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Chapter 328 Night battle?

[Zhou] Zhan丨Wuwenstuff [E-mail: Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: [684X927] The last team is left to garrison. Hurry up as fast as you can, and the watchtower garrison can keep up.

When Zai Ci saw a wave of arrows shooting towards him, Ning Xiu glanced at the fortress that only had about an hour left to rise. He felt a little helpless, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

"I was careless. If I had known, I would have built two fortresses in the first wave."

He sighed softly, glanced at the garrison shooting towards his rear row, and saw that they would arrive in 20 minutes at the fastest, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At the very least, even if the front row fortress on your side is taken out, you can keep the back row.

The outcome was already determined, Ning Xiu no longer wasted time staring, and returned to the main city with a click of the mouse.

Seeing that the recruitment of the main force of his third team has ended, Dangjie controlled it to continue to Shangluo at level 7 to upgrade the large fortress. -

"My lord, I finally opened my mouth."

When he saw a hole in the front row that had finally stood together through thick and thin, Zhan丨Jackfruit was immediately excited, and then immediately sent an all-league email.

[Week] Zhan丨Wuwendong [Email: Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: [684X927] Continue to push forward two spaces, and then start blooming.

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Channel.

Brother Long: Brothers, hurry up, our fortress is up soon, the other side is a little earlier than us, veterans, hurry up and start walking.

Zhan丨Aman: My convoy was shot, and the demolition was enough to push it to the back.

Zhan丨A Fei: That business is up to you [picking your nose].

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Management Channel.

[Lieutenant] Zhan丨Jackfruit: It’s really not easy, my little heart [Ghost].

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: This is just a warm-up, can’t you stand it?

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: The opponents are different, so naturally I am a little nervous [picking my nose].

[Yushi Dafu] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: I really didn’t expect that we have been together through thick and thin to be so strong now.

During the S3 season, the league I led played with them for a long time [cold sweat].

[General of the Zhenjun] Han Qing: There is no way. If you have money, you can do whatever you want. Poor people like us can't compare.

[Yushi Dafu] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: You are a rich man who has invested hundreds of thousands, and you say you are poor [can’t laugh or cry].

[General of the Zhenjun] Han Qing: Full of red? I was selling Tie Krypton for one number, and Mr. Ning bought 100 of them right away. Do you think I am a poor person? 【ghost】.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Stop, I think this topic is a bit hurtful to my self-esteem [Cold Sweat]. -

"Ride my beloved pony car and it will never roll over!"

Driving the convoy again, Aman felt less burdened this time.

After all, the garrison at the place of this attack was gone, so there was no possibility of the car overturning, so he hummed a few lines in a good mood, got up and prepared to give himself a big bowl of Master Kong as a midnight snack.

After he sat in front of the computer and solved the problem of food and clothing, the team finally staggered to its destination.


As the first red field on the game screen turned green, a battle report popped up at the bottom of the game interface.

After clicking it, he saw that it was indeed empty. Zhan丨Aman was completely relieved now.


"Damn it! Are there any guards?"

But then the situation suddenly changed, and his second team was defeated directly. Before he could think about it, he shot several teams in the back row, and they were defeated one after another, and they were completely wiped out and started to return.

"I'll go to Uncle Ni's!"

Quickly clicking on the battle report, when he saw that several teams in his convoy, without exception, encountered high-level Shuqi, and even full teams, he couldn't help but cursed.

He never expected that the other party would be stationed so quickly, and it was the third square that could not be seen by the stationed watchtower, which completely destroyed his already half-disabled convoy.

"Labour and management are really unlucky for eight lifetimes."

After returning the convoy to the fortress in seconds, he was considering whether to disband the convoy directly and let people return to the main city to facilitate subsequent recruitment, or to finish the demolition and run out of energy when he found that several teams in the convoy had directly separated from the convoy.

"Ok! This is a shame and a disgrace to Dafa."

Seeing that it was obvious that it was the members of the team who had recalled their own team, he immediately felt a little feverish.

After all, the boaster promised to bring people some martial arts, but now it has become a gift of martial arts, and he still gave it twice in a row. -

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Channel.

Brother Long: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] I guess, the other side has been stationed, and Aman has overturned.

Jingyu: So fast? [glare].

Zhan丨A Fei: Fuck! I said, why didn't that guy say anything? I'm still waiting for a wave of cum [cold sweat].

Xian Weng: I read the battle report. They are basically Shu cavalry. It is estimated that there will not be too many of them. We just need to focus on firing a wave and send them back.

Zhan丨Immortal Emperor: Shoot quickly, there is a fortress on the opposite side. -

It is obviously impossible for the Qingzhou Alliance to gather fire and break through again.

Because the wave of garrison troops shot over through thick and thin, there were more than a dozen teams, directly surrounding the gap with water.

Unless they go all out and focus the fire as a group, there is no way they can break through.

But when there is no vision in the back row, it would be funny if so many main teams are used to shoot a few fields.

