Honor is something that appears after the end of the S3 season. The system is based on the player's PVP and PVE behavior last season.

The product of the statistical synthesis will be notified to players by email after the season is settled.

The so-called PVP and PVE behaviors are simply the statistics of martial arts obtained from fighting, the player's own power value, siege and demolition, and other comprehensive statistics.

Honor is a very important thing in the Conquest Season. Not only can you buy very cool general card frames in the Honor Store, you can exchange them for general characteristics that can make a qualitative difference to the generals.

You can also use honor to exchange for tactical experience and political orders during the land reclamation period, and you can even use honor to purchase a Mingzhu gift pack that lasts for 30 days, and you can get 50 tiger talisman rewards every day.

In general, honor is a very important thing, and it is also a very intuitive way to understand whether a player is a water-skimming monster or not.

When many alliance teams earn income, in addition to the redness requirements for generals and teams, they also have the most basic honor value requirements.

After all, no matter how strong you are on paper, once you enter the script, what use is it for you to lie down directly? You might as well accept a blank slate liver emperor.

Many old players say that Season of Conquest is fast-paced and Season S is simply incomparable.

Not to mention the most basic command of 8 when it comes to land reclamation, including the tactics experience converted by jade talismans and the tactics purchased with honor points, starting with more than 20,000 tactics experience in land reclamation is just the basics.

These two points alone are a few steps ahead of Season S. -

The season is coming to an end, and the management team, which has been idle for more than a month, is busy again due to the issue of attendance and personnel integration.

Ning Xiu has always stayed away from such things. After all, even within a united group, there will still be minor disputes.

Each group leader would often get into a red-faced quarrel over the issue of quotas for members in his group, so it would be better to hand it over to the tool man for six yuan.

After a period of integration, Jizhou Fengyu was the main alliance for the conquest, Bingzhou Fengyu was in the same boat, Yizhou Daofa Natural was divided into three separate kingdoms, and Xuzhou Yulong was divided into Tianyi.

[King] Yi丨Staying together through thick and thin management channel.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liu Yuan: The battle of the state capital is over. We will open Luoyang tomorrow and let them take the state capital.

But do we conquer with six or five? Will it be given to Wandering Military Prefecture? .

Because there are only three levels of conquest rewards, 13 state capitals, 9 state capitals and the last 5 state capitals, so getting one more state capital will not be of any benefit to Ning Xiu and his conquest alliance.

But if you take one less, you can get one more and separate it.

Under normal circumstances, if there is a wandering army, a state capital will usually be left for them. After all, I want to see you in the future if you leave a line.

Of course, whether to give or not depends entirely on the degree of hostility between the two parties.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Give me some chicken feathers, I don’t think if we get cold and become a wandering army, those guys will pick our noses at the state capital.

[Captain] First Love: That is, after the settlement, they will enter the war preparation area. In this case, they will 100% break up. Let them learn a lesson that is still fresh in their memory. It is not bad [covers mouth and laughs].

[Censor Doctor] Nine: Ahem, I think I should give it. After all, reputation is very important in the Conquest Season.

Although we don’t care what others say, it’s useless to keep it anyway, so why leave excuses to others.

[Guang Luxun] Rough Man: It doesn’t matter, you just have to figure it out [Ghost].

[General Wei] Jizuo Huogong: Well, leave one for them.

[Sikong] It’s up to you: Let’s wait for Boss Ning to make the decision [Qiya].

[Attendant] Wei Wuxian: Support [Struggle]

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Well, then let them know and Qingzhou Prefecture will be given to them.

[Prime Minister] Governor Liuyuan: Most of them are now active in Xuzhou, and they obviously have ideas about the state capital of Xuzhou.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Do you want Qingzhou to give them love? You go and inform them of Liu Yuan. The face is left to them. If you still make trouble and wait for troubled times, it's wrong.

[Guang Luxun] Rough Man: Problem [cover your mouth and laugh]. -

The rewards for the wandering army are also divided into four levels, namely occupying 5 state capitals, 3 state capitals, 2 state capitals and 1 state capital.

No matter how many state capitals you occupy, the highest reward you can actually get is the number of free draws of separate card packs and the maximum number of times.

The number of state capitals mainly affects the number of people who can receive rewards.

The Wandering Army is in great need of martial arts, and season rewards are also determined based on the ranking of martial arts.

There are 5 state capitals in the first level. The 1st to 200th place can get heroic rewards, and the 201st to 450th place can get outstanding rewards.

As for the last level of rewards for a state capital, only the 1st to 50th place can get the heroic reward, and the 51st to 150th place can get the outstanding reward.

Other wandering armies with lower martial arts rankings will have their direct rewards reduced by half. From the first to the last level, there is a difference of 300 places. This is the gap.

Of course, if there were so many wandering troops in a district, they would definitely have become deadly enemies.

Obviously, the S3250 has not reached that point yet, and the number of wandering troops is only about 100. -

[Scenery] Yi丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Prime Minister] The Governor of Liuyuan: Qingzhou Linzi is given to you, so you can take care of yourself.

After receiving the six-yuan email, Warring States Xiao Kong felt a little complicated.

