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Chapter 480 Toolman? nonexistent

Ning Xiu came online relatively late, so by the time he entered the game, the Jizhou Wilderness League had already basically wandered away, and the entire Jizhou had completely become their territory through thick and thin.

"This is money well spent."

Perhaps in the eyes of many players, spending tens of thousands of dollars to let others play the game is obviously stupid and a lot of money, but Ning Xiu feels that it is worth the money. After all, he can defeat his opponents without affecting the development of his brothers. Get lost, is there anything happier than this? .

Ning Xiu didn't think too much about the Huang League. He continued to cover his head and started to pave the way and level up a dragon. He got rid of a supporting role that was not full strength. It was really nothing to show off. At least he believed in himself and the people who were with him through thick and thin. , all think so.

At this time, the opening of the Contest for Hegemony Division server is about to enter its fourth day. Ning Xiu has set a small goal for himself today, which is to get a team of the main grandfather team to level 40 through high-level lands and completely break the pass next to the main city. , eating the fish pond placed near his mouth.

Normally in the Grand Alliance, high-level resource areas such as fish ponds are never occupied by whoever is closest or who sets up a fortress first. Basically, the alliance assigns them to each group, and then the group leader treats them as a kind of Rewards and benefits are distributed.

However, sharing the same boat through thick and thin is obviously not in the regular ranks. As an alliance with the most powerful financial leader in the country, we really don’t need this kind of thing as a benefit. Whoever gets it belongs to whom. As long as it does not affect the alliance’s mission, you can do it whenever you want. Open it all.

The garrison strength of Yutang's pass is 8, which is the garrison difficulty of a level 5 city. There are 5 teams in total. With the quality of Ning Xiu's account, when the main force of his team reaches level 40, there will be no problem in winning.

According to his plan, after eating the resources in the fish pond, he can basically go to the system city to brush city skins and level up. Although brushing high-level land at home is fast to level up, it cannot withstand the high battle damage and consumes serious resources. This is If you need to train other teams in the early stage, it is obviously not advisable. After all, you can save money if you can.

Ning Xiu's leisurely clearing of the ground didn't last long before he was called into the management channel by an email from Liuyuan. The reason was naturally because he was asked to decide the next specific action of the company through thick and thin.

[Hebei] We stand together through thick and thin, and the alliance manages the channel.

[Leader] Mr. Ning: I'm here, students can start [picking their noses].

[Official] Mr. Ma: The tool man is here [covers his mouth and laughs].

[Official] Erratic as a god: Tool man? It shouldn't be a puppet [呲ya].

[Leader] Mr. Ning: What? Have you already discussed the outcome? .

[Deputy Leader] Liu Yuan: Well, you just have to make the decision [pick your nose].

[Leader] Mr. Ning: Okay, please start your performance.

[Commander] First Love: Ahem! Then I started right away [blushing].

With the Jizhou Wilderness League defeated and retreating to Qingzhou, we currently have three options. The first option is to stabilize Jizhou, digest the results of Jizhou's battle and develop a wave, and integrate with Youzhou by the way.

[Leader] Ning Gongzi: Well, keep a low profile and develop steadily. Are you thinking like this just to avoid the limelight and let Bloody Mist and Conquest World fight first? .

Ning Xiu thought for a while and guessed the idea of ​​​​his own management. After all, from the opening of the district to the present, we have been in the limelight, whether it was overwhelming the two major T1 alliances in attacking the city, or whether he did not take any action, relying on the thugs to force the Desolate League to leave Jizhou. , it’s hard not to notice.

There is no problem in being in the limelight, but if you are in the limelight too much, there will definitely be problems. After all, in everyone's mind, this competition is a meeting of the bloody mist and the two heroes fighting for the world. If you are too jumpy, you will easily be targeted. In the Three Kingdoms of Ledou It is definitely not just a matter of words.

Choosing to keep a low profile and develop stable results can actually be regarded as sitting on the mountain and watching the battle between tigers. After having temporarily solved the opponent of the Desolate Alliance and making it unable to cause trouble for a period of time, the alliance can sit back and watch the bloody mist and conquer the world through thick and thin. Two big tigers.

As well as the two little tigers Liangzhou Longmeng and Bingzhou Tianmu, they were beaten to a bloody head. In the end, with an absolute development advantage, they found the right time to enter the field and sweep away.

If everything goes well, he will sweep everything and become the final winner. He will swap positions and conquer the world and conquer the world successfully. If things go wrong, he will turn against the two cooperating alliances and be surrounded. Risks and benefits coexist.

[Leader] Ning Gongzi: You can consider it, continue.

[Commander] First Love: Currently, Yangzhou Bloody and Yizhou Campaign have already arrived in Ziyuan Prefecture. According to the news received, they will enter Ziyuan Prefecture at noon today.

The second thing is that we also enter Ziyuan State, swallow up Ziyuan State first, and then whether we enter Qingzhou from Yanzhou to continue to attack the Huanghuang League, or later enter Sili, we will not be unable to keep up.

However, if we enter Yanzhou and make an attack on Qingzhou, it is possible to attract the blood of Yangzhou, or at least a wave of their people, which is equivalent to pulling the firepower on us.

It is possible that we will be blasted by the opponent, or after dividing the blood's combat power, the blood mist will be eaten by Zheng Tianxia, ​​and we will become tool workers.

