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Chapter 317 The fight begins! Let the fight begin!

[Tang Dynasty] Night丨Jinyi Night Walk Management Channel.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: There is movement over there, and the target is Liyang, the level 7 level. It is estimated that the time to clear the level is tomorrow at noon.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Then we have to pass the level quickly, otherwise we will not be able to keep up with the rhythm.

When they enter Jizhou or move after arriving at the Yanzhou pass, they will not be able to follow them.

【Monarch】Yemu: Xiaoyue, please arrange for the brothers near Bowang Pass to lay down the road. After that, we will set up the fortress.

Hurry up, if you can't make it at noon tomorrow, you have to break through the barrier and get in at night.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Okay.

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: Luo Yue, please contact Jingzhou and ask them to arrange the airport for us.

Also let them prepare to enter Yizhou. We must use the fastest speed to kill the General's Mansion in Yizhou and then attack Yongzhou.

【Prime Minister】Ye丨Luoyue: Received.

【Monarch】Ye丨MU: That’s all for now. I’ll send you an email when I’m done. Take the time to prepare. -

As the biggest opponent in the X512 district server, Jinyi Yexing must keep up with its rhythm now that we are in the same boat.

Otherwise, a slow step will mean a slow step. When the strength of both sides is about the same, it is very important to take the first step.

Jing: Dongcheng asked the alliance management channel.

[Vice-Leader] Yun Lang: The Night League is looking for me and asked us to prepare an airport for them near Bowang Pass [picking nose].

[Commander] Yun Yu: Tsk! I knew that if the wind and rain moved, they would definitely start [picking their noses].

[Leader] Yun Yi: With the big alliance here, the pace is fast.

Xiaoyu, you brother in the mail alliance, build a fortress at the Bowang level. Leave the middle part aside, and I'll control my other number to move to the city.

[Commander] Yunyu: Got it.

[Deputy Leader] Yun Lang: When we integrated Jingzhou before.

Many people thought that we were from the Yuan Shu Night Alliance. This wave of fortresses would probably surprise many people [covers mouth and laughs].

[Leader] Yun Yi: If people go to higher places, why don’t they follow the number one and follow the number two [picking their nose]?

[Deputy Leader] Yun Lang: Haha [Bark Ya].

Jing: Dongcheng Wenzhan [E-mail: Commander] Yunyu: [905X757] All-league speed enclave level 7 level Bowang.

Each person starts with two level 3 fortresses, leaving a place in the front row of the level to move to the city, and watch the points fly.

Jing: Dongcheng asks about the alliance channel.

Xiaoxianrou: Bowangqi Fortress? Do you want to have a night alliance with Yuan Shu? [glare].

Courtship with a lot of money: Didn’t I hear that we were following the Ye Meng this season, so why are we doing it with them again?

Yun Yu: Actually, it’s not a secret. Ye Meng didn’t even agree to a verbal promise.

He said that if we work hard, we might be able to get a quota for the separatist regime. Are you willing to do this kind of thing that just wants us to work without giving any benefits? .

Xiaoxianrou: Why don’t I just go ahead and develop, then I’ll go up the mountain with all the buildings in the main city finished.

Courtship with a lot of money: So are we on the side of the General's Mansion now? [Question mark face].

Yun Yu: The General Mansion has been holding on to us through thick and thin this season. As long as there are no problems on our side, if they win, the remaining spot in the Separatist League will be ours.

This is something the leader of the General's Mansion personally promised.

Courtship with a lot of money: I have no problem, whoever lets me receive the reward will be my father.

Whoever you hit is not a hit, just brush Wu Xun to change the frame next season.

Rookie King: The reputation of General Mansion is still good, even though it has been hammered [Cold Sweat] for several consecutive seasons.

Brave General Xing Daorong: It’s nothing to be beaten, but the real ability is not to break up after being hammered.

This season, they have a great chance of winning as they have been together through thick and thin.

Xiaoxianrou: On paper, the strength of Wealth and Wind is indeed strong, but the specific combat effectiveness will not be known until we fight.

In addition, I am not sure whether the General's Mansion will be bombed, but I am sure that we will be bombed by the Night Alliance next [covers mouth and laughs].

Brave general Xing Daorong: It doesn’t matter, whoever hasn’t been beaten in the season of conquest will be fine if he can smile at the end [picking his nose]. -

Benefit: General's Mansion [Mail: Commander] White-robed General: [856X415] Level 7 level Youjiang, the alliance's speed enclave.

Each person starts with two level 3 fortresses and will complete them at noon tomorrow. Since it is an expedition, prepare copper coins.

After receiving the email from Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan that the Night Alliance was about to break through Yuzhou Bowang, the Yizhou General Mansion immediately responded.

Benefit: General Mansion Alliance Management Channel.

[Leader] Beiliang: With the strength of the Night Alliance, Jingzhou may not be able to stop even one wave.

So we have to be fast. The airport will be in place tonight. If we have enough time after clearing customs tomorrow, we will fly directly to Bowang Pass.

If there is not enough time, the Night Alliance Fortress has already risen and may be breached at any time.

Then put the defense line in Nanyang County and wait for the Night Alliance to push over.

[Deputy Leader] Shenwei: Jingzhou has now captured Wuling County and Nanyang County.

