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Chapter 309 Chen Xiang returns

The combination of 4-star Xi Zhicai and 4-star Zhang Huan is considered to be the most difficult among the six-level lands.

Not to mention that Ning Xiu only has more than 8,000 troops now, even if he is at a higher level and has reached 20,000 troops after leaving the barracks, the battle losses will be very scary if he has a dark face.

In fact, in general, defenders like this who have insight skills and are not affected by control skills are just a matter of appearance. If they have a good face, they will be like Ning Xiu now.


After the 5-minute draw ended, Ning Xiu successfully won the first piece of sixth-level land.

After returning the main force of the land reclamation team to the main city instantly, he saw that after recovering the wounded soldiers, the battle losses were close to 2,000. He was very satisfied with this.

"Now we have a bottom. When we wake up tomorrow morning, we can clear the level 7 main city and click on the barracks. Then we can directly farm the level 6 lands."

After happily planning his next development plan, he immediately chose to recruit troops and go offline. -


At around 7 o'clock in the morning, after Chen Xiang parked his car outside Ningxiu's villa, he glanced at the quiet villa, then got out of the car and walked into the villa with his suitcase.

Telling one lie requires countless lies to cover it up. In order to make Ning Xiu believe that she and her parents had indeed returned to her hometown for the Spring Festival, she stayed until the Lantern Festival was over before she could finally come over.

After putting away his things, Chen Xiang walked quietly to the second floor.

After pushing open the bedroom door, he glanced at Ning Xiu, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and a smile appeared on his lips. -

Ning Xiu was already close to one point when he went to bed last night, and had exhausted the main team's energy.

So he set the alarm clock for 8 a.m. By this time, the land reclamation team had just recovered to full strength.

The weather in the north at this time is actually the coldest, so lying in a warm bed is definitely the most comfortable thing.

But when a pair of cold hands lifted the quilt and placed it on his belly, the result was self-evident.


Ning Xiu, who was awakened, instantly sat up from the bed. When he saw Chen Xiang standing in front of him with a suppressed smile, he wisely swallowed what he was about to say.

"Hehe! This is a good way for me to wake you up." Chen Xiang raised his hands and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's so comfortable."

Ning Xiu stretched out and replied, then directly stretched out his hand to pull Chen Xiang over, held him in his arms and said, "But I want to be more comfortable."

"What are you thinking about so early in the morning?"

"You know it's early in the morning. If you flirt with me early in the morning, you'll have to pay the price. Accept the judgment, little girl."

An hour later, Ning Xiu lay on the sofa with a satisfied look on his face, logging into the game with a tablet in his hand, while Chen Xiang also lay across from him holding his tablet. -

After logging into the game, Ning Xiu glanced at his various resources. Seeing that he had enough resources to upgrade the main city, he immediately raised the main city to level 7.

Then, while controlling the team to hoard stones, use Spartan to kill the thieves that spawned.

At the same time, he controlled the main land reclamation team, and after sweeping a level 5 land, he continued to recruit troops.

Now that the main city has been upgraded to level 7, and the barracks can be clicked after the farming is completed, Ning Xiu will naturally not waste his energy on farming level 5 land.

The next step is to develop the land at level 6, accumulate resources, and get the main city to level 8 as soon as possible, and then transform the Fengchan Platform. That is the business.

In fact, if he follows the normal progress, he should start training the second team at this time.

But after Ning Xiu thought about it for a while, he decided to take it slow.

The reason for this is actually very simple, except that I have to hold back 8 books next time, so there is not so much waste of resources.

It was also because the second team he came up with currently lacked generals.

Because the main team to open up wasteland was the team starring Huangfu Song and Zhang Ji, the first main team to complete the transformation was Team Grandpa.

So if he wants to have a good experience on the battlefield, the main force of the second team must not only be strong, but also need to be able to make up for his own shortcomings.

Although the Huangfu Song team and the Guanmei Hooligan team are the mainstream players in conquering the season, compared to the more popular Guanmei Hooligan team, Huangfu Song still has fewer people.

So once they enter the battlefield, Ning Xiu's grandfather team will encounter a group of rogue teams.

In this case, the main force of his first team is restrained, making it difficult to have a sour battlefield game experience.

At this time, he needs a team that can restrain the rogue team to help him make up for his shortcomings, and this team is naturally Shuqi.

There are several ways to build Shuqi, but it is the most popular and the most powerful in the Conquest Season.

It is a Shuqi 123-point killing team composed of 5-star Shu Ma Dai, 5-star Shu Guan Yu, 5-star Shu Xu Shu or 5-star group Zhang Xiu.

Before the appearance of Shuqi, the rogue team that did not take advantage of the redness was basically uncontrollable in the season of conquest.

Especially in the early stages of the season, when it restrained Grandpa's team, it could basically defeat anyone it saw.

It wasn't until Shuqi appeared, with 5-star Shu Ma Dai and 5-star Shu Guan Yu as the core, that it broke its myth and dampened its arrogance.

