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Chapter 313 Outstanding People from Sichuan and Sichuan

A wave of card drawing took Ning Xiu nearly 2 hours.

By the time he finally filled up the 5-star Shu Yanyan, it was already past 15:00 in the afternoon.

At the same time, this wave of card drawing not only allowed him to get a large number of 5-star red feed.

The tactical experience provided directly allows his tactical experience card slot to be filled with the initial skills that the generals will need to use after the second team, in addition to the upper limit of the tactical experience card slot.

"Sweep the floor, tomorrow Book 8 will be able to transform from the Fengchan Platform."

Although Yan Yan, who was drawn in red, may not have the chance to appear in battle, it is still very pleasing to the eye even if she is lying in the warehouse watching it.

After everything was settled, Ning Xiu once again devoted himself to the great cause of clearing the land.

At this time, his forward Huangfu Song was already at level 36, and the Chinese army's Zhang Ji and the camp's Zhen Luo were already at level 35. Together with the barracks he selected to level 5, the total strength reached 13,600.

With this kind of troops, plus 9 full-level tactics, Ning Xiu has successfully opened a level 7 land.

So far, except for levels 8 and 9, he has eaten all the land around his main city. -

System: The general trend of the world, the world is in chaos.

At 21 o'clock in the evening, just after the level 5 city of Gaolu was completed for the first time, a special effect flashed on the game interface. The new world trend and the world's chaos were completed.

In addition to rewarding all players in the server with 200 Tiger Talisman and increasing the level of the copycats that appear, there is only the Chaos card pack that has also been opened.

For this card pack, Ning Xiu really didn't even have the desire to draw it.

There are a total of 8 5-star generals, except for 5-star Wei Xia Houdun and 5-star Queen Wei Guo, which are new generals released in the Conquest Season.

The rest are from the S season, and he has already drawn all the red cards, and even more than one 5-star card.

As for these two newly released general cards, players who are short of generals may use the black technology of Xiahou Dun to play with them, but in Ning Xiu's eyes, they only serve the purpose of breaking down the 5-star tactics and making plans before taking action.

After 5 quick rounds, after 7 rounds, you will get a 5-star Wei Xiahou Dun. After Ning Xiu dismantled it and studied the battle method, it was done.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, as the opening of the zone reached the fourth day, the player development of the entire X512 was basically on the right track.

The first-tier players are also entering the transformation stage of resource accumulation. -

Time passed, and two days flew by in the blink of an eye. X512 has reached the sixth day of opening the zone.

Yong: Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [Mail: Commander] First love: [639X561] At 12 noon, the battle in Luo started in the level 7 city, and the brothers quickly enclave.

In the early morning, after Ning Xiu went online, he scanned a circle of emails and stopped paying attention.

His hometown is here in Shangluo, and it has long been developed to the side of Shangluo City. This wave of enclaves from the League are flying to his land.

After raising the main city to level 8 the day before yesterday, after two days of development accumulation, Ning Xiu not only raised the Fengchan Platform to level 3 and successfully transformed, but also raised the barracks to level 10.

Before the transformation, he controlled the main level 40 land reclamation team and took down a piece of level 8 land next to the main city.

Directly let the first team's transformation general 5-star Wu Lukang gain experience alone. Now his level has reached level 35, replacing 5-star group Zhen Luo.

"Brush the floor for two hours first."

After glancing at the time at the top of the game interface, Ning Xiu immediately controlled the first team that had successfully transformed, the Grandpa Team, and headed towards the wild fortress next to Shangluo.

Since the transformation, Ning Xiu has been sweeping high-level lands, the last of which were level 6 lands, so the main team upgraded very quickly.

As of today, although he is not as high-level as those who level up with city skins, the forward 5-star Huangfu Song has also reached level 42, and the Chinese army Zhang Ji has reached level 41.

The 5-star Wu Lukang, who was just replaced yesterday, has also reached level 38. With the addition of level 10 barracks, the total strength reaches more than 19,000.

With this kind of troops, plus the strength of the generals and full combat skills, except for the level 9 land, it is not difficult to open the remaining lands alone.

However, in order to reduce the battle losses, these high-level lands he encountered were just markers. After all, what he needed to do now was to quickly accumulate resources. It was not in his interest to have too high battle losses.

After controlling the march of the main team, Ning Xiu began to train his second team.

Two members of the Shu Cavalry, 5-star Xu Shu and 5-star Shu Guan Yu.

In fact, after he was able to transform yesterday, he could start training the second team. However, after taking a look at the general trend of the world, he decided to wait for a day after discovering that Jie Ka Bao from Sichuan would appear today.

