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Chapter 447 Ying Tianshun Shi

Xiangyang in Jingzhou is surrounded by water on three sides. Except for the west that can enter Xiangyang, there are only two ferries that are close to each other in the east.

The Night League came to attack Xiangyang this time, and a total of three Juyi were mobilized. Basically, they were all members of the Night League. However, those players from the San and other camps, except for a few Manchu bosses who were left behind, had long since been Cleaned out.

Three Juyi can accommodate 150 people. Ye Luoyue thought that the enclave order was issued last night, and the personnel should be basically in place by the morning. If he dared to take Xiangyang, the capital of Jingzhou, which was only level 8, before noon, there would be basically no problem. However, The truth told him that he was thinking shit.

Although a mobilization order was issued two days in advance to allow all Juyi members to accumulate resources and move closer to Jingzhou, when he logged into the game in the morning, he found that at most two Juyi people came, which meant that there were 50 people and one Juyi person. Righteous people are making soy sauce.

This made him feel a little discouraged. Although he understood that this was a normal thing, his enthusiasm was still severely dampened. If he hadn't been holding the position of deputy leader of the Night Alliance, he would have given up the job.

But as the deputy leader of the Night Alliance, unless he wants to see the alliance disperse and decline, he can only carry these irritating things. Who makes the night above his head the leader? Who asked people to spend money on the alliance?

[Lang: Night Battle in All Directions] Juyi management channel.

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: Wu Nian notified the other two Juyi to move over immediately after the fortress was built. The rest of the team started working as soon as they were in place. They first cleared the outer fortress of Dongcheng Wenzhan.

[Deputy Leader] Ye丨Don’t read: OK.

[Leader] Ye丨Luoyue: Xiaoyue, you call the brothers in Juyi, hurry up and rush inward, and finally reach the bottom of the city before the Jingzhou East City challenge team arrives.

[Commander] Ye丨Xiaoyue: Yes. -

"People from the Ye League want to rob Xiangyang?"

As soon as Ning Xiu went online in the morning, he received an email notification of six yuan. After closing the email and clicking on the map to jump to Xiangyang, he immediately saw a large burning purple land to the east of Xiangyang.

"Dongcheng Wenzhan responded very quickly."

After taking a quick look at the situation in Xiangyang, he saw that the Juyi wandering army led by members of the Night Alliance had crossed the ferry, but they were all blocked by a Jingzhou player called Kuang Ke Ke. Xio couldn't help but smile.

It is a normal operation for the Rangers to seize the state capital. It is less than a month before the end of the season. He has long been mentally prepared for the opponent's actions, so it is not surprising.

I clicked on the management channel and glanced at it. I saw that the management who had been diving recently had appeared, and the chief steward Liuyuan was also assigning tasks.

[Scene] Ning丨Staying together through thick and thin, the alliance manages the channel.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: The season is almost over. This wave of the Rangers is a collective action, and their goal is very clear. They want to win the three prefectures of Jing, Yi, and Liang.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: These guys are self-aware and have no intention of attacking Ji Qingxu.

[Taiwei] First love: I’m not stupid, Jing Qing Xu Sanzhou, we have too many fortresses and cities, even if they steal the state capital they can’t defend it with us here.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: It sounds like they can defend it now that they have taken it.

[Monarch] Ning Gongzi: The wandering army is just a piece of candy. As long as they have resources, even if you beat them away, it will not help, so don't be careless.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Indeed, this time, the target of the Ye Zhan Bafang and other Juyi groups headed by Ye Meng is Xiangyang, Jingzhou, the target of the Zhan League's Juyi group is Liangzhou Wuwei, and the other wandering army's Juyi target is Yi. Chengdu.

I have already notified the General's Mansion. Yizhou is their hometown and they can handle it themselves. Our Jiuxiao Regiment has a fortress in Jingzhou, so the Jiuxiao Regiment went to help defend Xiangyang, and the Lingxiao Regiment from Yangzhou went to support.

On the Liangzhou Wuwei side, the Shenxiao and Chixiao regiments passed by, while the Fengtuan, Yutuan and Yunxiao regiments made maneuvers and stayed still for the time being to continue sweeping the Xuzhou city.

Ning Xiu agreed very much with Liuyuan's task allocation. These regiments all had fortresses in Jingliang. It was very convenient to support them in the past. The remaining main regiments were maneuvering to prevent the wandering army from attacking in the east. Attack other state capitals.

[General Zhenguo] Ma Gongzi: Understood. Last time, Ye Meng fell down without fighting. Let’s do it well this time.

[General of the Upper Army] Jizuo Huogong: Youzhou is the base camp of the wandering army. Now that they have all come out, I think our remaining main force can march into Youzhou and take over the state capital.

[Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Uh-huh.

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: Don’t move in Youzhou for now.

[General of the Upper Army] Jizuo Huogong: Is the boss reserved for the wandering army? .

[Monarch] Mr. Ning: For the time being, if the wandering army is all members of the Night League and the War League, of course they will not be left. However, there are players from other camps and individual players. Giving them a state capital can avoid a lot of things. .

We stand together through thick and thin. Although we don’t need reputation to attract outside groups to increase our strength, we do need a good reputation to find allies in future script seasons.

No matter how strong an alliance is, if it has a bad reputation, then there will definitely not be many people willing to form an alliance and cooperate with them, and even if they are, they will all be the same black crows.

However, although it has been decided to leave a state capital for the wandering army, the details still depend on the follow-up. After all, nothing is absolute. -

Although Ning Xiu is a member of the Jiuxiao Regiment, he does not have a fortress in Jingzhou, so he has no intention of joining in the fun. After all, with the strength of the same boat, one more of him will not be able to reach the sky, and one of him less will have no impact, so After finishing the tax collection, I was just about to log off and run away when Liu Yuan sent me an email.

[Scene] Ning丨Stay together through thick and thin [Email: Prime Minister] Liuyuan: Are you still here? .

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: Hello, the user you called is not in the service area. Please call again later.

[E-mail] Liuyuan: Don’t make trouble, let’s get down to business.

[E-mail] Mr. Ning: What’s the matter? If it's important, you can Penguin privately chat with me.

[E-mail] Liuyuan: Didn’t Baiyi Feifei say before that we entered the competition with a new script? Now some information has been sent out internally. He sent it to me last night. I sent it to you on Penguin. Please take a look.

"Is there a new script?" After hearing Liu Yuan's words, Ning Xiu was slightly startled, and then replied: "Okay, let me take a look."

After replying to Liu Yuan, Ning Xiu cut out the game and logged into Penguin, and immediately saw several waves of private messages from Liu Yuan and the so-called information sent by him.

"Just a few pictures."

Although he is a little disappointed, Ning Xiu is not surprised. After all, the official has not released any news or notices yet, so naturally there will not be too much. Now that we can get these things that are obviously coming from internal sources, we can learn about them earlier. Some information is better than crossing the river by feeling for stones.

"Ying Tianshunshi?"

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