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Chapter 362 Feng Yu VS Jin Yi [3]

[Scene] Ning丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance channel.

Rain丨25:025 Call the headquarters and ask for support [picking your nose].

Feng丨05: The headquarters has received it and is on its way to rescue [Qiya].

Zui Xiaoyao: The checkpoint is too close to the fortress group on the opposite side. It would take 10 minutes for our cavalry to be stationed there. It is estimated that we cannot save the first square.

Smile: Well, aren’t you asking for the second shot [picking your nose].

Chen Dada: The war-torn place is probably going to be gone.

The war has no end: It’s gone if it’s gone. It’s not a one-and-done deal. The essence of the Three Kingdoms is pushing and pushing.

Feng丨40: Don’t worry, veterans, although we only have 50 teams stationed there, it’s impossible for the Night Alliance to kill us instantly.

One of their main full-red regiments has been destroyed, and now there are only two and a half regiments left. I don't believe that everyone obeys the command, and the whole family goes to "pick their noses" together.

Feng丨05: Brother, why are you so sure [question mark face].

Feng丨40: Because I often goof off and play around, waiting to see the battle report and then go up to get martial arts [picking my nose].

First love: I heard [blackface].

Feng丨40: Damn it! Did I say something sensitive? Why is my screen cleared and I can’t see anything [Ghost]? -

"This turtle speed is really enough."

Glancing at the Shubu and Grandpa teams who were slowly stationed towards the second square of the level, Ning Xiu, who didn't like the infantry very much, now hated them even more.

"It's still that thief like Lao Ma who robbed a large fortress next to a checkpoint."

Ning Xiu felt a little envious when he caught a glimpse of Mr. Ma, whose team had all been transferred to the large fortress next to the checkpoint.

In fact, he felt that he was too thin-skinned and was too embarrassed to compete with others, unlike Mr. Ma who actually used his monthly card to ask others to help him remove the durability while he lasted.

After voicing something bad, Ning Xiu immediately focused his eyes on his own garrison at the checkpoint.

At this time, the main force of Jinyi Yexing, which was fired from concentrated fire, was already close at hand.

Although he knew very well that with the fighting power of the Night Alliance, unless something went wrong himself.

Otherwise, with more than 50 teams stationed, even Manhong may not be able to wait until their reinforcements arrive.

After all, the one facing Jinyi Yexing with a full red group is not a younger brother alliance like Zhan Alliance, but I still hope for a surprise in my heart. -

Like Ning Xiu, those who were watching the first wave of charges at the pass were naturally the management of Yemeng.

After all, even though I snatched the level from Feng Yu Tongzhou, if you can't rush in, it's all in vain.

If they encounter other alliances, not to mention 50 teams stationed there are 100 teams, they are also confident to win in one wave, but at this time they are stationed in the same boat.

The man who had made his allies all the way from Jizhou Guandu to Puyang, and who had just educated his Manhong main force Yeying Group through thick and thin.

He silently counted down the march of the two main forces he shot.

When the time on it returned to zero, Ye Mu immediately clicked on the battle report that popped up at the bottom of the game interface.

"It's a bit of a loss."

When he saw that his base stone Shubu actually ended up in a draw with a team of red hooligans, Ye Mo felt helpless immediately.

Because the Hooligans are a team that can easily produce miracle results.

Except for the obvious disadvantages facing teams like Chopper, Goufaguan and Shuqi, any other team can tie.

If Sun Quan, the face-faced emperor, releases Jiuxi Huanglong a few more times, even Shuqi and other teams that restrain him will still be beaten into dogs.

Even with a dog, Sun Quan in Shiji Muddy Waters is not low in strength, not to mention that he is paired with powerful generals like Zhang Ji and Guan Mei.

The battle between Shu and Shu was a draw, but the second team of Shu Cavalry left him even more speechless. They directly encountered a team of Grandpa Manhong, and were wiped out without losing much of their health.

"It's really hard to chew, but this is what makes it interesting."

