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Chapter 428 Tournament Alliance List

It is very appropriate to describe the wandering army as gathering and dispersing like sand. The wandering army only needs half the time of ordinary players to build a fortress, which is 2 and a half hours. If technical civilian support is used, the construction time can be reduced by one-third. , will only take 2 hours.

This is still in the case where the wandering army has not occupied the county where it is located. If it occupies the county, it will only take an hour to set up a fortress. Once the fortress is built, the camp can be moved directly and it can become a battle fortress in an instant. With sufficient preparation, Under such circumstances, even a wandering army with less than 10 people is enough to compete with a group of ordinary players.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the account quality of the generals is not too bad, otherwise it will be cool after a few waves if you can't get the blood packs. However, even if the main force that was hammered is lost, the impact will not be big.

Being knocked out of the camp and wiped out, for the wandering army with resources, it was like having a large fortress demolished. Within a few hours, they were a hero again.

At this time, members of the Juyi Night War Bafang had landed on the north side of Huang County, Qingzhou and started building fortresses, but the Qingzhou Alliance was not aware of it.

[Juyi: Night Battle in All Directions] Management channel.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Weiliang: I will withdraw first. The main alliance is going to send a wave of wandering troops. I will go and organize a gathering.

[Leader] Ye丨Wu Nian: Okay, after I finish here, I will clean up the paddling area and free up some space.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Weiliang: It’s time to clean up. It’s been almost 2 hours since I sent the email, and now there are only about 10 people here. There are still too many salted fish.

[Leader] Ye丨Wu Nian: It’s normal. After all, it’s a place to get blood packs in Jizhou. It has both resources and martial arts, and it’s convenient and fast. Naturally, I don’t want to come here.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Weiliang: It's useless to keep people like this. I'll invite you when you're done. Also, have you communicated with Shuibo Liangshan? If they can come over, then our wandering army can form a combat force. Now we can only do this It can be a small fight.

[Leader] Ye丨Don’t read: If I don’t come, I’ll be collecting blood packs in Youzhou.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Weiliang: Alas! The main reason is that there are too few people turning to the wandering army now.

[Leader] Ye丨Wu Nian: Well, as long as the main alliance comes here, we will be able to gain momentum. -

Compared to the Qingzhou Alliance and the Night Alliance, who were preparing for the war, the protagonists who stood together through thick and thin seemed very calm at this time.

While the branch alliance and the general's palace stayed at the border of Yanqing as spectators, and the main alliance spread out to encircle and suppress the remaining die-hard elements of the Night Alliance, the remaining people were basically sweeping the city and digesting the results of the war.

[Scene] Ning丨Staying together through thick and thin, the alliance manages the channel.

[General of the Upper Army] Jizuo Fire Attack: [703X1837] Look what I found, wandering army.

[Taiwei] First Love: Those who fight in all directions at night, depending on the situation, want to harass them from behind and help the Night Alliance share the pressure.

[Yu Shi Dafu] Nine: Well, I have to say that the Night League is quite good at planning. They asked their people to transfer to the wandering army in advance. Wouldn't they use it now? Otherwise, with the number of people they have left, the head-on strength may not be certain. They are opponents of the Alliance with local advantages.

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. I don’t believe that those scumbags from the Zhan Alliance are the opponents of the Night Alliance. What’s more, with us here, it’s impossible for the Zhan Alliance to be here without any separation.

[Taiwei] First Love: Not necessarily. If the alliance management understands the current situation, they should know that their outcome has been decided. If I were to take command of them, then I would not care about this. I just had a wave with the Night Alliance in the past, and hammered Wouldn't it be more painful to lose the thigh you once had?

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: No matter if they fight life or death, just watch the show. When they are almost done fighting, just go in and finish.

[General Zhenguo] Mr. Ma: Hehe! I don’t know what the management of the two companies thought, but they were still fighting among themselves [picking their noses] while we were here.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: You have a temper when playing games. Without the constraints of interests, of course, you can do things according to your emotions.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Lao Ning, watch Penguin’s private chat.

Ning Xiu, who was arguing with the management, immediately cut out the game and opened Penguin when he saw Liu Yuan. Then he saw a form sent by Liu Yuan.

On the front of the form is the name of the alliance, followed by the number of people and various annotations, and finally the alliance level and so on.

Just taking a glance at it, Ning Xiu made a rough guess in his mind. As expected, this should be the information about the alliance participating in the anchor competition. He knew that Liu Yuan had been in contact with Bai Yi Feifei, so he thought it was coming from there. It arrived, or Baiyi Feifei sent it to him. -


Mr. Ning: This is a host competition. What is the information about the participating alliances? .

Liuyuan: Yes, this is the information I collected after Baiyi Feifei told me the name of the participating alliance. I will give you a rough look now and I will improve it later.

Ning Xiu felt very relieved when he heard that it was indeed the information he collected himself, and that it was specially made into a form so that he could see it clearly at a glance.

"You are really a competent game manager." After sighing, Ning Xiu immediately replied: "Thank you for your hard work, brother."

Six yuan: serve the people.

Mr. Ning: Shouldn’t it be called "Serve me" [Cold Sweat].

Liuyuan: The licking is too obvious and affects my character [picking my nose].

Mr. Ning: You have a chicken-feather character [despise].

Liuyuan: I'm too lazy to talk to you. Just take a look for yourself and make sure you know what's going on.

Mr. Ning: Yeah.

Ning Xiu knew clearly that Liuyuan threw these things to him first because he knew that he needed to replenish the strength of the alliance at the end of this season. In this way, he could get to know the opponents next season first and have a base in advance.

After finishing his private chat with Liuyuan, Ning Xiu clicked on the screenshot to enlarge it, and then looked at it carefully.

There are six alliances participating in the Anchor Competition this time, including Wind and Rain, including three T2-level alliances and two T1-level alliances. Together with the T2-level strength of Wind and Rain Together, the lineup is definitely luxurious.

After all, in the Three Kingdoms, except for the script that players called the "Leitu World Cup" and started by a few top-ceiling alliances, under normal circumstances, a script only has two strong alliances and a maximum of three, and the rest are individual or salted fish alliances.

There are even times when the entire script is completely dominated by one company, which locks in victory from the very beginning, and the game is left to farm for three months without any gaming experience at all.

"The officials are very smart. They know that it is difficult to gather ceiling alliances. At the same time, the gap is too big for ordinary players to have a sense of involvement. In this way, the mix and match of T1 and T2 levels will not only be interesting but also not make players and audiences feel out of reach."

"T1-level alliances are fighting in the world, are they bloody with T1-level alliances?"

Glancing at the names of these two alliances, Ning Xiu knew that if he didn't replenish the alliance's strength, it would be difficult to play next season, because these two alliances were very strong.

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