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Chapter 40 Everyone has their own agenda

During the leveling of the 2nd team of Great Wei Cavalry, Ning Xiu controlled the 1st team, which had completed its recruitment, and began to develop on the ground.

He has been busy building copycats in the past two days, and his power level has not increased much. He has dropped from 9th place in the power rankings to over 50th place.

[E-mail] The Six-Yuan Governor: [1232X1044] Xu Yang, the enclave of Yangzhou, has reached level 5 in Huai'an, come and manage the channel.

After receiving the email from Liu Yuan, Ning Xiu was slightly shocked and whispered: "Yangzhou really can't wait."

Through thick and thin management channel.

Governor Liuyuan: The pace of this district is a bit fast. It is only the 7th day since the district was opened. Yangzhou has already stationed troops at the Xuyang Pass. It is estimated that the border will be broken into Xu at the latest tomorrow night and Xuzhou will be integrated.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: It is a routine operation for Yangzhou to defeat Xu first. After all, Xuzhou has always been their back garden.

First Love: Alas! When Yangzhou moves, we must also move accordingly, otherwise we will not be able to keep up.

When they integrate Xuzhou and their strength is greatly increased, and then they can directly turn around and break through, we will be very passive.

Gangster: What should we do? Breaking the cold?

Ning Xiu watched in silence for a moment, thought for a while and then typed in the channel: "Entering Liangzhou is our only choice.

Only by taking advantage of the gap between Yangzhou and Xuzhou to annex Liangzhou can we compete with Yangzhou in the future.

Jingzhou is the buffer zone between us and Yangzhou. If we defeat Jingzhou, it will arouse Yangzhou's sensitive nerves and immediately attract the war situation. It will also push Jingzhou towards Yangzhou, so my idea is to break Liangzhou and join forces with Jingzhou.

First Love: The boss’s analysis is right. Jingzhou cannot be touched for the time being, and we also need to talk to the other party’s alliance. Being able to join our camp will be a big help.

Gangster: Why don't you try it with Liangzhou PY too? Let’s see if we can use a friendly match to complete the collection? .

Mr. Ning: There is not much hope, but it doesn’t hurt to give it a try. Let’s discuss this matter diplomatically.

In addition, contact other alliances and gather Gao Zhan together. Those who have not developed the water will be thrown away to the sub-alliance for farming.

Governor Liuyuan: Why don't you just say that you leave this matter to me? You also went around the bush and said let diplomacy handle the matter. How can our alliance have diplomacy? It's not me who is also responsible.

Mr. Ning: Damn it, my phone is out of battery, so I ran away first.

First love:.


"This cheater knows how to be a hands-off shopkeeper." Governor Liu Yuan said helplessly.

Then he clicked on the alliance rankings and looked at the Liangzhou Alliance Supreme丨imperial Power, which was ranked third. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to negotiate with Jingzhou first and then go to Liangzhou.

Although Liangzhou is not as popular as Yangyi, the two states that are more popular for conquest alliances, some preparation alliances have always chosen Liangzhou to start, and finally successfully conquered it.

It can even be said that Liangzhou and Yizhou have always been competitors. Whoever can swallow the other will have the capital to compete with Yangzhou, which has always been strong.

The imperial power of the Liangzhou Alliance in this area is very low-key and has been developing silently. The Governor of Liuyuan does not know much about it.

It was Mo Xiaoyao, the leader of the Jingzhou League of Heroes. The two parties had become friends before and had a few chats.

Email: Governor Liuyuan: Are you here, brother?

Mo Xiaoyao is a veteran who led the Three Kingdoms. He has played in many districts and has also been a manager and leader.

So when the 1500 area was opened, I left my old area number in the preparation area and came here with a few friends.

He landed in Jingzhou and relied on his experience as a veteran driver to secure his position as the first league in Jingzhou.

"Grand Governor of Six Yuan? Leader of Yizhou Alliance." After looking at the ID of Grand Governor of Six Yuan, Mo Xiaoyao's mind turned around and he instantly guessed the purpose of the other party's coming to find him.

"Haha, it seems that if Yangzhou moves, Yizhou will not be able to sit still."

With a chuckle, Mo Xiaoyao immediately replied: "Yes, I am looking for me because Yangzhou is preparing to break Xuzhou, right?"

The Governor of Liuyuan was not surprised that the other party saw through his mind. After all, there was a state war coming soon. What else could he do to find someone at this time?

Dangjie replied: "Yes, Yangzhou is strong, so I want to form an alliance with you, Jingzhou, to fight against Yangzhou together. What do you think, brothers?"

[E-mail] Mo Xiaoyao: No problem. We in Jingzhou have always had grandpas who don’t love our uncles, so it’s no problem for the six-yuan boss to see it.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: So happy? Brother, let's take a screenshot as evidence.

[E-mail] Mo Xiaoyao: It’s okay if you don’t feel happy. To be honest, brother Yangzhou also came to see me yesterday and wanted to recruit us.

But the conditions offered by the other party are too bad. Not to mention the separatist alliance, they only give 30 conquest quotas that have not yet been seen. You said it was not excessive.

Seeing the reply, Governor Liu Yuan frowned slightly and replied: "It's normal for Yangzhou to be so strong.

Don't worry, brothers, as long as we join hands to fight against Yang, we will never treat our brothers badly in Jingzhou. It's indeed a bit early to talk about separatist rule and conquest now, don't you think? .

[E-mail] Mo Xiaoyao: My brother is right. It is indeed too early to say this now. It is all empty talk. Since I promised you, don’t worry, I will never betray you.

[E-mail] Governor Liuyuan: Okay, let’s settle it now. When it’s done, I’ll set up a group and we’ll keep in touch.

After closing the email, Governor Liu Yuan sighed slightly and said: "This guy is not a gas-efficient guy. I don't know how many of the ten sentences are true."

If you want Jingzhou to have some scruples and abide by the agreement, Yizhou needs to be strong enough during the next war in the state.

Otherwise, even though the two sides have tentatively decided to unite, as a veteran player, the Six-Yuan Grand Governor is very aware of the urinal nature of these alliance leaders. Betrayal is just a routine operation, and it would be a miracle if they don't.

At the same time, Mo Xiaoyao is also thinking about how Jingzhou can gain enough benefits in the next state war.

He had not lied to Liuyuan before. Jingzhou was indeed connected to Yangzhou, but it was not him who contacted Yangzhou, but Mo Xiaoyao himself.

He knew very well that Jingzhou, which was sandwiched between the two big states of Yiyang, had very little chance of becoming a conquering alliance, especially since Yangzhou and Yizhou in this area were both very strong.

So from the beginning, he made up his mind to hug his thigh, but he took the initiative to stick to it, but Yangzhou didn't pay attention to him at all. He just casually mentioned 30 conquest places and wanted to get rid of him.

Moreover, they also need to prepare an airport at the Jingyang Pass. After Yangzhou breaks through the pass and takes the city, all the high-ranking warriors must go down to the Yangzhou main alliance.

Mo Xiaoyao was naturally unwilling to accept such conditions, but he did not directly turn against him.

But Xu and Weishe remained silent. He believed that Yizhou would definitely come to him, and obviously his guess was accurate. Within a day, the deputy leader of Yizhou came to his door.

"Alas, I hope Yizhou will give some strength next time, otherwise Jingzhou will have no choice but to serve as cannon fodder for Yangzhou."

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