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Chapter 392: Fighting in the Central Plains

After the excitement, there is dullness. After the excitement of winning the level has passed, the difficult problem facing Liangzhou Jianqi Zongheng and Jizhou Leopard Head Association is to clear the level.

There were not many of them coming. Although the level 7 level was no longer difficult, the lack of difficulty did not mean that there were no battle losses.

Even if calculated according to Dui Zi, the 18th garrison team at least destroyed the main force of the 18th Jianqi Zongheng team.

The sword energy was everywhere, and less than two regiments of people came, and because of the harassment from members of the Fengyu Alliance in their hometown, many people withdrew as the main force.

All things considered, their originally quite dominant number of people was not much more than others by visual inspection.

If they were working for other camps, or if they had never fought against the Storm Alliance before, then the management of Jianqi Zongheng would naturally not think too much and just act recklessly.

But with the fear of being dominated in the past, even if the level is broken now, my heart is full of emptiness.

[Ma Teng] Sword丨Sword energy is everywhere, alliance management channel.

[Commander] Linglong: Do you want everyone to rest and recover a little strength before we go forward, or should we go now? .

[Deputy Leader] Cang Lan: It seems that all the teams that have stood together through thick and thin have arrived. There won’t be any difference between morning and evening.

To be prudent, let's recover a wave of battle damage, replenish some troops and focus on firing.

Or we can just stay here and avoid them if they pass the checkpoint.

Wouldn't it be great to use the level to consume them while we rush forward?

Leng Yan was indeed tempted by his deputy alliance leader's proposal.

With the strength of standing together through thick and thin, Wang Tao Checkpoint will definitely be taken back.

At that time, the opponent will consume a wave of vitality and physical strength, and then they will be really good at it. But in this case, visual inspection seems to be too timid, right? .

[Leader] Leng Yan: This makes it seem like we are afraid that they will be in the same boat through thick and thin. If we are the main alliance, then forget it, we will just split the alliance.

[Commander] Linglong: Well, then I will send an email and ask the brothers to focus their fire.

[Leader] Leng Yan: But Cang Lan is right. Isn’t our purpose to contain the forces that stand together through thick and thin? .

As long as they are here, they have to guard. They can use the level to consume a wave and then rush again, so let's do it.

【Commander】Linglong:. -

[Yuan Shao] Leopard Head Association [Email: Leader] [401X11880] All the main forces, focus their fire and shoot out.

Compared to the scrupulous Jian Qi Zongheng, the Leopard Head Association doesn't have so many scruples.

After taking the Shiyi level, Zhan Lunsang directly sent an all-league email.

Then the main team of the entire level rushed towards the garrison group who had stood together through thick and thin.

【Yong】Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin and form an alliance, alliance channel.

Ma Xiaobu: I’ll go! Why don't these guys in Liangzhou move? .

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: [401X1880] It seems that we are the first wave of meat eaters, Jizhou is rushing over.

Yimeng Nanke: I don’t know how strong the opponent is.

Soy Sauce: I don’t know, but I’m just a rookie anyway, so I won’t be any better than Liangzhou Jianqi Zongheng.

Yangzhou Priest: Is that just a joke? .

Yimeng Nanke: At the very least, I should be able to hit a few waves.

Yangzhou priest: I hope it will be my turn to eat meat. I ran too fast, causing the garrison to be pushed to the bottom.

Ma Xiaobu: I'm envious. I wonder when these scumbags from Liangzhou will rush over. They won't guard the checkpoint and won't come out, right? .

[Yong] Ning丨Staying together through thick and thin, we form an alliance, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Deputy Leader] Bandit: Jianqi Zongheng is silent.

[Leader] Six Yuan Grand Governor: They won’t guard the checkpoint and not come out, right? .

[Official] Dugu: Don’t be so cowardly. We are just a group. We are saying that the barrier is in their hands. What are we afraid of? .

[Official] Wei Wuxian: What else are we afraid of? We must be afraid that we will pass the level after passing it.

[Deputy Leader] Bandit: I am indeed prepared to do this. The level where we stand together through thick and thin is not something that just any cat or dog can occupy.

[Official] Emperor Zun: That’s easy to explain. The other party must have thought of this.

So seize the time and think about adding a wave of soldiers, and then wait for us to attack the level and garrison it.

Or use the defenders to consume a wave of us, and then focus fire on them.

[Alliance Leader] Governor of Six Yuan: If this is really the case, then the opponent will be a bit funny.

