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Chapter 368 Two ways to lie down?

After entering Yuzhou through thick and thin, the biggest reaction was naturally from the Qingzhou War Alliance.

Even when they started to break the barrier through thick and thin, and under the garrison of Jinyi Yexing, they started to ask Jiwu to turn off the durability, they still felt that the two sides would be in a stalemate at best and fight a protracted war.

But they guessed wrong. The storm was stronger than they imagined. Even their big daddy couldn't withstand the opponent's attack.

Although there was also a reason why the Night Alliance rushed into the battle and was not fully prepared.

But I haven’t fought, and the fact that I haven’t fought is right in front of me.

[Week] Battle丨Wuwen East-West Alliance Management Channel.

【General Zhenguo】Zhan丨Xiao Kong: It’s not easy to handle.

The Night League actually did not stand up to the storm. Now that they have entered Yuzhou, as long as the checkpoint is in their hands, apart from harassing us from other directions, if we want to enter the frontal battlefield, Jiwu's side has no hope.

My family knows their own affairs, and when they go head-to-head with each other, there is no other outcome except being pushed aside.

Now that Jiwu is imprisoned in the hands of Feng Yu Tongzhou, it is simply impossible to go in and help.

At the same time, Zhan Xiaokong was also very shocked. He thought that although Wealth and Wind were powerful in the past, even if he lost to the opponent in the end, he still didn't think highly of the opponent.

Because no matter how powerful the opponent is, it is still a new league, but he is the core manager of the Conquer Season League.

But he had forgotten that people would grow through thick and thin. When they met again in the Conquest Season, the other party had become a being that their alliance had to look up to.

Even if he found a big daddy, he was still beaten visually, which made Zhan Xiaokong feel a little dazed.

Of course, several managers of the Zhan Alliance are aware of Zhan Xiaokong's words, especially Zhan Jackfruit, who has the highest expectations.

I was still thinking that with the help of this wave of cooperation with the Night Alliance, we would have a wave of friendship that would blow their minds a bit, but I didn't expect that the result would be like this.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Alas! Judging from this situation, even if we join forces with the Night Alliance, we may not necessarily be their opponents through thick and thin.

The Holy League also defeated the old district league as a new district league in its first season.

But now I feel that we are stronger than the Holy Alliance at that time.

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: Are your emotions wrong? I just lost a level, that’s all? .

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Maybe this is the sequelae of having too high expectations [can’t laugh or cry].

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: There are some things you don’t know. Ye Meng really played very passively at Jiwu Pass this time, so the level was destroyed.

But the absence of the level does not mean defeat. What does the level represent? .

Ye Meng has already made adjustments and will temporarily abandon Runan and make a wave of adjustments to be in the most perfect condition and stay together through thick and thin.

We must also actively cooperate here. Everyone should know that we are all grasshoppers on the same rope. If the Ye League wins, we will follow.

Ye Meng lay down just like us, but one was facing the sky and the other was facing the ground.

Zhan Aaron spoke very clearly, now that he has been bound to the Night Alliance.

No matter what situation you face, you can only try your best to give it a try, because if you give it a try, there is still hope, but if you don’t give it a try, you will be in trouble.

When Prime Minister Zhan Aaron had almost appeased all the managers, Monarch Zhan Feiying, who had been peeping at the screen, belatedly said.

"The Night Alliance did not collapse. They chose to give up on the Runan side."

[General Zhenguo] Zhan丨Xiao Kong: Why?

[Monarch] Zhan丨Flying Eagle: Why do you think it is? This time Ye Meng was careless, which resulted in not only losing the Jiwu Pass, but also making Runan difficult to defend.

At present, most parts of Yuzhou are not covered by the Night League's territory. If they don't take some time to build a defensive line, they will not be able to defend themselves.

On the contrary, fighting for every inch of land in Runan is a mistake.

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: Only when you give up can you gain, the idea is correct.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Flying Eagle: Our mission is to do our best to share the pressure for them. To put it simply, it is to attack the same boat and let them disperse their power to attack us.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: Without the Night Alliance, even if our whole family, young and old, go together, we will be together through thick and thin, leaving a full red group to defend, right? .

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: Be confident, no need to add a question mark after it.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Feiying: Yes, so not only we need to move, but Jizhou must also move.

Whether it's demolishing Feng Yu's fortress group in Guandu, or doing something else, as long as it can attract Feng Yu's attention and troops.

[General of the Suppressing Army] Han Qing: Since we are using all the power we can, I think Xuzhou Tao Qian will also take action, right? .