Anyway, the initial tactics of these two generals are already full, so Ning Xiu just has time to upgrade through advanced training.

Once Ma Dai is obtained, he can directly train and recruit troops to awaken a dragon. -

In the past two days, although Yuzhou Yuan Shu was attacking the city frantically, he also swept the city at a fast pace.

Therefore, through thick and thin, it still firmly occupies the first place in the alliance rankings, and the alliance level has also reached level 21, and the maximum number of personnel has reached 115 through city sweeping.

Although the Yuzhou Yuan Shu Night Alliance failed to overtake the storm-tossing force that had been weighing on them, it was still firmly behind them. The alliance was level 20 and had 109 members.

In addition to the two of them, the third-placed Qingzhou Cao Cao and the fourth-placed Yizhou Liu Yan alliance are both level 19. The fourth-placed ones are Jingzhou Liu Biao and Liangzhou Ma Teng, who are level 17.

As well as level 15 Yuan Shao from Jizhou and Tao Qian from Xuzhou.

At this time, the development of the major power camps can be clearly seen from the alliance rankings alone.

Except for a few big leagues and Jing, Liang, and Ji who participated in a battle among the heroes, the remaining Youzhou Gongsun Zan and Xuzhou Tao Qian had already withdrawn from the historical stage of X512 without starting a fight. -

Compared with the alliance rankings, which have not changed much, the changes in the personal power rankings are more obvious.

A simple summary is that the number of Yuyang Yuan Shu players has increased, and even the number of players in the top 50 has surpassed Feng Rain Tongzhou.

The reason for all the changes is naturally because the unique technology of Yuyang Yuan Shu's camp began to show its strength.

In the same situation where the city skin was demolished, Yuyang Yuan Shu's player had 8 more land caps than them, so he could naturally overtake them.

However, the difference in power value is so small that it has no big impact at all.

Everyone has his or her own pace in developing wasteland, and it is not advisable to pursue power value without thinking.

Just like Ning Xiu, his pace of land clearing has slowed down since his successful transformation.

As soon as the points can be opened, the points are opened immediately, and then the six-yuan peel is sent. Not only is the development delayed, but the power value is still ranked in the top 30.

"After finishing the task of 20,000 power points today, I will take a wave of city skins and raise the power value to 25,000 to complete the task. Then I can concentrate on developing and training troops." -

Yong: Ning丨Stay in the same boat through thick and thin [E-mail: Deputy Alliance Leader] Liuyuan: After winning the level 7 city of Shangluo at noon today, we will establish a country.

Then we will merge the 7th-level city in the prefecture with the party in the evening, and tomorrow we will merge the two county towns of Leping and Xinxing in the prefecture, and the day after tomorrow we will switch to Jizhou.

According to the development speed of the same boat through thick and thin, if we want to pursue the speed of establishing a country, we can establish a country yesterday.

However, considering the security of the capital, Liu Yuan and others chose to locate it in Luo County, the center between Yong and Bin.

After receiving the email from Liuyuan, Ning Xiu glanced at it and immediately replied: "Just follow your ideas."

Now that he has chosen to delegate power, Ning Xiu will certainly not attack this wave of battle plans of the newly established think tank.

It will be just 8 days after the zone opens the day after tomorrow. This speed of breaking through the barrier is not fast, but it is definitely not slow either.

There is nothing wrong with breaking through the border from Bingzhou and entering Jizhou. After all, Yuan Shao in Jizhou is weak.

When they enter the pass, they probably won't encounter any resistance, so they can attack Cao Cao's forces in Yanzhou directly after entering the pass. -

System: Congratulations to Ning丨 for working through thick and thin and successfully occupying the level 7 city Shangluo for the first time.

The first achievement of killing the enemy: Ning Gongzi丨The first achievement of attacking the city: Erha Demolition Team.

System: Ning丨 stays together through thick and thin, establishes the national capital Shangluo, and enters the preparatory stage.

System: The general trend of the world is completed with vigorous troops and horses.

At around 12:30 noon, we had just won the level 7 city of Shangluo, and the new world trend was completed.

Compared with the previous general trends of the world, the general trend of "Strengthening the World" has relatively many more functions.

In addition to the 200 Tiger Talisman reward that is an unbeatable reward, combat experience can be obtained in the market function, and the level of the copycat has also been improved again.

Of course, the most important thing is that the world trend that Ning Xiu has been waiting for for a long time has emerged, Jie Kabao from Sichuan.

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