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Chapter 45 The friendly match begins

Mr. Ning: [Lineup Sharing]

Ning Xiu's main team 1, Wu Gong, has level 43 5 Hong Lu Meng as the forward, and the tactics they use are level 7 diversion and level 7 countermeasures.

In conjunction with Lu Meng's own strategy of crossing the river in white clothes, while blocking the enemy with both hands, he can also assist in outputting additional damage.

The Chinese army is Level 41 4th Red Sun Quan. This is a man who has earned the exclusive title Sun Yongbao by virtue of his own fighting skills, Nine Tins and Yellow Dragons.

It has its own tactics, which can not only remove the harmful effects of the entire army in a group, but also put them into an evasive state.

Immune to the next 2 damage received. Although the activation probability is impressive, the face is so invincible.

The first tactic Ning Xiu gave Sun Quan was to dismantle the extra Lu Meng and obtain the 5-star tactic Divine Weapon from Heaven.

Divine weapons descending from the sky is a well-deserved 5-star top tactic.

As a commanding tactic, Divine Soldiers from Heaven can steadily add damage BUFF to two enemy targets in the first 3 rounds of the battle.

At full level, the enemy's attack damage will be increased by 30% based on strategic damage within 3 rounds.

The combination is also a command strategy, but it can give your own troops two targets in the first 3 rounds and add BUFF to the three armies.

It allows a team to obtain a high damage bonus and stable damage output.

The team formed with these two tactics as the core, the Divine Weapons from Heaven and the Great Reward Three Armies, is what players commonly call the Magic Sword Team.

However, Ning Xiu doesn't play Magic Sword, so Sun Quan's second skill, he learned is the 5-star strong control strategy to fish in troubled waters.

Let Sun Quan feel at ease as a professional support, leaving the final output position to Zhou Yu in the camp.

5-star Wu Zhouyu has always been in a very embarrassing position.

In addition to teaming up with Lu Meng and Lu Xun to form the first-line team Soochow Governor, he can only have the opportunity to play in the S season.

But in the S1 season of the new zone, especially in the full red state, it is absolutely no problem to be used as a big camp output.

He comes with the Xuanwu Erliu strategy, and has an attack range of up to 5 points, allowing him to stand in the camp and cover the entire enemy army.

Not only can it cause powerful strategic attacks, it can also put the enemy into a cowardly state, making it impossible to carry out normal attacks.

Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, as an active strategy, the activation probability is not high and it requires 1 round of preparation, which is very embarrassing.

In order to make up for this and make Zhou Yu's output more stable, Ning Xiu added two large battalion output tactics to him, the 4-star tactics are in trouble and the 4-star tactics are attacking in the east and west.

Although these two tactics are 4-star tactics, they are rare large-camp strategic output tactics and have a very high usage rate.

Even in subsequent seasons, many people still use it, and the effect is very powerful.

When Ning Xiu shared all the main players of his three teams to the management channel, he immediately quieted down the few noisy guys who wanted to see his team's lineup.

Governor Liu Yuan: It is indeed a dog bearer and not a human being. If you throw this team out, I don’t know how many pairs of big Han bows the other side will need to fill it up.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng: 14 red Wu Gong, 14 red Wei Cavalry and 12 red Shu Bu. When compared with the alliance leader, I suddenly felt that I was so poor.

Wei Wuxian: The team had nothing to say, and their tactics were awesome. However, Xiahou used a cavalry, and Guan Mei used a 4-star spear formation and a broken halberd to attack, so the intensity was much lower.

First Love: It’s normal to have insufficient combat skills in the first season, but the leader’s Shu Bu is still at a low level. Once it reaches a higher level, he can lose Yiqi to Guan Mei.

Rough Bandit: Yes, it is still better to match up with Shu Bu in the first season. When the time comes, the alliance leader can tear down Wei Qi, Xun Yu and Xun You Jia Yu will play Wei Zhi, and Cao Cao and Ma Chao will play with Zhang Liao as a kitchen knife.

