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Chapter 299 Drawing cards! Follow the rules

[Yongzhou-Chang'an: 666X524].

"I'll go and land somewhere."

After successfully landing, Ning Xiu immediately glanced at the location of his main city.

The surrounding resources are good, and there are many low-level and high-level lands needed for the start.

But there are resources, but the terrain is really messed up. Of course, the early development is nothing, but after sweeping away the surrounding resources, he will be confused.

Although Season of Conquest and Season S use the same large map frame, the things inside have changed beyond recognition.

The entire map is full of mountains and rivers criss-crossing each other, making the terrain extremely complex. It is obvious that the two people are neighbors, with only a river separating them.

But if you want to go to the opposite side, it will take half a day not to mention how to pave the way, but even to draw the map.

And during the Conquest Season, counties within a state are separated by mountain borders. If you don't use allies' land enclaves, you need to break the barriers between counties.

The level 7 level composed of 45,000 durability and 18 teams of skeleton defenders is a mountain that players cannot cross in the early stage.

Of course, this does not actually impose many restrictions on players in this state. After all, they can fly everywhere through the land of the allies.

But for the attacker, it really increases the difficulty, and the depth of the entire strategy greatly improves the playability of the game.

Although Ning Xiu's location is in Chang'an County, it is in the westernmost part of Chang'an County.

To the west of the main city, there is a river in less than 4 blocks, and across the river is Shangluo County.

Although he was not satisfied with his birthplace, Ning Xiu could only complain about it, and at the worst possible outcome, he would move to another city.

If he wants to wander around and change places, not to mention delaying the time for land reclamation, he will be in trouble if the popular Li Guo camp is full.

He quickly converted all the 4-star general cards in his card list into combat experience through jade talismans. It took him 5 minutes to get more than 20,000 combat experience.

Then Ning Xiu clicked on several system emails at the bottom of the game interface, collected various rewards, and then clicked on the Honor Store.

Sweep away all the combat experience that can be purchased inside.

As the name suggests, the Honor Store is a place where honor is spent to buy things.

Here, not only can you spend honor points to purchase combat experience, but you can also use honor to purchase political orders and resource packages.

The intensity of land reclamation in the Conquest Season is very high. Even if you are full of reds and arrogant, your face will turn over sometimes. It just depends on the number of times.

In order to take care of the players' experience, the officials of Luteu Three Kingdoms sell tactics and resources, which can be regarded as a disguised form of protection for players.

The honor value is determined based on the player's PVP and PVE last season. Ning Xiu got a total of 2,000 points.

This was the reason why he set his sights on copycats in the later stage, otherwise there would definitely be more than this number.

After spending several hundred points of honor to purchase several levels of combat experience, and also purchasing a wave of combat experience that could be bought with jade talismans, Ning Xiu's combat experience had reached 35,000. about.

"It's almost enough. If it's not enough, I will be a famous general by then."

After glancing at his own combat experience, Ning Xiu was very satisfied.

If you follow the rhythm of conquering the veteran players, after landing, you will definitely put a few of your land-clearing generals into battle, recruit a wave of troops, and then do other things.

But Ning Xiu, who has just entered the season of conquest, is different. The generals he wants to open up wasteland have not yet been drawn out, so he can only delay a little time.

But anyway, Chu Lian and his account-controllers, Man Hong Tuan, were responsible for establishing the alliance, so he had nothing to rush about.

It is different from conquering a card pack and dividing a card pack in the S season.

There are three Conquest card packs in the Conquest Season, numbered 1, 2, and 3, and there are also two Separate Card packs.

The generals in the three Conquest card packs are all different, which can easily dazzle newcomers who have just entered the Conquest season, but Ning Xiu is naturally not included.

Although he has not been involved in the Conquering Season for a short time, the most basic things are still very clear.

Therefore, he has long set his goal to conquer Card Pack 1 and Conquer Card Pack 2.

There are 10 5-star generals in the Conquest Season Card Pack 1.

There is the 5-star Chen Gong who can form the magic sword, and there is the 5-star Shu Guan Yu who can form the first-line strong teams such as Shu Qi and Dog Judge.

There is 5-star Wu Sunce who can form a kitchen knife. There is also the 5-star Wu Lukang who can not only open up wasteland, but also form the only team in the entire country, the Grandpa Team, which is recognized as a super first-line team.

The remaining generals also have their own roles.

Compared with the S season, those first-line teams that have formed over and conquered the season are blooming. As long as the tactics are in place and black technology can beat the mainstream teams, it is not a problem at all.

Of course, the most important 5-star card in this card pack is the 5-star Han Zhang Machine.

Zhang Ji, also known as Zhang Zhongjing, the medical sage, was a famous medical scientist in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Although he is not the protagonist in the Three Kingdoms novels and film and television dramas, he is definitely one of the protagonists in the game "Leitu Three Kingdoms", which is set in the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Initially, the command skill Golden Chamber can reduce all damage received by the team in the first 3 rounds after the battle starts, and at the same time, it can restore the strength of the entire army.

It can both reduce damage and recover, and not only has stable command skills, but also benefits all three generals in the team. Such skills directly put him on the altar.

Regardless of whether it is the only T0 currently recognized by Litu, the super first-line team Grandpa Team.

Either the Rogue Team or the Dagger Team, they all occupy a very important position in these teams.

In addition, his command is low and he is very suitable for clearing up wasteland. Therefore, he is currently recognized as one of the core generals in the army, and is even called the first core general.