After sending the two teams back to the fortress in seconds and controlling the Shu Cavalry to recruit troops for an hour, Ye Ye controlled the Shu Bu again and continued to shoot towards the level that had been covered by the draw special effects of swords and swords. -

[Scene] Ning丨Standing in the same boat through thick and thin alliance channel.

Zui Xiaoyao: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] is indeed a T2-level alliance, but the strength is different. The current battle reports are all full red and high red teams.

Feng丨05: Normally, that T2-level alliance doesn’t have a full red team.

Relatively speaking, Night Alliance's strength is definitely top-notch even at the T2 level. I estimate that they have more than two groups at full red.

Erotic Ruoshen: Well, it is much stronger than the Zhanmeng. When fighting with the Zhanmeng, you can only focus your fire and fire and then lose sight of the main force on the opposite side. This is the only way to have more excitement in fighting.

The battle is endless: Brothers at the checkpoint, hold on, my garrison will be in place soon.

Silly Uncle: It’s hard to resist this wave. Now we have been cleared of more than 20 garrison teams.

Rain丨03: Don’t worry, they won’t have a hard time either. If you look at the alliance battle report, more teams will be wiped out than us.

God: As expected, it is better to follow the main alliance to have meat to eat. Farming almost makes me stupid. The big guys are here [smile].

It's up to you: Is your team here? .

Tianshen: How is it possible? I just joined Enclave to do transit.

It’s up to you: Then you’re in trouble [Cold Sweat].

Rain丨08: Reinforcements are coming quickly, the second wave coming from the opposite side is coming and we can’t hold it anymore. -

When the difference in account quality is not particularly obvious, the first thing to compare is the number of people.

Although all 50 teams were stationed in the front row who had stood together through thick and thin, they were all red, but if they were stationed face-to-face at other people's gates, they would naturally suffer a great loss.

After persisting in the first wave, when the second wave of Jinyi Yexing's tied team came and focused their fire, they were immediately cleared and completely destroyed.

This is the first time that a team has been wiped out since we entered the Conquest Season and launched the opening zone.

Although it was only the garrison of one regiment, it was enough to illustrate the huge gap between the Night Alliance and its previous opponents.

And even though they had eliminated the first platoon of garrison who had stood together through thick and thin and taken back the war-torn land, compared to the ordinary players of the Night League, the management felt extremely solemn because their battle losses were also huge.

[Tang Dynasty] Night丨Jinyi Night Alliance Management Channel.

[Prime Minister] Night丨Luoyue: The second row on the opposite side is stationed again.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Continue to rush?

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: As we charge down, I'm afraid that if the opponent breaks through, we won't have the power to defend.

[Captain] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Haven’t you heard that the best offense is defense? After destroying all their main forces, how can they break through the barrier?

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: Don’t you even look at our battle losses? .

Although we destroyed a full red group that was in the same boat through thick and thin, our own battle losses would only be more than the opponent's, not less.

In addition, our Yeying Regiment was destroyed before, and now the manpower we can use is only a little more than one regiment plus some remaining soldiers. Are you sure you can take out the opponent?

[Lieutenant] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Our battle losses are high and the opponent's is not low either. Let's fight head-on together. We will all become Spartans. Let's look at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: Moman, talking to you is such a waste of brains.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: When we were together through thick and thin before destroying our Yeying Group, although the damage was considerable, it was not broken.

After such a long time, there must have been a wave of recovery.

What's more, their alliance is of a higher level and their numbers are larger than ours. It would do us no good to continue charging.

We might as well take a rest in the fortress for the time being. Anyway, they will fortify the fortress for more than 4 hours, which is enough time for us to recover.

At that time, we can completely make a time difference, attack before their fortress is established, overturn their fortress, and make all their efforts in vain.

[Taiwei] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Well, yes, yes, but what if they can't wait and directly shoot from a long distance to break the barrier? .

【Monarch】Yemu: Long shot? I hope they continue to shoot from afar.

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