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Chapter 315 You all want to hug your thigh?

Liang: Jian丨Jianqi Zongheng management channel.

[Leader] Leng Yan: [471X554] The party has gathered in Bingzhou through thick and thin. The first wave of targets won’t be us, right? .

[Deputy Leader] Cang Lan: It doesn’t make sense. With our strength, we can’t have any impact on them at all, so what’s the point of beating us.

[Commander] Picket Captain: Not necessarily. Yizhou Liu Yan and Yongbin Li Guo are allies, and we are behind them.

If they want to fight with Ye Meng, they must let us settle down first, so that they can rest assured.

[Deputy Leader] Canglan: Damn it, then they might as well just take us in, then there won’t be so much trouble [picking nose].

[Commander] Picket Captain: Do you think that PY will be enough in the S season? In the end, only three companies will get rewards, and the rest will be chaotic except for going up the mountain.

[Leader] Leng Yan: At present, Yongbian Li Guo and Yizhou Liu Yan are allies. There should be a quota for a separate kingdom on their side. I will go talk to their management to see if I can get it.

[Commander] Picket Captain: Well, you can give it a try. At present, except for a few major alliances, we and Jingzhou Liu Biao are the strongest.

[Leader] Leng Yan: Yes. -

As the current leader, the company has been in the same boat through thick and thin, which naturally aroused the sensitive nerves of its surrounding neighbors.

Players who have conquered the Season are very realistic. Unless the two alliances have a deadly feud, they will never hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity.

And if you don't have the chance to win, you will still fight hard to gain honors and prepare for the next season.

When Liangzhou Ma Teng's Sword Alliance wanted to stay together through thick and thin, the European Emperor Alliance, the most developed alliance in Jizhou, also wanted to join forces.

Ji: European Emperor Alliance management channel.

[Leader] European Chief: Alas! The zone has only been open for a few days, and the pace is too fast [dumbfounded].

[Deputy Leader] Bear Wolf Dog: This speed is considered normal for a big alliance.

In the current situation, it probably has nothing to do with us whether we win or lose. We can develop safely, fill up the main city buildings, and go up the mountain to give it a try.

[Leader] European Chief: It would be great if the Leopard Head Association is willing to form an alliance. At least we can be as developed as Jingzhou Liu Biao and Liangzhou Ma Teng [dumbfounded].

[Vice-leader] Bear Wolf Dog: It doesn’t matter, love or not [pick nose]. -

Hearing the indifferent attitude of the alliance's management, the European chiefs felt helpless and unwilling.

He is a newcomer who has just entered the Conquest Season from the S Season. He landed alone in Jizhou and relied on his rapid early development and active recruitment.

The alliance developed to the point where Yuan Shao's power camp in Jizhou was number one.

Although he didn't quite understand the rules and routines for conquering the season, he didn't want to surrender directly before the fight even started.

I wanted to discuss it with the management, but I didn't expect that the other people were basically pretending to be dead, and the only deputy leader who spoke had such a salty attitude.

"Alas! Are all those who conquer the season like this?"

The European chief sighed softly, frowning and thinking hard, and immediately heard a soft sound.

Then, I saw the system email popping up at the bottom of the game interface.

Ji: Leopard Head Association [E-mail: Alliance Leader] Battle丨Samsara: Brother is here? .

Seeing that it was Yuan Shao from Jizhou, the leader of the Leopard Head Association whose development was second only to theirs, the European chief was immediately shocked and replied: "Yes."

Ji: Leopard Head Association [E-mail: Alliance Leader] War丨Samsara: We are in the same boat through thick and thin in Leping and Xinxing Enclave. Obviously, the first target is our Jizhou Yuan Shao. Our scattered manpower will definitely not be able to stop them. Let's make an alliance.


Of course, the European chief had no objection to the alliance. He had talked to the other party before, but the management of the Leopard Head Association ignored him.

Why did I come to you now? Is it because of the pressure of sharing the same boat through thick and thin? .

With this thought in his mind, the European chief quickly replied: 'Okay, I will clean up as many living people as you can bring. ’

[E-mail] Zhan丨Samsara: I’m afraid I’m overthinking, brother. We are the branch of the Qingzhou War Alliance in Jizhou. How can we use your alliance shell? [Laughter and laughter are not hungry].

[Email] European Chiefs: Are you a branch of Cao Cao's war alliance?

[Email] Zhan丨Reincarnation: Yes, look at my name, haven't you noticed it yet [呲ya]?

[E-mail] European Chief: Well, our alliance level is higher and we can hold many more brothers. If you want the alliance leader, please come over. I will yield to you.