Moreover, from breaking through to breaking into the garrison, as the time approached 12 o'clock in the morning, the activity of the Qingzhou Alliance gradually decreased.

Many people directly left their main team to garrison at the ferry in front of Guandu Pass, and then chose to go offline and sleep.

The major alliances in the Three Kingdoms, T2 level and above, all have night battle players who specialize in account control.

Even on a group basis, many people's accounts are recorded with the group leader. Once everything is done, just use the night owl to control the account.

This is also the reason why the Grand Alliance is several miles ahead of ordinary alliances in terms of execution and stamina, but it is obvious that the Qingzhou Alliance is not among them.

If they had such ability, they wouldn't mix so many conquest scripts and still be at the T3 level.

After all, not everyone can be so reassured by directly telling others their account number and password if they have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of krypton accounts. At the very least, you must have the capital to make others believe in you. -

[Scenery] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: Brothers who are good at the fortress, call back troops in seconds, and withdraw the front row garrison in batches, pay attention to the defense line.

After 12 o'clock in the morning, the fortresses that stood together through thick and thin were finally built one after another.

From Liyang to Guandu, with the fortress' bonus of 300% troop deployment speed, plus the point march, the cavalry only takes more than 20 minutes.

As more and more teams rushed to the frontline fortress, the passive defense situation immediately changed.

Manhongqi's demolition required speed and demolition value. With the main force clearing the way, most of the connecting red ground in front of the fortress was overturned in less than 10 minutes.

[Scenery] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [E-mail: Taiwei] First love: [685X928] Prioritize killing the watchtower stationed on the opposite side. After clearing the surrounding main team, turn to the upper right ferry.

The fortress immediately takes up the fortress in the back row, and the rhythm keeps up.

At 12:30 in the morning, with the arrival of the main team who had stood together through thick and thin, they immediately began to attack the Qingzhou Alliance team and Hongdi in front of the forward position.

At this time, the two sides have exchanged roles. Before, it was the Qingzhou Alliance, which used the fortress in Guandu, Yanzhou, to attack them, but now the geographical advantage is on the same side.

The Alliance Watchtower, which was less than 2 squares away, did not even last for 5 minutes. It was successfully demolished after the entire garrison was destroyed.

Then the army, which stood together through thick and thin, transformed into a ground-moving machine and cleared the red land of the Alliance on the north bank of the ferry at a jaw-dropping speed.

Because of the long distance, the new garrison of the war alliance often finds that the place where they want to garrison has been cleared just after they start setting off.

Those who had just ejaculated could still withdraw in time, saving 10 points of energy, while those who had been out for more than 3 minutes could only run away in confusion. -

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: No, the fortress on the opposite side is up. We can't make it from Guandu, Yanzhou. It's a waste of energy.

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: Their target is the ferry crossing. My idea is to directly pile up the garrison on the north bank of the ferry to guard a wave.

[Monarch] Zhan丨A Fei: No, with the quality of their team, we may not be able to resist for long without the support of the main city.

I asked the two brothers who started the branch at South Bank Ferry. Their branch city can be built in 10 minutes, and our fortress is about the same time.

By the time they push over, we will be basically ready, and the location will be on our side again.

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: OK. -

When the time was about to reach 1 o'clock in the morning, the Qingzhou War Alliance's fortress group at Guandu Pass in Jizhou was finally successfully completed.

The two branch cities located at the ferry also became the main city in the blink of an eye, followed by dense red lines for troop deployment.

Although Ning Xiu lost the fortress, it did not prevent him from observing the situation. After glancing at the two main cities that appeared at the ferry, he immediately opened the alliance management channel.

[Scene] Ning丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance management channel.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Two main cities have been lost at the opposite ferry. Either they want to take advantage of the main city's bonus, or they want to open and stand in the way.

They have just moved to the city, and it will take 3 hours to prepare if they want to defend. I want to push in and kill him before they start to defend. Is there no problem? .

With the fortress set up and the team in place, Ning Xiu was still very confident about pushing the Qingzhou Alliance forward.

Firstly, it is naturally due to the gap in account quality and development status between the two parties, and secondly, it is also due to execution ability.

It was already 1 o'clock in the morning, and he believed that even if there were members of the Qingzhou Alliance, there would definitely not be too many night warriors at this level.

On the contrary, night fighting is what we are best at through thick and thin.

Since the beginning of the S season, they have relied on night battles to defeat their opponents, and with the establishment of a studio that has stood together through thick and thin.

At this time, there are enough accounts in the main alliance of the same boat, not including other night owls, to keep 100 accounts online at night.

At this level, let alone the Qingzhou War League, even the T2 Night League may not be able to withstand it.

[Taiwei] First love: Don’t worry, boss, you can set up a fortress in Yanzhou when you get up tomorrow morning [smile].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Good [baring teeth].

After explaining his first love and others, Ning Xiu directly chose to go offline and sleep.

After all, he now has no fortress, and the two main forces have been wiped out. There is no point in staying up late. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to sleep with a girl in his arms?

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