Mr. Ning: I don’t have Zhang Liao.

Governor Liu Yuan: What a happy story.

Time passed and it was 20:30 in the evening, 30 minutes before the start of the friendly match.

At this time, whether it was Yizhou who was in the same boat or Liangzhou's supreme imperial power, the atmosphere was extremely tense, and even fewer people spoke on the alliance channel.

Liangzhou Supreme丨Imperial Power Management Channel.

Alliance leader Emperor Zun: Coke sent an email to withdraw the garrison on the level. Let them attack the garrison first to consume a wave of their main force. When half of the long-term demolition is left, we will garrison on the level.

Commander Ice Coke: Okay, I'll send the email right now.

[Email] Ice Coke: [505X72] All the garrison at the checkpoint have been withdrawn. Let the defenders consume a wave of their effective strength first. When garrison is needed, I will send an email in advance.

"Oh, did the defenders really withdraw?" When Ning Xiu saw all the garrison troops at the Liangzhou checkpoint retreating back to the fortress, he immediately guessed the opponent's intention.

He wasn't much surprised by this. After all, as a defender, there was really nothing to say about using the power of the defenders to consume their strength.

[E-mail] First love: [505X72] Yin Ping Pass, the main awakening force of all alliances above level 30 will touch the city on time at 21:00, other main forces and demolition will touch the city at 21:02, so be sure to time it well and don’t rush away.

After receiving the email from the commander's first love, Ning Xiu was slightly startled and secretly said that the other party was quite courageous.

Although with him there, there is no problem in destroying the level 5 city defenders in seconds, but the opponent actually ordered the entire alliance to demolish them in advance, which is indeed very courageous.

After all, Liangzhou is right across the street. If the other party suddenly garrisoned in advance and suffered a wave of demolitions, then his command would be blamed.

Although it hasn’t been a long time since I first played Shutu Three Kingdoms, I have been a commander for a while.

He may not have much experience, but his conductor has always been bold.

He had just seen Liangzhou withdraw its garrison, and he immediately understood that the other party planned to use the checkpoint to consume a wave of their strength.

Dang Ji immediately decided to take advantage of the other party's mentality to make the demolition work as fast as possible to get more durability in the first wave.

Otherwise, with the durability value of 20,000 at the level 5 level and the garrison in Liangzhou, it would not be that easy to win before the defenders recover in an hour.

But even though he had sent the email, he still felt a little guilty.

Immediately sent an email to Ning Xiu: "Boss, you are in the first row, watch the other side and don't let us demolish you."

Ning Gongzi: Don’t worry, Anxin’s instructions will be based on your ideas.

At 20:45, when the first blue arrow was shot at the Yinping level, it seemed like a chain reaction had occurred.

As the time decreased by the second, there were more and more arrows. The densely packed troops set out from the fortress and converged towards the Yinping checkpoint, the center point.

Liangzhou Supreme丨Imperial Power Alliance Channel.

Bu Liangren: The opposite side has started, brothers take their positions.

Lao Wang: Don’t move around, wait for the command email.

Silly Uncle: I’m going to fight Mr. Ning soon, so I’m a little nervous.

Tianzun: What's the point of being nervous? Uncle, if you step up with your Shubu, a group of Han bowmen on the other side won't hit their heads and cause bloodshed.

Silly uncle: I’m not good at Shu Bu and my level is not high. I probably can’t stop Mr. Ning if I encounter him.

Lao Wang: Don’t panic, let’s go together and meet this great man from Yizhou.

Ning Xiu didn't get a false start this time. Naturally, the impact of a false start in a state game was bad.

Secondly, it is a level that has already been occupied, and there is no copper coin reward for taking it.

When the time reached 20:58, he immediately dispatched his main team and rushed towards the checkpoint.

Please recommend, please collect, QQ reading veterans, I hope to support Qidian. This book was first published by Qidian.

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