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Chapter 415 Strategic Retreat

When Ning Xiu went online, it was already past 9 o'clock in the morning.

Staying up late continuously made his liver burn out, and he browsed the copycat for two days. Although he took a rest for one night, he still felt that he had not recovered.

After all, compared to the energetic, strong and healthy young man before.

His body is getting weaker and weaker now, and even if he keeps drinking from a thermos cup every day, he can't make up for it in a while.

"What happened? You actually pushed it?"

Before going offline last night, Ning Xiu naturally knew about Jinyi Yexing's operations.

Originally, according to his estimation, unless he used his money power, in addition to attacking from other places, it would be a direct fight between the two sides to see who could not hold on first and cause problems.

But at this time, not only the pier has been occupied by his own family.

Even when Jinyi walks at night, the main city blocking the road has long turned yellow, and the branch cities have long been in ruins.

Even part of the opponent's fortress group has been chewed away and pushed directly to a range of ten blocks away from the dock.

"In this case, according to this progress, we can reach Qiaocheng at noon, and after the fortress is built, we can capture the capital of Yuzhou in the afternoon."

The only natural barrier was lost, and the position was gnawed into such a state. Ning Xiu didn't think Jinyi Yexing could compete with them.

Judging from the recent fights between the two sides, he found that his opponent was getting more and more stretched.

But this is understandable. He has been defeated and rubbed all the time. From Yanzhou Jiwu to here, Jinyi Yexing can still not collapse, which has impressed him.

[Scene] Ning丨Staying together through thick and thin, the alliance manages the channel.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: Isn’t the card on the opposite side unlimited? How did you get here? .

[Taiwei] First love: I don’t know, the other party didn’t respond, so we grabbed it.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: This is too unprofessional [Cold Sweat].

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Isn’t this good? I feel like Ye Meng can't hold it anymore. Once we take Qiaocheng, it will be almost over.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Yes, in the past, the opponent could fight us evenly with just one main alliance.

But now, our main alliance joins their main alliance and the sub-alliance, and the opponent is not as resistant as before.

[Yu Shi Dafu] 9: It’s already very good. It has been able to fight until now even though it has always been at a disadvantage. The Night Alliance is already strong enough. For ordinary alliances, it will collapse after just a few defeats.

[General of the Upper Army] Ji Zuo Fire Attack: Even if it collapses, it doesn’t mean it’s over. There’s still more to play later.

Everyone naturally knew the meaning of Jizuo Huogong's words.

After they defeated the Night Alliance, if they wanted to stabilize their victory and gain conquest, they would still need to face the anti-Wind and Rain Alliance in the region headed by the Night Alliance.

Among them, the rogue army with amazing mobility is the biggest opponent in the later stage. -

The situation of his own alliance was naturally very clear to Ye Mu, and at the same time he was not surprised.

As a T2-level alliance leader who has been involved in the Conquest Season for a long time, he certainly knows that in the face of headwinds, it is impossible for everyone to work together and persevere to the end.

To have such a small group of elites who are always active is already a blessing from Three Stones.

As the situation on the battlefield becomes more and more unfavorable, the execution ability of the alliance is also getting worse. This battle of Yuzhou Prefecture looks like their last stand at night.

It's not that if this side loses, it will be bad, but once this side loses, the morale of the alliance will completely collapse.

Without execution and activity, there is no possibility of a comeback in a one-on-one duel.

He thought that with the help of the dock and the favorable location, he could at least hold on for a while.

Unexpectedly, even the goddess of luck seems to be on the same side through thick and thin. Even if you are stuck in a good way, there will be problems. Is there anything more unlucky than this?

Now, Feng Yutong, who has occupied the bridgehead, has begun to suppress them from all directions, using the dock as a fulcrum. There are only more than 20 blocks left from Qiaocheng, the capital of Yuzhou.

Although they are densely packed with fortresses at a distance of more than 20 squares, is there any difference between an empty fortress without the main team and a piece of land? .

"Huh! It seems that we are just avoiding the edge for the time being and retreating to Yangzhou to recuperate." -

【Tang Dynasty】Night丨Walking in brocade clothes at night, alliance management channel.

[Prime Minister] Night丨Luoyue: Retreat to Yangzhou? Don’t you want Yuzhou anymore?

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: Maybe I didn’t explain it clearly enough.

What I mean is that instead of fighting a frontal battle with Feng Yuzhou, we will use Yangzhou as our base camp and use small-scale operations in Huainan County near Yuzhou to harass them and delay their time.

[General Zhenguo] Ye丨Wu: Boss, do you mean to avoid his sharp edge? .

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: Yes, we have been together through thick and thin, winning consecutive battles, and our morale is high. On the other hand, our team has been losing consecutive battles, and our morale is low.

Everyone is well aware of their recent execution and activity levels.

If we continue to go down together through thick and thin and are not defeated by them, we will completely collapse ourselves. Now we retreat to Yangzhou to allow our brothers to take a breather.

In addition, we have been holding our breath and staying together through thick and thin, so why don't they? .

Once they don't have us as their opponent, their pent-up energy will dissipate and they will definitely take a break, and time is the most important thing to us.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: Well, with time, we can not only recharge our batteries to prepare for the next war, but also unite more people.

Especially once we retreat, everyone will feel that the conquest is basically stable through thick and thin.

For those who want to mix rewards, staying together through thick and thin is their biggest obstacle.

[Monarch] Ye Wei: Well, as long as we can delay it for a while, when the number of wandering troops increases and they form a fighting force, then we will be busy suppressing the bandits.

Only then will we have the possibility of a comeback by cooperating with the Rangers. Otherwise, although we don’t want to admit it, we really can’t defeat them alone.

[General Zhenguo] Ye丨 Crow: Okay, anyway, the winner is the one who laughs at the end of this game, so what if I lose Yuzhou.

However, we need to notify the brothers in advance to move, otherwise once we withdraw, they will be reduced to dead bodies.

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: Well, the brothers in Yuzhou are moving, and the alliance will reimburse them.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: Okay, shall I make arrangements now? .

[Monarch] Ye丨MU: Go ahead, since you can't hold on, why waste time and energy.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: Okay, do you also want to inform the Zhan Alliance that they are still fighting against Feng Yu's branch alliance and the General's Mansion that just passed by.

【Monarch】Ye丨MU: No need to notify you for the time being. After we retreat, we need something to attract the firepower of the same boat.

[Prime Minister] Ye丨Luoyue: I understand. -

Ning Xiu really didn't expect that the Night League would withdraw from Yuzhou, even when the Ye League team gradually disappeared from the battlefield.

When there was only an empty fortress left, he only thought that the opponent saw that the situation in Qiaocheng was over and was preparing to retreat and set up a defense line.

However, the Ye Meng's retreat and abandonment of Qiao City is undoubtedly good news for them.

After all, he hasn't had a day's rest since the beginning of the war. Even he is a little tired, not to mention those alliance members who are exhausted every day.

"This is just right. After taking Qiaocheng, we can slow down our pace for a day."

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