[Leader] Mr. Ning: Yes.

[Commander] First Love: Third, contact the Liangzhou Dragon League and prepare. Our two families will attack Bingzhou at the same time, hammer the sky to death, then support the expedition to the world to hammer the blood, and finally end [picking nose].

In fact, Ning Xiu saw that the three options created by the management were to allow him to decide the fundamental positioning of the team through thick and thin this season.

Option 3 will undoubtedly have a greater chance of resolving the battle quickly, killing off the two bloody allies, and then supporting the Conquest of the World to help them win. After the Conquest of the World is completed and they win the championship, they will reap the fruits.

Option 2 is to take the initiative and expand the results of Wealth and Wind. With the help of Wealth and Water, after destroying the bloody fog, we can gain more benefits with the help of our achievements, and even replace conquering the world with conquest.

Option 1 is undoubtedly to pick up the bargains, and finally use absolute force to wipe out everything and become a speculator.

To briefly summarize and give an example, option 3 is to become a loyal member of the Han Dynasty and do everything possible to help the leader of the silent faction conquer the world and conquer the world.

Option 2 is to be a prince all the way, ostensibly supporting the leader, and finally replace the leader with a show of skill. Option 3 is to build high walls and accumulate food, and finally show his fangs.

Each of the three options has its own advantages. Some directly reveal one's ambitions and goals, some cover up the appearance, and some act like Lei Fen's classmate.

There are so many struggles. In fact, in general, they want to conquer, but also want to maintain their status so as not to leave the impression of being unreliable and capricious in the hearts of the majority of people who eat melons, as well as other allies.

After all, although we have only a cooperative relationship with Zhanzhan Tianxia through thick and thin, in the eyes of outsiders, joining Zhanzhan Tianxia is equivalent to joining their camp.

Since you have joined other people's camp and you came from behind to occupy the magpie's nest, what else are you but a speculator and a bad character? There will definitely be another wave of so-called insider tips and conspiracy theories.

At this point, even though they are in the same boat through thick and thin, there is no way to refute, because they did enjoy the treatment of not being rejected and hostile by other alliances in the Conquest Tournament. Under normal circumstances, the so-called neutrals would definitely be the first to be kicked out. People who are out.

For players who have never been exposed to this game, they may think that it is too exaggerated to have so many twists and turns in a game. However, the strategy game "Three Kingdoms" can attract many players because sometimes the situation is not too complicated. , it will only be more complicated.

Now Ning Xiu is indeed not as obsessed with whether the alliance can continue to conquer as before, but if he can win, he definitely doesn't want to lose or be a backup. It is absolutely impossible to work for others.


[Leader] Ning Gongzi: Except for 3, let’s make the rest compatible. First, we should focus on stabilizing the results of the battle in Jizhou. If there is no big movement in the Qingzhou Desolate League, we will not move for the time being and wait for 2 days to enter the resource state.

[Official] Mr. Ma: I would say that Lao Ning would choose this way [picking his nose].

[Official] Jizuo Huogong: [cover your mouth and laugh].

[Commander] First Love: What if the Qingzhou Desolate League enters the Ziyuan State in advance? I saw today that they were paving the way to the resource state checkpoint.

[Leader] Ning Gongzi: When they shop, we shop, and when they enter, we also enter. Before they take the initiative to come for the hammer, we develop our own. Anyway, no matter how fat or thin a pig is, it will only be slaughtered.

In addition, don’t we have a tool alliance called Qinglin Tuan? With their fighting power, there is no problem in waiting for a day to complete the level 7 level. After that, let them choose the level from Jizhou as soon as possible to Qingzhou [pick their nose].

[Official] Mr. Ma: Suddenly I realized that this wave of tool men is really worth it [smile].

[Leader] Ning Gongzi: Well, in addition, the Youzhou League asked them to develop quickly and the pace of the city attack can be slower. Anyway, they will be taken over by us in the future, so the resource bonus is enough.

[Deputy Leader] Liuyuan: OK, I will notify them.

[Leader] Ning Gongzi: Although the situation on our side is the worst, it will definitely be the most stable in the future, so we should do whatever we need to do, and strive to have 3 teams to form the main force when the fight begins.


When he retreated and left Jizhou, Huangwu knew that although this was the best choice, it would definitely not have the slightest impact on the entire Huangmen League.

It is indeed very fast to get back up after wandering. Although the building level has been cleared, but the team level resources are there, it will take a while to recover, but what about recovery? It has become an ironclad fact that the Wild League's overall strength ranks at the bottom of the major leagues.

Because while you are healing, others are further widening the gap between the two sides. This gap cannot be made up until the later stage. How many later stages can the Three Kingdoms of Tutu and the Three Kingdoms have? .

Not counting the decline in overall strength, if the 200 people from Jizhou suddenly return to Qingzhou, they will inevitably have frictions and conflicts with members of the Qingzhou Wilderness Alliance due to resource issues.

On the originally spacious resource land, suddenly there was a large wave of people coming to grab resources. Even if they were in an alliance, not everyone was willing to unite.

In addition to these two points, what caused Desolation even more headaches was the disagreement that arose between the management of both sides after the Bloody Mist sent them an email asking them to open a resource state.

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