[Deputy Leader] Bandit: There is nothing lacking in the Three Kingdoms except funny jokes.

[Leader] Liuyuan: Well, you can do it then. If you have any questions, please email me.

[Deputy Leader] Gangster: OK. -

"Damn! The quality of the account of a new district alliance is so high?"

Staring at his main force, he rushed towards the weather-resistant garrison, counting down the march above.

Zhan Lunsang originally thought that his current two main teams, one team of hooligans and one team of Zhang Xiu Shuqi, could take down the opposing teams no matter how hard they looked for them.

But when he saw two battle reports popping up at the bottom of the game interface, he started to return directly. He was stunned immediately, and after clicking on the battle report, his face became even more gloomy.

He originally thought that the Alliance of Wind and Rain was a new alliance in the new area after all, and that it could have such a strong combat effectiveness only by relying on the two full-red groups and its own high-level combat skills to support the situation.

The fact that the branch alliance can defeat Liangzhou proves that it has some strength, but it is definitely not that strong. After all, the combat effectiveness of the Sanren Alliance is really not that good.

In addition, now that the opponent only has one group, they will have absolutely no problem defeating the opponent.

However, reality slapped him hard and told him a cruel fact. Visually, they seemed unable to defeat each other. -

It is true that we are the new district's alliance through thick and thin, but who said that the new district's allies are weaklings? .

Not to mention staying together through thick and thin, they defeated two returning groups in succession, and have been conquering and absorbing elites for several seasons.

Just say that the current benefits have been continued since the S1 season, which is enough for members who are serious about raising accounts to be the main force of several teams.

At this time, the main alliance of 380 in the same boat was the product of strict screening.

The alliance has a national first-line team, and except for half of the group, most of them have red stars. How can an alliance composed of such people be weak? .

Of course, the quality of the account is good, but it is of no use if the execution is poor.

But with various benefits and supervision behind them, and no need for management to keep an eye on them, they were more active in fighting each other.

Benefits are exciting. Maybe in the game world, some players don't have the consciousness to make sacrifices for a group.

But if everything is to gain benefits for oneself, staying up late is the most basic thing. -

Players in the X512 server thought that after the Liang and Hebei states were cleared, a fierce battle would follow.

But who would have thought that the Liangzhou sword energy could not be retreated, and the Jizhou Leopard Head Association attacked several times.

Although it consumed a wave of garrison troops from the Welfare Alliance, he also suffered a bloody blow.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing was Youzhou Gongsun Zan, when the time pointed to 19 o'clock.

When the defenders at the Mayi Pass are restored, they still have more than 10,000 durability.

You can't even win the level, but you still want to enter Bingzhou Hammer and stay together through thick and thin? .

The Youzhou Iron Cavalry became the object of ridicule among players in the entire regional server in the blink of an eye. -

System: The general trend of the world is to compete in the Central Plains.

The main team was wiped out, so Ning Xiu immediately sent the team back to the main city to recruit troops, then hung up and lay down to accompany Chen Xiang to watch the drama.

When he returned to the game and planned to check the status of several levels in Bingzhou, he happened to see the general trend of the world completed.

"Oh? The hunt for the Central Plains has been completed. It seems that the wandering army is about to come out."

The general trend of the world is to compete in the Central Plains. Similar to the eighteen princes in the previous S season, the battle of heroes in the script is based on the ranking of camp occupation value.

However, the difference is that in the Eighteen Route Princes, the top 18 allies are rewarded, while in the game, only the top three with the highest occupation value are rewarded.

There is no doubt that the first place is naturally the one who stays together through thick and thin, the second place is Jinyi Night Walk, and the third place is not the Qingzhou Alliance, but the Yizhou General Mansion.

The battle in the Central Plains is completed. In addition to rewarding the top 3 alliance tiger symbols with occupation values, it also opens up a lot of gameplay and refreshes the copycat level, as well as market products.

But the most important thing is not these, but closing the wandering and joining other forces.

In other words, at this time, those players who want to wander to other factions and collect rewards have completely lost their chance.

At the same time, the completion of the battle in the Central Plains also represents the next general trend of the world, and the destruction of thieves and bandits is about to be completed.

Because these two general trends in the world, the time to achieve them is basically not far apart.

After the thieves and bandits wreak havoc on the world, they will appear in the season of conquest, and the wandering army gameplay that occupies a lot of writing will appear.

It is also the moment that many season-conquering veterans have been waiting for.

One update today and will be added tomorrow.

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