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Chapter 399 Whoever touches the grandson

Three Kingdoms is a group game. If you want to have a complete game experience, alliance is something that cannot be avoided.

As a combat unit in the game, the execution ability of the alliance is always a commonplace issue.

In addition to the quality of the account, the most important thing about the combat effectiveness of an alliance is its execution ability.

An alliance without an execution letter is of no use no matter how many local tycoons and red numbers there are, if they cannot exert their combat effectiveness.

But games are not reality. There may be people who spend a lot of time in games, such as Ning Xiu.

But such people probably don’t even account for one percent of the entire game player base.

It is precisely for this reason that in order to improve the cohesion and execution of the alliance, the three countries will provide various benefits to induce alliance members to carry out alliance orders.

But there are gains and losses. To obtain these benefits, the time and energy invested are not something ordinary players can afford.

This is also the reason why some big-name celebrities, even though they have good accounts, prefer to be independents or hang out in small leagues.

After all, when games that were originally meant to be a pastime take up an increasing proportion of our lives, it changes its flavor and deviates from its original intention.

As a T2-level alliance, the Night Alliance certainly has good cohesion and execution capabilities, but it can only be considered good.

Especially for a script, more than half a month after it was launched, most of the people who are still messing around in separate alliances are just trying to get rid of the problem.

Ever since the moment they decided to give up on Jiwu, the management of the Night Alliance had begun to notify members of the alliance to move to the city.

Runan's execution was pretty good. After all, in a war zone, no one wanted to have fire at their doorstep and get hammered.

Although Xuchang was close to the battlefield, there was no sign of attacking this side from the beginning, so many people in the Night League didn't take it to heart.

Most people are like this, just like when I was a child, I got up in the morning to go to school. I woke up an hour ago, but I had to lie in bed until I was almost late before I got up.

The same is true for Yemeng's management. They knew that Xuchang was in danger, but after notifying them, they didn't pay too much attention.

In their minds, the main target of the Storm Team's attack must be Jinyi Yexing's side of the main alliance.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Baitian was spraying furiously at the screen, in fact, he just wanted to vent a wave of unhappy and nervous emotions in his heart.

After spraying, he quickly clicked on the two main cities and sent an email to two members of the alliance.

At this time, he was holding on to luck, hoping that the two of them could be online. In this case, as long as they could move without delay, it would be enough to give them more opportunities to react. -

【Tang Dynasty】Ye丨Walking in Brocade at Night【Email: Taiwei】Ye丨Xiaoyue: Are you there? Through thick and thin, we opened the level above Xuchang.

The email that popped up at the bottom of the game interface made Ye BaiZhi feel relieved.

He thought it was members of the two airports who were online and restored the message to him. When he clicked on it, he saw that it was the captain of the main alliance.

"Just in time, I'll save you the trouble of notifying them."

When Feng Yutongzhou entered Xuchang, it was clear that he was here to mess with them, and it was obvious that they were also younger brothers in front of Feng Yutongzhou, who could not even defeat the main alliance.

Even if you can't do anything, you still have to fight. If the main alliance can seize the gap when the main force leaves at this time, they can attack the Yingchuan pass.

That would naturally help them reduce their pressure, and even if they could recapture the Yingchuan Pass, there would be nothing wrong with losing Bowang.

[Yu] Ye丨The night is over and the day is dawning [E-mail: Commander] Ye丨Daytime: I already know.

[Email] Ye丨Xiaoyue: That's good. I'm afraid you don't have online management and won't be able to respond.

[E-mail] Ye丨Bai Ri: I will try my best to deal with it, but can the main alliance organize a wave to counterattack the Yingchuan checkpoint and put pressure on Wealth and Wind? .

[Email] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Well, I'll try my best, but you should also know the number of people online at this point.

Of course, as long as we can delay it until morning, everything will be stable.

[E-mail] Ye丨白日: It’s just 3 o’clock now. At least wait for the large forces to come online. It will be 8 to 9 o’clock, which is a bit difficult.

[E-mail] Ye丨Xiaoyue: I will notify the group in the group when I am finished, so that the brothers can get online as soon as possible.

[Email] Ye丨Baizhou: Yeah.

Turning off the email, Ye Baitian glanced at it and saw that the red land that stood together through thick and thin had been spread to the edge of the two members' main cities.

I knew at that moment that I couldn't drag it out any longer. After I clicked on the alliance list and kicked the two of them out, I sent another all-alliance email.

Call the online members and mobilize troops to conquer the land near Bowang. -

But it's past 3 o'clock in the morning, how many people can be online in a branch alliance? .

Even if some night owls are online, if the red land is next to their fortress, they won't mind moving.

But if we are far away and need to pave the way and turn over the ground, then whoever touches the grandson will not enjoy sleeping offline? .

Ye BaiZhou also knew this in his heart, so after waiting for a while and seeing no one moving, he could only hold back his sleepiness and started checking at the Bowang level. -

Chu Lian knew very well that after they won the level, they could no longer hide their purpose.

However, he didn't care about it. He chose this time to attack because he took advantage of the small number of people online in the early morning. Even if he found out at night and dawn, he wouldn't be able to cause any trouble.

At 3:30 in the morning, after setting fire in batches, they destroyed two airports in seconds.

Chu Lian immediately summoned the two Manhong main groups and started to enclave towards the airdrop location marked by him.

The terrain of Yuzhou Bowang Checkpoint is not complicated, but flying from the checkpoint above Xuchang to the Bowang Airborne Landing Ground takes more than an hour, even if the full red cavalry is washing points and accelerating.

Therefore, the choice of airdrop location is very important. It should not be too close to the checkpoint.

In this way, the other party's night owls who are online at night can easily detect it and come over to check it out.

It also cannot be too far away, otherwise the rhythm of the attack will be affected when the fortress rises after landing.

The fortress group that remains at dawn is on the east side of Xuchang, and the remaining fortress group on the west side is Jinyi Night Walk.

The air landing place chosen by Chu Lian was behind the fortress group of Jinyi Yexing and further to the west.

He originally chose these two airports because he valued these two goods, and there was a lot of land near Bowang.

Now fly directly here, unless the Jinyi Night Walkers have a team here to destroy these enclaves.

Otherwise, even if people find out at the end of the night, it will be of no avail.

Because if they want to come over, they still need to demolish many of the fortresses of their own main alliance, Jinyi Yexing.

And this is no small project. Unless there are preparations in advance or there are a large number of people, by the time they come over, the garrison team who will stand together through thick and thin may have already been in place, and the other side will only be able to stare blankly.

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