And because the idea of ​​this team is very similar to that of the Shu Zhi Headshot Team, forward Xu Shu has an attack range of 1, Chinese army Guan Yu has an attack range of 2, and Daying Ma Dai has an attack range of 3. All the enemies will be hit in one wave. forward.

If you blow up the forwards, you will assemble the hot center army. If you blow up the middle army, you will assemble the hot camp, so it is also called the point-killing team.

The Hooligan team is led by the forward Sun Quan. Against a team like Shuqi, they will naturally be very restrained.

Players in the Season of Conquest often say that Shuqi in the second team is like their father. This sentence is enough to prove the status of Shuqi in the Season of Conquest.

Of course, the most important thing is that compared to other first-line teams, if you want to be strong, you must use some popular powerful tactics.

Shuqi is a typical representative of a team with low configuration and high energy. Under such circumstances, it is completely unreasonable for them not to be popular. -

Ning Xiu's first team is Team Grandpa, and the second team is naturally Shuqi, which is the best choice.

But unfortunately, he has not drawn 5-star Shu Ma Dai so far.

If you want to wait for it to come out, you still need to complete the world's general trend and prepare strong troops, and wait for a wave of Sichuan and Shu people to pack up.

According to the current progress of X512, it will take at least 4 days.

"Let's hold on to the Baben Point Barracks for now. It will take at least 2 days before I can transform.

At that time, make adjustments according to the time. If it doesn't work, go out to Dudu or Shubu first. "

Anyway, by the time he can transform, he will definitely have opened a level 7 land.

Under such circumstances, through military training, it is completely possible to quickly train military commanders to level 30.

The reason why many players are slow to join the team is that what limits them is not their general level, but their combat experience.

After all, you can't awaken, you can't activate tactics, and you can only level up to level 5. How fast can you go in this case?

For Ning Xiu, who has an easy upper limit of combat experience, these have no impact on him at all. Even if he does not have enough combat experience by then, all he needs is a krypton card pack, what a big deal. -

At 9 o'clock in the morning, after collecting level 6 stones from the field, Ning Xiu directly raised the barracks to two levels. The strength of his main force for land reclamation directly reached 9,800.

With such a force, it is no longer difficult to open a level 6 land.

So he immediately used reserve troops to replenish his troops, and while continuing to control other teams to farm, he also controlled the land reclamation team and began to attack the level 6 lands around the main city.

The resources of the Battle of Heroes script are very rich, and it doesn't take much effort to find even a level 9 land, let alone a level 6 land.


When the time on the march countdown disappeared and two battle reports popped up at the bottom of the game interface, and his main land reclamation team passed through level 6 in seconds, Ning Xiu's mood immediately soured.

"After recovering the wounded soldiers, the battle damage will be around 1,000, which is completely acceptable. After a few levels of barracks are selected, we can farm level 6 lands with low damage. At that time, we can start to divide the city and hold back the level 8 main city." -

As Ning Xiu quickly swept through level 6 lands, his ranking on the personal power rankings was also rapidly improving.

Although he was lagging behind those players who had full-red reclamation teams in the early stage of land reclamation because of the lack of generals and the redness of the generals, he had a lot of experience in tactics.

People with full red accounts are not necessarily Shenhao bosses, and Shenhao bosses are not necessarily like him who use money instead of money and directly use krypton cards to gain experience in tactics.

There may be such people, but there are definitely only a handful of people in a zone server. After all, after playing in the Conquest Season for a long time, many players are a little tired of it and have no desire to compete.

As for those power leveling or account control players, it's okay to use jade talismans to convert a wave of combat experience. But not many people dare to use the boss's jade talisman to draw card packs to gain combat experience.

In most cases, in addition to maxing out the output tactics points, all other points need to be level 7 and that's it.

As it gets closer to 12 o'clock, the 48-hour novice period in area X512 is coming to an end.

Many alliances also began to prepare for Kaicheng in the evening. -

Yong: Ning丨Stand through thick and thin management channel.

[Commander] 9: There are 12 teams of 24,000 garrison defenders in a level 5 city. With our alliance’s main accounts and development speed, 40 full red accounts can easily defeat the garrison.

I have already counted the number of main players in Kaicheng on both sides, and there is no problem.

The demolition aspect has also been explained. At best, the demolition can be done slowly and everything can be taken down properly.

[Deputy Leader] Liuyuan: Well, the people in Kaichengpi have also made arrangements in advance.

[Commander] Nine: OK.

[Official] Mr. Ma: I'm near Guangwei. Do you want me to go [pick your nose]?

[Leader] Mr. Ning: Is your team up?

[Official] Mr. Ma: [Lineup] It’s okay, it’s level 30, and the barracks has also been leveled up [picking nose].

[Commander] 9: You’d better not go there, old horse, I’ve arranged for brothers to use Manhong Huangfu’s troops to open up wasteland.

Their team's damage in fighting a city is relatively low, so you'd better develop quickly.

[Leader] Mr. Ning: You can do it. This speed is not much slower than mine.

well! My main force is only as high as Huangfu Song, only level 33 [picking nose]

[Official] Mr. Ma: Get lost.

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