The European chief is not stupid. He knows very well that if the other party is really a member of Cao Cao's alliance, he can talk to himself as a Sanren only because he is the leader of the European Emperor Alliance.

Once this title is gone, the opponent will not even be able to take advantage of you.

Of course Zhan丨Samsara will not take anyone to the European Emperor Alliance.

He was recruited by the alliance to recruit Yuan Shao's forces in Jizhou, just to integrate the people here for their use.

Currently, we are in the same boat through thick and thin, and it is obvious that he has the intention to break the Jizhou Pass. If he took someone to the European Emperor Alliance, and ended up joining the same boat, then he would be in the tiger's mouth.

[Email] Zhan丨Samsara: Brother, you have to understand that our alliance is necessary.

At present, our war alliance and night alliance have joined forces. This season's conquest is basically stable, and the remaining two separate places are available.

Jizhou Yuan Shao can definitely get one. Don’t you want a reward? To conquer the season, card packs are still very important.

[Email] European Chief: Really?

[Email] Zhan丨Reincarnation: Let me go, can I still lie to you?

We and the Night League are the only two, and the remaining spot in the separatist alliance is completely empty. Can our main alliance not give our brother Yuan Shao who lives in Jizhou a spot? .

[E-mail] European Chief: Okay, let me discuss it with our management.

[E-mail] Zhan丨Reincarnation: It is best to reply to me at night, after all, the wind and rain move very quickly.

[Email] European Chief: OK.

Having secured the leader of the European Emperor Alliance, Zhan丨Samsara breathed a sigh of relief.

According to his estimation, the probability of the other party agreeing is almost ten, so he can relieve his embarrassment.

After all, I brought a few people to Yuan Shao in Jizhou to build an alliance, but the alliance did not develop as well as a single person did. It was really embarrassing. -

Qing: Zhan丨Wuwen Dongxi Management Channel.

[Deputy Leader] Zhan丨Along: Samsara has sent me an email, and the European Emperor Alliance has basically settled it.

[Commander] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Yes, with Jizhou resisting the wave, we can have more time to develop.

[Official] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: With the strength of standing together through thick and thin, they may not be able to stop even one wave.

[Leader] Zhan丨Feiying: It's okay, Samsara is an experienced player. As long as there is enough time to rely on the main city formation, I can still persist for a while.

As long as we can delay the advancement and development of Wind and Rain Together, everything will be fine.

[Official] Han Qing: As the first battlefield, Jizhou Yuan Shao is afraid that he will be beaten to pieces. What should we do with our brothers over there? .

[Commander] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Whether we die or not has nothing to do with us.

There weren't many people there to begin with, they would just come back from wandering.

[Official] Han Qing: Our place is full, why are we wandering around?

[Commander] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Just let a few of the alts in the alliance wander out.

Or Sanguang and a few scattered people. If they can't survive, they will naturally fly away [picking their noses].

[Leader] Zhan丨Feiying: I'm going to talk to the Night Alliance, you guys talk first. -

"Destroy Jizhou and enter Yanzhou from Jizhou?"

After receiving the email from the leader of the war alliance, it was not surprising that Ye Mu took the lead in taking the lead and chose Yuan Shao from Jizhou as the breakthrough point.

After all, Jizhou is close at hand, and once it's done, they can break through Guandu and directly enter Cao Cao's power in Yanzhou.

And once they gain a foothold in Yanzhou, they can directly threaten them in Yuzhou from Yanzhou.

During the Conquest Season, there are some changes to the map between several resource states.

For example, there are two more level 7 checkpoints between Yuzhou and Yanzhou. Once the checkpoints are obtained, the two resource states will share their resources.

After understanding the movements of the people in the same boat, Ye Mu knew that they were going to move too.

The direction of attack is naturally Liu Biao from Jingzhou next door. After all, even if they are in the same boat through thick and thin and their strength is getting stronger, Jizhou Yuan Shao and Qingyan Cao Cao can withstand it for a period of time.

And even if they can't hold it anymore, they can go directly from Yuzhou to Yanzhou to participate in the war.

During this window period, if they can quickly remove the troops from Jingzhou and Liu Yanguan from Yizhou, and then push the opponent to a level, they will be able to directly threaten Yongzhou, who is in the same boat through thick and thin.

At that time, the dilemma of our allies will naturally be resolved.

"If you want to lead us by the nose, it depends on whether you defeat Yuan Shao and Cao Cao first, or we defeat Liu Yan first."

Turning off the big map, Ye丨mu continued to control the team's leveling with a calm expression.

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