On Liangzhou Ma Teng's side, if they can be allowed to attack Yizhou, they can also contain the General's Mansion.

[Monarch] Zhan丨Flying Eagle: Tao Qian in Xuzhou will be notified by the Night League, as for Liangzhou.

[Taiwei] Zhan丨Jackfruit: What? .

[Monarch] Zhan丨Feiying: The Night League asked me to contact [dumbfounded].

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: If you don’t brag, you won’t be slanderous. Everyone knows about Ye Meng’s previous release of pigeons.

If you go to talk to someone, they will only agree if they have a bad idea.

What's more, they are still being hammered by the alliance that has stood together through thick and thin. How can they have time to attack Yizhou? Is Ye Meng confused by this wave of beatings? .

[Monarch] Zhan丨Flying Eagle: This is the truth, but you still have to try if you can.

Leading the Three Kingdoms is just like after reality. As long as there is a chance to get benefits, there is room for negotiation.

As for whether the chance of getting this benefit is 1% or 10%, is there any difference? .

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: Yes, then go alone and don’t look for me.

Regardless of what Zhan Feiying said, this kind of thing is not easy to handle in the first place.

His original idea was to leave it to his housekeeper, the Prime Minister, but his visual inspection revealed it.

Immediately he could only say: "Okay, I'll do it then. You can help reincarnate them in Jizhou. After all, after being messed with by the European chief, his influence is not as good as before."

[Prime Minister] Zhan丨Along: Yeah. -

Compared to the Qingzhou Alliance who were in a low mood and began to think of ways to share the pressure for their big daddy.

Entering Yuzhou through thick and thin, the happiest places are naturally Jingzhou Dongcheng Wenzhan and Yizhou General Mansion.

[Sui] Dongcheng Wenzhan Alliance Management Channel.

【Captain】Yunyu: Haha! This season, it’s okay. According to this rhythm, we can win [covers mouth and laughs].

[Prime Minister] Yun Lang: Yes, I thought we would be able to play this season. After all, the Night League is an old T2 league.

Unexpectedly, this wave was actually beaten into the old nest by the same boat, and it was still a one vs two situation.

[Lieutenant] Yun Yu: Hehe! The General's Mansion will attack Bowang tomorrow, and the Ye League will be attacked from two sides.

After we complete the fortress, we will attack a dozen of the Yangzhou mainland of the Night League and the three families will attack together to see how they play [呲ya].

[Monarch] Yun Yi: Well, we have a big advantage in the current situation, but we cannot take it lightly. After all, the Night Alliance is an old alliance, and its resilience is not that bad.

Although the level has been broken now, I guess there is still room to beat.

Also, don’t forget that Xuzhou Tao Qian hasn’t moved yet, and once the situation becomes clear, I’m afraid that people from other factions will be united by the Night Alliance.

[Prime Minister] Yun Lang: Others are not fools. There are only three companies that can get the quota. Who will help you if there is no benefit? .

[Monarch] Yun Yi: Yes, but the problem is that if Ye Meng wants to be defeated, it means that we are in the same camp as them.

The Alliance that can aspire to the championship is the enemy of the entire X512 zone server players.

[Prime Minister] Yun Lang: Wandering army? .

[Monarch] Yun Yi: Well, despite the fact that there are many people from other states who are against the Ye League.

But once they are defeated and become a wandering army, it will be equivalent to becoming the savior of those powerful camp players who cannot get rewards.

When the time comes, they will raise their arms and there will definitely be a gathering of followers.

After all, this is a matter related to his own vital interests. At that time, with the strength of the Night Alliance and the War Alliance.

Adding in players from several other states, the number of wandering armies is absolutely terrifying.

[Taiwei] Yun Yu: All the wandering troops in the area? There aren’t that many places in the homeless army either.

[Monarch] Yun Yi: Generally speaking, we still can’t take it lightly, and tell the brothers who are paving the way to hurry up.

[Lieutenant] Yun Yu: There is only one person willing to pave the road at night, and I am the only one who is willing to pave the road through persuasion. You don’t even know what time it is.

[Monarch] Yun Yi: It’s quite late, so I’ll go to bed. Bye [picking my nose].

[Prime Minister] Yun Lang: Sleep together [smile]. -

As a die-hard supporter of the General's Mansion, Beiliang has been paying close attention to the situation at Jiwu Pass.

Especially when the level's durability is running low and the defenders are about to recover.

He was even more nervous than when he first checked into a room with a female classmate.

"Well done!"

When the system announcement crossed the top of the game interface, he immediately shouted uncontrollably, startling several roommates in the dormitory.

