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Chapter 276 Wolves roam the world

Yimeng Nanke has been in contact with the Three Kingdoms for two years. In these two years, he has only played two accounts.

Because I used to be a student party, and my monthly card was sometimes not renewed.

Therefore, when he entered the Conquest Season, he had no gaming experience at all.

He is not even considered a younger brother, and is not even as good as the Pavement Number of some big guys, and his military generals have good fighting skills.

It is for this reason that after he graduated and started working, he re-entered the new district and started earning money.

Although he is not a wealthy person, there is still no problem with a set of first recharge every season, plus a monthly card to maintain an account.

Although for more than a year, I was either being beaten or on the road to being beaten.

But after being around for a long time, I have become clear about what should be understood and what should not be understood in the Three Kingdoms.

Because the S1 season of the server he was in was only an ordinary zone, so although he was just a petty bourgeoisie, he was still considered a big shot at the time.

After gathering a group of people, through hard work and PY, we successfully obtained Conquest and entered the S2 season.

Then, the game experience seemed to have returned to the starting point. District 08, who bought the return group, beat him up. Even if he joined forces with District 07, the outcome of being beaten up did not change.

If you can't beat him, then join. He naturally understands this principle. Since others are better than him, then he should honestly join and accept the integration.

Unfortunately, he discovered that he and Han Qing, the leader of District 08, were not compatible.

He was very dissatisfied with the other party's arbitrary operations, but at that time the deal was settled, so he could only endure it.

However, when he learned that this server merger actually had a large area like Area 1500, his eyes suddenly lit up and he felt that he had always wanted to see the opportunity for Area 08 to be beaten violently, and visually it seemed that it had appeared.

He got to know him through the record posts in the 1500 section of Tieba. When he found out that there was a big benefactor like Mr. Ning who was in the same boat through thick and thin, it strengthened his thoughts.

So actually from the very beginning, Yimeng Nanke’s heart was not on the side of the District 08 Alliance.

It was just because of the alliance between the District 08 Alliance and the District 02 Alliance that he did not dare to place a bet easily. After all, the brothers who followed him were not fools.

If District 1500 seeks refuge even though it is clearly at a disadvantage, then who is willing to take the blame?

For various reasons, Yimeng Nanke has always kept his thoughts in his heart.

At the same time, he also told Ning Xiu the information through the trumpet to help them establish an advantage. He just wanted to wait for the right opportunity to attack immediately and deliver a fatal blow to Area 08.

He knows very well that if he wants to get the attention of others, he must give him timely help.

Therefore, it is very important to him when to submit the certificate of investment, but according to his current analysis of the situation, the opportunity he has been waiting for has already appeared.

If Youzhou is invincible and breaks through the border and enters Hebei again, it will definitely break the advantages established before joining the state through thick and thin.

The two alliances in Jizhou at this time were obviously unable to withstand the joint attack of the Youji Alliance.

As for District 1500, Jizhou Fengyu, the high-fighting big brother alliance formed by them, was dragged to Yanzhou by Qingxu and Qingzhou. Together with the Yangjing Alliance, they have already arrived at Jiameng Pass in Yongzhou.

When both Jizhou and Yongzhou are at a disadvantage, Bingzhou's cooperation through thick and thin does have the effect of calming the sea.

But they don't know how to use multiple shadow clones, so it's a difficult choice which side to help first. In the end, it's inevitable to divide the troops.

Only when the fists are clenched can the strongest power be exerted. Once Bingzhou Fengyu divides his troops, although Jiyong's disadvantage can be temporarily alleviated, the two battlefields will fall into a stalemate.

Once a protracted war breaks out, someone needs to break the deadlock.

Yimeng Nanke has been lurking for so long just to be the game-breaker and the protagonist.

By then, he will not only be able to fulfill his wish and reach Area 08, but he will also be able to reach his lap. -

Just as Yimeng Nanke thought, the Governor of Liuyuan was indeed in a dilemma at this time.

Although he had long expected that Youzhou Zhan Wuwei would rebel and rejoin the battle, he did not expect that the other party would rebel so quickly.

"I originally thought we could delay it for another day or two, but now it seems there is no chance."

Liangyi is not the opponent of the Yangjing Alliance. They must support them, and Jizhou cannot ignore it.

Because after Youzhou broke through the border and entered Changshan, below was Guangping County, the base camp of Jizhou Fengyu, and he also had to help take care of his hometown.

Moreover, once Bingzhou fails to support them through thick and thin, the two alliances will be defeated.

The wind and rain in Jizhou will face the allied forces of Qing, Xu, You, and Jizhou. Ning Xiu and others, even if they are high-ranking warriors, will not be able to withstand it.

"We can only take the most helpless step and divide our troops for support."

Although he had long known in his heart that in this case, troops must be divided for support, Liu Yuan still sighed helplessly in his heart.

They have only a small number of people, so their advantage lies solely in collective action and high execution.

After dividing the troops, it may be possible to alleviate the disadvantages of both sides, but it is like a slow poison. If the operation is not done well, the poison will cause death. -

[King] Yi丨Staying together through thick and thin management channel.

[Monarch] Grand Governor of Six Yuan: Youzhou is preparing to attack Lingqiu at noon. Xuanyuan, please notify the two branch alliances and ask them to mobilize troops to Lingqiu. The other three and four regiments should also go there.

