesn't work, just integrate it with the Qingzhou League and bring together the forces that can fight.

Otherwise, if we are like this now, even if there is an opportunity in front of us later, what can we do with this group of people? .

[Official] Jing Yufeng: Yes, we really need to rectify it. We are not here to play games. If it doesn’t work, we will kick it out.

Whether you like chicken feathers or not, don't enjoy the blessings of resources if you don't contribute. Go and stay in the wild. No alliance will want this kind of thing.

[Official] Yuan Mingqing: Yes, I agree.

[Deputy Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: Then you guys should also brush up your martial arts for me, otherwise you will be caught in the pigtails. How can you care about others? Who will listen to you [Calm].

[Official] Yuan Mingqing: Hmm, I've been busy recently, so my martial arts skills are a little less [cold sweat].

[Commander] Decorated as Lan;: I was almost killed by the boss of Jizhou Fengyu before, but I have just recovered recently [can’t laugh or cry]. -

Compared to the Baidi Pass, which was dominated by Jingzhou and easily won, the battle at Youjiang Pass can be described as tragic.

District 06 Dao League may not be as strong as District 08 Quanyu Tianxia, ​​but for a group of players who have been hammered every day in the S2 season and have not yet disbanded.

It was nothing to wipe out the entire team. Coupled with Ning Xiu's welfare stimulation, these players who had never enjoyed such treatment showed a very tenacious fighting spirit.

【Business】Dao丨Daofa Natural Alliance Channel.

Piaomiao Yanyu: [Battle Report] Haha! My last wave of remnant soldiers actually disabled a high-ranking warrior on the opposite side [covers mouth and laughs].

Ye Shen: Awesome, the Governor is still okay. Who said the Governor is a hot chick? I am the first to refuse [呲ya].

Jiangnan: [Battle Report] Ladies, I’m going home to recruit. Let’s meet [Fist] in Badong in the afternoon.

Yizixia: The green mountains will not change, and the green water will always flow. We will see you [Fist] in the future.

Mickey: If you don’t have brothers, you can’t play. If you have brothers, come and kill me [Struggle].

Orange: The earth vibrates like a high hill, and the green mountains are beautiful through the ages.

Nightmare: At the Youjiang level, Taoism will naturally destroy the enemy.

Old man from the Lin family: 666 is excellent [呲ya].

Tiger of the Late Han Dynasty: [Battle Report] Stop bragging, the front row is about to be invaded.

Plum Blossoms Are Easy to Count: It's okay, we will be back [呲ya].

[Wu] Yu丨Quan Yutianxia [Email: Taiwei] Eat abalone: ​​[856X414] There are not many guards in the front row on the opposite side.

All the main forces will attack them in one more wave. Pay attention to the several lands in the shooting level and be careful of running away.

At 13:00 in the afternoon, after tenaciously resisting Quan Yutianxia in District 08 for about an hour, the Daofa Ziran garrison in District 06 was finally completely exhausted.

At this point, the Youjiang Pass has completely opened its door to Quan Yutianxia, ​​and Yizhou has lost two passes in a row. -

[Zhou] Yi丨 Rain or shine management channel.

[Monarch] Bandit: How long will it take for our Badong Fortress to rise? .

[Prime Minister] Dugu: I got up around 14:00, there is still about an hour left.

[Lieutenant] Bai Yi: There should be enough time. Although Quan Yutianxia suddenly came in, they still have to clean up the fortresses and red areas that have been raised, and they still need to pave the way.

They were first defeated by the defenders and then had a natural fight with Yizhou Taoist forces.

Before this afternoon, at least they will not be able to fight anymore, and at most they will be able to pave the way and build a fortress.

After our fortresses gather together and mobilize troops, we can take the initiative to attack and push back.

Capturing their main force and doing it first during the window period before recovery will not only help the brothers in District 06 to avenge themselves, but it may also make their efforts at noon completely in vain.

[Yushi Dafu] Original intention: Not bad.

[Monarch] Bandit: Well, let’s do this. This is our first fight.

Facing the main alliance in the conquered area, maybe our overall strength is not as good as theirs, but we still have to show momentum.

Don’t forget that we are from District 100, and we must also treat Boss Qi Ning’s welfare all the time.

[Prime Minister] Dugu: Don’t worry, I will keep an eye on [Fist]. -

[Ning] Jizhou Fengyu [Mail: Taiwei] Nine: [711X1086] Brothers who have transferred troops from the frontline fortress group, go directly to the main force.

The main target is the forward position of the main alliance in Qingzhou. After pushing them flatly, they move forward, demolish their Jiyin base camp, and drive them out of Yanzhou.

Just deal with the two Qingzhou branch factions next to them and their brothers who are close to the fortress. Don't waste too much energy and physical strength. Just lay a few blocks forward on the miscellaneous fish to garrison and see if they can rush over.

At 14:00 in the afternoon, Yanzhou battlefield, Jizhou Fengyu and Qingzhou war alliance, forward fortress positions were built one after another, and the second battle officially began.

Although the Qingzhou War Alliance brought in two sub-alliances to help out this time, Jizhou Fengyu and the others didn't take it to heart at all.

The developed main alliance was directly pushed by them. What impact can a group of slow-growing miscellaneous fish main force have on them.

After the handover between hand and hand, they lost the means to avoid clearing the ground, several teams of high-red main forces were stationed directly in front of the opposite fortress group, forming a complete iron wall. -

【Ning】Jizhou Wind and Rain Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Nine: [764X1104] Boss, is your news accurate? It has been 2 hours since 12 o'clock. If the Xuzhou Yulong is in the sky, it is time to come.

[Prime Minister] Mr. Ning: Don’t worry about whether they come or not. Once the bunk is done, let the brothers set up a fortress to nip it in the bud. In addition, leave the nearby wild fortress for Lao Ma.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: It’s strange that you would think of me for such a good thing of saving trouble and earning military honors? .

[Prime Minister] Mr. Ning: I have a big thing to deal with this afternoon. You are our number one. Who else will I give it to [picking my nose]?

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: If you are here, am I not? What do you want to do this afternoon? .

[Prime Minister] Ning Gongzi: Secret, anyway, you are ready and go get the fortress as soon as you get it.

They will definitely be stationed in the enclave when they come over. Your task is to come and fight back a team of [Qiya].

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Then I don’t have enough physical strength, so I’ll fight them all back [glaring].

[Prime Minister] Mr. Ning: Fight as many as you can. Anyway, the wild fortresses near Mount Tai are reserved for the big guys in the alliance.

When you're done, hurry up and capture it with long-range shots. Qingzhou Alliance can just charge here. Save your energy and troops and leave them to other brothers.

[Taiwei] Nine: OK. -

Facing the storm in Jizhou again, the Qingzhou Alliance felt a sense of depression, both in terms of their own strength and psychologically.

After all, being pushed flat for a few hours last time was really a big blow to them, so from the beginning of the battle, the players of the Qingzhou Alliance were a little timid.

Seeing Jizhou Fengyu's boss Gao fighting the team, they all controlled the team to dodge to avoid confrontation.

But it is precisely for this reason that its forward position is full of loopholes. The first wave of the defense was torn apart by the wind and rain in Jizhou, which made Qingge, the leader of Qingzhou Battle of Heaven and Earth, very angry.

"What a bunch of trash."

Although he also knows that it is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong, but how can we fight against an alliance if it is like this.

Being pushed aside for a few hours last time made him lose face as the leader of the alliance. He didn't want to experience such a thing again.

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