"Is there something wrong with you? It's one o'clock in the morning, brother. Don't you know that scaring people can scare them to death?"

"Sorry, sorry, I was wrong."

"Grandma's legs, you can treat them to breakfast in the cafeteria tomorrow."


"Why? If you don't want to, just wash my underwear."

"Oh! I understand, I'll invite you tomorrow."

After comforting his roommates, Beiliang opened the alliance channel, and sure enough he saw a few managers who were still awake like him, waiting for the results.

[Liang] General Mansion Alliance Management Channel.

[General of the Zhenguo] General White Horse: Awesome and awesome, we stand together through thick and thin. This wave is a direct one-on-two, and it even advances into the Night Alliance's home base.

It’s not a shame to say that at the end of this season, we will definitely make a name for ourselves in the leading circle through thick and thin.

After all, a new alliance won the conquest in the first scenario under the encirclement and suppression of T2 and T3 alliances. This record is no worse than that of the Holy Alliance.

[Prime Minister] Shenwei: Well, it's not bad, but why do you want to use the word "then"?

[Captain] White-robed General: We have already flown to Bowang.

However, the fortress group of the Night Alliance here is blocking the front. If we want to break through the level, we have to wait until our forts are up and the level has been cleared before we can move.

And after cleaning up, if you want to steadily pass the level, you must restart the fortress in the front row. By that time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to pass the level.

[Monarch] Beiliang: Jinyi Yexing and Feng Yugang suffered a direct loss because they failed to concentrate their main forces and played a trick of gourd boy saving grandpa.

Therefore, I can be sure that those who come to Bowang to defend will definitely not be a group from their main alliance, but most likely their sub-alliance.

Among the two sub-alliances, only Ye Jin Tian Ming can compete with us.

Therefore, we only need to focus on the end of the night and the dawn at the moment.

[Captain] White-robed General: No need to pay attention. I have already seen the place where they flew over in Bowang. It seems that it is not that easy for us to enter Yuzhou.

[Monarch] Beiliang: It’s normal. It’s okay if we can contain them and form an alliance.

Anyway, just facing the front, there is no problem on the Fengyu side. In addition, the Dongcheng Wenzhan side is already paving the way to the Yangzhou checkpoint.

At that time, they will attack the local checkpoint in Yangzhou, and the Night League will need to disperse a wave of forces to defend.

With the help of both of us, we can disperse the strength of the Night League's personnel and see how they play.

[Prime Minister] Shenwei: The current situation is very beneficial to us, but don’t be careless.

After all, there are still many states that are still inactive. If they are drawn into the fight by the Night Alliance, it will be another wave of trouble.

[Generals of the State] White Horse Generals: Tao Qian of Xuzhou, Gongsun Zan of Youzhou, Yuan Shao of Jizhou and Ma Teng of Liangzhou.

Liangzhou still has some strength, but now it has been crushed by the alliance that has stood together through thick and thin.

So what if the remaining few families come? The Brotherhood of Brotherzhou will probably be defeated and go home never to come again.

[Monarch] Beiliang: I agree with your view that they are Brother Zhou and Brother League, but I don’t think they are all rookies.

Just because the alliance has not developed, it does not mean that the people on the other side are bad.

There are indeed many people lying dead and working in the fields over there, but that doesn't mean they are dead.

The quality of their accounts is not necessarily bad, but the people are scattered and no one can unite them.

To put it simply, there is no reason to move. Once it is related to one's own interests, the fighting power that explodes is definitely not weak.

And if the Night League is defeated in the later stage, some people will turn into a wandering army and gather elites from other states.

Coupled with the cooperation of their regular army and the collusion between officials and bandits, that was the most troublesome time. -

The words of the Lord Beiliang made the management of the General Mansion feel heavy.

Indeed, as the other party said, even if you win the championship in the competition script, it does not mean that everything is over.

If you are strong, it will be no problem to defeat the whole area. Even if you switch to the wandering army, they are still a bunch of fish. They can't grab resources and have no health packs, so they will naturally stop.

But if there is a powerful alliance in this area, and after being defeated, it turns to the wandering army, then the real war has just begun.

With the mobility of the wandering army, combined with the regular army, the combat effectiveness formed cannot be underestimated. -

[Scenery] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [Email: Taiwei] First Love: Brothers, thank you for your hard work, the main force is stationed here at the checkpoint.

After the fort is built. Move the team over to demolish the Night League's fortress and try to clear it before dawn.

After successfully winning Jiwu Pass, everyone who was in the same boat through thick and thin was naturally very happy.

After all, in this battle, they defeated the giant in the entire X512 server, Jinyi Yexing.

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