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Chapter 348 The biggest advantage?

"We have entered Puyang through thick and thin?"

I logged into the game in the morning and learned that my captain's operations had directly resolved the embarrassing situation facing my alliance. I felt very comfortable at night.

But before he could let go of the smile on his lips, he learned that he was in the same boat through thick and thin. He also broke through two checkpoints last night and entered Puyang directly from two directions.

As the capital of Yanzhou, Puyang, a level 9 city, is naturally very important.

Because the heroes' competition scenario calculates rewards based on the occupation value, there are only a few state capitals on the entire map, and their importance is self-evident.

Of course, Ye Mo is not particularly concerned about how the Qingzhou Alliance is doing.

What he is more concerned about is that once the storm enters Puyang, their Yuzhou will be in danger.

Because from Yanzhou to their checkpoint where Yuzhou and Yanzhou are connected, there is only Chenliu County.

Especially now, the Qingzhou War Alliance has focused its main efforts on cleaning up the city in Qingzhou. There is not a single county to the west of Yanzhou covered by land.

It's totally okay to stay together through thick and thin. We have traveled all the way from Puyang to the enclave and can fly to their checkpoint in less than a day.

The blockade had just been broken and before there was time to rejoice, something like this happened directly, which gave Jinyi Yexing's management a headache.

[Tang Dynasty] Night丨Jinyi Night Alliance Management Channel.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: I just communicated with the Alliance.

On their side, they are currently setting up defenses at Puyang's ferry and docks leading to the outside world, but they have many people in Puyang.

Once it is trapped and cannot be released in time, or if it is intentionally released, it will be terrible.

So in general it is very unstable. If we continue to attack the General's Mansion, even if we enter Yizhou, it will take at least one day to reach Yongzhou.

I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen during this period and our efforts will be wasted.

【Monarch】Ye丨MU: Could it be that the alliance can’t hold on for even one day? .

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: If we set up a good position and use the favorable geographical location, we can retreat step by step, not to mention three days a day, just like Jingzhou used its divided cities to block us.

But the problem is, now people who are in the same boat can directly parachute into flowers.

The Qingzhou Alliance has no chance to delay unless all their people in Puyang move to the city.

But even if the people from Puyang ran away, there were still people from Puyang, Chenliu and several surrounding counties. They couldn't all go back to Qingzhou.

[Captain] Ye丨Xiaoyue: This war alliance is too stretched. Finally, they have made progress here, but they have another problem.

If you let someone break two levels in one night, will all their alliances be dead? Is this a T3 alliance?

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: It is a game after all. Even if they are us, how many people can fight at night if we are not prepared?

Relatively speaking, it is indeed too difficult to deal with a professional team controlling accounts through thick and thin.

I have a headache now. If I fight them, how will I deal with them at night? If I don't solve this problem, it will be a big loss.

【Monarch】Ye丨MU: Let’s talk about this later.

How about this! You contact the alliance and ask them to hold on for at least one day.

Once we are in the same boat despite the storm, it is time to let go of the land, and it is time to move the city to the city.

In short, as long as they can be restricted to Yanzhou and not touch our Yuzhou checkpoint.

Let's work harder here and try to push down the General's Mansion and Jingzhou Dongcheng to ask for a battle today, and try our best to see if there is a chance to reach the Yongzhou Pass.

Now, we are in the same boat through wind and rain just to compare speed and see who can reach whose home level first. Whoever arrives first will get the upper hand and advantage.

But just in case, Xiaoyue sent a message to the brothers and asked the brothers to build fortresses at two levels to block the way to the main city. In addition, they also sent emails to the two branch alliances to build fortress groups at each level.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: OK, then I’ll catch up on my sleep after sending the email.

【Monarch】Yemu: OK. -

Compared to Jinyi Yexing, who only had some headaches, the management of the Qingzhou Alliance had even more headaches, and even had a bit of an emotional state.

After all, as they entered Puyang through thick and thin, they not only had to organize defenses to delay the offensive rhythm of others.

At the same time, he has to put out fires everywhere, clear the ground, protect his own members, etc.

Especially with the introduction of the three-guang policy in the same boat through thick and thin, the enthusiasm for being beaten has become less and less, and there are more and more members in the alliance.

In order to protect themselves, many activists also began to do errands on the front lines.

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: If that doesn't work, let Puyang and the brothers nearby move back to Qingzhou.

Only in this way can we fight without any worries, otherwise one will be captured and another will be captured, which will distract the main force from rescuing and garrisoning, not to mention affecting morale.

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: It’s nothing to move, but it means giving up the land resources here, even if it’s not starting from scratch.

Moreover, our personnel distribution is mostly in Qingzhou. Now that they go back, they may not be able to find land even if they want to land. How can they develop like this?

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: That can't always be like this.

If we are not defeated by the same situation, we will tire ourselves to death. If we lose the ability to execute, the game will be completely over.

[Monarch] Battle丨Flying Eagle: Let Puyang move to the city and move to several counties near Qingzhou. The goal of staying together through thick and thin is Yuzhou, and we will not go there for the time being.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Moving to the city requires jade, but I'm afraid not many people will be willing until the last critical moment.

[General of the Zhenjun] Han Qing: I will sponsor a wave of support. If the brother is willing to move to the city, I will give him a monthly card.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Xiaoyue: 666, it’s okay to be the boss of Hanqing.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Feiying: Okay, that’s no problem. -

After entering the territory of Puyang, it can be said that everything is smooth sailing in front of us.

By around 9 a.m., they had razed the Qingzhou Alliance fortresses in front of them to the ground.

Then the four regiments divided into two groups and swept directly from below, not sparing any red ground wherever they passed, and came directly to the city of Puyang, the capital of Yanzhou.

The other road was also pushed straight all the way, directly to the 7th level city Zhencheng on the west side of Puyang, the capital of Yanzhou.

[Scene] Ning丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance management channel.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Good morning, brothers. You can do it quickly [smile].

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Huh! I woke up very early today [picking my nose].

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: It seems that I have been getting up very late.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Should we take Puyang? .

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Puyang is a level 9 state capital. Can we take it? .

[Yu Shi Dafu] 9: Of course we can take it. Don’t compare the rhythm of Season S with that of Conquest Season. With our current strength, we are fully prepared to win. There is no problem.

[Taiwei] First love: I can definitely chew it, but once we take this state capital, we will need at least half a day to repair it. Such a long time is completely a waste of time.

Don't forget, because of Xiao Nei's problem in Jingzhou, now the General's Mansion and the others can only confront Jinyi Yexing, if we don't seize the time to advance towards Yuzhou.

When Jin Yiye marched and bulldozed the General's Mansion and rushed directly to the Yongzhou Pass, then what's the use of us occupying Puyang.

Once returning to defense is useless, we can't fight on two fronts at that time.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: That’s the truth. The city is left here and cannot escape.

Now seize the time and rush towards Yuzhou. Each group will look for the airport and find some quick moves that can fly.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: The other side is very tough. We found a few of them, but most of them moved to the city and ran away [dumbfounded].

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: I’ll go and tell you, can you take advantage of our storm?

Isn’t it enough to just buy an airport? Are we short of money? Do we still need my teaching? .

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