Tomorrow night, they will be able to successfully establish a country. With Nanyang's territory protected, even if the Ye League is defeated, they will not be able to fly over.

But they are close to our Nanjun in Yizhou, and the county seat has not yet been attacked.

If the Ye Meng falls, and we use this as a breakthrough point, we won't be able to defend ourselves at all.

[Commander] White-robed General: Yes, the Sanren League has many shortcomings, and it is very easy to be pulled over by the Night League.

It would be troublesome if there was a villain, or a dead person who was trapped and didn't know where to put him.

[Leader] Beiliang: Well, I'll contact Jingzhou and let them pay attention to this.

[Official] General White Horse: Alas! They are still too weak, otherwise everything will be fine if they attack Nanjun and send troops to Bowang.

[Leader] Beiliang: Stop making sarcastic comments and be content with what you are doing. Besides, this season, you should curb your [cold sweat] from your habit of talking too much. -

World Channel.

[Gongsun Zan] Wudang Army: [605X805] The first battle of the server is about to begin.

The players on the red side are in the same boat through thick and thin, and the players on the blue side are in the Leopard Head Association.

Tomorrow, I will give a live broadcast commentary for everyone. I hope that the fans who love me can support [呲ya].

[Tao Qian] Chishui: Alas! War is about to break out, and people in Jizhou are going to be in dire straits again. Why am I a little excited [covers mouth and laughs].

[Yuan Shao] Jiangnan: Don't get excited, it's easy to shoot instantly. If you can't satisfy your guy, you'll have to rely on the masses.

[Tao Qian] Chishui: Wow! I hope I can still see you talking here at this time tomorrow [covers mouth and laughs].

[Ma Teng] Yiqiu Misty Rain: Dead Taoist friends are not dead, poor Taoists, Yuan Shao's brothers come on [Cold Sweat].

[Gongsun Zan] Meng Mengmeng: [905X757] The Night League is also going to Jingzhou.

The brothers in Jingzhou are still commendable for their courage, and the Sanren Alliance actually dared to confront the T2-level alliance [thumb]. -

After 12 o'clock in the evening, when red areas appeared in various levels, the melon-eating people in Area 512 immediately discovered it.

After all, one of the happiest things in the early stages of the Three Kingdoms period was to watch the other two families suffer a bloody blow while their own family was able to farm safely.

At this time, Yuan Shu Yemeng also saw Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan on the red ground in front of Bowang Pass.

This made them confused for a moment, and then they realized that they had been tricked.

Yu: Ye丨Jinyi Night Alliance Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Damn it, second uncle, is Jingzhou treating us like monkeys? .

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: Calm down, shouldn't I be the one who should be furious? After all, I was the one who was in contact all the time.

Judging from the current situation, it is clear without asking that they were pulled over by the General's Mansion, or rather by the same boat through thick and thin.

But it is reasonable. We did not make clear promises to others before and were vague. Unless we meet a fool, this result does not surprise me.

【Monarch】Yemu: Xiaoyue, you should learn more from Luoyue and see how calm she is.

It's just a Jingzhou Sanren League. With them and without them, there is no big difference.

If they dare to stand in front of us, they will be pushed aside. If we don't give them to the airport, we will be trapped.

After entering Jingzhou, we immediately started walking with three lights, just in time to let the brothers develop while fighting.

[General Zhenguo] Ye丨Ye Crow: Yes, it’s not a big deal. They don’t hug our thighs, but some people do.

Jingzhou is gone, so we will contact Liangzhou Ma Teng. I believe they will be happy to give Yizhou a knife from behind [picking his nose].

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: Well, we are fighting from Jizhou, and we are starting from Jingzhou. The basic rhythm and resistance encountered by both sides are similar.

To be on the safe side, contact Ma Teng from Liangzhou and ask them to attack Yizhou behind them, so that we can quickly defeat this side and attack Yongzhou, our homeland where we have been together through thick and thin.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: Okay, I'll contact them right now, just think that I have made up for it [picking my nose].

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: It doesn’t matter whether we become Chengdu or not. It’s actually not much trouble to establish a Sanren Alliance and a general’s mansion.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: Yeah. -

The fight will officially start tomorrow. Although it is already past 12 o'clock, Ning Xiu is still staying up late, and not only playing his account, but also Chen Xiang's account.

At this time, after a day of leveling, Huangfu Song, the main forward of his first team, was already at level 46, and Zhang Ji and Zhenluo from the Chinese Army were at level 45.

With the addition of level 15 barracks and advanced reinforcement technology, the total force reached more than 26,000.

The main force of the second team, Shuqi, has also reached level 35 by him, and the main force of the third team, Commander Zhongmou, has also successfully reached level 30 through training.

And Ning Xiu was still in the branch city and formed three teams of full red cavalry.

He can both explore paths and clear the ground. These are all his strengths in early fights.

"I'll stay up tonight to improve the level of the Shuqi and make it more stable on the battlefield. As for the Grand Governor, I'd better practice leveling up."

After thinking about it in his mind and formulating a plan, Ning Xiu immediately began to control his main force for leveling. -

Early the next morning, Ning Xiu looked at the time after getting up early and saw that it was already 8 o'clock in the morning and there were still 4 hours left before the clearance time.

Dangjie immediately controlled his two main forces and three teams of cavalry and headed towards Liyang Fortress.

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