Putting aside the hostile relationship, he also admires District 1500. Not only is he powerful, he is also very qualified. At least there are very few talkative people in the world.

Now he took the initiative to throw the state capital over, which caught him by surprise.

According to their original plan, they would join forces with District 08 Han Qing and others to capture the two state capitals of Qing and Xu.

But according to what he learned these days, the wandering army of S3250 only numbered more than 100 people.

Under such circumstances, I went directly to Qingzhou Prefecture as arranged by District 1500 and waited for the end of the season in peace.

Or should we take a risk and take action against Xuzhou Prefecture? .

Liu Yuan's last sentence was to take care of yourself, and Warring States Xiao Kong certainly heard the reminder in his words.

It doesn't matter if he is just one person, but he also has to consider the group of brothers who follow him. -

Lead the core of the Turkish Alliance to manage the penguin colony.

[Group Leader] Xiao Kong of the Warring States Period: Prime Minister Feng Yu just sent me an email, saying that Qingzhou Prefecture would be given to us.

[Management] Shi Lan: Really? That's okay, it saves us the trouble.

[Management] Seal: Leave a line in your life so that we can meet each other in the future, even if you are facing each other.

[Management] Mr. Xu: We made an agreement with District 08 Hanqing and others before to help them get Xuzhou, so what do you mean we won’t go? .

[Group Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: To be honest, I am also considering this matter.

Staying together through thick and thin has given us face, and the Prime Minister opposite just now also intentionally reminded me.

I'm afraid that if we move to Xuzhou, we'll piss off the other side, and then they'll be beaten to pieces.

[Management] Mr. Xu: Just fly, how many times do I need him to separate the regime? I already have so many 5-star cards that I have no place to put them.

[Group Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: Don’t talk about you, Lao Xu, I don’t lack those few separatist regimes, and I have to pay for everything anyway, but what about the other brothers who follow us? .

I have no experience leading them this season. If they don't even break up the empire and go into chaos in the end, it would be really hurtful.

Warring States Xiao Kong's words silenced the management.

Because they knew very well that the other party was telling the truth, and the wandering army was not that fun, especially under the strong encirclement and suppression of the 1500 District Alliance.

Except for Xu Qingyang, they didn't dare to wander around in their former hometown and other places, and they would be beaten away as soon as they were discovered.

Players who don't have a good team of generals will be on the verge of giving up when they play the wandering army.

After more than a month, the people in their gathering became less and less active, and fewer and fewer people spoke.

If in the end, there are no more times to extract separate territories, then it is really necessary to give up.

After all, not all players in the game Litu Three Kingdoms can earn the starting season card packs and world trend card packs.

[Management] Mr. Xu: I don’t have any objections here. Lao Xiao, just make your own decision. But it’s hard to say about Han Qing.

[Group Leader] Warring States Xiao Kong: I guess Feng Yu must have informed them as well. I will go and communicate with him. -

When Liuyuan was notified, of course they did not forget about the wandering army group led by the leader of District 08.

After receiving the email reminder, Han Qing was also a little hesitant.

Time can erase everything, and Han Qing will naturally never forget the revenge of being stabbed in the back by Yimeng Nanke from District 09.

But following his brother, from the initial excitement, to now they are rarely talked about, and even the activity is getting lower and lower.

He knew very well that if he still acted according to the original plan, it would be difficult to succeed, but how could he be willing to give up like that? -

Juyi: End war with war [E-mail: Leader] Warring States Period Xiao Kong: Did Lao Han receive Feng Yu’s email? .

After receiving the email from Warring States Xiao Kong, Han Qing was silent for a moment and then replied: "Yes."

[Email] Warring States Xiao Kong: What do you think? .

As soon as he heard the other party ask this question, Han Qing knew that his ally might have chosen to take the Qingzhou capital by staying on his own terms.

[Email] Han Qing: Not decided yet.

[E-mail] Xiao Kong of the Warring States Period: Listen to my brother’s advice, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

The situation is stronger than the people. We do not lack this reward, but we must also consider it for our brothers.

[E-mail] Han Qing: Your back hurts when you stand and talk. Try getting stabbed in the back.

[E-mail] Warring States Xiao Kong: If you want to get angry, you don’t have to involve your brothers. You can have a duel with that man named Yimeng Nanke.

[Email] Han Qing: Do you think I’m stupid? I am full of red and he is low in red. I am a wandering army and he fights with me alone.

[E-mail] Warring States Xiao Kong: You can give it a try. If the other party agrees, isn't this the best of both worlds [picking nose]. -

"Single challenge?"

When he received Han Qing's email, Yimeng Nanke thought about it and understood the reason why the other party did this. After pondering for a moment, he decided to agree to the other party.

The reason for doing this was not because he felt that he would be sorry for the opponent by backstabbing him.

But because of this incident, I don't want the players in Area 08 who are following the opponent to end up in troubled times.

[Sui] Yu丨Yu Long Zai Tian [Mail: Monarch] Yimeng Nanke: Set a time and come to my main city.

Juyi: Quan Yutianxia [Email: Leader] Han Qing: Wait for me in your main city at noon the day after tomorrow.

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