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Chapter 350 Joy and sorrow

Although they were attacked by the same boat at night and broke through two levels in a row, after losing Dongjun, they also lost Puyang, the state capital.

But the management of the alliance is not as worried and low in morale as the outside world thinks.

After being around in the Conquest Season for a long time, no one has been beaten, and all members of the Troubled Times League have experienced being beaten, let alone now.

Of course, the main reason is that currently, Jinyi Night March has been pushed to the Baidi Pass. According to the current advancement speed, it will be able to break through the pass and enter Yizhou in the afternoon.

Once they enter Yizhou from Baidi, not far away is the Yongzhou Pass.

By then, when the homeland is under threat, they will be in the mood to stay here.

Although they lost Dongjun and half of Puyang, they have now deployed a defense line on the border between Puyang and the outside world, especially Chenliu County.

When their members moved to another city and had no place to fly, it was no problem to hold them back.

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Management Channel.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: [955X383] Tsk tsk! The Ye Meng's attack on the General's Mansion was completely flat, and the speed of the advance was like paving a road.

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: To put it bluntly, we are fighting in the same boat through thick and thin, isn’t that what it is [picking our nose].

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Just shut up if you know it's disappointing, grandma's black legs [despise].

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: But fortunately, after this wave of Ye Meng enters Yizhou, we can breathe a sigh of relief.

[General Zhenguo] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: Yes, when the time comes, let’s sweep the cities of several counties in Yanzhou first. It will be too much trouble without the protection of the country.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Han Qing: Let’s pull out some people and let the sub-alliances cooperate to continue the sweep.

If we go back to defend through thick and thin, we should also seize the opportunity to attack them from Jizhou and Bingzhou.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Flying Eagle: Let’s talk about this later, keep a close eye on us. At least until the Night Alliance enters Yizhou and approaches the Yongzhou Pass, we cannot let down our guard.

Yanzhou is close to two checkpoints in Yuzhou. If you have nothing to do, take a look and email me immediately if you find anything wrong.

Don't let your guard down at the critical moment. I've been having a bit of a nervous breakdown from the night battles we've been having recently.

[General Zhenguo] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: There is no way, they have always been very powerful in night battles. I heard that the current Manhong Regiment is controlled by someone special, and Mr. Ning even has a special studio.

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: Rich people do know how to play, and they have become professionals. At most, we are just low-ranking amateurs. It is normal that we can't beat it. I am mentally balanced.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Me too. -

Bodhisattva Man is a member of the Qingzhou Alliance, but he was previously a Sanren who wandered around in the Season of Conquest.

Following the opponent, I played a scenario, and it was a scenario that was hammered. First, I was defeated by my opponent, and later, I was treated as a blood pack by the Rangers. The misery was completely indescribable.

Cao Cao, who landed in Yanzhou this season, was able to get rewards while lying down, which really made him very happy. It was for this reason that he chose the Buddhist system.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if the corpse is kicked out of the alliance, the reward is calculated according to the camp account where he landed.

As long as he doesn't wander around and stays in Yanzhou, even a box will be rewarded.

Even though he was lying dead and had a low ranking in martial arts, he could get the lowest reward, but that was still better than others who had to work so hard and get nothing in the end.

However, he was lucky. Most of the Qingzhou Alliance's branches were filled with water monsters, so he followed the email in the morning.

At noon, go online to mobilize a team of main force and demolish them. When attacking the city at night, go online and shoot a wave and that's it.

I was just about to follow the email enclave when I went online today, but I didn't expect that someone who had been through thick and thin actually came to me. I asked myself to be an airport and said there were benefits.

Of course, Bodhisattva would not refuse such a good thing. Anyway, he has been in trouble recently with the city, so it is not good to just be a box with peace of mind.

This was also the reason why he couldn't get the message from the alliance's management asking them to move to the city.

Although the expenses are reimbursed, it is too troublesome to build points in the enclave fortress. As for the monthly card subsidy, he is the one who lacks that thing. What he lacks is 648, okay?

It is precisely for this reason that Bodhisattva agreed to be a small airport. It should not be impossible, because it is 648, and only a fool would not do it.

There is nothing more satisfying than making money while still getting rewards.

As for the consequences of becoming a Xiaouchi Airport, he doesn't care at all. He logs off immediately after he's done. He just comes up every day and plays martial arts for free, whichever way he likes.

At 13 o'clock in the afternoon, after his fortress was completed, Bodhisattva Man immediately transferred the two teams that had been prepared and the Eight Banners full of red soldiers to the fortress.

After the team was in place in less than 30 minutes, they immediately began to expand their airport horizontally with the fortress as the center.

At the same time, he also sent an email to the boss Liu Yuan who had been in contact with him through thick and thin. -

[Scene] Ning丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance management channel.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: [791X959] First Love can arrange for the eunuch's car to pave the road. Hurry up and if we move, the Qingzhou Alliance will probably find out.

[Lieutenant] Chu Lian: Okay, we have prepared several cars a long time ago. The relay will be very fast together, and it’s not far anyway.

[Prime Minister] Six Yuan: Call the brothers in the alliance to get ready, spread it until it is destroyed in a wave, and it will fly to the ground.

[Taiwei] First love: No need to say hello, I just shout on the intercom and let Feng Tuan shoot.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Yeah. -


As an old rival, Zhan丨Xiao Kong knew very well that once they were able to survive together through thick and thin, it would mean that big moves were brewing, just like the battle to destroy the country in the original S3 season.

Therefore, he deliberately kept checking the opponent's red areas on the map of Yanzhou, especially in Puyang County.

When he discovered that the red ground that had stood together through thick and thin was spreading straight towards a corner of Puyang, he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

He operated the mouse and swiped the game interface in the direction of the red land. After a few clicks, he immediately saw a main city that was a member of the war alliance.

"Holy shit! Airport?" -

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Management Channel.

[General Zhenguo] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: [791X959] Why haven’t the Bodhisattvas of this alliance moved to the city yet? Is it a dead person or an airport?

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: What's wrong?

[General Zhenguo] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: We are paving the way through thick and thin, and he is the one with a clear goal. What do you say?

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: I will ask the branch management and ask them to kick the person out first. You can chat with him privately and see if he responds.

[Lieutenant] Battle丨Jackfruit: Kicking people is useless now. If the airport is probably already occupied, go to the checkpoint to find it.

If you can see his land, it is 100% the airport.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Flying Eagle: Find him quickly.

[General of the Zhenjun] Han Qing: [905X888] Found it, in the corner of the mountains on the right side of Jiwu Pass.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Flying Eagle: Damn it, Pineapple quickly sent an email and asked the brother who was closer to here to dig it out.

Aaron, go contact the sub-alliance and ask the land-owning brother from the sub-alliance next to you to go over and kill him.

If I were to fly here through thick and thin, things would be really serious.

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