[Taiwei] First love: No, right after saying that the other party betrayed you, Youzhou really betrayed you. Who said [contempt] in front of his mouth?

[Yu Shi Dafu] Wei Wuxian: It’s as if if I don’t tell you, the other side won’t come [ghost].

[Monarch] Grand Governor of Six Yuan: Stop talking nonsense and inform them quickly. They must not let them in while guarding Lingqiu.

[Lieutenant] Chu Lian: Then should I go and command over there while you watch over here? .

[Monarch] Governor of Liuyuan: Yes.

[Censor] Wei Wuxian: Don’t forget to inform Boss Ning.

[Monarch] Governor of the Six Yuan Dynasty: Yes. -

"As expected, we still have to divide our forces."

After receiving the notification from Liuyuan and learning about the situation in Youzhou, Ning Xiu flicked his fingers on the table, thinking about a way to break the situation?

Since Bingzhou Fengyu can't count on them, they can only rely on Jizhou Fengyu.

After pondering for a moment, Ning Xiu picked up the mobile phone placed on the table in front of him and sent a message to Lang Xing Tianxia, ​​who had just added a friend and had been sending messages to him.

Mr. Ning: Are you here? . -


After receiving the message from Mr. Ning, the wealthy owner, Yimeng Nanke pondered for a few seconds and then quickly replied: "Yes, Mr. Ning, is there something wrong?".

Mr. Ning: I have something to ask you.

Lang Xing Tian Xia: You're welcome. If you can help me with something, I'll definitely help.

Mr. Ning: How to break the deadlock? .

Langxingtianxia: Well, Mr. Ning, are you talking about the current dilemma faced by District 1500? .

Mr. Ning: Yes, I think you know it, so how do you think we should break the situation? . -

Looking at the message on the phone screen, Yimeng Nanke was silent for a moment and then replied: "You can start from District 09 Xuzhou. As far as I know, the leader of District 09 Yulongzaitian has never been on good terms with the leader of District 08." -

"I thought it was the management of one of the Qing and Xu alliances, but it turned out to be the leader of the Xuzhou alliance."

Staring at the reply in his hand, Ning Xiu's expression flickered.

From the first time Lang Xing Tianxia sent him a message, Ning Xiu knew that the other party must be from Qingxu Prefecture.

Moreover, the management can participate in decision-making, otherwise it would be impossible to know some strategic plans in advance.

As he gradually came into contact, he began to exclude the Qingzhou Alliance. The reason was simple if the other party was from Qingzhou.

With their main alliance being destroyed and their allies in Youzhou being driven out of Jizhou, there was no need to be secretive about joining him, so only District 09 Xuzhou would have some concerns.

Although he has set his sights on Xuzhou Yulong Zaitian, he has no idea who he is because he really doesn't know anything about that place.

Ning Xiu just asked the other party seemingly casually if there was any way to break the situation. In fact, it was a test and meant to offer the other party an olive branch.

The other party obviously understood what he meant. Not only did he accept his olive branch, he also indirectly told himself his identity and the reason why he did this.

Mr. Ning: If you don’t mind, could you please elaborate? . -

Yimeng Nanke is a very independent person. Since he has already leaked the truth in the face of Ning Xiu's temptation, he will no longer hide anything.

Anyway, everything he did before was to establish a relationship with District 1500, and at the same time, the opportunity he was waiting for has appeared.

In addition, the BOSS from the opposite side came to visit in person, so of course there was no need for him to hesitate.


Wolf Xing Tianxia: It’s actually very simple. The 02 District Alliance is now strong on the outside and strong on the inside, and it completely pins its hopes on the District 08 Alliance.

Therefore, as long as District 08 collapses, the District 02 Alliance will not be able to afford any waste.

When I allocated resource states before, I chose Shouchun, Liang, and Yingchuan counties in the north of Yuzhou, next to Yanzhou.

I can arrange an airport and move the city directly to Taishan County in Yanzhou. There is your fortress here. After you fall to him, you can directly parachute into Yuzhou.

At that time, our two families will work together, starting from the three northern counties of Yuzhou, to directly attack the Yuzhou base camp where Yangzhou dominates the world.

Or go straight down, pass through Huainan County and break through the checkpoints to enter the Yangzhou mainland, it is not a problem.

Once this happens in Yuzhou, Yangzhou will dominate the world, and of course it will have no intention of continuing to attack Yongzhou, and will inevitably retreat.

The remaining Jingzhou dominates the world and is definitely no match for Liang and Yizhou. When the time comes, they will break through the Youjiang River and pass directly through Nanyang County.

From the Bowang Pass in Jingzhou to the boundary of Xuchang in Yuzhou, Yangzhou Quanyu's world was completely in disgrace.

At the same time, since there is no danger to your Bingzhou Alliance in Yongzhou, you can go to Jizhou and continue to easily suppress the Youji Alliance, and the overall situation will be settled.

Oh, there is no threat to the rest of Qingzhou. If Boss Ning decides to take action, I can contact our two branches in Xuzhou and fly in to help contain them. -

"Tsk, tsk! It seems that this guy has a deep resentment towards Area 08. He is so well prepared."

She admired in her heart. Faced with such a plan, Ning Xiu certainly had no reason not to agree.

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