The season of conquest is fast-paced, and team selection during land reclamation is very important. After all, it involves transformation and pulling out to fight.

If Ning Xiu wants to keep up with the pace, he must get Zhang Ji. Otherwise, even if the progress of land reclamation is not far behind, he will have to stretch his legs whether it is a fight or a city attack.

"Phew! It's too cheating. Just 20 chances. If you don't get it, you'll be in trouble."

After drawing 20 conquest card packs in the S season, if you don’t draw the military commander you want.

Not only can you directly earn a lot of krypton among the famous players of the season, but you can also earn a lot of krypton in the following popular card packs in the world.

But there are no season champions in the Conquest Season. If you haven’t drawn out the 20 Conquest card packs, you can only get them from the world-wide trend card packs that will gradually appear in the future, and by that time, the day lily will be cold.

After clicking on the music player and playing his long-lost card drawing song, Ning Xiu directly clicked on Conquer Card Pack 1 to start drawing cards.

"I'll go, will it be 5?"

When Ning Xiu clicked the mouse, a purple light flashed directly in front of his eyes.

Then, a middle-aged man wearing red clothes and looking very unworthy of the audience appeared in front of him.

"Lu Kang?"

5-star Wu Lukang is naturally good, but what Ning Xiu wants now is Zhang Ji.

Although the first shot resulted in a 5-star card, his heart became heavy.

"A good start doesn't necessarily mean it's really a good start. Please bless me, Brother Shitou."

After saying something in his mouth, Ning Xiu no longer hesitated and started drawing cards quickly.

"The damn bird will face the sky. It will not die for tens of millions of years. The 5-star machine will return to its position quickly!"

Obviously, as a bronze summoner, Ning Xiu's rank is too low.

He was not able to summon Zhang Ji. Instead, five consecutive pictures were all 4 stars, which directly made his face become darker and darker.

"With such a long face, has Conquer failed?"

Just when Ning Xiu was doubting his life, Liu Yuan walked in with two cups of tea, looked at him and smiled.

"It's almost as good as not hanging up. It's a bit weak." Ning Xiu sighed.

Hearing this, Liuyuan immediately smiled and said, "Come on, I'll give you a run and let you see what the European Emperor is."

"Get out of here and flog you yourself. Don't take my knife."

Glancing at Liu Yuan who looked expectant, Ning Xiu didn't believe this African nigger who kept flipping over.

"Believe me, I dreamed about my lucky lady last night. Just smoke it once and don't be pretentious."

Liu Yuan has long wanted to experience the fun of drawing cards on Ning Xiu's account.

After saying that, he directly picked up the mouse and clicked on it regardless of the situation. Just as Ning Xiu was about to stop him, he saw a purple light flashing on the game interface, and he immediately wisely chose to shut up.

"Damn it! Five-star Zhang Ji, as soon as he shot into the soul, he asked you if you were afraid?"

When he saw the 5-star Han Zhang machine appearing on the game interface, Liuyuan was confused for a moment, and then he had an orgasm. After all, he didn't expect that he was so lucky.

"Haha! I'm really favored by the goddess of luck today. Come on, I'll give you a few waves and take Guan Yu out too."

Seeing that the six yuan had swelled, Ning Xiu didn't stop him. After all, he had just taken a chance for himself, so it would be a bit unethical to chase people away now.

"I'm telling you, I will follow my words now. If I say Guan Yu, Guan Yu will come out, come out!"

He said proudly to Ning Xiu, then Liuyuan clicked directly to draw a card, and then flashed purple light.

"F*ck! Lao Ning, hit me. Is this really me?"

When he saw the 5-star Shu Guan Yu appearing on the game interface, Liu Yuan was stunned for a few seconds, then looked at Ning Xiu who was also a little confused and said.


For such a request, Ning Xiu, who had come back to his senses, was naturally very willing to comply, and immediately punched the opponent with some excitement.

"Two waves of two 5s in a row, and they are all the 5 stars I need, and they are okay for six dollars."

Ning Xiu let out a sigh of satisfaction, and then said: "Come and help me draw the second conquest card pack, I want Huangfu."

"It's nothing! It's just Huangfu." He said it twice in a row, and the six yuan directly expanded.

"Huangfu Song, return to your position quickly, get out!"

"Huangfu Song hasn't returned to his throne yet, when will he do it?"

"Great Master Huangfu Song, please listen to my call and come out."

"Uncle Huangfusong, come out quickly. If you don't come out, I will die!"

Five consecutive times all received 4 stars, which made the faces of the two people who were originally excited get darker and darker.

When he saw the other party and gave himself 9 consecutive 4 stars, Ning Xiu couldn't bear it anymore.

"The door is there, get out of here. I'm afraid I won't be able to control the ancient power in my body if you leave."

Raising his fist, Ning Xiu pointed at the door and said to Liuyuan with a face.

"Ahem! Burning bridges across rivers, at least I got Zhang Ji and Guan Yu out of your hands."

After muttering dissatisfiedly, Liuyuan walked out very wisely.

"My lord, for the last three times, if I don't leave Huangpu, I will have to use gangsters to open up wasteland."

After sighing in his heart, Ning Xiu clicked the mouse.

After receiving 4 stars twice in a row, Ning Xiu had given up all hope.

However, the surprise always comes at the last moment, when you click on the draw number of the last conquest card pack.

A flash of purple light flashed, and the white-bearded grandfather Huangfu Song appeared in front of Ning Xiu.

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